• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Dragon Shores

Spyro, Spike, and Ember were happy with themselves, as they were able to help Elora, Hunter, the Professor, and the rest of Avalar with their problems by taking down Crush, Gulp, and finally Ripto, secured the stolen Power Crystal, set their beaten foe back to the land that he had come from, and brought peace back to the majority of Avalar, which would bring joy to the rest of the land. In addition to such a thing, which was worthy of being written down for the ages, something that Spike would be doing later, the siblings had been able to gather enough evidence to convince their new friends of the threat that Moneybags posed to this land and what he had done since they were brought to Avalar, sending the greedy bear to jail for his crimes, even if Ember personally felt that he deserved more than spending the rest of his life in jail. Still, it was far better than letting him roam the land and profiting from all of the people of Avalar, since he would have likely sold them some terrible or worthless items to make them forget about Ripto, just like he did to Robotica Farms, and soon all of his assets and gems would be seized by the guards, to be put to good use fixing all the problems he caused. The siblings were sure that the bear had a good number of gems that would be turned into the treasury, not to mention items that could be used to help the residents of the other realms out, so once the guard took the time to seize what Moneybags owned they knew things would change for the rest of this land.

Just thinking about that caused Spike to focus on the sack that he had been carrying on his satchel, since he had been sure that Moneybags would have ransacked it if he left it unattended, before he undid the binding and let the sack drop to the ground for a moment, where he glanced at Elora and the Professor, as it was time for him and his siblings to return the stolen gems to their rightful owners.

"By my count, there are ten thousand gems inside this sack," Spike stated, as he had been keeping track of how many gems he and his siblings had collected over the course of their adventure in this land, but now that Ripto was defeated, and Moneybags was heading to jail, it was now time to give Elora the stolen gems so she could return them to the treasury at some point in the future, "and that should be everything that was taken from your treasury, so we're giving you guys everything that Ripto stole from you."

"Actually, about that, you guys can keep the gems, as a token of thanks," Elora replied, where she did notice that Spike made sure the sack was placed near her and the Professor, but once that happened she picked it back up and reattached it to the satchel that Spike was wearing, even though she did know that her actions were going to confuse the siblings for a few seconds, even though this was something she and the others had agreed on.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, these gems belong to you guys." Ember remarked, because while she was surprised by this information, especially since they had gone through the effort to collect all of the gems that had been scattered around the realms of Avalar, she wanted to be sure that Elora meant this and that she wasn't pulling their legs, even if she would be fine with their new friends taking back their gems.

"Yes, I'm sure. What you guys collected is about a fifth of what's inside our treasury," Elora said, though she said that with a smile, to indicate that they wouldn't miss the gems at all, to which Spike nodded his head and let her reattach the sack to his satchel, because since she was letting them have the gems he was going to make sure they were given to Nestor and the other Leaders when they returned to the Dragon Realms, "but we can work with forty thousand gems, and whatever Moneybags was hoarding inside his residence... he's bound to have some interesting items stashed away in his house, not to mention all the gems he's been gathering over the years."

"Speaking of which, we still need to help you guys out with Zephyr and Breeze Harbor," Spyro stated, because now that Ripto had been taken care of, and Moneybags was being sent to jail, there was one more thing they needed to do before they could finally end this adventure and try to find their way home, especially since all three of them had been rather annoyed by what they found in the two realms he mentioned.

"Spyro, you and your siblings have done enough for us since your arrival, but we can't possibly ask you three to help us, and the rest of the guard, stop a war." Elora replied, to which the siblings raised their eyebrows for a moment, as they had been planning this for a while and were honestly surprised when she told them that this was something that she and her allies couldn't ask them to tackle, before she glanced at the Super Portal, where the Professor happened to be working at the moment, "Listen, since we likely intercepted you on your way to a vacation spot, we're going to use the Super Portal and open the way to whatever realm your destination had been, even though we're going to need the Power Crystal and all of the Orbs you've collected, I just need to borrow the Guidebook I gave you back in Glimmer."

Spike nodded his head and withdrew the book in question, where Elora took it and turned towards the Super Portal for a second, while at the same time he made sure to give the Power Crystal to the Professor, who smiled for a moment as he took it, before he took a few steps back and stood beside his siblings as the pair worked on what they were doing, to make the Super Portal ready for use. Elora spent the next few moments withdrawing all of the Orbs that were inside the Guidebook and stored them inside the portal's support pillars, both making them disappear into the pillars themselves and fit a few of them inside the slots that lined them, but she also made sure to pull out the Talismans, no doubt so they could be stored somewhere safe once the portal was open. The Professor, on the other claw, used some sort of moving metallic disk to rise up to where the uppermost slot was located and slipped the Power Crystal into the slot that was at the top of the portal, adding its power to what they were going to do, before he backed off and focused on making sure his calculations were correct. Of course, while all this happened, the siblings were a little caught off guard by the fact that Elora wasn't asking for help in dealing with the war between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, something that had been on their minds for some time now, but, if Elora wanted them to go on vacation, as a reward for what they did, they guessed that they could do that, even if such a thing slightly annoyed Ember.

"Okay, everything seems to be in order, just let me put in the new coordinates," the Professor commented, where he pulled out a device for a few seconds and made some adjustments to it, though when he tapped the button that was on it they watched as the space between the parts of the structure shimmered for a time, before a portal sprung to life before their eyes, causing him to turn towards the siblings, "Spyro, Spike, Ember, the way to Dragon Shores, as I believe that is what lies on the other side of this portal, is now open, and you three can come back whenever you want."

"Are you absolutely sure you guys don't need help?" Ember asked, because while the idea of a vacation sounded nice, as she was sure that her siblings were thinking the same thing, she really didn't want to leave Avalar just yet, since there was a full blown war going on at the moment, and she was hoping that she wasn't coming off like she was begging for their friends to chance their minds on the matter.

"Don't worry about us, we'll take care of the realms and whatever problems they're dealing with." Elora replied, as she knew that the siblings would do everything in their power to stop something they didn't like, but after going through the effort to take out Ripto and his minions, and fix all the problems they had come across during their visit to Avalar, she did know they deserved a break before something caught their attention, "But, if things get out of hand, we'll be sure to reach out and ask you guys for some help, be it someone like Ripto or a problem we can't solve."

Spyro glanced at Spike and Ember for a moment, finding that neither of them really liked the idea of leaving the war behind like this, before sighing as he nodded his head and headed through the Super Portal, as he guessed that a little bit of rest was in order, after everything that they had been through, though it only took him a few moments to appear in the part of Dragon Shores that portal lead to, only for him to come to a stop as he saw what was in front of him. It didn't take Spike or Ember long to join him, though when they arrived in the area behind him they stared at the area that they had appeared in and looked at what was in front of them, as all three of them were caught off guard by what they discovered, as it was different from what they were expecting to find. It looked like a castle had been built into the part of Dragon Shores that was aligned with where Avalar was located, though that was only the start of the differences, as there was a large metal door in front of them and directly above them rested a large metallic dragon, one that looked more like a toy of some kind, while two dragon statues, reminding the siblings of what Nestor and the others had been trapped in when Gnasty Gnorc attacked them, rested nearby, also made out of metal. There was also a small swimming pool of some kind nearby, where the other side of the Super Portal rested, even if it was just a small portal on this side, as well as a small path that might take them to where the beach was located, but the rather interesting part was that there was a Gnorc, one dressed like a mayor with ruined clothing, standing in front of them.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, we've been awaiting your arrival for some time now," the Gnorc said, surprising the siblings for a few more seconds, as none of the Gnorcs they had faced when they were taking down Gnasty's forces had bothered to talk to them, to stop them in their tracks, but Spike wasn't all that surprised, since he had felt that they were smart and could speak when given the chance, especially after all the machinery they developed, before the Gnorc gestured to the gate that was behind him, which started to open, "Welcome to Dragon Shores Park!"

"You guys made an amusement park... out of Dragon Shores?!" Spyro commented, as that was surprising to both him and his siblings, especially since they were sure that none of the Leaders would have allowed this to happen in the first place, making them wonder what was going on at the moment, but before he could even ask the question he noticed that the Gnorc had something to say, hence the reason he remained silent for a moment.

"We got permission from your Leaders to make this place, provided we built it on the side of island that isn't where the beach rests, hence the path that you have no doubt noticed." the Gnorc said, though he sounded rather pleased with what he and his species had been able to do, especially in such a short period of time since the siblings didn't even know this was happening, before he beckoned to the area that was beyond the gate, "But please, enter the park and have some fun, especially since we put in a lot of hard work to make this place for you and the other dragons... also, if you win ten tokens, you can visit the theater."

Spyro glanced at his siblings for a moment, who were surprised by that information as well, before the three of them walked through the short passage and entered the courtyard that served as the center of the strange park, where they found a tank filled with water, an area with wooden targets, a set of stairs leading to something, a river with some odd seats, and the building that had to be the theater, before they headed towards the tank.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, step right up and see what we have to offer you today!" the Gnorc, who was standing next to the water tank, stated, to which he gestured over to the water tank for a moment and caused the siblings to glance at it for a few seconds, though that was when they noticed that there was someone inside the tank and happened to be sitting on a plank of some kind, or rather it was the yeti from Colossus, before they focused on the Gnorc again, "Inside this here booth you'll find some of the most vicious creatures in the entire land, and all the three of you have to do is take one of my baseballs and spit them at the target to dunk the various creatures into the tank. Do that and I'll give you one of the three tokens that I'm carrying."

Spyro stared at the tank as Ember picked up the baseball and quickly spat at the target in question, where the bored yeti was dropped into the tank and tried to swim in vain, before something collected him and replaced him with a brand new creature for them to dunk, an Earthshaper to be exact, though the Gnorc upheld his part of the deal and gave Spike one of the tokens that was in his possession. Once that was done Spyro took a turn and spat out the baseball that was given to him, hitting the round target with ease and watched as the Earthshaper was dropped into the water, who sunk like a rock and likely had a spot where he could be retrieved, before the tank was reset and the chef they beat up back in Sunny Beach was put on the plank. Spike took a moment to collect the second golden token before picking up the baseball and spat at the target that sprung up, where he and his siblings watched as the chef was dropped into the water and tried to get out of the water, before the helper Gnorcs, as that was who Spike suspected were collecting these guys, pulled him out of the water and started to reset the booth again. In that moment the Gnorc to their left gave them the third token that was in his possession and admitted that he was out of them, but he would let them play as much as they wanted, to which they decided to see what else the other Gnorcs had to offer, before they decided on what they were going to do, as the park wasn't very impressive and they were sure they would be bored out of their minds at some point.

As they walked around the courtyard the siblings found a supposedly locked door that opened when they neared it, but what was on the other side was a Powerup Gate that contained a Superflame Gate, one with an infinity sign that Spike recognized, meaning that it would likely give them the ability for a long period of time, or at least while they stayed in Avalar, but instead of messing with it they headed over to where the Gnorc with the wooden targets rested. What they found out was that this was supposed to be a shooting range, meaning one of them needed to stand in the area that was near the Gnorc and shoot fireballs at the wooden targets, this time being yellow ducks for some reason, and once Spyro took his position the Gnorc gave him a miniature Orb that contained the energies of the Superflame ability, informing the three of them on how they were going to deal with this game. Spike noticed that there were ten targets for his brother to hit and when the timer started Spyro took air and started blasting the targets with the ability he was allowed to use for this game, striking the various targets as they moved around the area with ease, and when he took out all ten of them the Gnorc stopped the time and proclaimed that he was quite skilled, before giving them a token so he could see who would take on the second attempt. The second round involved targeting eight of the Water Workers they had faced in the past, who happened to be Ember's targets this time around and she wasted no time in accepting the Superflame ability so she could blast them in the face, mostly to vent her annoyance over the fact that they weren't helping Elora and the others with the war between the two realms, before all eight of her targets were taken care in a matter of seconds. Spike took his position after accepting the token and found that what he had to focus on were the Scarlet Lizards from Glimmer, eight of them to be exact, though it didn't take him long to target the various enemies and blast them with the fireballs that came from the ability they were given, not that Spyro and Ember were surprised since he was used to throwing around magic at their various opponents.

It wasn't long before Spike was done with his targets and collected the sixth token, which was when the Gnorc told the three of them that he was out and that they could play again for fun, though that was followed by them informing him that they might be back later and headed over to the Gnorc that was standing near the stairs... and, as it turned out, a coaster of some kind that seemed to go all over the entire part of the island the park was built on.

The Gnorc informed them that they would be using a trolley to ride the coaster and that they would be required to pop all of the balloons that were scattered along the track, reminding Spyro of what he did back in Breeze Harbor, which was when he stepped aside and let Spike take on the challenge first, since he and Ember hadn't used the trolley before and would need some practice. As such he watched as Spike stepped up the stairs and quickly rode off on the trolley the moment he reached the top step, where he and Ember observed what he was doing, or the tracks that they could see from where they were standing, meaning they would have next to no idea what would happen when it was their turn to ride the trolley, for the other two tokens. It didn't take Spike long to return to the beginning of the track, where the Gnorc smiled and gave him a token for clearing the challenge, before Ember stepped forward as the next round was set up in a matter of seconds, where Spike figured out that magic was definitely involved with all of this, no doubt the Magic Crafters helped the Gnorcs out due to the challenge the park might present to them. A few moments later, when the second course was ready, Ember climbed onto the trolley and disappeared as she moved along the track, popping the balloons that were along the way as she kept her eyes open for obstacles and whatnot, just like Spike had done, and it wasn't long before she returned to the start of the track, earning them yet another token for their brief collection. When it was time for Spyro to take a turn, however, he found that he was the one that would have to use the trolley's cannon to take care of a good number of balloons, to which he headed out the moment he took his position and proceeded to do what his siblings did, as well as blast all of the targets that needed to be blasted.

In the end it only took Spyro a minute or two to clear out the track, much to the amazement of the Gnorc that was in charge of this game, who had no idea he had practiced this sort of thing back in Breeze Harbor, before they collected the ninth token and headed over to the Gnorc that was standing by the river with the odd seat, which was apparently named 'Tunnel of Love', causing them to raise their eyebrows. The Gnorc explained that this 'game' was more about sitting in one of the heart shaped boats and riding it around the tunnel for a few moments, where they found that one of the boats had an Earthshaper and two Fauns in it, while another had the Colossus yeti and a Monk sitting next to each other, which only made them a little bit curious. Due to the fact that Spike and Ember weren't that interested in the tunnel, even though they were interested in the pairings that showed up if they watched the exit part of the tunnel, Spyro decided to give it a try and took a seat in the empty boat, where he moved along the tunnel and his siblings waited for him to return, allowing them to watch the other boats that went by. What was interesting was that Handel and Greta appeared in one of the other boats, Agent Zero, the tall man from Cloud Temples, was alone, and the penguin chef was paired with an Earthshaper, though that was before Spyro's boat arrived, allowing Spike and Ember to see that he had acquired his own partner as well, as one of the Fauns from Fracture Hills was sitting next to him, who kissed him on the forehead when it was time for him to get off the boat, almost as if she enjoyed being around Spyro.

Spike was sure the Faun in question was the same one that had been the first one they encountered back when they were helping out Fracture Hills, but instead of worrying about it the three of them headed over to where the final Gnorc was standing and presented the tokens to him, which allowed them to enter the building that all of the Gnorcs seemed proud of, where they found a number of seats and sat down, while noticing that some of the individuals they had seen so far were inside the building as well.

What they discovered was that all the Gnorcs they had seen, back during their first adventure, were acting out various events that happened when they were fighting Gnasty Gnorc and freeing the Dragon Realms from his invasion, and they even had three of the smaller Gnorcs playing them, who happened to be wearing costumes that seemed to allow them to look and act like their characters did, something that Spike picked up on, even if the colors were a little off, just to show the audience they weren't who they appeared to be. The interesting part was that the actors seemed to be starting their play at the beginning of their tale, on the day of the big interview to be exact, where Lindar's comment about their first villain's looks caused nearly all of the dragons to be trapped in green crystalline statues, save for the three of them, and the actors did a decent job of replicating what Spyro, Spike, and Ember had gone through, even if most of them hadn't actually seen the events in person. Spike understood that the actors must have gotten their hands on a copy of the book that contained everything that happened during their first adventure, as once they bested Gnasty Gnorc, and saved the Dragon Realms, the first thing he did was turn his notes into a book and had it copied for all the homeworlds to enjoy, meaning the actors must have been lent one so they could make this a reality. The siblings had to admit that watching themselves like this was a little weird, even if the actors were quite good at what they were doing, but they said nothing as they watched the play, even though they knew it was only a matter of time until the events of Avalar were brought to this group as well, which might be interesting given what happened.

The play mostly focused on the more important battles and events, like taking out Toasty and the other Commanders, the various challenges they had to face, which included Tree Tops apparently, before eventually coming to a shocking end with the battle between them and Gnasty Gnorc, where the villain was frozen with his own spell, something that did cause the audience to cheer as the actors bowed, and while all that happened Spyro and his siblings slipped out of the theater and headed for the beach.

"You know, those guys did pretty well, even if it was odd looking at our own faces," Spyro commented, though at the same time he and his siblings headed outside the park and started to make their way to where the beach was located, just to try and relax a little, as the theater had been the only really interesting part of the amusement park, "Spike, do you think you'll be able to make costumes like that in the future?"

"Maybe, since I'll be learning that spell at some point." Spike replied, as he knew that the spell in question was one of the more tougher ones to use, meaning only Cosmos or one of the other master level Magic Crafters could use it, before he considered what he had seen while they were watching the play happen, especially since the second book of their adventures would be coming out soon enough.

"Spyro... Spike... I can't do this..." Ember said, where her brothers stopped and turned to face her, which was when they found that she was staring back at the portal that would take them back to Avalar, the land they had just come from some time ago, and they could tell that something was bothering her, even though they were trying not to think about what they hadn't been able to do, "I can't go to the beach and just relax, nor can I pretend that what we saw when we were visiting Zephyr and Breeze Harbor didn't happen... I'm heading back to Avalar and I'm putting an end to that war, with or without the two of you backing me."

"No, you're right." Spyro stated, where he and Spike turned around and stood beside Ember, as while it was fun trying to relax after such a hard adventure, especially since it had been to a land they had never seen before, he knew that she was right and that they couldn't just leave like that, especially since a war was still raging between the two realms Ember had mentioned, before he gazed at the portal they would be heading through, "Elora and the others probably went back to Autumn Plains, since the portals to Zephyr and Breeze Harbor are outside that castle, so it shouldn't be hard to find her and convince her that she needs our help, or just take the fight to the war in question, with just the three of us standing against the other groups... but one way or another that war is going to end!"

Spike and Ember paused for a moment, because when Spyro was determined about something he could get others to help him out, to which they nodded their heads and quickly retracted their steps so they could return to the portal, where they would return to Avalar and find their new friends, as they knew Elora would need help is quelling the war and they were the best chance they had at stopping it from escalating any further. The gatekeeper Gnorc was surprised to see them return to where he was standing, clearly thinking that they might be heading back into the park to have some fun, before Spyro headed through the portal and began the short journey back to Avalar, with Spike and Ember following after him not a few seconds later, causing the Gnorc to tilt his head in confusion for a few seconds. It didn't take them long to return to Winter Tundra and find that Elora, Hunter, and the Professor were gone, as Hunter made sense due to the fact that he had arrested Moneybags earlier, but that didn't stop the siblings from heading outside the castle and using the smaller portals to head back to Autumn Plains. When they arrived at their destination a few seconds later, however, they didn't see anyone standing near the portals to the two realms that were fighting each other, meaning they had either returned right before a counterattack could be prepared or they were too late, to which they headed for the ladders that would allow them to enter the castle and climbed up them as quickly as they could.

When they reached the top of the ladders, and looked around the chamber that they were in, the siblings were a little relieved to find that Elora and Hunter seemed to be talking about something, only for the pair to stop when they noticed that the siblings had come back to Avalar, especially so soon after the Professor had opened the way for them to go back home, something that they deserved after all the hard work they put into stopping Ripto.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, what are you guys doing here?" Elora asked, as she was surprised to see that the three of them had come back to Avalar, so soon after she told them that she, Hunter, the Professor, and the other guards would take care of any messes that had been left over, especially the war that was going on at the moment, "Shouldn't you guys be on vacation, enjoying yourselves after everything you've been through lately?"

"We tried to do that, but we eventually gave up and came back to help you guys out." Spyro replied, because while he and Spike did try to relax while they were visiting Dragon Shores, or the amusement park to be more exact, the fact that the war was still raging was enough to prevent them from really enjoying what they were doing, to which they focused on their friends for a few seconds, "Especially since there's a war going on at the moment, something that you're going to need help with stopping, even if we have to find the leaders of both factions and talk sense into them, be it by finding the pair and talking to them or by beating them in battle."

"He's right, we need their assistance." Hunter said, to which Elora raised her eyebrow for a moment as she heard him say that, as she wasn't used to him being the first one to agree with something that someone said, but at the same time she knew that he was right, to which the pair turned towards the siblings again, "After you guys took down Ripto, and how well you did it I might add, we would be foolish to turn you guys away after you came back to help us, so let me tell you what we've got planned so far: Elora was going to gather the guards that are able to fight and have recovered from their short battles with Crush or Gulp, while I go investigate which realm the battle is taking place in, and then, once we know which portal to use, we were going to head out and bring the war to an end."

"Good, then we'll help Elora and wait for you to return," Spyro stated, as he and his siblings were eager to bring the war to an end and it appears that they arrived at the right moment to help their friends out, though even as he said that Hunter tapped the device that the Professor gave him and disappeared, indicating that he was off to check Zephyr and Breeze Harbor for signs of where the war was taking place.

With Hunter doing that Spyro, Spike, and Ember followed Elora as she headed to where the guards were located, so they could see the guards for the first time, inform them as to what they were planning on doing, and then, once they had a group that would help them, take the fight to the two realms that were currently fighting each other in a war that was caused by a greedy bear, but they had the feeling that the war would be over soon enough.

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