• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Uninvited Guests

Spyro, Spike, and Ember spent the next couple of months going through the rest of the training that the Leaders had for them at the moment, though it wasn't hard for them to see that Nestor and the others were mostly focused on something else, where they quickly determined that the Year of the Dragon Festival was on their minds and the fact that it was time for the next generation of dragons to come to the Dragon Realms. As such the siblings decided to cut part of their training time out and assisted the Leaders, not to mention the rest of the clans, in preparing the homeworlds and all of the various realms for what was the most important festival in the entirety of the Dragon Realms, something that surprised the Leaders for a moment, but in the end they accepted the help, especially with what came next. They weren't the only ones that helped them out, as Elora, Hunter, Sol, and the rest of the Phoenixes joined them in moving decorations, setting up areas that the dragons would be celebrating in, and made sure that everything was set up exactly how the Leaders wanted, though that included trying their hardest to get the tables and the rest of the party supplies ready, minus the food, since that would be made right before the festival actually started. It gave their friends a chance to see the various realms in greater detail and even chat with the rest of the dragons that they hadn't really talked to since they were first introduced to everyone, which gave the siblings a chance to smile as they worked on everything that the Leaders needed help with.

Hunter, obviously, was rather surprised that they were being dragged into something like this, since it appeared that he was more interested in the various sports he could have been practicing, and he even brought an interesting board of some kind with him, a skateboard as he called it, before finding that there weren't any good places to try out what he had in mind, at least in most of the homeworlds and realms anyway. The siblings thought about it and determined that there were a few walkways back in High Caves that he could use if he really wanted, and maybe some places in the land the Dream Weavers called home, and the good thing was that he didn't have to worry about any enemies trying to bother him while he was trying out the board. Spyro, Spike, and Ember did take a moment to try out the board, just to see why their friend was interested in it and why he preferred it over the festival preparations, though after a time the siblings turned away from it and returned to what they had been doing, figuring that Hunter could have whatever fun he could have for a time, before Elora dragged him back to helping them out. It was rather funny and interesting to see such a thing happen, even if they weren't expecting it to even happen, and Elora made sure that most of her time was spent helping them out in making sure everything was ready for the festival, even noticing that the twelve eggs the siblings had mentioned earlier had been carefully distributed to the various homeworlds.

"So, when does the massive party start?" Hunter inquired, surprising the siblings for a second, as they weren't really expecting Hunter to ask such a question after all the information that they had given him the last time he asked about the festival and why it was so important to the Dragon Realms, though Spyro, Spike, and Ember determined that it had to be because he was curious as to when he and Elora would stop helping them with the decorations.

"It will be in the near future." Spyro replied, because based on what he and his siblings knew the festival was going to be in the next couple of days, as they had spent the last couple of months preparing for this event to happen and had kept the day their birthday would have landed on in their minds, and Nestor even confirmed their thoughts the first time they asked about the festival, before he thought about something else, "Or more like six days... its hard to believe that all those months went by so quickly and that the Year of the Dragon Festival is nearby upon us, something we're eager to see since this will be the first time we'll get to experience such a thing."

"That's good to know, especially since some of us are eager to experience it as well," Elora said, though even as she said that she came to a stop beside Spike, her tone revealing that she was definitely eager to see what the festival was like, even if Hunter was getting tired of helping out with all the preparations, especially since she was enjoying her time in the Dragon Realms, where she glanced at the siblings for a moment, "So, Spike, what do you say to spending some time with me, when the festival arrives I mean, like dancing or just having fun when the party starts?"

"I would say that I like the sound of that, and that spending time with you sounds nice." Spike stated, because he really didn't have any plans for when the festival started, besides just having fun anyway and seeing how the festival held up to everything he had read about, but sharing the moment with all of their friends sounded even better than the festival being just him, his siblings, and the rest of the dragons, especially since the Phoenixes would be able to join them as well, and he even had a smile on his face as he said that.

"Oh, don't forget that Lila said that she would like to come check out the festival as well," Hunter remarked, naming the Faun that had taken a liking to Spyro during their visit to Fracture Hills, the one that had asked them to help the Satyrs out and free them from their stone prisons, so they could free the temple from the magic the Earthshapers had cast on it, and the siblings had seen her again when they visited Dragon Shores, when she appeared on the love boat that Spyro had rode on for a couple of seconds.

"That depends on Spyro." Elora replied, showing the siblings that what Hunter said was true, that Lila wanted to see what the Dragon Realms was like and experience the festival that would be happening in the near future, and since they had a portal that connected this land to Avalar, which had only been possible thanks to Nora and the Professor working together, it wouldn't take them all that long to arrive once the festival started, where they noticed that Hunter shrugged as he walked over to an area to keep moving things around the area.

"Sure, it might be fun." Spyro said, mostly since he was surprised that Lita still cared about him, since they really didn't do anything once their adventure in Avalar was over, though at the very least this would allow her to see a brand new area and experience something massive, just like Elora and Hunter would be doing, before he thought about something that he hadn't considered yet, "Hey, whatever happened to the Professor?"

"Oh, he's been messing with a smaller Super Portal, so he won't interfere with the one connecting our two lands to each other, and he's been rather busy lately." Hunter remarked, which made sense when the siblings thought about it, as Hunter was the one that usually helped the Professor with a number of his experiments, mostly so he could get some toys of his own, like the plane and everything else they had seen during their time in Avalar, "If he's discovered anything, like a new land for us to explore or something, I haven't heard about it, so I would have to assume that whatever he's doing hasn't worked the way he wants it to and is focusing all of his time on fixing the problems... but, based on what I've seen so far, it looks like he might miss the festival."

"We'll just have to wait and see what happens," Ember commented, as she would rather have all of their friends, both new and old, present when the festival finally started, so all of them could experience the greatest event in the entirety of the Dragon Realms, but it seemed that they were going to have to settle for most of them being there, though she did stop herself from thinking about the bear that had annoyed her during their visit to Avalar, figuring that he had been punished for his crimes at this point.

Spyro and Spike glanced at each other for a moment, as they knew the look in Ember's eye had meant she had briefly thought about Moneybags, if even for a split second, and she had made sure not to let such a thing ruin her mood, so they turned their attention to what they were doing and focused on moving the rest of the party supplies to the areas that each of them needed to be in when the festival started. The siblings had to admit that a lot of work, way more than they were originally expecting, went into making sure everything was ready for when the Year of the Dragon came around, showing them just how important the event, and the festival that came with him, was to the rest of the clans, something that made all of them even more eager to see what happened when the festival started. The interesting thing, among everything that had been said, was that Sol had remained silent while they were talking, no doubt because he didn't want to interrupt anyone, but he definitely seemed excited for what was coming next, especially since the next generation of Phoenixes was supposed to be coming at the same time as the next generation of dragons, only Sol and his kind didn't throw a massive festival when such a thing happened, hence why so many of the Phoenixes were going to be joining the dragons when it was time for the celebration to start, just to see what happened and to have a bit of fun.

The siblings were glad to have Sol and the rest of the Phoenixes out in the open, instead of remaining hidden on the island that they called home, and they knew that some of them were already happy about the decision they had made, as they had seen a number of them over the last couple of months and could see that they were enjoying themselves, which was great in the grand scheme of things.

While they worked on making sure everything was where the Leaders wanted the decorations to be, and even moved some of the items they had already put down due to someone suggesting that they move something to a brand new part of the area, the siblings considered the training that they had gone through over the last couple of months, making sure all three of them remembered what they had learned. Of course Hunter decided to ask about that while they worked, as he was a little interested in the training that they had gone through, where Ember was the one that spoke up first, going into great detail about the mock battles that she and the other Peace Keepers had used for her training since their adventure in Avalar had come to an end. It wasn't long before Hunter realized that she was giving him far more than he was originally thinking about, as she was going into every training session she had been given and detailed every move that all of her instructors used against her, though while he might be getting annoyed by what he was hearing Ember could tell that Elora was fascinated by what she was saying and that was the whole reason she even continued talking. Eventually she came to a stop and let Spike take over, where he went into even greater detail about the magic duels he had been in and the spells that both he and his instructors used against each other, which was why it was a good thing that they did his training in an area that would ensure that no one else got hurt by any loose spells, especially when Cosmos had let him channel the Storm's Wrath during one of their sessions... and ended up blowing away most of the training area in the process, despite all of the protections that had been weaved into the area.

That fact was more than enough to surprise Hunter and Elora, even though they were getting used to Spike being able to perform magical feats like this, and yet it interested one of them more than the other, leading him to continuing his own tale on his training for the foreseeable future, giving their friends a chance to hear what they had missed since they went back to Avalar, before he eventually stopped and let Spyro take his turn.

Spyro, of course, didn't have that much to say since most of his time was spent meditating while Ember was doing all of her training with Titan and the other Peace Keepers, though what interested the pair was the brief moments where he was actually able to manifest his power, despite the fact that he actually had the skill to hold it for a couple of minutes, but he didn't show it off while they were working. It wasn't because of the fact that he didn't want to use the power on all of his friends, family, and the dragons that were around him, as he actually had the control to focus on those that he wanted to target with his power, meaning if he wanted to use his power on Titan, and none of the dragons that were around him, all he had to do was focus on his intended target and access the Conqueror's Spirit. It was more due to the fact that he didn't want to go around showing off the power for no reason, using it like a toy of some kind, which would show Nestor and the others that he wasn't suited to be a Leader, something that he was still coming to terms with since he hadn't even considered the possibility for his future. Hunter seemed to be of the opinion that such an excuse was stupid and that he should be able to show off the power for a few seconds, just to show them what it was like when someone felt the power fall on them, but Elora glared at him and got him to stop trying to force Spyro to do something he didn't want to do, as she knew that having this power felt weird to him and that he was still coming to terms with being able to wield it, something that would take months, if not a year or more, for him to do that.

In the end, Hunter gave up on trying to see Spyro's power and went back to the work that he and Elora were helping the siblings and Sol with, as they were getting close to being done with what Lateef wanted them to do, because they were in the middle of helping the Dream Weavers at the moment and had saved the main homeworld for last, since the realms were harder to make ready and that was why they had done those areas first, before coming back here to finish the work they had started earlier. Of course the siblings had been originally been expecting to find that most of the dragons in this homeworld were asleep, due to the time of day that they were helping them out, but even they happened to be wrong about that, as every dragon that called this land home was up, showing Elora and Hunter just how important this festival was to the dragon clans, if they didn't believe what they had been told earlier. Fortunately Elora didn't need to be told any of that, but she found that the reminders were nice and that it really told her why the dragons went through so much to make the festival as great as it could be, where she considered herself lucky to even be part of this, even if she was mostly helping the dragons set up, and while Hunter may not share that thought she was fine with that, as he would change his tune at some point once the festival actually started. The siblings, even if they didn't hear their friend say anything like that since everyone was silent, had to agree with Elora and knew that things would change once the festival started, something that everyone was eager for, each for their own reasons, and that the Dragon Realms would change once all of the eggs hatched and the new generation of dragons entered the world.

Eventually Lateef came by and watched as they put the finishing touches on the decorations, which was when he told the group that they were free to do relax and do whatever they wanted, meaning that they were free to rest and that they no longer needed to help the clans out in their work, to which the group headed back to the Artisans homeworld, where they would wait for the festival to arrive so they could finally enjoy themselves. The other thing they could do was stop and get some lunch when they returned to the land that Nestor watched over, while also telling him and the others that all of the work that needed to be done in the Dream Weavers homeworld was done at last, but that would be something they could do when they arrived at their destination. At this point there was nothing more for them to worry about, as Nestor and the other Leaders would make sure everything else was taken care of and, when the time was right, they would watch as the Fairies brought the dragon eggs to the land that the siblings called home and celebrate this wonderful event, and once the festival was over they would begin work on making sure everything was ready for the new generation of dragons, with dragonflies and everything else that they might possibly need. That, of course, would let the siblings remember what they had gone through when they were younger, and the trouble they had gotten into when they first explored the wide open world they had discovered, though they knew that it was going to be nice to share those moments with the next generation and help them grow into fine young dragons, especially since they had good role models to look up to.

That put a smile on the siblings' faces as they headed back to their home, as they were looking forward to what the future held for them and they knew that everyone, be they a resident of the Dragon Realms or a visitor from Avalar, were also eager to see what would happen once the festival started and everything that might happen in the weeks following the end of the celebration.

The last couple of days went by rather quickly for the siblings and their friends, much faster than what any of them were expecting, no doubt due to the excitement that all of the dragons felt for this year's festival, and even Elora, Hunter, Sol, Lita, and the rest of the Phoenixes were excited by what was going to happen, especially since this was the first time that anyone that wasn't from the Dragon Realms was seeing the Year of the Dragon Festival. Spyro, Spike, and Ember quickly found that their homeworld was lively and that all of the Artisans dragons were wandering around, mingling with each other, and even Nevin, the painter that remained in his castle most of the time and didn't leave when he was trying to find inspiration or create his works of art, was attending the festival, showing the siblings that all dragons attended the festival, regardless of what their positions were. Before the Fairies arrived, and started to deliver all of the eggs that would be the next generation of Artisans dragons, the chefs of the siblings' home made sure that all of the refreshments were laid out where they were supposed to be, as all sorts of food and drinks were brought out ahead of time, allowing their friends to see what else was going on before everything started. Nestor stood by the siblings as they watched all of that, making sure everything was in order and that nothing went wrong before the festival started, and he could tell that the entire group was more than ready for what was coming next, which was good when he thought about it, and he knew that it wouldn't be much longer until the Fairies arrived with the dragon eggs that he and the others would watch over.

It wasn't long before Spyro, Spike, and Ember noticed several groups of Fairies flying through the air, in pairs so they could carry the eggs that would be the next generation of Artisans dragons, and they headed down to where some of the dragons were standing so they could deliver the eggs they were carrying, though as the minutes ticked by Spike noticed something interesting, there were a large number of dragon eggs being delivered to their homeworld, far more than what happened during the last couple of festivals, according to what he had read in the books.

"So this is the first part of the festival," Lita commented, as while she and the others had been told what to expect, in terms of what would happen once the Fairies arrived with the dragon eggs, it was another thing to actually witness what the siblings had described to them, even if Spike was the one to do that since he was the only one of the three that had read the books in question, "Amazing."

"It sure is, just look at all of these eggs." Hunter remarked, because he could see ten eggs already, the combination of the eggs that had already been in this homeworld and the new ones that had been delivered, though instead of focusing on that he simply stood there and waited for something else to happen, showing the siblings that he was more interested in the celebration itself and was less focused on the delivery part of it, "So, when does the second part start?"

"Soon, just be patient and the party will start." Ember replied, where she rolled her eyes for a moment, as she wasn't surprised to see what Hunter was being impatient and that he wanted the celebration to start, so he and his friends could experience the Year of the Dragon Festival for themselves, though at the same time Spyro and Spike said nothing as they moved out to watch what was going on, instead of just staying back and watching their elders, leading Elora and Lita, and eventually Hunter, to follow after them.

The siblings were happy to see the new eggs being safely delivered to the dragons of their home and that the Artisans were happy to have them, especially since all of them were being taken back to where Spyro, Spike, and Ember called their home, Stone Hill to be exact, meaning that there was one place in every homeworld where the eggs were placed for some time, before they hatched and the new baby dragons entered the world. Eventually the Fairies stopped delivering eggs to their homeworld, though what really interested Spike was the fact that there were a large number of eggs that had been brought to this land, more than what the Artisans received in the past, and while he didn't have a chance to actually count the eggs he knew that Nestor and the others might not be prepared for what was coming their way. Spyro and Ember were also a little surprised by what they had seen, since they knew it wasn't common for that many eggs to be delivered to a single land, but they said nothing about it as their friends from Avalar got ready for what was coming next, the massive celebration that everyone was waiting for. In fact, as they waited for the rest of the Artisans dragons to arrive, from placing the eggs in a safe location, the siblings noticed some unfamiliar faces join them, all of the other members of their clan that they actually hadn't had a chance to really talk to and learn more about, but instead of focusing on them right now the siblings focused on what they would be doing in the next few seconds, as Thomas and the other musicians were getting ready to get the festival started.

In the next couple of minutes the musicians started playing a tune that they had been working on, one that sounded like it belonged to a party, and Thomas even called out 'I like to move it, move it' for some odd reason, but all of that was the signal for the celebration to start and start it did, as the Artisans dragons started to dance to the music that was being played at the moment, leading Sol, Elora, Hunter, and Lita to join them. Spike and Elora did exactly what they had been planning on since Elora asked him about the party a few days ago, they moved to one area and started dancing, in the sense of just following the beat and having fun, while at the same time Spyro and Lita gave it a try as well, which wasn't all that hard since the Fauns of Fracture Hills loved to party and this seemed to be exactly what Lita was expecting, leaving Ember, Sol, and Hunter to dance wherever they wanted. While they did that the rest of the hub area quickly filled up with the rest of the Artisans dragons, some dancing, many socializing as they enjoyed themselves, and a few checking out the refreshments first, to see what they could grab before some of the others came and took something, but it was clear, by just looking on the faces of the assembled crowd, that everyone was enjoying themselves. That let Elora and the others understand that all of the hard work would come after the celebration was over, as in the easiest part for the dragons was receiving the eggs, but they pushed those thoughts out of their minds as they focused on the party and the fact that they were here to have fun.

Nestor also joined the festival, because this was a time where all dragons could take a day off and not worry about any of their duties or responsibilities for a time, and while Thomas and the other musicians did have to play music for the others to enjoy themselves one only had to look at the group in question and would discovered that they weren't annoyed by this turn of events, as soon there would be no need for music to be playing and they would join the others, to celebrate the latest Year of the Dragon Festival. He was also happy to see that Spyro, Spike, and Ember were enjoying themselves as well, especially with their new friends and the fact that two of them happened to be dancing with a partner, and Zoe, the Fairy from Avalar, was here as well, taking the day off to enjoy herself, instead of sticking around the area that Elora and Hunter were from while they were here. Even Sol, a Phoenix, was enjoying himself more than he was expecting, and the rest of the Artisans were happy to have him and the others join them for this festival, something that was likely true for the rest of the homeworlds that the Phoenixes were visiting right now, which brought a smile to his face as he started to dance as well, as now was the time for all of them to relax and just have fun, especially after all the hard work that they put into making this festival the best it could possibly be. Based on what he was seeing this festival was already far better than the ones that had seen in the past, maybe due to the fact that they were actually sharing it with other races for once and not keeping it to just dragons attending the event, but in the end he decided to stop thinking about it and focused on just enjoying himself like everyone else was doing right now.

Eventually the musicians took a break and got some refreshments as they mingled with the rest of the crowd, but the loss of the music didn't stop many of the dragons from dancing and having fun, though that was when all of the games that had been set up earlier were brought out and allowed them to move onto something different, like where the siblings and their friends paused for a time to watch a game of Sheepball take place. Suffice to say that Elora and Hunter were a little surprised that such a game even existed, while Sol and Lita were actually impressed by how skilled the dragons that played the game were, and all of them noticed that none of the sheep were annoyed by what was going on, prompting Spike to inform them that these sheep were used to this sort of thing happening, and, more importantly, all of them were treated well and weren't abused at all. Spike had made sure that the events that lead to Toasty rebelling wouldn't happen again, even if it had been an interesting development in some sense, but he was happy that Elora and the others were both impressed and amazed by what they were seeing at the moment, be it the game of Sheepball or something else, and it wasn't long before they joined in the fun, playing some of the other games that were going on while letting the more experienced dragons play their game in part of the hub area. There were areas where someone could toss a ring at some bottles, even if there weren't any prizes involved, an area where some dragons were in the middle of a game of chess for some reason, and a number of other games that allowed everyone to have fun and just forget about their duties and their responsibilities for a time.

The siblings had to admit that today was turning out to be a wonderful day, as the festival was everything that they thought it would be as they also munched on some of the food that had been laid out earlier, and it was a rather nice way to unwind before they faced whatever the future had for them, as they knew that things were going to change once the eggs hatched and the new generation of dragons entered the world.

When the afternoon arrived, however, Nestor knew that it was time for the festival to wind down and so it did, where the Artisans dragons and their guests eventually stopped partying, only to let out a chorus of yawns, showing that having all of that fun had exhausted them, which was why he suggested that they get some rest before they did anything else, as the eggs weren't going anywhere anytime soon. Despite the fact a lot of the dragons wanted to see the eggs, and wait for some of them to hatch, all of them agreed with what they were being told and headed back to the realm that the eggs were in, just so they could rest near them and then, when all of them were well rested, they would take the time to move all of the eggs to the various realms of their homeworld, just like the other clans would be doing soon. Spyro, Spike, and Ember returned to the corner of Stone Hill that was technically the area that they lived in, something that would change in the near future, once they matured to be exact, where Argus rested near several eggs that were close to the tunnel that went into the area that contained the tower, Astor rested near the wall, near the tunnel that was opposite of the one Argus was near, Gavin took up a position near Argus, and the rest of the Artisans that came with them were scattered around the area the tower was in. The siblings weren't all that surprised to see Bubba, a Beast Maker, resting with their clan, as he was resting near the small castle's entrance, and the reason that he was here, instead of hanging with the rest of his own clan, was due to the fact that all of the young dragons that were going to hatch needed to be looked at once they hatched from all the eggs that were around them, just to be sure nothing was wrong with them.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember rested near the well as well, where Hunter and Lita rested near Spyro, Elora stretched for a few seconds and then laid down near Spike, and Sol took up a position near Ember, where he yawned for a moment and then rested on the ground as the rest of the dragons did the same thing, showing that all of them were tired and that they needed some sleep before they did anything else.

Time passed for the siblings, the rest of their clan, and their friends, how much they had no idea since they were tired from the festival and needed the rest, and the only sounds that were in Stone Hill were the sounds of the others snoring every now and then, and the only odd thing was when Spike was sure he heard the sound of some earth moving, but he figured that one of the others was moving and decided not to wake up. That was, however, until he and the others heard Hunter letting out a yell that sounded like he was in pain, where Spike snapped his eyes open and got up instantly, only to find that Spyro, Ember, the rest of their friends, and the rest of the dragons were getting up as well, showing that all of them were on edge as they wondered what was going on, before discovering something interesting. Standing near Hunter was someone that was wearing a purple robe that happened to be covering their entire body, with a hood that prevented them from really seeing anything at the moment, other than the fact that the person might be a girl based on the face that was in front of them, where her fur had to be creme colored, or her face was anyway, her eyes were blue, and Spike was sure that she had blue eyes. Of course he wasn't the only one that noticed the intruder, for that was what the mysterious figure was to them, while Hunter was the only one that wasn't looking at her, as he was more interested in holding his tail, which seemed to be what the figure had stepped on, alerting all of them as to what was going on, and that was when they noticed that she was holding one of the dragon eggs, which were now missing.

"Get her! Stop her!" Argus stated, pointing at the mysterious lady for a moment, allowing all of the dragons and their guests to focus on her in a matter of seconds, though as soon as that happened the lady shook for a moment, showing that she was scared of them and that she had been hoping to do whatever she was doing without drawing their attention to her, something that had ultimately failed.

Hunter, in an interesting display that was uncommon for someone like him, was the first one to react and practically launched himself at the lady, intending on catching her, stopping her from leaving Stone Hill, and recover the egg she was attempting to steal so they could figure out what happened to the other ones, only for him to fall short as the lady rushed over to a hole in the ground and dived into it as the siblings started to move, but before they could do anything Bubba did the strangest thing and followed after her, burying his head in the ground, sealing the tunnel.

"Zoe, can you head through one of the other tunnels and see where she went?" Elora asked, showing the siblings that she was taking things into her own hands and that she was hoping that one of the other two tunnels would be able to give them an idea as to where the eggs had been taken, to which the Fairy in question nodded her head and flew into one of the other tunnels, leaving the group to wait and see what happened.

Before anyone could say anything the air near them shimmered for a moment as Nora suddenly appeared near them, but the look on her face showed her that the Artisans weren't the only ones that had been hit recently, which was terrible if all of the other eggs had been stolen as well, though the siblings and their friends remained silent as they waited to see what was going on.

"No, they got you guys as well," Nora said, her tone showing them that the other clans had been hit as well, meaning all of the eggs that the Fairies had delivered to the Dragon Realms had been stolen by some unknown foe, for an unknown reason as well, which was going to anger the vast majority of the dragons that had been waiting for these eggs for the last couple of months, "all one hundred and fifty eggs have been stolen!"

In that moment all of the dragons that were nearby stopped what they were doing and stared at her, because each and every one of them had been expecting the Artisans to have gotten the majority of the eggs this time around, unlike the previous festivals, but hearing that the record had been shattered in such a manner, and that there were well over one hundred eggs, was enough to shock some and anger others... but Spyro and Spike, despite being shocked and trying to calm their angered sister, knew that they were about to embark on another grand adventure.

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