• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Challenging Ripto

It took Spyro, Spike, and Ember a few moments to retrace their steps to the exit portal for Metropolis, where they got to see the various Droids hard at work repairing the damage that had been caused by the invasion of farm animals, along with the fact that a number of the defeated rebellious animals had been captured, in addition to the sheep that Spike had captured when the last wave of spaceships had entered this area. While all of them were annoyed about what they had discovered, even if Ember was the one that held the most anger at the moment, none of them could deny the fact that they now had more than enough evidence to show Elora and the others that Moneybags wasn't on their side and that he was only acting in his own interests, meaning they could finally punish the bear for his crimes. Sure, the invasion of Metropolis wasn't as bad as some of the other events they had discovered, especially since there was a full blown war going on between two realms, but this put the final nail in the coffin for Moneybags and they were going to make sure that their friends found out what the bear had been doing behind their backs. Of course that would have to wait for the more immediate threat to be taken care of first, which was Ripto and the fact that he held the Power Crystal that went to the Super Portal, but once their main target was defeated they would turn their attention to the bear that was annoying Ember with every action he made, to which they headed through the exit portal and headed back to Winter Tundra.

A few moments later they reappeared just outside the portal that took them to Metropolis and departed from the small room that the portal was resting in, where they made their way to the last Speedway that happened to be in Avalar, since that was the last thing they needed to clear out before they even faced Ripto, and it would give them a chance to cool off before that happened.

Even though the portal to Canyon Speedway was below the place that the castle was located on, and they had to glide down to the area in question, the siblings quickly made their way to the portal and passed through it in seconds, as they were a little eager to see what sort of small island area they would have to fly around this time, especially after the areas that the last three had taken them to. They quickly discovered that the Speedway was inside a canyon of some kind, which wasn't a surprise based on the name that was on the portal, though below them rested a river of lava and there was no snow in this place, something that was odd when one considered that it was part of Winter Tundra, but Spike knew that a homeworld was large and that this place had to be a good distance from the snowy area they had been in a few seconds ago. Another thing they discovered was that there had to be some tunnels between the canyons of this area, meaning that there had to be some targets inside the tunnels that they had to take out, but instead of worrying about that right now they focused on the first obstacle that they needed to take care of and found some rams that happened to be resting on some ledges above the lava. Normally the siblings would have ignored the rams, but since this was a Speedway area they knew that there were eight of them and that they needed to be taken out, so Spyro started to follow the rams that were in front of them as Spike and Ember focused on looking out for any additional obstacles that they might need to take out while they were here.

As they followed the rams, however, the siblings discovered a path that some bikers seemed to be following, so while Spyro continued to follow the path that the rams had created both Spike and Ember pulled away from Spyro, as both of them were focusing on the bikers that had revealed themselves, which was why Spike headed into the tunnel to their right and chased the bikers they had missed while Ember focused on the path to the left and hardened herself as she charged onto the path they were following, smashing the bikes in the process. Spike found that the path he picked out brought him to an area that had a number of vultures flying around in a circle, at a high point of the area the bikers had lead him to, and below him rested the end of a ring path, one that Spyro would likely be finishing in the next few seconds, if his thoughts were correct. As it turned out he was right to think that way, as not a few seconds later his brother emerged from a path under the ramp he had been following and flew through the last of the rings, while at the same time Ember seemed to smash the last of the biker off the path they were following, to which Spike chuckled for a moment as he focused on the vultures, as they seemed to be the last target they needed to take out. What he ended up doing was loose a burst of Arcane Missiles up into the air and watched as each one of the eight bits of arcane energies rushed through the air and struck the targets he had picked out, blasting each of the birds out of the air and caused them to fall into the lava that was below them.

With that done, and all four types of targets had been taken care of, Spike flew up to a point of the canyon that would allow them to rest for a few seconds and waited for his siblings to join him, though it didn't take Spike and Ember long to reach the area he had picked out and came to a stop a few seconds later, allowing him to focus on the gems that suddenly appeared when they came to a stop.

"Well, that was fun... and a tad bit easy." Spyro commented, because while he was glad that they were able to take on the challenge of the Speedway and conquer it like the other three they had tackled, to recover the missing gems before seeing what Hunter wanted them to do in this realm, he had to admit that this Speedway was way too easy, as he was sure that even one of them would have been able to take care of the targets in one go, meaning that all three of them was overkill this time around.

"True, and easy makes things a little boring." Ember said, showing that she agreed with Spyro, that this Speedway had been one of the easiest Flight Realms they had tackled in a long time, especially since she was sure the ones back home hadn't been this easy, but as she said that she glanced at Spike, who was in the process of counting the gems and seeing if the count was the same, "So, four hundred gems this time, right?"

"That's correct, the same as the other Speedways." Spike replied, to which he quickly finished his count and then let their dragonflies collect the gems he had been looking at for a few seconds, gems that had to be the last ones that Ripto had scattered across the realms, meaning all they had to do was retrieve the Orb that was in this realm and then take the fight to their main target, before he turned towards his siblings once the gems were collected, "Well, normally I would say that we should take to the skies and see if we could find Hunter... but he's over there, standing next to what appears to be a plane of some kind."

Spyro and Ember glanced at the area in question and found that Hunter was definitely standing next a winged vehicle that definitely looked like a plane, even if their friend was holding something in his hands, to which the three of them took to the air and headed over to where Hunter was standing, as they were curious as to what he wanted them to do this time around, especially since he likely had an Orb on him.

"Oh, hey guys, I'm glad to see that you took care of the Speedway so quickly." Hunter said, showing that he must have been working on the plane while they had been flying around the area, though as they landed near him he turned to face them, showing that he must have been working on this since the last time they saw him and that he was ready to use it at long last, "Say, would one of you like to hop into my plane and help me test it out? Thanks to all the repairs I just did to it, both on my own and the ones that I had to ask the Professor about, it won't be crashing anytime soon."

"Sure, we could use one more distraction before the fight with Ripto," Spyro replied, showing that he was willing to jump into the plane and fly out into the canyon so Hunter could make sure everything was in working order, even if there had to be another part to this that they weren't seeing, not that Spike and Ember were saying anything at the moment, so all they had to do was wait and see what their friend had to say.

"Sweet! Okay, I've got the plane connected to this remote, which has a map of the entire canyon, so what I want you to do is use the plane's machine gun to shoot down the various targets I set up." Hunter stated, informing the siblings of the other part of what he wanted one of them to do, though that didn't stop Spyro from nodding his head, showing that he was ready for anything and everything that their friend could throw at them.

Once Spyro climbed into the plane, and took his seat at the controls, Hunter sent the vehicle out into the canyon and started to test it out, where Spike and Ember watched as their brother opened fire on the balloons that happened to be his targets, as he blasted them apart as Hunter moved him around the area and then headed to another part of the canyon to continue the test. This time around Spike and Ember took to the skies and followed the plane, mostly so they could see where Hunter took their brother and how many targets he had to take down as he moved through the area, but one thing they agreed on was the fact that Spyro was doing a good job of blasting the targets apart, showing how skilled he was at this sort of thing. Most of the targets, as they soon discovered, were green colored balloons and a few were blimp shaped balloons, but that didn't stop their brother from blasting at each one of them as Hunter moved him around the Speedway, making sure to test the machine gun function to the best of its ability, just in case there was something else that Hunter needed to work on in the future. In fact the only real challenge that Spyro had was near the end of the test, as the last couple of balloons were harder to hit than the others had been, but that proved to be nothing before Spyro's skill as he blasted all of them and waited to see if there were any additional targets, while Hunter recalled him back to where the plane had been resting a few moments ago.

Hunter said nothing as he moved the plane back into position and had it land where it had been resting earlier, which was when he helped Spyro out of the area he had been sitting in, before he took a step back and smiled as he checked the plane for a few seconds, just to be sure that nothing had come loose during the practice run, even though the siblings were sure that such a thing hadn't happened.

"Well, everything checks out and the plane is in one piece. Here, I found this before you guys arrived and figured that I would give it to you when you found me." Hunter said, where he produced the final Orb that the three of them would be collecting during this adventure, as that was Spike's opinion since it appeared that they had helped all of the realms that rested throughout Avalar, and handed it over to them, to which Spike slipped it into the Guidebook immediately, "Now go kick Ripto out of the castle!"

"That's the plan." Spyro replied, though even as he said that he and his siblings took to the air and departed from the area that Hunter was in, as they knew that he would spend the next couple of minutes making sure his plane was stable before heading to Winter Tundra, giving them more than enough time to head to where Ripto was waiting and see what sort of fight they were going to have with him.

As such the siblings headed for the edge of the canyon area, as they were looking for the boundary that would allow them to leave this realm, and it only took them a few moments to return to the cave that the Canyon Speedway portal was resting in, to which they headed outside, accessed the whirlwind to get back up to the front of the castle, headed through the door that was in front of them, and made their way up the steps so they could return to the passage that would take them right to where Ripto was waiting, with Elora standing beside it.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, I'm glad to hear that you've helped all of the other realms, even if their problems weren't caused by Ripto this time around." Elora said, informing the siblings that she must have already heard from the residents of the four realms they had helped out, though it was clear that her focus was on making sure Avalar was safe, since she glanced at the open passage that was to her left for a few seconds, before turning towards them again, "Now that you guys have assisted all of the realms that exist throughout Avalar, I guess its time for you to face Ripto and put an end to his plans, and restore peace to Avalar at the same time."

"Its been a long time coming, but we're ready to tackle him and whatever he's got to throw at us." Spike replied, which was the moment that he opened his satchel and removed the journal that contained all the evidence they had collected on what Moneybags had done, something that Spyro and Ember recognized instantly, before he gave it to Elora, who raised her eyebrow for a moment, "We discovered some... interesting... events during our travels in Avalar, where a few of them were outright horrible when we realized what was going on, and that journal contains everything we've learned so far, and who the culprit is, so you might want to look at that and show it to Hunter and the Professor while we tackle Ripto. Trust me, everything that's inside that journal is important."

"Very well, I'll be sure to look at it while you deal with Ripto," Elora stated, showing the siblings that she trusted them and that she would do as she said, meaning that the rest of their friends would know Moneybags' sins in the next couple of minutes, before she considered one other thing that they needed to be told, before they headed through the passage and confronted Ripto, "Oh, the Professor has been gathering the energies of the Powerup Gates into the rest of our Orb collection, the one we kept hidden from Ripto, and, despite the fact that he wants to work on that plane of his, Hunter will be flying around the area to drop the Orbs off for you to use, though you should know that you have to get three of them to access one of the abilities they'll give you. And there's also the chance that you guys might be able to wield new abilities that we've never seen before, so there's no telling how the fight with Ripto will go... but, despite all that, I have the feeling you guys are going to emerge as the victors and restore peace to Avalar."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember nodded their heads as they headed down the passage and discovered that the arena they would be fighting Ripto in was a circular ring that had lava around it, something that wouldn't bother two of them, and it only took them a moment to figure out where Ripto was standing, as he had attached a golden handle to the stolen Power Crystal and turned it into a scepter. None of them were surprised by that, since he seemed to love using scepters, though before they moved Spike set his satchel and hat aside, so neither of them were damaged by the lava if he fell in, before he and his siblings glided down into the area in front of them, where Ripto attempted to fire a beam of rainbow energy at three sheep, even though he ended up missing.

"Gaaaah!" Ripto declared, showing his annoyance for the fact that the sheep actually dodged his attack and scattered not even a few seconds after the beam disappeared, meaning he would have to try and target them one at a time, which would have made good target practice had the siblings not arrived when they did, even if they were still gliding into the area their foe was standing in, "Come back here and let me hit you, you useless animals!"

"You know, that's not the right way to treat them," Spyro commented, to which he and his siblings landed near Ripto, as in each of them landed between their foe and one of the sheep he had been targeting, meaning the sheep could get out of this area, since they were sure Hunter would fly in and help them out of here, but their focus was on their foe and their eyes were open for any attacks he threw their way, "trust me on this, mistreating sheep can come back to bite you at some point, even if it takes years for something to happen."

"What, not YOU THREE again?!" Ripto moaned, his tone revealing that he really didn't like them, both for putting an end to his plans in the various realms of Avalar and the fact that they had beaten both Crush and Gulp, though it was also clear that he had been hoping that they would have given up at some point, "There's no way you three should have been able to follow me here, not when I have this new scepter and the power that is inside it."

"Sorry Ripto, but with the power of the fourteen Talismans and sixty-four Orbs, we were able to open the door and use the passage to reach this area." Spike remarked, though the interesting fact was that Ripto must have tried to cast a spell on the door in question, not even taking into account that they might have acquired enough items to break the seal before it was even placed, before he considered something for a moment, "Though it looks like you need some practice with your new scepter, before you can cast the more impressive spells... why don't you try coming at us with it?"

"You know, I actually like that idea." Ripto said, where the siblings had to resist the urge to chuckle at him, as they did find it a little humorous that someone who disliked dragons, for reasons unknown and would likely never figure out based on how things were going, was agreeing with one of them and what they said, which was followed by the funny part, as he slapped his face as soon as he realized what he had done, before glaring at them with anger in his eyes, "Dragons, you have sealed your fates!"

"I'd like to see you try your luck against us!" Ember stated, showing Ripto that she was ready as she, Spyro, and Spike prepared themselves for the greatest battle they would have in Avalar, against the person that had been causing problems for the various residents of the realms, to which she hardened her scales and assumed her battle stance as Spyro did the same, while Spike silently prepared some spells as they waited for the battle to start.

Ripto, despite his inexperience with his new scepter and the power it held, did do the smart thing and stayed out of their range as he started to move around the arena they would be fighting in, something that he had gleamed from seeing the three of them take down both Crush and Gulp earlier, and what he used to attack them were blasts of magical energy, where it wasn't hard for the siblings to know where the power was coming from. What Spyro, Spike, and Ember did was maintain their distance and dodged the incoming attacks, as Ripto was making a point to target all three of them at the same time, mostly to make sure that none of them could approach him while he was distracted, but even as he did that Spike knew that facing the three of them was going to be quite difficult for someone like Ripto, regardless of the fact that he had seen their previous fights. What was rather interesting was that Ripto seemed to understand that point after a few seconds and actually did something about it, instead of running like Gnasty Gnorc did, as he used his scepter to create two more of himself, Mirror Images to be exact, so each of them faced off against one of the siblings, though he did make sure to use a smoke cover for a few seconds so he could shroud himself, making it hard to determine which of the Riptos was the real one and which was the fake one. While Spyro and Ember fought their Riptos, and Spike dodged the blasts that were coming from his foe, Spike recalled the information he knew about this particular spell, as it could create between one to five copies of the user, for whatever purpose the user had in mind, and each of them had access to every skill and scrap of knowledge that the original had, meaning the clones knew every spell that Ripto knew, though the downside for their foe was that none of them were all that skilled with their scepters, so all they really had to worry about was dodging the blasts that were thrown at them.

Of course Ripto didn't take into account a few things, like the fact that none of the blasts really did anything to Ember thanks to her hardening skill, as she stopped dodging once and one of the blasts struck her in the side, but she emerged with no damage taken, as the evidence was shown by the fact that Cinder hadn't taken any damage, and didn't seem all that impressed before she went on the offensive. Spyro, on the other claw, dodged the blasts like they were nothing and let each bit of magic fly off into the side of the walls that were keeping the lava contained in this arena, though they did no damage to the walls and only seemed to infuriate Ripto more than he already was, especially since the one he was facing couldn't hit him at all. Spike stayed in one area and did what he was used to doing, summoning a barrier that could only take one hit between him and his foe's attacks, mostly because they didn't cost that much energy to use and he was able to, as some dragons called it, spam the spell as much as he wanted, so he kept himself safe as he studied their foe, both his version and the ones his siblings were fighting, so he could see what sort of weaknesses Ripto had, mostly for when the Mirror Images were taken care of and he moved onto something else. In fact what they were doing seemed to be making Ripto even angrier at them, not that he had any right to complain or be angry since this was mostly his doing, and when someone got this mad they were likely to make mistakes and reveal an opening they could use, which was what they were looking for so they could get this fight started for real, especially since Hunter hadn't shown up yet.

After a minute or two of doing that the siblings nodded to each other and lashed out at their foes, Ember striking her Ripto square in the face with her hardened tail, Spyro charging into his to knock him backwards, and Spike reflecting one of the blasts into the chest of his foe, forcing all three of them to collide with each other and shatter the spell, revealing a single Ripto once more, who only frowned at them as he picked himself up.

"Come on Ripto, you can't beat us," Spyro stated, because while he knew that Ember, at the very least, wanted to fight their foe he also understood that Ripto didn't have the power to best them, hence the reason he wanted to bring an end to the fight, so they could pin him down and put an end to his rampage, "how about you just surrender and give us the Power Crystal, then we can end this fight..."

"NO! I refuse to surrender to a dragon, much less a group of them." Ripto replied, where he glared at them for a few seconds, his eyes still showing his intense anger towards the three of them purely because of what they were, though as he did that he raised his scepter and focused his power, showing that he was going to continue to attack them and that there was nothing they could do to stop them.

This time around Ripto made sure that each of his attacks contained the rainbow energy that he had used against the sheep earlier, even if he had missed, to which the siblings scattered as they continued to attack him, where it looked like he might have empowered himself to the point where most of their basic skills did nothing, as he only chuckled as Spyro charged into him. Spike understood what their foe was doing, it was an empowerment spell that relied on knowing what sort of attacks and tricks one's foe was using and he was sure he could pull it off as well, even if he hadn't practiced this particular spell at all, but even as he considered that he and his siblings noticed Hunter fly in on his jetpack, which was better late than never, and he had a sack that contained the modified Orbs the Professor had been working on. What the siblings discovered was that there were three colored Orbs for them to pick from, a fiery red, a pulsing blue, and an acid green, though instead of dropping them anywhere near them, even if they were scattered, Hunter seemed to insist on dropping the Orbs all over the area, meaning there was a chance that Ripto could pick some up and empower himself for a short period of time as well. Spike and Ember, seeing that happen, did the first thing that came to mind and focused on running to the various Orbs as Spyro stayed near their foe, dodging the incoming blasts as he distracted their foe, even though he had likely seen Hunter drop the Orbs and wanted to pick up a few of them himself, just to keep their power out of their claws, which was a smart thing to do.

Of course, as Ember picked up a red Orb and knocked it over to where Spyro as standing, so he could collect it, Spyro also picked up a green one, giving him two to use in this battle, though so far neither of them were giving him any powers that could be used against Ripto, where Spike quickly understood what was going on, as it appeared that modifying the Orbs decreased the amount of power each of them had, so to use the powerups they likely needed three or more Orbs to draw out the power within them. As he thought about that, however, Ripto seemed to change tactics and rushed towards the blue Orb that was near him, to which he grinned for a moment as he rushed the Orb and loosed his green flames at it, causing the entire thing to disappear, much to Ripto's surprise, before it appeared near Spyro, who collected the Orb and accessed whatever powerup was inside the three he held. It was in that moment that Spike and Ember watched as their brother rushed through the area like he was using the Supercharge ability, something that caught Ripto off guard since the first attack came from the front due to Spyro rushing around to his front so he could see him, though that was when they discovered that Spike's thoughts were correct, that Ripto's empowerment spell only worked for their skills, as the ones that came from the Orbs could actually damage their foe, as Spyro slammed into him and knocked him backwards for a moment, even though being charged into had to hurt Ripto a little.

During that series of events Ripto did manage to pick up a pair of green Orbs as he ran away from Spyro, and Spike and Ember couldn't prevent that since he ran away from where they were positioned, though when the Supercharge ran out Ripto grinned as he picked up a blue Orb and started to charge after Spyro again, showing that he understood what he needed to do. While he did that, however, Spike and Ember did the reasonable thing, they ran around the area and picked up some of the Orbs that Hunter was dropping for them to use, though their brother saw what they were doing and made sure to whack a green one out of Ripto's reach, which happened to be the third one that Spike collected, allowing a look that was similar to the Superflame ability, only acid green colored, to appear on him for a time. In that form Spike found out something interesting, he could spit spheres of poison or acid that exploded when they struck the ground, meaning that this was a Poison Spitting ability of some kind, though he focused on targeting Ripto, who fled from him the moment he gained the ability and started to use it against him, even hitting him a few times int he process. When his new ability faded, and he no longer had the power to spit exploding green spheres at his foe, Ember grabbed the last Orb she needed and took on the Superflame look once more, where she went on the offensive and started to blast Ripto as many times as she could, mostly so she could get the maximum usage out of her ability before it faded away.

After the three of them had a turn using one of the powerups that the Orbs could give them, and made sure to hurt Ripto with their abilities, their foe got annoyed with what was going on and rushed to the middle of the arena, where he raised his scepter into the air and then stabbed it into the floor, where the siblings watched as he quickly summoned a mechanical version of Gulp for him to ride on and use in combat.

While anyone would be intimidated by what Ripto was able to do with the scepter, by summoning such a being to his side in a matter of seconds, the siblings continued to move around the area that they were in and continued to gather the Orbs that were being dropped by Hunter, though even as that happened Spike noticed that the robot didn't have any of Gulp's abilities, meaning that allowing their foe to gain three Orbs would give his machine the ability to use what Gulp had used against them earlier. Just to be sure that such a thought was correct the siblings gathered a few Orbs each and then let Ripto have a chance to get a few himself, where the last one he picked up was a blue one and he quickly returned to the middle of the arena and loosed a number of electric orbs into the air, to which Spike let them rain down on where he and his siblings were standing and used the Reflection spell to bounce them back at the machine, this time barely doing anything to it since it wasn't like Gulp. Spyro, taking on the Poison Spitting ability this time around, found that he was able to spit eight spheres at the robot as it cowered due to him getting enough Orbs to use one of the three powers he and his siblings could use, where half of them did nothing and four of them actually damaged the robot, meaning it could be more of an Acid Spitting ability than a Poison Spitting ability. Spike managed to take on the Supercharge ability as Ember took on the Superflame, to which they took turns hitting the robot with their new powers and damaged it a few times in rapid succession, all while making sure it couldn't do anything to them, which had to be annoying Ripto since he couldn't do any damage to the three of them.

When their abilities faded away, and they returned to normal, Ripto's robot returned to the middle of the arena and shattered into a thousand pieces before their eyes, pieces that faded away since they were made out of magic, though while Ripto fell to the floor one of the fragments of his robot, before it disappeared, actually reached the area that Hunter was in and spooked him, causing him to drop the entire container of Orbs he was carrying and scattered all of them over the arena. Ripto, seizing the opportunity, grinned as he stabbed the fallen Orb that was in front of him and created a new robot, a pterodactyl this time around, before taking off as the rest of the platform started to collapse, where Spyro took one and headed into the sky, showing Spike and Ember that the other Orbs had contained the energies of the new type of Powerup Gate that the Inventor Droid created, the Combination Powerup Gate that was the Superflame and Superfly they used in Metropolis. Unfortunately the rest of those Orbs fell into the lava that was around the arena as it shattered, or at least that was what Ripto would have thought, to which Spike and Ember nodded as they dived into the lava and sought out one of the other Orbs that would allow them to do what their brother was doing, who decided that he might as well mess with Ripto a little and reveal something interesting to their foe, just like what happened when they engaged Gnasty Gnorc a year ago.

"Its too bad your siblings fell in the lava," Ripto said, though his tone revealed that he was overjoyed that two of his foes were now removed from the battle and that he could focus on the remaining dragon that was in front of him, as if he felt that he could actually win this fight now that it was just the two of them, "Sorry dragon, but it seems that your time has come at last!"

Spyro said nothing to that, mostly to look like he was terrified of what happened to his siblings, and as Ripto laughed at what happened he noticed Spike and Ember burst out of the lava that was directly behind the area that their foe's new robot was floating in, where his siblings leveled themselves with Ripto and blasted the robot in the back, something that caused their foe to stop laughing as he glanced back at them.

"WHAT?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" Ripto shouted, his tone showing that he didn't like what happened, even if he had no idea how they had survived bathing in the lava that was below them, though even as he said that Spike and Ember returned to Spyro's side as they faced their foe, as it was time to put an end to this battle and restore peace to Avalar, and reclaim the Power Crystal as well.

"Sorry Ripto, but Ember and I are unique among dragons, thanks to our lava immunity." Spike replied, though both he and his siblings had to resist the urge to chuckle as a look of shock appeared on their foe's face, showing that he wasn't expecting such a response in the first place, but as he thought about that the look of anger and hate returned to his eyes, showing that he was annoyed with them once more.

"THAT'S CHEATING?!" Ripto declared, confirming the fact that what Spike and Ember did had ticked him off and that he wasn't happy with them, but that was before his robotic pterodactyl took off from where it was floating and started to move away from the siblings, showing that the final round of their battle was about to start and that they had to be ready for anything he could throw at them.

As it turned out Ripto flew around the area that was above the ruined arena and tried to blast them with green blasts of energy, though he was at a disadvantage thanks to the fact that his robot didn't have the skills that they possessed and only moved in a straight line, to which the siblings blasted their foe with the Superflame fireballs, which raced through the air and slammed into the side of his robot. When that happened Ripto would speed off and try to hit them from another area of the arena, mostly hoping to catch them off guard or something, but, once more, the skills that Nestor and the other dragons had taught the siblings was more than enough to overcome their foe's tactics and let them blast the robot a few more times, causing Ripto to repeat the process all over again. The only thing that made this round of the fight a little different from the other rounds, save for the lost Orbs, was the fact that Ripto did fly out of the arena and tried to move around the outskirts of the entire area, only to be forced backwards as the siblings caught up and turned him back to where they were supposed to be fighting. Other than that there was nothing they had to worry about as they dodged the incoming blasts and rolled out of the way as the robot pterodactyl tried to charge one of them a few times, while they, in turn, proceeded to blast the robot with their Superflame ability, damaging it more than it could ever hurt them, before they noticed that smoke was coming from the robot.

In no time the robot eventually stalled and exploded rather suddenly, though what the siblings did was fly into the spot it had been in and caught Ripto before he could fall in the lava, mostly so they could send him back to the land that was his home, while Spike caught the scepter and carefully extracted the Power Crystal, restoring order to Winter Tundra as he and his siblings exited the area... only to find that Elora and the others were standing near the Super Portal, waiting for them to return.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, I don't think we can ever thank you guys enough for what you've done for us," Elora said, her tone showing that she was incredibly grateful for what they had done, in taking Ripto out and restoring the peace that he had broken, though that was before she leaned forward and put a kiss on both Spyro and Spike's heads, while bumping her fist with Ember's for a moment, before she focused on what else she was going to say as Spike returned his satchel and hat to their proper places.

"Hey, we were more than happy to help you guys out, once we figured out what was going on." Spyro replied, where he gestured to Ripto with one of his wings for a moment, even though the person in question was half there and half not there, thanks to what happened during their battle, before glancing back to their new friends, "So, do you think you can send him back to the land he came from?"

"I can indeed." the Professor spoke up, to which he turned towards the Super Portal for a moment and pulled out a remote of some kind, one that he tapped a few numbers into and let the siblings watch as a new portal opened before their eyes, while they noticed that, while they were fighting Ripto, he had put some Orbs into the structure so he could use the portal, before he glanced back to them and nodded.

In that moment Spyro, Spike, and Ember bid farewell to Ripto before they tossed him into the portal and sent him back to the land he had come from, where they waited for a few seconds before the Professor turned off the Super Portal for now, allowing them to return to the matter at hand, as there was something else they needed to take care of, even if Moneybags, who was standing nearby, had no idea what was coming next.

"Now then, are we ready to move forward?" Ember asked, to which Elora and the others nodded their heads, even if the bear in question seemed to be lost at the moment, where she glared at Moneybags and walked towards him, since he was the one that needed to be punished next, and it was in that moment that he understood what was going on, even if he didn't want to believe it, "Moneybags, for your crimes against all of Avalar, you are under arrest, so I would suggest that you simply stand down before you make things worse for yourself."

"You said you wouldn't tell them about my involvement." Moneybags stated, though that was when Hunter pounced on him and made sure to cuff him, showing the bear that everyone that had sided with the siblings knew what he had done and that they were very unhappy with him, not that any of them really liked him in the first place, but his attention was on the siblings at the moment.

"I did, but then we found a talking sheep while we were stopping an invasion in Metropolis, and he told us that you sold him and his allies the weapons they were using, so I changed my mind." Ember remarked, though she said nothing else as Hunter pulled an angry Moneybags away from the area they were in, no doubt to be imprisoned for the rest of his life in Avalar's dungeons.

The siblings watched Hunter cart off Moneybags, knowing that they had done Avalar two great services during their time in this land, in stopping Ripto and bringing the greedy bear to justice, even if Ember wanted a piece of him, meaning that they could now focus their efforts on making sure peace had been restored to this land and then, once that had come to pass, the three of them could turn their attention to heading back home.

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