• Published 21st May 2019
  • 9,257 Views, 1,279 Comments

Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Expedition: The White Isle

With the Ancient Grove safe from the Skavengers, and both the Poison Emperor and Arborick were safe from being forced to serve the Apes, due to the beings breaking the mind control collars before the group even arrived in the forest, Spyro and the others sat on the deck of the airship as Fury continued to travel in the direction of the landmass that the Well of Souls rested on, so they could focus on their true enemies. Sheila, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, and Agent 9 were pleased with themselves, as it had been a while since any of them had been involved in an actual fight, in fact the last time they had actually fought any enemies was when they were engaging the Sorceress' forces, though Ember and the rest of their group congratulated them on a job well done, as they had done a good job dealing with their enemies in the forest and had shown that they had improved their skills since this adventure started. Spike also made sure to make a note of what they had discovered back in the Ancient Grove, that the Apes must have found some new allies in the form of the Skavengers and their leader, a larger dog-like being that Cynder called Skabb and his pair of parrots, Scratch and Sniff, though even Cynder was shocked by this turn of events and had to think about it for a few moments, as this was the first time she had seen anyone even ally themselves with the Apes, though that meant they would no doubt engage Captain Skabb at some point in the near future. Her reasoning was sound, in Spike's eyes, as if the Skavengers were allied with the Apes it was possible that Skabb was somewhere near the Well of Souls, where Gaul would no doubt be located, and to reach the area that the Elementium Key was located in they would have to fight Skabb and his crew, in addition to the Apes and whatever other dark allies they might have made.

The only good thing that came from their visit to the Ancient Grove was that they had allies, where Spike realized that he could have better explained the situation to the Poison Emperor, since it had helped create the five Elementium Keys, while the bad part about all of this was that they now knew their enemies had been increased from what they had a few hours ago and that the battle to the center of the Well of Souls would be even harder now.

"If the Skavengers are allies of the Apes, like we're saying they might be, than the Well of Souls' defenses will be far greater than anything you have seen so far," Sgt. Byrd stated, as he went over what they knew about the situation and knew that they had to take the new type of enemy they had discovered into consideration, even though the Skavengers didn't seem all that threatening from what he had seen during their time in the Ancient Grove, and while he said that he noticed that Spyro was staring out at the area that was in front of the airship, possibly recalling a memory or something, before he turned towards the rest of the group, "which means that its a good thing that we're joining you guys, since we have no idea what sort of defenses they might have installed in the area around the Well of Souls. Of course things might be in our favor if the Apes are under attack from the Skavengers and any of the other foes we've seen, like those Trolls you encountered back in Dante's Freezer, but we'll have to wait until we reach the landmass before we determine what's going on and what we'll need to do so we can reach the area that the Elementium Key is located in."

"We'll need to rest up for what's coming our way," Ember added, because for the most part she, her siblings, and the majority of the rest of their group had gone to multiple islands and had faced a number of enemies, without any true rest to be exact, so before they reached the Well of Souls she knew that they needed some sleep so none of them collapsed at the worst moment and opened a hole in their defenses, where she could see that Elora, Hunter, and a few of the others were getting tired and seemed to be agreeing with her.

"Agreed. We're no use to Warfang if we're exhausted," Elora said, though while she was used to traveling with Spike and his siblings, and taking part of their adventures while only resting between the various homeworlds, it had been some time since they had actually rested and she knew that all of them had to be getting tired, meaning it might be time for all of them to get some rest and prepare for what they would find on the landmass they were heading towards, "so all of us should take this chance to rest and ready ourselves for when we'll arrive at our destination, that way we can face the Apes and whatever allies they have without having to worry about collapsing during our trek through the area."

"The landmass the Well of Souls is on isn't the only landmass that we'll be passing by," Spyro commented, where the group turned to look at him for a few moments as he stared out at the area that was in front of the airship, showing them that he was focused on whatever he was doing right now and less on what they were talking about, even though he had taken the time to listen to what they had said since they returned to the airship, before he glanced at the others, "if what I recall from my old memories is correct, and there's a chance I might be wrong, we should be getting close to where the White Isle is located."

"The White Isle?" Hunter asked, as this was the first time that term had been used and he had no idea what Spyro was even talking about, though at the same time he wasn't the only one that was lost due to the fact that the rest of the group seemed to be looking a little lost as well, while Cynder appeared to be the only one who might have an idea as to what Spyro had mentioned, meaning they might discover something interesting soon, something that prompted Spike to take out his writing materials so he could make notes on what she might share with them, which he and the others had known was coming once a new area had been mentioned.

"Its an island that rests between Doxantha and the landmass the Well of Souls is located on," Cynder stated, showing everyone that she knew what Spyro was talking about and that she would be able to answer any questions the others might have on the subject, or at least she hoped so since one of the individuals that was near her was Spike, who was one of the smartest dragons in the world and he had an interest in things that rivaled all the dragons she knew, before she returned to what they were talking about, "and, from what I've been told, its also the home of the Celestial Caves, which just so happens to be the home of the Chronicler, who helped me understand the memories of my previous life, or rather the couple that I have anyway, which is why I recognized Spyro the moment I heard his description and saw him earlier... and, if we were to make a stop at the White Isle, the Chronicler would be able to help him understand all of the memories from his old life as well."

"Do we even have the time to do something like that?" Ember inquired, because while she was interested in seeing if the Chronicler would be able to revive Spyro's old memories, the ones that he shared with Cynder to be exact, her focus was on the fact that the eclipse of the Celestial Moons was close and they were already running out of time, so it might be something they would have to do when the Apes, the Skavengers, and the rest of their enemies were taken out and they were sure the world was no longer in danger, "According to what Spike figured out, after looking at the globe that told us about the danger that we have been dealing with, the moons will be forming their eclipse in the very near future... I'm not sure we can make such a stop, given what's coming our way."

"We have an entire day before the eclipse happens," Spike reminded them, even though he was the only one on the airship that even knew that piece of information, since he had done the research necessary to understand what the Apes were up to, after they assisted the Thunder Prince and Windlord with their own problems, before he considered what he and the others had seen back in the Ancient Grove, "however, if the Chronicler really has the power to open temporary portals between two points, like we discovered back when we were exploring the Ancient Grove, we could stop at the island for a time, see if he can help Spyro with his old memories, get some well deserved sleep, and then use one of his portals to get close to the Well of Souls, which would make up for whatever time we might spend on the White Isle and let us sneak up on the Apes without them hearing the airship."

The group glanced at each other for a moment before Spyro decided that Spike was right, they should head to where the White Isle was located and see if the Chronicler would be willing to help them, which he should given that he was one of Ignitus and the other Guardians' friends, given what they had been told earlier when they first encountered Cynder, to which Spyro made sure Fury knew that they might be stopping at an island in the middle of the sea, provided that he was right about it being on the way to where the Well of Souls rested.

As it turned out Spyro's old memories about the part of the sea they were in proved to be right, as not thirty minutes later the group spotted an island that they seemed to be approaching, one where the coloration of the sea changed to an aqua blue, unlike the normal blue everyone was used to seeing, before they noticed that the beaches were made of white sand, there were shards of ice sticking out of places, and there was a temple of some kind built in what appeared to be the heart of the entire island. This had to be the White Isle that Spyro had mentioned and that Cynder had told them about, based on what they were seeing at the moment, though as they did that Hunter pointed out a large tortoise that seemed to be either circling the island or was just swimming around it before it dived under the water, where it seemed rather peaceful and made them wonder if this place was possibly the most peaceful location in the entirety of Doxantha and the islands that surrounded it. Based on what they could see there didn't appear to be any airships, either the faulty ones of the Apes or the pirate-like ones that the Skavengers used when they were exploring the Ancient Grove, and it didn't look like there were any normal ships either, which would mean that this island might be free of enemies and that they wouldn't have to waste time dealing with the Apes or the Skavengers while they looked for the Chronicler. Of course Spyro wasn't totally convinced that there weren't enemies lingering on the island, which the rest of the group assumed was from the couple of memories he had of this place, though none of that stopped them from getting ready to disembark from the airship and see if they could find the dragon that they were looking for, all while hoping this wasn't a waste of their precious time, as the moons were getting closer to forming their eclipse.

Fury, knowing that they were in a race against the clock, was of the opinion that they just continue on to the landmass that the Well of Souls was located on, to stop the Apes before they acquired the final Elementium Key that they needed to fulfill their terrible mission, but in the end he sighed and lowered the airship into the water that was on the edge of the island so the group could disembark and find the dragon that they were looking for.

"So this is the White Isle," Cynder commented, where she and the others disembarked from the airship and reached what she knew the rest of the group called the 'starting area' for the island that they were stopping at, leaving those on the airship to do whatever they wanted while they sought out the Chronicler to see if he would be willing to help them, which she was sure he would since Spyro was with her, someone the ancient dragon had been interested in meeting since the day he learned about him, though that was when she turned towards Spyro, "Do you know the way to the temple that the Chronicler calls home?"

"I thought that, given your knowledge of the place, you would know the way to the Chronicler," Hunter stated, because based on all of the things that Cynder had told them about this island he had assumed that she knew the way forward, but now it was sounding like he might be wrong in his assumptions, though he waited to see what the dragon had to say as all of them advanced through the island and headed towards the temple.

"She doesn't... but I do." Spyro replied, answering the question that Cynder had asked him while making sure Hunter's statement was addressed as well, though as he said that he started to walk into the area that was in front of them as he tapped into his memories, because the more time he spent looking at the area they were in the more something in his old memories stirred and came to the surface, "From what I can determine, from the couple of times my old memories have come to the surface and have made me pause for a few moments, Cynder and I might have walked different paths during our old lives, only intersecting very now and then, before finally meeting up and traveling the same path... or at least that is what I think happened. Sparx and I, or rather the Sparx that I traveled with in the past, came here to meet the Chronicler and figure out why he was talking to me in my dreams... or something like that... but we were the only ones, as Cynder was somewhere else when we came here, and we met up at some point after meeting the Chronicler."

"Interesting. Well then, lead the way." Bianca said, as all of this was interesting, hearing about the past lives that both Spyro and Cynder once had and how they were affecting what was happening right now, though at the same time it might prove to be to their benefit if Spyro was able to recall the exact path he took while he was exploring this island, and it was easy to tell that Sparx was confused about part of Spyro's comment, meaning that the dragonfly in question didn't have any memories of the past and that the pair of dragons might be the only ones with this sort of bond.

Spyro nodded and started walking forward, where he lead the others toward a tunnel that had a circular door, which seemed to be as tall as an adult dragon, that happened to be blocking the way, though as they approached it Spike noted the blue markings on the door and had Spyro loose a burst of his Ice Breath at the door, something that caused the group to turn their heads for a moment as his brother did just that. Not even a few seconds later the sphere in the middle of the stone door glowed and rolled to the left, opening the way forward, where Spike revealed that the door was meant to stop land invaders from getting deeper into the island and that the only method to open the way was to use the Ice Breath on it, just like he had Spyro do, and once all of them were in the next segment of the tunnel the door rolled back into place and sealed itself. He had the feeling that it would either open when they wanted to head back or they would have to use the same tactic to open it again, though instead of focusing on that he and the others turned their attention to the stone door that had yellow markings on it, where Spike said nothing as Spyro channeled his Lightning Breath on the door and made it open before their eyes, showing them that Spyro understood what needed to be done. From there Spyro had to do the same thing twice more, using both his Earth Breath and his Fire Breath to open the next two doors that rested in the tunnel, though once they were passed the door that responded to his flames the group found themselves in what appeared to be the outermost area of the enter temple, or at least that was what it looked like due to the walls that were in front of them, meaning they were making progress.

One thing that kept everyone on their guard was the fact that there were no enemies, though there were three stone dragons in the area the tunnel had brought them to, just like the ones that Spyro and the others had seen inside Malefor's Arcanaeum, who turned and looked at the group for a few moments before bowing their heads towards them, showing off the flexibility of the statues so Spike could wonder if the slumbering army of statues could do the same thing, which was when a few platforms appeared to their left and formed a path that lead to another tunnel. It was rather interesting, since everyone in the group could have sworn the statues would have been tasked with making sure they weren't intruders or something, but in the end Hunter had to guess that if someone came through the four elemental doors and used the right techniques on them, or elements to be exact, the statues might have to stand down, though while he did wonder what might happen if an Ape forced a couple of dragons to open the way Bianca stated that such a thing would likely alert the statues and they would attack the invaders. From what they could tell it seemed like all of the tunnels on the outskirts of the temple were still intact and didn't look like they were falling apart, while at the same time the one they were currently walking through lead them to a small area that seemed to be where trees were growing, ones that seemed native to this island since Spike knew none of them had seen these types before, due to the purple hue each of them had, a hue that matched both his and Spyro's main scales. He also came to the conclusion that the statues were both caretakers for the grounds of the island and guardians designed to protect the Chronicler, even if he assumed that such a powerful dragon really didn't need the help and only took it so that the Guardians knew he was safe from harm, and the former of that odd thought was proven to be true when they noticed a pair of statues tending to the trees and the flowers that happened to be growing around them.

The area that the second tunnel, which was shorter than the first one, brought them to just so happened to have a small walkway to the left of the end of the tunnel, one that put them on a higher level than most of the surrounding area and showed them where they were going next, as there just so happened to be a ledge that the dragons and Sol could glide to while Sgt. Byrd used his jet pack to get over there and Bianca used her magic to teleport the rest of the group over to the area in question. Once they reached the next part of the area Spyro headed to their left, as there was nothing to the right of where they landed, where the group walked through what appeared to be some woods that were growing on the island and found some statues that were tending to the area, along with a wall to make sure visitors knew the boundaries of the temple that rested on the island, though as soon as the statues spotted them one of them moved a small pedestal, which had a dragon's head carved into it, right into a slot and the next door opened so they could move forward. Spyro, who was partly relieving his memories of what he might have done to move through this place, nodded his head towards the statues and moved towards the door so they could progress deeper into the island, where he made sure the others were through the door before the statue closed the way behind them, where everyone assumed it was some sort of way to keep the Chronicler, and the temple, safe from danger. From what all of them could tell it was hard to find this island in the first place, where Spike guessed that there was a magical fog or something that made those the Chronicler didn't want to see, like Apes for example, unable to find the island and would eventually spell their doom, while at the same time the inverse was also true, the ones that the Chronicler wanted to see would be able to find the island no problem, meaning it all depending on the dragon that lived on the island, and, more importantly, it meant that he was expecting them to arrive at some point in the near future.

Cynder was still stunned by what Spike had to say, since she was still getting used to the fact that he was able to take a few moments or minutes to study something and could know exactly what was going on, or at least have a good idea as to what might be happening, though since the others weren't even phased by Spike's explanation she decided to say nothing about what she heard and continued to follow Spyro, since he was focused on recalling the way forward and less on what his brother was saying at the moment... though that meant leading them through a short passage that brought them to an area that could be a courtyard for the temple, one which had four tall statues with stone slots in front of them, where all four slots had a crystal orb inside them.

"Four statues, each having a different colored collar and crystal to represent the four Prime Elements," Cynder said, as she and the others were studying the area that they were in, even though there were a few pools in this area that looked clear and pretty pristine, meaning there had to be a well or something nearby, especially since Spike quickly tested both of them and found that they were safe to drink, before she glanced at Spyro, who was in the middle of the courtyard and just so happened to be staring at the statues.

"A voice once said '...Sacred Treasure... Hallowed Ground... Pathways Unfold... Lost is Found... Prove your Worth with Quick Desire... Ice and Earth, Lightning and Fire'." Spyro recalled, as once upon a time a voice had echoed when he came to a stop in this exact courtyard, to see what sort of test he was going to be given, before he stared at the four crystals that were in front of the four statues, which were shaped to be adult dragons and likely wouldn't move like the other statues did, which was when he started to blast the four crystals in the order he was given, starting with Ice, than the Earth one, followed by Lightning, and then finally Fire.

As soon as he struck the last crystal, where each of them were now glowing with the coloration of the element they represented, the door that they were connected to glowed for a second before opening, revealing the way forward while showing the others that Spyro had learned a lot from hanging out with Spike, even though it was mostly due to him seeing what his past self had done, despite the fact that the test in this area was different from what he recalled, but he decided that there would be time to talk later as he pushed forward once more. As they entered the passage that was on the other side of the door the group found a book that was moving on its own, flapping as if it were a bird or something, though the oddest thing was that Spike resisted the urge to zap it back to being a normal book, mostly because there was a magical signature on the tome, one that he didn't recognize, so he thought it would be bad to annoy the Chronicler and decided to leave the tome alone, even though it was on a subject he hadn't read about yet and that really made him resist the urge he was feeling right now. That, in turn, brought them to what appeared to be a chamber of some kind that had five doors, or six if they counted the one they were coming through, where one was directly across from where they were standing, two were to their left and the last two were to their right, though Spike noticed that the doors to the left had symbols that were connected to the Fire and Ice Elements, Fire being the closest to them and Ice being the closest to the door that was across from them, while the right doors had symbols for Earth and Lightning, Earth being close to them while Lightning being near the blank door. There was also a large indent in the floor, reminding them of the chamber that they had first met two of the four Guardians in, Ignitus and Terrador to be exact, meaning that the Chronicler likely hosted meetings in this very temple and had cushions and other things set up so everyone could relax while they talked, even though Spike spied a few small shelves that had some books on them, which he would look at later, if they had the time to do so.

"Wow, what is this place?" Agent 9 asked, because he and the others had been silent as they had moved through the fortifications between the starting area and the temple that they had entered, mostly since this seemed to be important for Spyro and none of them wanted to get in the way of what he might uncover while they explored what the island had to offer them, he figured that now was a good time to ask a question and see if either Spyro or Spike could answer it, though the others were looking at the area they were in.

"I think this might be a training area of some kind, where dragons are supposed to master one of the Prime Elements, either before or after they train at one of the islands," Spike replied, referring to the fact that Ignitus must have trained at the Isle of Bozibig, Terrador at Tall Plains, Cyril at Dante's Freezer, and Volteer at Concurrent Skies, before he considered what had to be on the other side of the final door, the bare one that seemed totally different from what they were seeing right now, even if the rest of the group seemed more interested in what was around them.

"You would be correct in your assessment." a voice said, surprising most of the group for a few seconds, due to the fact that they had assumed that they were alone in the chamber that they were in, before the more ordinary door opened before their eyes and revealed that they definitely weren't alone, which was the moment everyone turned towards it, as all of them were interested in seeing what the Chronicler looked like, as that was the only person that should be inside this temple and they were eager to see if they were correct or not.

Standing in the middle of the circular doorway was a gray scaled dragon, an adult that stood on two legs like all of the other adults the group were used to seeing these days, who happened to be wearing a dark blue robe that stopped at his knees and seemed to have light blue symbols on it, where Spike was sure that each of them were magic based and that it would take him some time to see what each of them meant or if they gave the dragon some powers, like the Water Safety spell he used every now and then. The dragon had pale blue colored eyes, large dark gray colored wings that had a pale coloration to the membrane, while having a few dark gray spine and tail spines, in addition to a dark gray spike at the end of his tail, before the group noticed that he had four horns on top of his head, the upper pair curved towards the ceiling while the lower pair were curved downwards, and the tips of all four of them ended in a bronze spike. He had a light gray colored goatee under his mouth, one that looked like it was well maintained like the rest of his body, which was followed by everyone discovering that he was also wearing a few golden bracelets on his tail, sort of like the platinum ones that Cynder was wearing, and he had a golden collar that rested around his neck, one that had a light blue crystal attached to it, one that Spike was sure had some sort of magical power to it. In addition to everything that they were seeing the dragon also had a brown belt around his waist that a sack of some kind was attached to, one that had a couple of scrolls sticking out of it, though most of them were sure he could seal the top of it in some manner to protect the contents of the sack and to prevent the scrolls from flying out whenever he was flying through the air.

All in all Spyro and the others were positive that this dragon was powerful, even if most of them couldn't feel the bits of power that the dragon possessed, and the look on Cynder's face told them that this had to be the Chronicler, while told them that they had succeeded in their mission to find the dragon that could help Spyro with the memories of his old life, just like he had helped Cynder do the same thing all those years ago, according to what they were told when they first met the dragon that stood by Spyro's side almost all the time.

"This part of the temple is used to test a dragon's connection to the elements, and there is another chamber below us that contains four more doors, for the elements of Wind, Shadow, Poison, and Fear." the dragon continued, revealing that there was more to this chamber than what they were seeing and that told the group that the floor they were standing on had to be an elevator of some kind, so whoever was trying to learn about their elements could access the other doors for their trials, before the dragon bowed his head for a moment as he stared at the group that was in the chamber, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Chronicler, one of Warfang's allies and friend to the four Guardians and the High Guardian, though I am also the caretaker of this temple and the Books of Time, which have recorded almost every part of our history and have a section devoted to the lives of every dragon in the world."

"No way... the Books of Time exist?!" Spike exclaimed, because those tomes were considered a myth to everyone and all of the other scholars agreed that they didn't exist in the first place, despite the existence of the Arcanaeum, but hearing that the books were real, that the tales were possibly true, and that they were close to the library that the Books of Time made up, made this entire visit to the White Isle worth it, even if he had to read the tomes later, after they saved the entire world from the Apes' terrible plan.

"Indeed they do, though that isn't why you came to find me." the Chronicler replied, confirming Spike's statement in a matter of seconds as he stepped into the chamber the group was standing in, where all of them were interested in what he was going to be doing, before he walked over to where Spyro was standing and smiled at the young dragon, who tilted his head for a moment, where the group remained silent as they watched what was going to happen, "Spyro, it is good to see you again, even if you might not remember who I am."

"I... I kind of remember you, but its hard to be sure," Spyro said, where Ember and the others realized that he might be having a hard time recalling all of the memories of his old life, or the ones that were associated with the dragon that was in front of them, but that made sense due to the fact that he had only just started tapping into his memories of his previous life, unlike Cynder who had dealt with them at an early age, according to what they told her, before he thought about what the dragon had said, "Wait, you remember me?"

"Yes, but not in the way that Cynder remembers you. I don't have many memories of my previous life, unlike how you and Cynder have a good number of memories of your previous lives," the Chronicler stated, informing everyone that there could be a few other dragons in the world that remembered what had happened in their previous life, or at least they had to assume that the individuals in question were dragons and not people like Gaul or some of their enemies, before the Chronicler looked over Spyro for a few moments and then beckoned for him and the others to follow him, "I know why you have come to the White Isle, even though you were focused on taking out the Apes before the eclipse happens: you came to this island so I can awaken your old memories and help you understand them, just like I did for Cynder all those years ago when they first started to manifest themselves. I have the power to do such a thing, though at the same time I can open the way to the Well of Souls, so all of you can take a few hours to rest and then, when morning arrives, you can head to your destination and engage the Apes that are trying to get their hands on the last Elementium Key... oh, and the answer to the next question is 'no', I had no idea that Gaul was going after the Keys that the Elemental Scions were given by Malefor all those years ago, otherwise I would have warned Ignitus and the others ahead of time."

Ember paused for a moment, due to the fact that she wasn't expecting the dragon to answer a question she hadn't even asked, before deciding not to worry about it as everyone followed the Chronicler into a much larger chamber, which could very well be the heart of the entire temple from what they had seen so far, where they found an intricate looking hourglass in the middle of the chamber, one that Spike assumed was designed to tell the time of the day that was outside the temple, while the ceiling had a numerous amount of markings, ones for the days, months, and events that could be happening in Doxantha, if Spike's thoughts about it were correct.

"Come, sit in front of me and I will work my magic to help you with your memories," the Chronicler said, though as he said that he pulled over some cushions and set them down in front of the hourglass, while at the same time the couple of doors the group could see in the chamber, save for the main one that was opposite of the one they had walked through, showing that he was likely giving them something to do while he worked with Spyro for the next few minutes, "As for the rest of you, well, you are free to explore the rest of the temple and do whatever you want to relax, though I have set up a small alert that will go off once we're done."

Before the rest of the group did anything Spyro sat in the area that the Chronicler wanted him to sit in and Cynder sat near them, no doubt to support Spyro in case something happened while his memories were being awoken and he dealt with everything from his past life, though once those two were ready the group split up and headed through the doors that had been opened for them, where Spike found himself in a library that rivaled what was inside the Arcanaeum, which caused a familiar look to appear in his eyes as he dashed forward and started pulling books over to a table so he could see what knowledge they contained. Sgt. Byrd, Bianca, and Agent 9 found that the door they walked through brought them to the edge of the island, where a beach that seemed large enough for them to have Fury dock the airship rested, as in there seemed to be a large portion that the vessel could sit in while not covering the entire area, so if they wanted to relax at the beach there was an area where they could do that, to which Bianca teleported out of the area and headed to the airship so she could help Fury move into this area. Ember, Hunter, Elora, Sol, and Sheila found what appeared to be a training area of some kind, one that seemed like it was supposed to get dragons ready for whatever trials the elemental doors might have for those wanting to learn about the elements they were tapping into, in addition to an area or two where adult dragons could train with a variety of weapons, all of which drew Ember's attention as she noticed that they were pristine and didn't look like they would be breaking anytime soon. Everyone else found that the door that Sgt. Byrd and his group used could take them to other parts of the temple, in addition to the beach, where they assumed the doors were probably enchanted to take someone to their most desired location, at least in terms of what the temple held, though they didn't go too far from each other, as the moment the Chronicler was done with Spyro, and said that it was okay to rejoin him, they would return to his side and see what he might remember.

An hour passed before anything happened, which was when the Chronicler broke the connection with Spyro and let the young dragon continue on his own, knowing that he no longer needed his assistance in figuring out the memories of his old life, before he found Spike and made the suggestion that he head back to the Ancient Grove and tell the Poison Emperor the whole truth, since there was a part of his statement they had forgotten to tell the ancient being. Spike agreed with the idea, but at the same time he had no idea how he was going to get back to the forest they had just explored and then get back here in a timely manner, as even with his teleportation spells it would take some time for him to get from one point to another, though that was when the Chronicler informed him that he was going to open the way for him, by using his power on the unopened door in the chamber the hourglass was in. The ancient dragon revealed that part of his power allowed him to, as Ignitus put it once upon a time, 'fold time and space', which meant he could create long distance portals that would allow someone to go from one point, say the temple they were in, and bring them to another point, like the Ancient Grove, in the span of a few seconds, which was how he was able to respond to the summons of the Guardians so quickly, whenever they needed to talk with him about something. As Spike wrapped his head around the advanced teleportation spell that the Chronicler was telling him the specifics of, one that was far more advanced than what Nora was currently capable of, the ancient dragon approached the ordinary door and channeled his magic into it, causing a shimmer to wash over the stone and reveal a portal that would take someone to the Ancient Grove, which was when Spike rushed through it so he could tell the Poison Emperor and Arborick what he had forgotten to tell them.

"I know Spike might ask this when he gets back, though I'll ask it for him," Bianca said, as she had returned from telling Fury where to land the airship about thirty minutes ago and had joined Spike inside the library, mostly because the history of dragons had interested her after she learned about Malefor and how he used to protect Avilion, though she was slightly interested in what she had just seen and knew Spike would have a question about it, so she was going to beat Spike to the punch and tell him what she would be learning when he returned, "If you have the power to open a portal that connects two points, such as Warfang to the White Isle, and allows for instant travel between those two locations, than why don't you open a portal between here and the part of the Well of Souls that the last Elementium Key is resting in?"

"I can't." the Chronicler admitted, though at the same time he wasn't angry with Bianca, since he knew she was trying to figure out a way for them to get the last Elementium Key without having to fight all the Apes, Skavengers, and whatever else resided in or around the Well of Souls, before he held up his hand to stop what was coming next, due to the fact that he knew she would try to say something, hence him stopping her first, "Allow me to explain: Well of Souls is a place of evil, malice, and despair, where the black hearted gather and the souls of the ancient evils awaken to walk the halls when the eclipse occurs, and the closer the moons get to forming the eclipse the greater those sinister aspects become, so much so that I cannot open a portal into the heart of the mountain... in fact its a miracle that I'm even able to open a portal to the outskirts, otherwise you would be returning to Warfang once the eclipse was finished."

Bianca thought about it for a moment and guessed that it made sense, the darkness that surrounded the mountain was too great for someone like the Chronicler to pierce, making her wonder if the cause was the final Key itself, due to the fact that it had been forged by Malefor himself, though before she said anything else Spike came through the portal and informed them that he had told the Poison Emperor the rest of the news, even though it appeared that the Ancient Grove was preparing for war. Once Spike was back the Chronicler closed the portal and the door returned to normal, indicating that he was done with it for the time being and that he would no doubt use it again when it was time for the group to head to the Well of Souls, a place where they would be fighting nothing but enemies and would likely have little time for breaks, given that they needed to stop Gaul from acquiring the final Elementium Key, though Bianca made sure to tell Spike what she had learned, so he understood why they couldn't just teleport into the heart of the mountain and grab the Key right now, once Spyro was done messing with his memories. When she mentioned Spyro, however, that was when strands of magical energy started to gather around the dragon in question, where Cynder backed up a bit in case something bad were to happen, though that was followed by the alert, a few chimes to be exact, going off in the temple and caused the rest of the group to stop what they were doing so they could rush back to this chamber and see what was going on, and see what sort of information Spyro had learned. Not a few moments later the magic condensed into a purple glow that caused a number of purple colored waves of energy to be emitted from the area that Spyro was now floating in, where it was easy to tell that none of the waves damaged anything and just seemed to pass through the area, before all of it came rushing back to Spyro as he snapped his eyes open, where they seemed to be surrounded by the glow of the Aether, the element he had only tapped into once in the past.

As the magic disappeared Spike noticed that the glow started to fade as well, returning his brother's eyes to what they normally were, before he touched down on the cushion that the Chronicler had him sit on earlier, where everyone could tell that while he seemed normal, as there were no physical changes to his body, the air around him felt slightly different, no doubt due to the memories of his old life being fully awakened at long last.

"S... Spyro?" Cynder asked, where despite the fact that she knew the Chronicler was able to help him deal with all of the memories he had of his old life, just like he had helped her when they first started to surface, she seemed somewhat worried for him, far more than anyone else in the chamber, and that was counting Spike and Ember, his siblings, though she did pause when Spyro turned to look at her for a moment.

What happened next was that Spyro walked over to where Cynder was standing and came to a stop when he was in front of her, just like she had done when they first encountered each other, despite the fact that Cynder had stopped not a few seconds after discovering that something was wrong about the situation, where Spyro followed that up with a smile as he did what Cynder had stopped herself from doing earlier, he nuzzled her for a moment, where the group watched as Cynder seemed overjoyed as she embraced Spyro, who returned the gesture not a few seconds later.

"Its alright Cynder, I'm fine... in fact, I've never been better, and now I remember all that you remember," Spyro said, showing the group that the Chronicler had succeeded in awakening all of the shared memories that the pair had, and had likely awoken all of the others that were inside Spyro's mind, since they knew there were more than just the ones the pair had in common, before they pulled back from each other for a moment, which was when he glanced over to Spike as he considered some of the memories he just unlocked, "Spike, the being that the Apes are dead set on freeing, the one that's imprisoned inside the ancient prison that is located in the depths of the now active volcano of Doxantha, its something called the Destroyer, isn't it?"

"That's right, and Malefor put a lot of effort into making sure it was sealed away," Spike replied, though at this point he wasn't going to question how Spyro knew about the Destroyer, especially when he made sure not to reveal too much and freak out everyone that had been in the library earlier, before he sighed as he recalled what else the book in question had revealed to him, "According to the tome I read, when the Destroyer is awakened the Belt of Fire will quickly form around the volcano that it will crawl out of at some point in time, though once the massive elemental emerges from the volcano it will start to walk around the entire world, forming something Malefor named the 'Ring of Annihilation', and once it returns to its starting point, calculated to be between half a day to a day's time, it will pass through the Belt of Fire and jump back into the volcano... if that happens, well, the Belt of Fire will spread across the world in a torrent of fire and ash, while the world itself will be torn asunder until nothing is left."

"The end of the world... the event we're trying to stop." Ember said, where she and the others thought about it, as not a whole lot of new information was being given to them, save for the name of the beast Malefor had sealed away and what it was going to do once it was released from its prison, before she considered something that none of them seemed to be talking about, "Wait, you said that Malefor wrote all this down, right? So how in the world did he even know about this Destroyer, when none of the other dragons at the time did? Also, how do you two know about it?"

"Because we fought the Destroyer in our previous lives," Cynder answered, something that made the rest of the group pause for a moment, as none of them were expecting to hear her say such a thing in the first place, before she considered the memories that Spyro had focused on when he asked Spike about the Destroyer, which was when she sighed as she started to speak again, "or at least we tried to. In our past lives we were defending Warfang, which had been under attack by the forces of the Dark Master, and after we bested the Golem that he sent to crush the city, something that took us a lot of time and effort I'll have you know, our enemy waited until nightfall to reveal his hand, calling forth the Destroyer and sent it on a walk around the world, forming the Ring of Annihilation. Spyro and I traveled underground, through an ancient part of the city that doesn't exist in this life, and came out near the dam that you guys no doubt noticed earlier, when you first reached Doxantha, a dam that we attacked and eventually destroyed, allowing the water to rush in and stall our foe as it entered the area we were in. From there we attacked it with everything we had and even destroyed its heart, which we thought would have ended the battle then and there, but the Dark Master wasn't about to play fair and seized control of the Destroyer, forcing it to crawl out of the water and then crawl towards the volcano, due to the fact that we did break its legs while we were attacking it. In the end we had to fight the one pulling the strings, the Dark Master himself, who I keep seeing as a mass of shadows, in a battle to save the entire world from destruction, and I think we won that fight, but failed to win the war..."

"From what I have gleamed from your memories, you and Spyro beat the Dark Master in battle, either sealing him away or outright destroying him with the spirits of the ancient dragons aiding you," the Chronicler commented, speaking for the first time since Spyro had emerged from his mind and showed Cynder that the dragon she remembered was still there, he only needed some help to recall what he had forgotten and get used to his old memories, even if it would take him some time to fully get used to everything those memories revealed to him, "but with the Destroyer reaching its true destination, the volcano, he succeeded in his goal and ended up tearing the world apart... something that lead to both you and Spyro making the ultimate sacrifice, as you both gave your lives to stop the world from being destroyed and put it back together... or at least that is what I can gleam from both of your memories. In the end you two beat the Dark Master and saved the world, even if it was altered to what it currently is, and life started all over again... eventually bringing us back to a different version of the war that caused one world to end and another to begin.

"Okay, but how did Malefor know the Destroyer even existed?" Elora inquired, as that was the part of the puzzle that was bothering her at the moment, even though she was trying her hardest not to think about the fact that history was, in an odd way, repeating itself and that Spyro and Cynder were caught in another plot that involved the end of the world, one that they needed to stop at all costs, before an idea came to her as she considered her own question, "Is it possible that Malefor had the memories of a previous life as well, ones that involved Warfang, the Destroyer, and the very real threat it posed to the rest of the world?"

"Honestly, I don't know." the Chronicler replied, though it was an interesting thing to think about, Malefor possibly knowing what the future held if the Destroyer was left unchecked and that he could have used that knowledge to seal the creature away, to prevent it from fulfilling its terrible destiny for as long as the prison was able to hold it there, slumbering in the depths of the volcano, before he sighed for a moment, "Listen, while all of you are sleeping, to rest up for the attack on the Well of Souls, not to mention all of the enemies that will be guarding it, I'll find the High Guardian, Cynder's father to be exact, and tell him the news... if things take a turn for the worse, and the Apes get their hands on the final Elementium Key, you'll want him by your side when the war starts."

"Its good to know that he'll be there, if we fail to be exact," Spike said, but even as he said that he realized that Spyro must have fought the forces of the Well of Souls on his own, meaning this time the odds were more in their favor than they had been in the past and that they had a better chance of overcoming their foes and acquiring the final Key, which he would seal away in the Arcanaeum, to prevent this sort of thing from happening again, before he turned towards Cynder for a moment, "So, um, whose your father anyway? I don't think we've learned anything about him, save for the fact that he's the High Guardian of Warfang, since we arrived in the city and started helping the Guardians restore order to the various islands and the rest of Doxantha."

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you," Cynder remarked, though at the same time she smiled as she and Spyro headed off to an area where they could either sit or lay down so they could talk about their past and what they were going to do differently this time around, leaving the rest of the group to do whatever they wanted before heading back to the airship for some dinner.

The Chronicler was right, of course, they were going to need all the rest they could get for what the morning of the next day arrived, as they were going to be fighting a massive amount of enemies, with no hope of allies this time around, so all of them would need to be prepared for anything that might happen when they assaulted the Well of Souls, which could very well be the greatest battle of their entire lives and would no doubt decide the fate of their entire world.

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