• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Into the Unknown

Spyro and Spike found that calming Ember down really wasn't the easiest thing in the world, especially since she was very pissed off about someone coming into the Dragon Realms and stealing all of the eggs that had been delivered to the clans, something that they understood since they weren't happy about what was going on at the moment, but in the end Nestor was the one that allowed them to actually curve their sister's anger. Spyro knew that Hunter would ask why he didn't use his power on his sister, since the cheetah seemed to be of the opinion that he needed to misuse Conqueror's Spirit on everyone that was around him, but he wasn't about to use the ability on his sister, since he knew that they could talk a bit of sense into her, and with their Leader helping them they were able to calm Ember down without having to resort to such an extreme power. At the same time Lindar headed over to where Bubba was located, since the latter was buried in one of the tunnels that were in the ground near the well, and spent some time trying to pull him out of the tunnel, though so far it seemed like he was going to remain stuck in the ground and that meant that tunnel was going to be unusable for the foreseeable future. At the very least that left two more tunnels for them to use to chase the lady that had stolen the eggs, as there were two near the well, though for now the siblings waited to see what Zoe had to say when she returned from the hole she had flown into, and who knew when that would be, so they simply sat down and stared at the other dragons as they waited.

"I can't believe it. All those eggs, stolen from under our noses!" Ember growled, showing that, despite the fact that she had been calmed down thanks to Nestor's efforts, she was still pissed off about what had happened and that it would be a while before she was able to push aside her anger, which her brothers and the rest of the Artisans were used to dealing with thanks to all the time they spent around her.

"A hundred and fifty eggs to be exact," Spike commented, though that number was interesting to him, as most of the previous festivals had around the same number of eggs delivered to the Dragon Realms, usually around thirty based on what the records indicated, and the only other year that was an oddity, just like this one would be in the future, was the last one that had occurred, as three eggs had been delivered that year, the lowest in recorded history, and those eggs had been his, Spyro's, and Ember's, before he returned to the issue at claw, "Its going to take some time and some real effort to find all of those eggs and bring them back to the Dragon Realms, especially since we have no idea where those tunnels lead and whose now guarding our eggs."

"So why don't we just dive into the hole and see what's down there?" Hunter asked, because he was of the opinion that they should just get this over with and start the next adventure that had revealed itself, especially since it would be interesting to work alongside Spyro, Spike, and Ember again, but even as he said that he was stared at by the dragons and the rest of his friends, "What did I say?"

"Hunter, we should wait for Zoe to return before we decide on what we're going to do," Elora stated, since that was the whole reason she had asked the Fairy to head into one of the tunnels, to see what was on the other side of the tunnels and give them an idea as to what they might be expecting once someone went through the holes, though she did know that their friends were eager to get going and she couldn't blame them, before she noticed someone move, "Sol, where are you going?"

"I'm heading back home, just to make sure our eggs are just fine." Sol replied, reminding Elora and Hunter that both the dragons and the Phoenixes had new eggs at the same time, once every twelve years interestingly enough, and that he was worried that someone might have made an attempt on the eggs that had been left in his home, hence why he and the others of his kind were getting ready to leave.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember nodded their heads for a moment, to show that they understood what Sol was saying, before their friend took to the air and followed after the rest of the Phoenixes as the group headed back to the island they called home, just to make sure that their eggs were fine and that they hadn't been targeted either, even though they had the feeling that Sol and the others would be relieved when they reached their destination. Based on the island that the fiery birds lived on, and the fact that they had an active volcano as their living area, whoever had stolen the dragon eggs would have been seriously hurt if they went after the Phoenix eggs, and even if they dug a hole to the outside of the volcano the guards that had remained behind would have prevented their precious eggs from being stolen. As such the siblings knew that their friend and the rest of his kind would be happy when they returned to their home and found that their eggs were alright, but given the distance between here and the island that the Phoenixes lived on it was possible that Zoe could return before Sol did, but they also had the feeling that Lady Eternia would make sure he stayed with the others, so it was unlikely they would see him for some time. Spyro knew that Sol would want to be part of the rescue team, to recover the eggs alongside him and his siblings, and possibly Hunter based on what he was seeing, but it seemed unlikely that such a thing would happen, so they just had to wait and see what happened next as they waited for Zoe to return from wherever the tunnels took her.

Of course as he thought about that Elora suddenly got up and headed through the portal that would take her back to the hub area of the Artisans homeworld, surprising the siblings and Hunter for a moment, though a few minutes passed before she reappeared in the area of Stone Hill that they were in, though this time she had replaced her leaf bracelets with some metallic ones that covered more of her arms, along with some light weight looking metal armor to replace her dress, even if it was modeled to look nearly identical to her normal attire.

"Elora, what's with the armor?" Ember asked, deciding to take her mind off of what they had seen earlier and focus on something else, even if that meant what their friend had gone and put on, since none of them were really expecting Elora to put on a suit of armor that looked like it had been modeled for her body and no one else's, and even Hunter seemed to be thinking about something at the moment as he looked at the armor.

"I had this made for me, after the war between Zephyr and Breeze Harbor," Elora said, though at the same time Spike noticed that there were a few small buttons on the side of the bracelets that had replaced her leaf ones, telling him that there was more to the armor than what they were seeing at the moment, even though he was sure that Hunter knew what Elora was wearing, "Listen, after seeing what you three did a year ago, back when Ripto was running around, inspired me more than I was willing to admit at the time and caused me to devote some of my time to learning how to fight in close quarters, hence the armor that I had the Professor make for me... and, now that you guys are going through this, I feel that the proper course of action is for Hunter and I to join you, once Zoe comes back anyway."

The siblings glanced at each other for a moment, as this wasn't something they were expecting to hear, especially due to the fact that they were used to doing things on their own and working alongside the various allies that they found along the way, despite the fact that they had found very few allies over the course of their previous adventure, but that was the moment they turned their attention back to Elora.

"Your help is greatly appreciated," Spike replied, because while he knew that he, Spyro, and Ember could handle this on their own, like they did back when Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto were trying to take over the Dragon Realms and Avalar, he also knew that having a few allies helping them out would make things that much easier, especially since there were over one hundred eggs scattered around whatever land the tunnels lead to.

"Great, roped into an adventure without having a say in anything." Hunter commented, where he seemed to be a little annoyed about something, no doubt because Elora hadn't asked him if he wanted to help the siblings recover the eggs, as the three of them were intending on going down the holes at some point in the near future, regardless of what Nestor had to say, but they patiently waited for the pair to work things out.

"Hunter, if you don't want to help you can stay here and help the other dragons out," Elora said, informing her friend that he really had two choices and that he was allowed to make his own decision on what he wanted to do, while she also made it clear that heading back to Avalar wasn't an option, even if she hadn't said anything about that, something that the siblings had noticed rather quickly, "I'm sure Nestor and the other Artisans might need some help restoring order to their homeworld, especially since there might be a few dragons that are annoyed by this turn of events."

"Hey, I didn't say that I wasn't going to help our friends out," Hunter stated, as if he was offended by the very notion that he wouldn't help the siblings recover the stolen eggs and take down the villain that had ordered their goons to come here and annoy the dragons that called the Dragon Realms home, before he shifted his stance as he focused on Elora for a few moments, "rather I was just saying that saying that I would have liked to have my own say in the matter, even though I was going to say the same thing and offer my help in recovering the eggs."

"Listen, we're happy to have the two of you along for the ride," Spyro said, mostly because he knew that the two were likely going to argue about what was going on and what they meant, but at the very least speaking right now allowed them to understand that he and his siblings liked the idea of having some help, especially since they had no idea where all of the eggs had been taken or how long it would take them to locate them, "but before we do anything we should wait for Zoe to return and see what she found on the other end of the tunnel, since these holes can lead anywhere."

Elora and Hunter nodded their heads in agreement to that fact, as they had no idea where the tunnels lead and that meant that they needed to prepare for whatever was coming their way, to which Spyro and Ember focused on the holes as they waited for Zoe, letting their friends from Avalar get their gear ready while Spike got some new writing materials, as he was going to make sure this was written down for the others to read about, just like the previous adventures he and his siblings had gone through. The rest of the Artisans, those that he and the others saw anyway, did seem annoyed by what had just happened, after all the effort they went into preparing their homeworld for the festival and the arrival of the eggs, but, despite what they were feeling at the moment, they knew that the three of them wouldn't stop until they recovered all of the stolen eggs and delivered justice to whoever had ordered this event to happen in the first place. Spike had to admit that he was interested in seeing the land that the eggs were taken to and discovering all that he could about the new areas he and the others would be visiting, but for now his mind was on making sure that everything he needed was inside his satchel, before returning to where Spyro and Ember were sitting, waiting for Zoe to return. While they did that there was only one other thing that happened and that was the number of attempts that Lindar made as he tried to pull Bubba out of the hole that he was currently stuck in, though so far it looked like they might need some of the other dragons to come over and help dig him out, hence why a few walked off to find some shovels so they could do that.

A few minutes later Spyro, Spike, and Ember snapped to attention the moment Zoe flew out of the hole she had flown into earlier and headed over to the area that she was heading to, which happened to be Argus, though as that happened Elora and Hunter followed them as Lita hung back and helped the rest of the dragons out with Bubba, giving the group the time they needed to talk about what was going to happen next.

"Where are the eggs?" Argus asked, because he had noticed that fact the moment Zoe returned to them, not that he was actually expecting her to return with any of the stolen eggs in the first place, since they had asked her to do a little bit of recon and figure out what was going on, but at this point any information she could provide them with would be great, just to give them an idea as to what the siblings could expect in the future.

"The holes come up on the other side of the world!" Zoe stated, where Spike shifted his gaze for a moment, as there was something he remembered reading about that seemed to be exactly what Zoe was talking about, but he kept quiet for now and let their friend talk about what she had seen, as he was also interested in what else she might have to tell them before they headed down the tunnel, "I found some of the eggs, scattered around a couple of areas, but they were far too heavy for me to carry back on my own!"

"The other side of the world?" Spyro inquired, as he had no idea how a tunnel was able to go from one side of their world to the other, even if he wasn't sure how large their world was in the first place, since that wasn't something that any of the dragons had talked about and he was sure that Spike hadn't read about it, but he would have to wait and see what the truth of the matter was.

"The Forgotten Realms!" Spike stated, because that had to be what Zoe was talking about, since it was the only thing that even remotely matched what little she had said about the area that the eggs were in, so there was a slim chance that he might be wrong about all of this, while he noticed Argus was thinking about this as well and that his siblings seemed a little confused as to what he was talking about, "Basically they're the homeworlds that the dragon clans used to call home, before the Dragon Realms became our home, and, according to what is written in the archives of Dark Hollow, we were banished by a sorceress that wanted to rule over the land and didn't want to share with anyone else."

"That's correct, even if our archives are pitiful in detailing the place we used to call home." Argus said, where he wasn't all that surprised to see that Spike already knew about the Forgotten Realms, and that he knew about the being that might have been behind them having to leave those lands behind, before he focused on what they were going to do next as he looked at the nearby hole, "Spyro, Spike, Ember, its time for the three of you, and your friends, to head down one of the tunnels and head to the Forgotten Realms, to find the stolen dragon eggs and bring them back home... I only wish the rest of us could help you out, but, since you're the only ones that can fit down the holes, there's not much more we can do besides wish you luck in your quest."

"Yeah, come on! Let's go!" Hunter declared, showing that he was actually ready for the adventure to being, even if he didn't like the fact that Elora had been the one to speak up before him, to which the siblings watched as he did what had to be a few warmup moves and then, once he was ready, he jumped into the air and tried to dive into the hole, only to get stuck with his head above the ground, "Um, can I get a little help?"

"Sure, no problem." Argus answered, where he raised his tail for a moment and brought it down on Hunter's head not a moment later, where he made sure to put enough force into the movement to free Hunter and avoid hurting him, since he was trying to help them out, and soon Hunter was heading down the tunnel, to which he turned towards the siblings for a moment, "You guys ready to get moving?"

"You bet we are!" Spyro exclaimed, where he took a moment to turn to his siblings, who nodded their heads to show that they were ready as well, before he noticed that Elora was of the same opinion, to which he jumped into the air and spun around like he was going to do the Headbash technique, only to disappear into the hole and was quickly followed by his siblings and Elora, showing that they were all heading to the Forgotten Realms.

As the siblings headed down the tunnel, and braced themselves for whenever they reached the end, they passed right through an area that seemed to be filled with some magical energy and the area around them seemed to disappear, which meant that they had to be patient for a few moments, as all of them were positive that they would appear in a brand new area at some point in the very near future and waited to see what happened next.

It took a few minutes for Spyro, Spike, and Ember to finally appear in whatever destination the magic sent them to, as all of them were sure that it was Teleportation magic that they had passed through, though as they opened their eyes they had to pause for a moment as they stared out at the area that was in front of them, as it was unlike anything they had seen in the past, meaning they must have reached the Forgotten Realms. The area that they discovered seemed to be a wonderful paradise that seemed to resemble a spring of some kind, which happened to be positioned between two mountains that were smaller than what they were familiar with, and there were even a few ledges that formed a short set of stairs for the three of them and their friends to use, with a crystal clear pond that had a small stream that fed into it. The grass that was below their claws was lush and had a soft green coloration to it, there were a couple of trees around the area in front of them that had different colors, as one had yellow leaves and another had orange leaves, while the sky above them had a cerulean blue coloration to it and had a few clouds that seemed to be fading away. The other thing they noticed was that there were two portals in the area in front of them, one that appeared to be made out of brick and colored to fix a certain theme, with a roof that looked like it might be to a house of some kind, while the other seemed to be a smaller house that had a triangular peak, which interested the siblings more than they were willing to admit... and, at the same time, there were a number of baskets and gems scattered everywhere.

Of course they weren't the only ones that were looking at the area that was in front of them, as Hunter had landed to their left and Elora had landed to their right, showing that the magic had made sure they had arrived safe and sound, but even then Spike was looking around the area and found out something interesting that would complicate things, especially when he took their mission into consideration.

"So, this is one of the homeworlds of the Forgotten Realms," Hunter remarked, as he looked around the area that all of them were in and found that he was reminded of one of the lands that he and Elora came from, even though the only difference was that there seemed to be no castles in this area, which might change as they explored the rest of the area, since there had to be more for them to see, "Its nicer than what I was expecting."

"And yet we have a problem, we don't have a way to get the eggs back to the others," Spyro added, because if they had passed through some magic to get to this area, like he and Ember knew they had, that meant it was going to be hard for them to get any of the eggs back to the Dragon Realms, though at the same time he turned towards Spike and quickly noticed that his brother seemed to be thinking about something, "Spike, do you have any ideas?"

"I might have an idea." Spike replied, where he pulled out one of the spare pieces of paper that he carried with the rest of his writing materials and quickly wrote a message on it, before stepping away from the group for a moment, which was when he loosed a burst of green flame at the page and it disappeared before their eyes, causing him to turn back and look at his siblings and their friends, "Now we have to wait and see what Nora says."

"What... was that?" Elora asked, because while she was familiar with the various powers that Spyro, Spike, and Ember had displayed so far, and the ones that they had trained to get over the last year, this was one that she didn't recognize and it interested her as she watched it happen, since this was the first time she had seen the green flame in action and knew that Hunter was thinking the same thing.

"Spike has a rather unique power that only one other dragon has learned, a breath attack that doesn't hurt anything that he uses it on," Ember explained, though as she said that she knew that it had been some time since she and Spyro had actually seen this technique in action, mostly thanks to the amount of training that they had been through, but it was easy to recognize what their brother was doing, even if one of them had to explain it to Elora and Hunter, "rather it allows him to move an item from one place to another, meaning its a Teleportation Breath. What Spike is doing is making sure Nora, the other dragon that figured out how he created the technique, can receive messages from where we are, which might give us a way to move the eggs back to the Dragon Realms."

Elora and Hunter glanced at each other, mostly due to this being the first time they had seen something like this, but decided to wait and see what happened next, though it wasn't long before a puff of smoke appeared near them and the piece of parchment that Spike had sent off returned, where a smile appeared on his face as he noticed the replay on it, as it appeared that Nora had gotten back to him, giving them a way to move the eggs without the aid of a portal. With that little problem taken care of the siblings started to do what they usually did whenever they came to a new homeworld, they started to pick up the various gems that were around them and smashed the straw baskets that were resting near one of the walls, while Hunter ran off to find some of the eggs his way and Elora simply helped them out, by smashing a couple of straw baskets and collecting the gems so one of the dragonflies could store them in a safe place. When she thought about that, however, she found that Spike had already prepared a Bag of Holding for this adventure, meaning he had made a new one when he got his writing materials, so all the gems that they were finding went into the bag and, at the same time, she was able to slip the gems she had in her hands into the bag rather easily, where she watched them disappear into the storage area that Spike had created. Ember also glanced at the body of water that was to the right of the area they had arrived in and found that there weren't any gems or bottles in it, even though there could have been some down there like what they discovered back in Avalar, before she joined her siblings and Elora as they came to a stop on one of the ledges, as one of the eggs happened to be laying out in the open.

Spike wasted no time in gathering a bit of his magic and loosed a burst of green flame at the egg, where they took a moment to watch as the egg disappeared from where it was resting, though as that happened a crack happened to form on the egg as it vanished, and, interestingly enough, Nora sent Spike another message, revealing that moving the egg in such a manner had caused it to hatch, which was rather surprising to the siblings, but at the very least the hatchling had arrived safe and sound, no doubt thanks to the shell that protected it.

"One down, one hundred and forty-nine to go." Elora commented, though even as she said that she knew that all of them faced a rather daunting task, as they had to explore a number of unknown lands and face the various dangers that would be waiting for them, to find and retrieve the stolen eggs and, more importantly, find the villain that issued the order and take them out, since she knew the siblings would be focused on that as well.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember nodded their heads to that, but as they moved up to the ledge that was above them, which let them notice that the villa portal that they had seen was to a realm called Sunny Villa, they came to a stop as a rainbow stream of energy came straight towards the ledge that they were standing on, and when it reached the ground in front of them the lady they had seen earlier, who ran off with the last of the eggs, appeared before them, where Spike figured she had used some Teleportation magic to get to this area.

"So, you're the ones the dragons sent to rescue the eggs," the lady remarked, where the siblings got the idea that she wasn't too impressed by what she was seeing at the moment, even though Ember was wearing her bracers, Spyro had his scarf on, and Spike had made sure to put his wizard hat on, while Elora stood near them, mostly to prevent Ember from doing anything she might regret, "Listen, if you guys know what's good for you, you'll go back into the hole you used to reach this area and head back to the land you came from, as those eggs belong to us now and I've hidden them in places that you will never be able to find in a...."

"Sorry, but those eggs don't belong to you, they belong to us!" Ember growled, where she immediately growled for a moment, to show everyone that she wasn't too happy to hear the lady say something like that, before she jumped forward with the intention of crushing the lady into the ground so she could beat the information out of her, because if she was the one that had hidden them around the realms her knowledge would be useful to them.

The lady freaked out and teleported out of the area that she was in, showing them that she didn't like the sheer anger that was on Ember's face, something that even Spyro and Spike didn't like to see, which actually stopped the lady from completing the threat that she was going to make, since it seemed like she had come to do that, before Spike noticed that she had dropped a Guidebook, one that contained information on the Forgotten Realms... but before he could even open it, and see what it said, they found a familiar figure standing near the other portal.

"Moneybags?! What are you doing here?" Spyro asked, though at the same time he and the others walked over the small river that was behind where the lady was standing and headed over to where the bear was standing, though it was in that moment that they found that he was standing next to a cage, where a brown furred kangaroo, with green eyes and red hair that was done up in two pigtails, and she happened to be wearing a safari shirt that fit her body, where her upper body was the same size as the lower part of her body, and she had a small backpack on.

"Oh wonderful, its your three again, along with Elora and Hunter," Moneybags commented, his tone revealing that he wasn't all too happy to see them again, especially since they had been behind revealing his evil to Elora, Hunter, and the Professor, leading to him being arrested, which was something that Spyro and his siblings were curious about, "I'll have you know that the Sorceress tried to teleport some of her goons to the Dragon Realms a year ago, to prepare for an event of some kind, and she accidentally opened a portal right into my cell, freeing me from the cell that you put me in, and now I work for her, keeping some of the dangerous criminals of these realms locked up."

"Criminal? She doesn't look like a criminal, which is what you are." Ember remarked, though she was a few seconds from lashing out and grabbing the keys to the cell, as from what she could tell the kangaroo must have been locked in the cell against her will, hence the reason she was angry about the entire situation, and that was something that annoyed her, especially combined with the fact that they were dealing with Moneybags again, who had acquired a brand new bag to replace the old one that was taken from him.

"Moneybags, open the cell." Elora stated, because she remembered what the siblings had revealed to her once Ripto was defeated, about the evil that this bear was capable of when gems were offered to him, and right now she had to agree with the others, that the kangaroo wasn't a criminal and that she didn't deserve to be locked away like this, though she did see that the kangaroo knew that they were on her side, even if they had just met her.

"I'm not allowed to do that, not without being bribed of course." Moneybags replied, where he lifted his bag for a few seconds and pointed at the gem on it, as if he was trying to inform them that the only way he was going to move from this area was if he had a number of gems inside it, just like what happened back in Avalar and his numerous attempts to take the gems that the siblings had recovered.

Ember hardened her tail and smacked Moneybags in the chest, dealing some damage to him in the process, while at the same time Elora, instead of just watching all of this, raised her fist and delivered an uppercut to the bear's chin, which knocked him onto his back for a few seconds and brought a smile to the kangaroo's face, though that also gave Ember the chance to climb onto the bear's chest and glare right into his eyes.

"I'm in a bad mood, thanks to this Sorceress having her goons steal our eggs," Ember stated, though even as she said that she raised her tail and made sure that it was just above Moneybags' chest, because if he pissed her off again, like he had done back in Avalar, she was going to beat him up until he agreed to open the cell that the kangaroo was in, "Open the cell, or I'm going to beat you up until you do."

Moneybags paused for a moment, clearly thinking about what he had experienced back when the siblings say through his plans back in Avalar and what Ember had done every time he made an attempt to get their gems, before he raised his empty hand and pointed the palm at the circular cage that the kangaroo was in, where the siblings and Elora watched as the metal bars faded away and the cage disappeared, letting the innocent kangaroo out while also opening the portal back to the realm she had to call home, prompting Ember to get off of him.

"Shelia, I hope you appreciate this favor I'm doing in letting you out," Moneybags stated, though even as he said that Ember got off of him and moved over to where her brothers and Elora were standing, allowing the bear to get up and dust off his suit, even though he was going to be in pain for some time thanks to the couple of blows that they had dealt to his body, which he definitely deserved.

"That's good of you mate," the kangaroo, Sheila, replied, her voice sounding like she was very friendly and that she did understand what was going on at the moment, to which she raised her left hand for a moment and held it out, which was an odd gesture in the eyes of the siblings and Elora, since none of them would have quickly forgiven Moneybags for all of the crimes he had committed in the past, "no hard feelings, eh?"

"Right... after all, I'm just doing my job." Moneybags said, almost as if he was relieved about something, as if he might have been worried that Sheila would hold a grudge against him for locking her in that cage for an undetermined amount of time, and he even shook the hand that was offered to him, before the pair pulled their hands back and stared at each other for a few seconds.

In that moment Sheila pulled herself back, so that she could balance on her tail for a few seconds and take her feet off the ground, which was followed by her kicking Moneybags square in the chest with her feet, where she put enough force into the blow and knocked the bear off the ground, sending him flying off into the distance in a matter of seconds, though that brought a smile to Ember's face.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," Sheila stated, revealing that she didn't like the bear all that much and that she had been waiting to pay him back for locking her in that cell for however long she had been inside it, before she focused on the group that had convinced Moneybags to let her go free, "I reckon you three must be dragons, and you must be a fawn."

"Yeah, my name's Spyro, and these are my siblings Spike and Ember, and our friend Elora." Spyro replied, where he took a moment to gesture to each of them, though he did notice that Elora was happy that someone actually knew what a fawn was, unlike what happened when they first encountered her back at the start of their adventure in Avalar, "You'll have to forgive us if we stare for a moment, we're new to this land."

"I figured as much." Sheila said, showing that she could tell they were new to this land and that they were exploring the area, though at the same time she seemed to be considering something as she glanced at them, "You know, I never thought I would get the chance to see a dragon, especially since you guys used to rule this entire place, a thousand years ago based on what I've heard... then one day you just disappeared all of a sudden, and it was only a matter of time until the magic of our homeworlds started to dry up. This place used to be full of magic, with all sorts of magical objects and areas, but now what little we have left is fading away and the rest of the portals are starting to go as well... anyway, I need to go home and do some damage control, but you're more than welcome to come and visit."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember nodded their heads as Sheila headed through the portal that was behind her, though now they knew something that might explain why the eggs had been stolen in the first place, someone might be trying to bring back the magic that used to exist throughout the entire land, even if they went about it the wrong way, but the siblings were going to recover the rest of the stolen eggs, figure out what they needed to do to confront the lady that had stolen the eggs, and then find the Sorceress to see if an arrangement could be made... but time would tell, and so far they had no idea what the future held for them and their friends.

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