• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Hero: Searching the Beach

The group spent some time, roughly half an hour based on Spike's estimates, resting in the area that they had landed in near the end of their battle with the Dark Master, a battle none of them had been expecting when Spyro said that it was time for them to face the Guardian of Icy Wilderness and free it from Red's control, but now they understood that Red was just a pawn in the grand scheme of things, as the dragon in question had been a vessel for the Dark Master's soul and his own soul had been pushed out so their foe could have control over his body, something that worried Spike more than he was willing to admit. Spyro and Cynder were about the only ones that bothered to move after the first minute or so, where the pair rested near each other and Spyro draped a wing over Cynder, though Hunter, Amelia, Elora, and Bianca checked out their injuries and made sure they hadn't sustained anything serious that would knock them out of this adventure, but, after some time, they found that all of their various injuries were minor and were easily dealt with over the course of the next few minutes, though once they did that each of them returned to resting in the snow as they waited for someone to tell them it was time to move forward again, even if their bodies would protest after the battle that had just ended. Aurora and Flame, on the other claw, walked over to where Red was resting and made sure his body was fine, because they had no idea just how long his soul had been disconnected from his body and how much damage the Dark Master could have done to him by doing something like that, where again the only way for them to know what sort of state Red was in was due to the fact that his body was shifting, as in he was breathing despite the fact that he hadn't opened his eyes yet, so all the pair did was take a few moments to make sure he was fine, as in make sure any injuries were taken care of, before pulling back so they could get some rest as well, as that battle had exhausted them as well. While all of that happened Spike took a moment to pull out some of his writing materials and quickly drafted a letter, one that detailed what they had just discovered during their last battle, before he nodded his head and put the quill down as he loosed a burst of his Teleportation Breath to send it to the dragon that needed to be told what had just happened, because they needed allies for the final battle with the Dark Master and there was only one dragon who could handle the pressure.

While all of them rested they got to see the residents of Icy Wilderness, joined by Moneybags, emerge from the dome they had been hiding under when the battle started tearing apart the landscape, where it was easy for them to see that both Phil and Peggy, the Penguins that they had assisted at the start of their visit to this homeworld, were shocked by what had happened to their home, though it was Vicky, the one who ruled over the island as its Ice Princess, who fell to her knees as she looked out at the destruction that had been caused to her domain, as the entirety of the island had been damaged over the course of the battle she and the others had witnessed. Of course, out of the four of them, Moneybags found the staff that the Dark master had been carrying before he revealed himself to the group, though once it was in his hands he walked over to where the group was resting and handed it over, figuring that they would know what to do with it, where Spike waited for a few moments before smashing the crystal that was at the top of the staff, where they found that an icy Fairy was freed from the prison that she had been trapped inside, just like the last two they had freed when they bested Gnasty Gnorc and freed Ineptune from the Dark Master's control. Freezia, which was the Fairy's name, was grateful for the prison being broken and, as a reward, she granted the dragons that didn't have access to the Ice element the same power that the other fairies of this land had granted them after they had been freed, though once that was done she flew over to where Vicky was resting, staring at the ruined nature of her domain, though that was when the group learned that there was more to to the Ice Princess than just her title, as both she and the now freed Fairy turned their power on the area that rested in front of them and manipulated the ice to patch up the area the Dark Master had ruined. It was interesting to see the pair weave their magic into the area and work on returning things to what they had been before the battle had done all the damage that they could see, though one of the things the group noticed was that one of the things Vicky did while they were working was create an ice sculpture of the Dark Master, in all his evil and sinister glory, before she pierced the sculpture with a number of Ice Spikes, smashing it to pieces in a matter of seconds, showing that she was angry and that part of her wanted to punish the one that was responsible for this mess.

"So, who do you think she's going to blame? Us, Red, or the soul of the Dark Master?" Ember inquired, though it was just something she was doing to pass the time, as simply resting was just going to get old after a time and she felt that taking a moment to talk might allow them to discuss something, even though she was sure that someone in their group might be interested in what Spike had done, as he had said nothing before pulling out his writing material and sending the letter to the dragon that he wished to speak with.

"I don't think she'll be blaming anyone for some time... she seems distracted by the damage caused to the island and all of the structures that the other residents owned," Flame replied, where it was easy to tell that he was conflicted by what they were seeing right now, almost as if he wanted to go over to some of the ruined structures and help fix them up, though as soon as he thought about that he sighed and focused on the Teleportation Device that rested nearby, the only thing that had been left untouched thanks to the Professor's additions and the fact that they managed to redirect all of the attacks the Dark Master had sent their way, only in the sense that they made sure his attacks didn't damage the machine, even if Spike could have used his magic to teleport them back to another island to move forward.

"The Dark Master was strong, much more than what I was expecting," Aurora remarked, because that battle had been the hardest thing any of them had experienced, though instead of referring to herself and Flame, like one would except, her thoughts also included the rest of the group, as from what she could tell even Spyro and Cynder were caught off guard by the sheer power their foe had used against them and on the land they had fought above, but as she thought about that she faced Spike for a moment, "Hey, Spike, who did you send that letter to?"

"Malefor. After the battle we just finished, and how exhausted we are from it, we're in no condition to actually fight the Dark Master when we find him," Spike stated, though even as he said that he knew there was only one other thing that he could add to the next fight that was going to be between them and the Dark Master, and he knew that there would almost certainly be a second battle between them since the soul of their enemy had fled after being expelled from Red's body, so he wanted to be ready for anything and everything, hence why he was reaching out to Malefor, "so I sent him a letter that explains everything that just happened, as in us discovering the Dark Master, the fact that he tore Red's soul out of his body and possessed it as his vessel, and the fact that he's far stronger than we are, so much so that when the next battle starts he'll likely have an advantage over us. Given the fact that Malefor likely fought the Dark Master in the past, maybe when the foul dragon was possessing someone else's body, and the fact that he's far stronger than we are, well, we need Malefor's help if we're going to take down the Dark Master for real, so he's who I sent the letter to, so we should be seeing him at some point before we find our foe again, provided we don't run right into the soul of our enemy when we reach the next homeworld and start exploring the realms that need to be saved from our foe."

"Its a good idea, given how strong Malefor is and how easy it was for him to overcome us," Spyro added, though even as he said that Cynder nodded her head, showing the rest of the group that they agreed with what Spike had said and, more importantly, what he had done, because this would definitely even the odds the next time they encountered the Dark Master and fought him, even though he was sure Spike had something else planned for when such an event happened, though he trusted his brother and his judgement, before he pushed himself onto his claws and stopped resting on the snow covered ground as he focused on the rest of the group, "Okay, let's get moving and head to Volcanic Isle, but let's not get in over our heads and take things slowly... and if anyone feels the need to stop and rest, we'll all do so for a time, just so we don't make any mistakes in the Dark Master's domain."

Spyro was sure that their foe might have more defenses set up throughout the final homeworld of Capora, given what he and the others have seen over the years as they faced the other villains that had been trying to take over the other lands of their world, and that was why he was telling the others that if they wanted to take a break during their trek through the final homeworld he was fine with it, where everyone else glanced at each other for a moment before nodding their heads to show that they agreed with what he had said, to which they headed over to the Teleportation Device and accessed it so they could head to Volcanic Isle and see what sort of dangers awaited them this time around.

It took them a few minutes to access the machine, where the Professor summoned a hologram to speak with them and to reveal that none of the device's components had been damaged by the battle that had raged, allowing Spyro and the rest of the group to teleport to the final homeworld, one by one like they had done in the past, though the place that the final Teleportation Device was located in happened to be a beach of some kind that had a number of boats that appeared to have been turned into houses or other such structures, though off in the distance they could see a volcano that had to be the reason behind this island's name, though before they did anything a hologram stopped them.

"Spyro, after all the readings that I got during your battle with the Dark Master, I have determined that his soul, as you told me that was what that dark shape was, is definitely somewhere on this island," the Professor stated, where it was clear to the group that he was in the middle of double checking his calculations and happened to be tracking down the dark and sinister power that came from the Dark Master's soul, meaning either he would find their foe first and tell them where he was hiding, which would give them time to rest and wait for Malefor to show up, or they would find him first and head back to a safe area to rest, "I don't know where he's hiding, but I'll let you know the moment I figure out where he might have gone to wait for whatever he's waiting for."

"Given what we know of him, he's either got a hidden base in the air somewhere, and a path for us to take to head up to where its sitting, or an underground hideout," Cynder remarked, once more referring to something that only two of them, as in her and Spyro, knew about the Dark Master, as in their past life their foe had a tower of some kind in the air and they had to fight their way to the front door, meaning they had been weakened before the final battle had even started, so due to what she knew she had to suspect that either of those options had to be correct, where Spyro nodded to show that he knew what she was talking about.

The Professor said nothing to that as he nodded his head and the connection was terminated, allowing the group to walk away from the Teleportation Device, even though that was when they found that the device was resting on a platform that rested on top of a pool of water, to which Ember dived into the water and looked around for anything interesting, mostly any of the Light Gems or dragon eggs that they were looking for, or maybe a path to a Dark Gem, though all she found was a lone glass vase that she smashed for the gems that were inside it, and while she did that the rest of the group discovered a cave off to the left of where the device rested. The reason behind them heading into the cave, and not worrying about the village that was just beyond the small wall that was between the device and the wooden structures, was because they were sure it would be a loop or a dead end, so basically they were clearing it out before they did anything else, and Flame was the first one to enter the cave, where he smashed the dark crystal that was in the opening and found that there were three bear traps, a straw basket, and a metallic chest behind it. With the dark crystal smashed to pieces, and all of the bits collected a few seconds later, Ember rushed into the area and used the Horn Dive on the ground, smashing everything that was near her so they didn't have to waste time breaking all of them in a one by one fashion like they usually did, but as she did that she found three more bear traps resting in front of another dark crystal, which was when Elora stepped up and closed her eyes for a moment, as she wanted to try something out, which was when she loosed a burst of her brand new Ice Breath and froze the bear traps, leading to Aurora charging through them and the dark crystal so she could smash them all to pieces, allowing them to see what else the cave had for them to explore, even though it was looking like it could be shifting into a tunnel of some kind. The next part of the tunnel that the group explored happened to have two more of the bear traps and three metallic chests, so while Spyro charged through all of the chests he left the bear traps to Ember, who just froze them and smashed both of her targets in seconds, though while all of that happened the rest of the group moved forward and Elora froze the next three bear traps so Flame could knock them out with a Horn Dive, as in the shock wave of the attack broke their targets apart, before they moved through the end of the tunnel and found that they were now standing inside a ruined ship, like the bottom deck, and that there was more for them to explore.

"So that's why this place is called Stormy Beach," Spike commented, as while they were walking through the area that was around the Teleportation Device and the cave there had been some dark clouds in the sky, but now it looked like a storm might be in the middle of developing, something they were going to have to keep an eye on while they explored this realm and collected everything that needed to be collected, before he glanced at the rest of the ruined ships, "and that explains all of the ruined ships we've seen so far."

"Yeah, this island is not the most pleasant place to be," Flame replied, as he and Aurora didn't have that much knowledge on this realm, or the others that they would be exploring in the very near future, though as he glanced out at the area that was beyond where they were currently standing it sure looked like there were a few Gnorcs guarding the area, though at this point he wasn't even surprised to see them scattered around the realms that were infected by the Dark Gems that the Dark Master had placed around the realms of Capora, before something came to mind as he glanced at Elora, "Say, how in the world did you unlock the Fire Breath?"

"I think the stress of the battle awakened something inside me," Elora said, as she had been thinking about how she had been able to do that sort of thing and this was her explanation for why she could suddenly use the elemental breaths that Spike, Spyro, Cynder, and Ember had used in the past, though right now it appeared that she had access to Fire, Ice, and maybe the Water Breath attacks, which was around the time that they carefully climbed up to the highest point of the ship they had stepped out onto so they could what else this realm had to throw at them, "though if you want a better reason or explanation you should ask Spike, he's likely figured it out by now."

Spike chuckled for a moment, as Elora was right, he had a few theories on what happened during their battle with the Dark Master, especially since she was the first known half-dragon in the history of their world, that he was aware of, but for now he focused on what they were doing, since they would have time to discuss his thoughts on what had happened to Elora earlier, though that was when he paused for a moment as they stared at the next area of the realm they would be tackling, as there was a Gnorc Brute that was wearing dark purple armor that looked rather sinister, meaning it had to be waiting for them to come and face it. Of course the first one to reach the Armored Brute, as Spike was going to call this type of foe, was Spyro, who flew down into the area their target was standing in and used his Ice Breath to freeze the Gnorc in a block of ice, where he lashed out with his tail and smashed the block to pieces, scattering a number of gems as he defeated his foe and he nodded to the others so they could glide or jump over to the area he was standing in, even though there was a golden chest resting nearby and that meant they might have found something already, so Spike headed for that to see if it had anything important inside it. While he landed Spike spotted an Armored Warrior, which was just a Gnorc Warrior with sinister purple armor on, standing to the right of the area he landed in, which was when Ember froze and smashed her foe to pieces, allowing Cynder to smash the pair of dark crystals that rested nearby as the rest of the group joined them, only for two more Armored Warriors to drop down into the area they were standing in, no doubt from the roof of the area they were walking through, even though Flame and Aurora used their new Ice Breath power to freeze their targets and smash them with their tails, seemingly eliminating all of the gem creations in the immediate area. With that done they took a few seconds to smash a pair of metallic chests that rested near the golden one that Spike was heading towards, even though they did find three metallic containers resting near the chest, something they would have to come back for once they were able to locate a Supercharge Gadget or a firework, to which the rest of the group remained near the planks leading to the next part of this realm, where Spike opened the golden chest and discovered that all it held inside it were a number of gems that he added to their collection, but once that was done they moved forward once more.

At the end of the short path that was near them the group found one Armored Warrior guarding some crates and a lone dark crystal, where Hunter rushed forward and used one of his blades to parry the incoming attack and then cut through the crack in the neck to take his foe down, though as that happened Ember, Aurora, and Cynder used their newly acquired Ice Breaths to freeze three more Armored Warriors who had been hiding behind the crates, before they used their tails to smash the ice blocks and take down the enemies they had frozen. Once that was done they headed down the walkway that was nearby and headed over to what appeared to be the front of a ship that had crashed into the rocky wall to their left, though there were two more Armored Brutes guarding a golden chest and were protected by four bear traps, so what the group did was allow Spike and Bianca to freeze the four bear traps, with the former using his actual Ice Breath and the latter using a lower powered version of her ice spells, showing that she was conserving her power for later, since they all knew they would be fighting the Dark Master again and that she needed all her strength for when that happened in the very near future. That allowed Spyro to freeze the two Armored Brutes that were standing near the now frozen bear traps and moved out of the way so Elora, Amelia, and Hunter could smash the ice blocks and take out all of the enemies that had been standing on the part of the ship they were heading towards, though that also allowed Aurora to collect all of the loose gems that were near the golden chest as Spike used his magic to open the chest, even though that one also had a fair number of gems inside it, making him wonder if the golden chests in this realm were going to contain just gems and none of the Light Gems or stolen dragon eggs that he and the others were used to collecting. After he did that Aurora took a moment to light a fuse and a firework, which had been resting in the area the gems had been resting in, went flying over to where the couple of metallic containers rested, to which Flame walked back to the area in question and collected all of the now freed gems that were resting on the ground they had walked over, allowing each of them to be transported to the bag Spike was carrying and joined the rest of the gems that had been recovered so far, before he returned to where the rest of the group was standing and pointed out a platform that lead up to another half of a ship.

As it turned out Spike, who flew up to the platform and then entered the area Flame had spotted, before finding the first Light Gem of this realm and quickly added it to the bag that contained all of the others they had collected, though once he did that he glided down to where the others were waiting, though that was when they approached the next section of this part of the realm and found four Armored Warriors standing guard, which happened to be incredibly foolish when Spyro froze all of them in one attack and stepped to the side so Ember and Cynder could smash the block to pieces in seconds, which also smashed their foes as well. With that done the group glanced around the area that they were standing in and found that the only way forward was to glide over to an area that a few gems were resting on, with Bianca forming several floating ice platforms for her, Hunter, and Amelia to jump over so they could keep up with the dragons and Elora, while at the same time making sure not to expend too much of her magical energy in the process, but, as it turned out all the gems were the only things left in this area, so they collected them and then headed over to the tunnel that lead back to the area that contained the Teleportation Device, which would allow the group to check out the rest of the realm. From there they discovered something interesting, the fact that the area near the Professor's device was rather shallow and that they could see an area that had three metallic chests, an area with a pair of straw basket and a bullseye chest, before discovering that there was an underground area of sorts that seemed to be under the main houses and just so happened to be where one of the Thieves was resting, to which Ember charged forward and chased after her target for a time, even though it ended with her smashing it into a wall and forced it to drop the white dragon egg with green spots that it had been carrying, one that she returned to Spike so he could check it out and send it back to the Nursery. Once that was done Ember informed all of them that there were three straw baskets that they could smash, which was what Aurora did once they heard about the containers in question, before they headed over to an area that had two dark crystals and four more straw baskets to smash, something that happened as soon as they discovered them, before they searched the rest of the area and discovered that there was another firework resting near a pile of gems, one that, when lit, seemed to head out and smash into some metallic containers that had to be near the structure that served as Moneybags' last shop, which all of them would investigate later.

One other thing the group discovered, as they checked out the area, was that the fodder critters for this realm seemed to be hermit crabs, as the critters in question were just wandering around and didn't seem to care about them all that much, so what the group did was head over to the right side of the area they were exploring, and that was coming from the area the Teleportation Device was resting in, and found a few straw baskets for them to smash, including another golden chest that had a pile of gems inside it, before they came to a stop when they spotted a brown skinned walrus that seemed to be dressed up as a pirate, based on the black hat and the vest it was wearing.

"Spyro, boy am I glad to see you and your allies," the walrus said, his tone revealing that he was glad to see them and that something had to be happening to the rest of the realm, or at least the area that was behind him since he happened to be guarding an iron barred door, though at this point none of them were at all surprised by what they were hearing or what they would hear in the next couple of seconds, given everything that had happened in the previous realms they had been to and assisted, "we've got a problem on our hands! Gnorcs are storming the beach and someone has to stop them! Now, there is a cannon resting behind this doorway, but, well, with these flippers I can't really use it, so I need help taking down the Gnorcs and saving Stormy Beach."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of them for you." Spyro stated, to which the rest of the group nodded their heads to show the walrus, who declared that his name was Wally so they didn't refer to him by his species, that they agreed with Spyro and that they were ready for anything that could be thrown at them, something that was followed by the door being opened not even a few moments later, where Hunter stepped forward first and walked through the tunnel that was on the other side of the doorway, before they discovered that there was a cannon and an area for the rest of the group to stand in so they could watch what happened next.

The area in question happened to be rather large and had a number of downed ships, which had likely been ruined by the storms that this realm was inflicted with, though some of the ships had been converted into housing areas and it looked like the Gnorcs were using them as places to hide while they gathered their strength, which was simply them waiting for their boss to create more soldiers to do whatever it was that he wanted, though as they took in the rather sandy area, as there wasn't a lot of water in this place, Hunter took control of the cannon and readied himself. Sure enough the Gnorcs emerged from their hiding spots not even a few moments later, though what was interesting was that each of them were of the Armored variety, meaning he was firing at Armored Brutes and Armored Warriors, the supposedly tougher foes despite the fact that they could be instantly frozen by all the Ice spells his friends had thrown at the enemies they faced before this point in the realm, though as he fired at the incoming Armored Gnorcs he discovered that the armor had to be for show, as a single blast from the cannon was enough to take one of his foes down. The only interesting thing that he discovered was the fact that the Armored Gnorcs were rushing out in waves that were greater than the last time he took on a cannon challenge, where Amelia stepped up and, with her arrows lightly empowered by Bianca's magic, she loosed a few of her arrows into the open area and froze a number of their targets with her Ice enchanted arrows, something that allowed Hunter to focus on the moving targets first before blasting the frozen enemies that his sister was leaving for him to take down, all while the rest of the group sat down and watched what happened, occasionally calling out which ship the next wave of enemies was coming from, just to help Hunter out. As it turned out the first set of enemies they had taken out had contained sixty Armored Gnorcs, according to what Spike counted as he watched what was going on, and it came with one of the missing dragon eggs, one with a purple top, a red bottom, and a yellow zigzag in the center, though Spike sent it off to the Nursery as Wally informed them that the second wave of enemies, or set as the group was calling them at this point in time, were starting to emerge from their hiding places and were rushing at the area the cannon rested in, to which Hunter and Amelia focused on their foes once more and were joined by Bianca, who ensured that she didn't use too much of her magic by only using the minor Ice spells, basically allowing her to freeze her targets for a few moments, even though Hunter would hit them a few seconds later.

With the second set of enemies defeated, and Spike had counted seventy-five of them this time around, Wally gave them a Light Gem for their efforts and it was quickly added to the bag that contained the others they had found so far, though as soon as they were done with the Armored Gnorcs they returned to the section of the realm that Moneybags had set up his last shop in and quickly investigated the rest of the area, though the first thing they did was collect the pile of gems that had been inside the metallic containers that had been blown up earlier, which was when they found that the bear had a small sack for them to collect, one that contained all of the gems they were looking for. Moneybags had no idea how long it would be before any of them returned to collect everything that had been inside the three metallic containers that had been in front of his last shop, so what he did was place all of the scattered gems in a sack with the express purpose of handing them over to the group, though at the same time he also informed them that Red was still unconscious and that it was going to be some time before he woke up, to which the group nodded their heads as Spike pocketed the gems, just to show him that they understood what he was telling them, before they moved out of the area started to look for the path that lead to the next realm or section of this realm. As it turned out there were some steps that they could take, as well as jump over to some floating cloth-like platforms, that lead up to what appeared to be some sails that had been restrained and shifted into an area that someone would walk on, so the group carefully made their way up there and found that the cloth walkway that was near the area that Moneybags had set up his last shop in, before they found a tunnel resting near the highest point of this section of the realm, where it was easy to see a dark crystal and a straw basket in the first part of the tunnel. Ember as the first one to jump into the tunnel and smashed through the dark crystal in question, which was when Flame walked by her and smashed the straw basket to get at the gems that had been inside it, though once that was done they walked down the path to their right and found an Armored Brute blocking the way, where Aurora froze it with her Ice Breath and let Cynder smash the ice block to pieces, before Spike walked over to the next golden chest and found that it also contained more gems for him to collect, even though he did have to avoid some small magma pits that rested in the area the chest was in, though once that was done Spyro walked over to the edge of where the chest rested and took a moment to jump down into the lower part of the tunnel and smashed three dark crystals he discovered.

It was then that they found a path that seemed to be leading deeper into the mountain that Stormy Beach had been built in front of, guarded by an Armored Brute that was smashed to pieces by Spike using his Ice Breath and Cynder swinging her tail at it, before they started to walk on the wooden walkway that rested across the somewhat larger magma pits that were in this area, where Spike had to determine that the wood must have been enchanted to prevent it from going up in flames, to which they smashed a pair of straw baskets, broke a bullseye chest, and crushed three more dark crystals as they found themselves inside another ruined ship that happened to lead to a hidden cavern inside the mountain, one that had a number of enemies for them to face. The first thing they did was activate a firework that rushed through part of the area they had discovered and smashed into a metallic container that rested near them, where Flame collected the gems as the others used the front of a nearby ruined ship to move forward, with Bianca using her magic to freeze two Armored Archers that were guarding a golden chest that was above the entrance, allowing the others to tackle an Armored Brute that was in the middle of the area they were in, who was frozen by Aurora and smashed by Ember, though Spike dealt with an Armored Archer that was in front of them, with a Fireball to be exact, before loosing a pair of low powered Lightning Bolts to take out the ones Bianca had frozen a few moments ago. From there they spread out and started smashing all of the bullseye chests that were in this area, of which it appeared there were quite a few of them, possibly five or six based on what they were seeing, though once all of them were smashed apart, and the gems had been collected, the group got back together near a close set of walls and used the Wall Jump to ascend to the upper part of the area, which was when they jumped over some platforms to get to where the golden chest was located, even though Spike was disappointed in just finding more gems and no Light Gems or missing dragon eggs, to which they glided over to an opening that had some dark crystals inside it. They found an Armored Warrior guarding the area and quickly took care of it, with Spyro freezing it with his Ice Breath while Cynder smashed it to pieces, before they walked over a small gap in the floor and smashed the couple of dark crystals, something that was followed by them climbing up some steps and found a Dark Gem that just to happened to have three dark crystals resting near it, though when Aurora performed the Horn Dive on it, and smashed it to pieces, a few pieces of the ceiling fell to form some steps for them to jump over so they could reach a dragon head that had been carved into the area they were in.

In that instant Spyro determined that they were at the end of Stormy Beach and that they were moving into the next realm of this homeworld, a realm that Spike claimed had to be Molten Mount, or at least he assumed that was the next one due to what little they knew about this area, before they returned to the previous water filled area to take a short break, to get a little more rest before they faced whatever was waiting for them on the other side of the opening that had opened due to the Dark Gem being smashed to pieces, all while they waited for Malefor to either show up or send them a letter telling them that he was on his way, as it would be nice to have some confirmation on that before they found the Dark Master and brought this adventure to an end with a massive battle for the fate of their world.

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