• Published 21st May 2019
  • 9,256 Views, 1,279 Comments

Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Harbor Troubles

With their visit to Zaphyr completed, and the battle between the Breezebuilders and Land Blubbers not really affected all that much by their efforts, Spyro, Spike, and Ember returned to Autumn Plains and walked down the ramp that was on the other side of the exit portal, as it was time for them to pick the next realm they wanted to take on and help the residents out with whatever problems they were facing. Spike was glancing at the two portals that were close to the area that they first appeared in, when Elora helped them get to this homeworld after defeating Crush, and wondered if they were going to take on either Crystal Glacier or Skelos Badlands, since they were the closest realms to the one they had just finished, but there was the chance they would pick something else when he considered all the options that they could pick from. Ember was just looking at the portals in the area they were in, instead of focusing on any specific portals like Spike was, though she was still annoyed by what they had seen in Zephyr, the fact that two of the species of Avalar happened to be going to war with each other. In fact all thee of them weren't happy with what they had seen in the realm they were leaving, though all of them were more annoyed by their inability to actually help the Land Blubbers out, because blowing the munitions up didn't seem to help them out in the long run, rather it appeared that the battles just continued to rage on all over Zephyr.

In fact the siblings came to a brief stop when they reached the area in front of the portal that would take them to the realm known as Skelos Badlands, just so they could go over what was plaguing their minds at the moment, and it would give them a chance to consider which of the realms they wanted to tackle next, and Spike used the time to write down what they encountered back in Zephyr.

"I can't be the only one that feels like we really didn't accomplish anything back there," Ember commented, because she had originally thought that blowing up the munitions would have done something to the war, but after seeing that the Breezebuilders continued to fight the Land Blubbers, even with some of their weapons taken out, it really felt like she and her siblings had done nothing in Zephyr.

"No, we all feel that way." Spike replied, as he had been thinking about the same thing as they came to a stop, where he spent the time writing down what he had learned, and he could see that Spyro happened to be thinking about this as well, showing that all three of them were bothered by what had happened back in Zephyr, "So, which of the realms should we focus on next? Should we go somewhere cold, or maybe somewhere warm?"

"No, we're heading to Breeze Harbor." Spyro stated, where Spike and Ember glanced at him and found that he was staring at the portal that would take them to the realm that the Breezebuilders called home, though they could tell that he actually had a reason behind why he was picking that realm, instead of picking one of the other realms that were in the immediate area around them, "I want to know what caused the rivalry between the two species to reach the point that it has caused them to declare war on each other, and, more importantly, what the Breezebuilders are doing in preparation for the next battle with the Land Blubbers."

"Oh, I see, you want to check out the realm and make sure they aren't doing anything terrible." Ember remarked, but even as she said that she understood what Spyro was talking about, because if there was a war going on it made sense that one of the sides would be getting ready for the next battle and the Breezebuilders, despite the ground they had been able to get on their own, were likely preparing something for the next battle, so it would be in their best interests to make sure it wasn't something bad.

Spyro nodded his head, showing that he agreed with what Ember was saying, before he headed for the portal that would take them to the realm he was thinking about, where she and Spike followed after him, the latter doing so a second or two later, since he had to put his writing materials away first, before the three of them passed through the portal and headed to the next realm they wanted to take on. The area they appeared in seemed to be a harbor that was built into the side of a mountain, which sort of made sense considering the fact that the realm was called Breeze Harbor, which meant that there would be a harbor in this place, though what made the siblings pause for a moment was the large metallic ship, one none of them had seen before, that happened to be resting some distance in front of them, positioned between two sections of the harbor and currently didn't seem accessible from where they were standing. In fact it appeared that they had to jump over a small gap so they could talk to one of the Breezebuilders that called this realm home, one who looked more like an engineer or something and didn't appear to be a soldier, though the other thing they noticed was that there were a decent amount of machinery in this world, where they knew that the new Machinists dragons in their home realms would have loved to come to a place like this, to expand their knowledge and work with the birds that had no doubt created everything they were seeing.

From there the siblings jumped over the small gap and landed in front of the lone Breezebuilder, where they picked up the pair of gems that were resting near him, before coming to a stop so they could figure out what was going on and if there was anything they could do to help the Breezebuilders out, though they were hoping that this didn't assist their war efforts in Zephyr, since that was something they were trying to stop.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, please excuse the mess... we are currently suffering from a Land Blubber infestation." the bird told them, where he seemed annoyed by what was going on to the realm that he called home, where he glanced at part of the harbor for a moment, like he was focusing his anger on whoever was messing with the machines, before he let out a sigh and turned back to the siblings, "At first it seemed like nothing, as they were just putting out the boilers every now and then, but now they've put out all of the boilers in our harbor, and, to make matters worse, they've managed to shut down our airship as well. if the three of you could stoke the flames under the boilers, and take out the enemies that are infesting our harbor, I'm sure you could make your way to the airship and turn it back on, as well as activating all of our advanced machinery at the same time."

"Steam powered machinery, very interesting." Spike commented, showing the Breezebuilder that he understood what he was talking about, even if Spyro and Ember were just listening to what he was saying, though once that was done they jumped back over to the area they had started in, so they could start exploring the realm and see what was happening to this realm at the moment, especially since the large airship in the distance worried them.

As soon as they landed on the area that they had appeared in, and noticed that a boiler was to their left with the piece of machinery it was attached to was to their right, the first thing they did was spot two metallic buckets that just happened to have slugs inside them, who seemed to be taking a bath inside the buckets and liked to spit their water out at anything that bothered them, be it the siblings or any sources of fire. The siblings realized that all they had to do was dodge the bits of water that were being shot at them and then charge into the baskets after dodging the attacks, knocking out the Land Blubbers that were inside them, which did make them wonder how in the world they managed to get up here in the first place, but since these ones seemed to be aggressive the siblings fought them like every other enemy they fought so far, all so they could move forward. At the same time Ember, who was taking out the Bucket Blubber to their right, as that was what Spike had come up with for this specific enemy, also picked up some gems that were laying on the ground near her, while Spyro knocked the other one to the ground, allowing Spike to flame the wood that was beneath the first boiler, which quickly restored the power to the machine that was near them. In that moment they discovered that this machine gave them a small whirlwind that would take them up to the level that was above them, but while Spyro did that he pointed out a pair of metallic vases to the right of the machine and three gems behind the pipe that connected it to the boiler, though he did watch as his siblings smashed the vases and collected all the gems, before they joined him so they could advance into the next part of the realm, while making sure to break the pair of straw baskets to their left.

What they discovered in the next area was that there was a circular ball that was made of metal just floating in the air, as if it was minding it's own business since it did had a face on it, and when one of them approached it several sharp and dangerous looking Spikes emerged from it's body, meaning that they wouldn't be able to charge it, not without seriously hurting themselves in the process. As such they decided to look for a way to break them without getting themselves hurt in the process, so they explored the area that was around them and found a number of metallic vases to smash, a couple of straw baskets to break, and some gems scattered here and there, though that was before they focused on the two more interesting things they found. The first thing that caught their attention was the fact that there was a cannon, just like the ones they had seen in Zephyr, resting nearby, one that Spike guessed had more than enough power to blow up the Spiked Mine that was floating nearby, though the other thing the three of them noticed were the pair of Land Blubbers that were in this area, wielding fire hoses and looking like they were here to fight fires, just without any shirts or safety gear on since all they were wearing were their hats. Fortunately it appeared that, despite the fact the Firegrubs were ready to fight some fires, thanks to the small water containers on their backs, which were hooked up to their hoses, the siblings were able to dodge their rather slow attacks and then flame them when their guards were lowered, ending the fight rather quickly and allowed them to continue exploring the area they were in.

"You know, it's rather sad to see that these two species are in the middle of fighting each other," Spyro commented, as he knew that it was something that both Spike and Ember were feeling as well, though even as he said that Ember jumped onto the cannon and blew apart the Spiked Mine that was near them, which included the circular metallic chest that was in the area and a second Spiked Mine that was hidden from her view, right behind the chest to be exact, as Spike helped her locate it so she could blast it, "Honestly, what could have ticked them off to the point where they were willing to declare war on each other?"

"We would have to ask one of the Breezebuilders, as it seems they would know the reason better than anyone," Spike replied, though he couldn't fault Spyro for thinking about this, because it was bothering both him and Ember as well, and while he was more than willing to help get the airship back in working order he hoped that it wasn't going to be used to further the war, otherwise that would effectively undo everything they did in Zephyr, to push the Breezebuilders back and make them regret engaging in this war.

"Considering the fact that it seems like they started this war, I would agree with you," Ember said, where she jumped off the cannon and jumped around the corner, so she could investigate the area that the second Spiked Mine was in, and made sure to pick up all the gems that were in the small area that she discovered, before dropping down to where her siblings were standing, "but first, we need to restore some order to this location, before they tell us anything as to why the war started in the first place."

With that said the first thing the siblings did was pick up the rest of the gems that were in the area they were currently standing in, adding them to what they had on them at the moment, before they headed to where the second boiler was located and restored its flame, powering whatever piece of machinery it was connected to, before smashing the pair of straw baskets that were behind where the pile of wood was located. From there the siblings dived into the pool of water that separated the area they were standing on from the next section of Breeze Harbor, where they found a few gems laying on the bottom of the pool and collected them, before eventually resurfacing a few moments later, so they could jump out of the water and land on the new path that would allow them to progress through the rest of the realm. As they climbed up the steps that were at the base of the new path, however, they discovered that there was some lava off to their right, no doubt something that the Breezebuilders were using to power some of their other machines, which they wouldn't have to worry about since there was no way that the Land Blubbers could put something like that out, before picking up the gems that were in their way as they continued to follow the path that was in front of them. That brought them to an area where a Firegrub was standing guard over the next boiler, with a Bucket Blubber positioned off on the right, though the pair was rather easy to take down since neither of them had been paying attention to the path that just so happened to be right behind them, a mistake that allowed the siblings to attack them without being attacked back, all while allowing them to ignite the wood that was beneath the boiler.

Instead of using the small metallic ships, which seemed to be the way to get around the gap that was in front of them, the siblings headed to their left and Spyro charged into the Bucket Blubber that was in the way, while Ember broke the three straw baskets that were to their left, before they reached an area that was filled with lava, with some sort of machine in the middle of the pool, and had some Spiked Mines moving around the place.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, it's good that you three showed up." a voice said, where they found a Breezebuilder, who did look almost identical to the first one they met at the beginning of this realm, because while the birds in this realm weren't as heavily dressed for war like the ones in Zephyr were, they were sort of dressed for battle, and they looked more like pelicans than what the other Breezebuilders looked like, before they focused on what he was telling them, "Those blasted Land Blubbers have littered a number of metallic mines, which turn into spiked mines when you get close to them, all over the harbor, almost like they're trying to totally shut us down so we can't deploy our airship. If you can clear all those mines out, of which there are apparently eight of, not only will it help us get back on schedule, but I'll also give you guys the Orb I found in a clam yesterday."

"Well, you have a cannon, so it should be easy to break them," Spike replied, because so far it seemed rather easy to use a cannon to target the Spiked Mines that had been scattered around the harbor, to which he jumped onto the one that was resting near the Breezebuilder and focused for a moment, where he targeted the pair of mines that were moving in and out of the lava and blasted them to pieces, as well as a circular metallic chest that spat out some gems into the area that they had first started in.

Before they moved Ember smashed the pair of metallic vases near the cannon and then they made their way back to the starting area, where they found the gems that Spike had freed and quickly gathered all of them, which was when they walked back to the location of the third boiler, as it was time to move forward and see what else the realm had to throw at them, before they reached the airship. As soon as they returned to the third boiler they waited for a few seconds and then jumped onto the small ship that came to a stop in front of where they had been standing, one that circled around the large gap that was in this area and allowed them to jump over to a brand new area, though while they did that the siblings did spot what appeared to be tracks of some kind that rested on the top of the various walls that seemed to be resting all over the harbor, even if they had no idea what purpose the tracks served. The first thing they did, as soon as they got off the ship that carried them over to the other part of the harbor, was pick up a pair of gems and smash a metallic vase that was in the way, before turning to their right as they found another lava filled area that just so happened to have two gems that lead them right to the cannon. Spyro took the cannon this time, since his siblings had their turns on the other two, and found that there were four Spiked Mines, the last four to be exact, in this area, so he grinned as he carefully turned the cannon and aimed at the two mines that were on the right side of the pool, where he blasted them as soon as they jumped out of the lava, before repeating the process with the pair on the left side, eliminating all eight of the mines, just like the Breezebuilder had asked them to do.

With the deed done, and all the Spiked Mines were taken care of, the siblings returned to the small ships and headed back to the bird that had asked them to complete this task, where they found him staring at the lava that the two mines had been in a few minutes ago, looking like he was happy over the fact that the ones that had been near him had been cleared out, like he had been tired of staring at the pair of objects, before he turned towards the siblings as they stopped in front of him.

"All eight of the mines are history!" Spyro stated, informing the bird that they had completed the task he had asked them to help him with, even though he and his siblings were still a little worried that helping the Breezebuilders get their airship fully operational might undo all their work in Zephyr, especially since it was something they hadn't encountered in the past, but they made sure not to tell anyone that they didn't know what the machine was.

"Well I'll be, you guys sure made short work of them!" the pelican replied, to which he quickly reached into the sack that he was carrying and pulled out the Orb that he had mentioned earlier, something that he handed over to Spike, who intended on putting it inside the guidebook with the rest of the Orbs and Talismans, "Here's the Orb that I promised you... and I'm sorry if there's still any clam juice on it. Now that the mines have been taken care of, we can continue preparing our airship and it's weapons... even if it looks like we might not be able to leave just yet, since all of the boilers haven't been turned back on yet."

"Don't worry, we're almost done with that." Ember said, letting the Breezebuilder know that they were here to do that and that they wouldn't leave before they made sure order was restored to this realm, to which she and her brothers left him to do whatever it was that he was supposed to be doing, before they came to a stop near the smaller ships, "I cannot believe that they're readying an airship for war, and that we're helping them do that!"

"Ember, please don't get excited over this." Spike remarked, though he made sure to clean off the Orb before he put it with the rest of their collection, and the only reason he was saying that was because he knew that Ember was going to get overly annoyed at the fact that they might be helping the Breezebuilders send out a warship, "We don't know if it's just a ship designed to carry weapons or if it's actually a ship designed for war, to fight people from afar, and the only way we're going to figure that out is by reactivating all of the boilers, since the pelican that's near the exit portal will no doubt tell us all about the ship and why they're happy it's operational again. Just keep calm and don't snap at anyone, okay?"

Ember sighed, as she knew that Spike was right and that she was just annoyed over the fact that two species were in the middle of a war with each other, especially when Ripto was out there, plotting his next move, before she nodded her head as they jumped back onto the small ship and returned to the part of the harbor they had visited for a few moments, so they could continue making their way towards the airship. Once they were back to where the other four Spiked Mines had been located the siblings continued to explore the area, where Ember took out her frustration on the Bucket Blubber that was in their way, leaving Spyro and Spike to break the pair of straw baskets that were nearby and pick up the gems Ember was walking by. From there they jumped down the step that was in front of them and took out the Firegrub that happened to be standing in front of an area that looked like it had a catapult of some kind, which was guarded by another Firegrub and a Bucket Blubber, who seemed to be in the middle of discussing something with each other, which meant both of their guards were lowered when the siblings approached them, allowing Spike to charge the Bucket Blubber as Spyro flamed the Firegrub. As soon as all three of the enemies were taken care of the siblings spread out and searched the area for all the gems that were scattered around them, making sure to pick them up as they also smashed a metallic vase, broke a straw basket, and found a walkway that took them to the fourth boiler, which was why Ember was taking down the Firegrub that was standing near the pile of wood and the Bucket Blubber that was near it, all so neither of them could put the flame out once this area was clear.

Spike also found the inactive Powerup Gate, located in a tunnel that went into the mountain a little, but that just told him that they needed to defeat a few more enemies before they could activate it, which was why they used the now active catapult to launch themselves over to the airship's deck, where they split up and took out the pair of Firegrubs that were on the ship, smashed the metallic vases that were in their way, and knocked out the Bucket Blubber, before setting fire to the two piles of wood and let the airship power up as it raised itself to where a platform was waiting.

"Wow, you guys are just like what Elora said you would be." a voice said, where the siblings jumped up onto the small platform and found one of the Breezebuilders waiting for them, near the inactive exit portal for this realm, which just so happened to be near a number of gems as well, before he smiled at them as he thought about what he and the others would be able to do now, "With the boilers turned back on, and the airship is fired up again, we can finally finish the last of our preparations before we begin our counterattack on Zephyr... how we lost ground, and a munitions building, to those Land Blubbers is beyond me. Please, take our Talisman as a sign of our gratitude."

"When you mention attacking Zephyr, what do you actually mean?" Ember asked, though either way she was sure that she wasn't going to like the answer and was keeping her anger under control, or at least she was doing that to the best of her ability, and she could tell that both Spyro and Spike were interested in what the answer was, even though Spike was taking the golden anchor, the Talisman, and was storing it inside the guidebook.

"This airship is outfitted with a number of guns, so we can blast apart whatever defensive structures our foes will have built since the last attack," the Breezebuilder replied, where his tone revealed just how happy he was that they were going to be able to use the greatest weapon in their arsenal against their enemies, and he was even staring at the airship while he talked about it, all of which showed that he was way too excited for what the future held, "but the true power of this airship lies in the cargo that it's carrying, several small bombs that will level a number of outposts, to weaken our enemy's forces, and one large bomb that will utterly wipe out an entire area."

"Out of curiosity, what set this war in motion?" Spyro inquired, because that was what they were more interested in at the moment, even if all three of them were surprised by the fact that the Breezebuilders intended on bombing Zephyr and it's residents out of existence, meaning that something important must have happened to make them consider such a terrible option in the first place.

"Well, we got word, from a reliable source that shall not be named, that the Land Blubbers were starting to amass an arsenal of weapons, to use on us," the Breezebuilder stated, where he jumped onto the deck and started to look over the rest of the airship, to see what sort of repairs needed to be made before they could send the airship out to Zephyr and bomb them into submission, while he and his siblings remained silent, "so in response to that we decided to purchase our own weapons, that way we could be ready for when the Land Blubbers revealed their hand to us, and then we learned that they stole our Leader's daughter, Juliet, and intended on using her to force us into submission... well, we acted upon what we had learned without wasting a second and declared war in an instant, and that was a week ago."

"Juliet? We saw her in Zephyr not even an hour ago and she was just fine," Spike commented, where he was going to make sure not to tell the Breezebuilders why he and his siblings had been in that realm in the first place, even if he was of the opinion that they should know they had been helping the Land Blubbers earlier, and he could tell that his siblings were keeping their mouths shut, "in fact, she seemed to be in love with someone. You can tell your superiors that she's been found and you can call off the attack!"

"Listen, I would like to believe you, but my orders are final: this airship is leaving soon, and there is nothing I can do to stop it at this point." the pelican replied, where part of his tone revealed that he was hoping Spike was right, that Juliet was safe and that she wasn't in Zephyr when the bombs dropped, even if the other part of his tone told them that he was too focused on his orders to break them, before he separated from the siblings and went to check out the rest of the airship, leaving them to either depart from the realm or continue helping the other Breezebuilders out.

"I simply cannot believe what we just learned." Ember remarked, though at the same time she and her brothers left the airship and glided down to the tunnel they had found a few minutes ago, as it was the only place they hadn't explored yet, but it was rather easy to tell that she was annoyed by what was going on at the moment, "Not only did Moneybags sell weapons to the Breezebuilders, which he never got paid for, but he also sold a number of weapon to the Land Blubbers to force their rivals into doing the same thing, and I'm willing to bet that he's the one that told the Breezebuilders where Juliet was located, only twisting it to suit his purposes... I'm seriously starting to dislike that bear."

"Not to mention the fact that this has escalated to the point where the Breezebuildiers are planning on bombing their rivals to get her back," Spyro added, though while that was terrible, especially when they took the destruction of what was on the airship into consideration, he really didn't see a way for them to deal with the large airship, not without heading inside the contraption and setting fire to everything inside, to blow it up before it could leave, before he turned to look at Spike, who had been silent so far, "Spike, what do you think about all of this?"

"...I'm going to blow up that airship." Spike stated, as he had been thinking about what was going on and already knew that they couldn't let the Breezebuilders launch their airship, because if they did get it to take off, and it headed for Zephyr, there was no telling how much destruction those bombs were going to create, and there was even the chance of people being seriously hurt in the process, something he wouldn't stand for.

"What? How are you going to do something like that?" Ember asked, because while she agreed with the idea that Spike was talking about, as the airship needed to be destroyed before it was allowed to leave the harbor, before it could be sent to Zephyr and blow up the land the Land Blubbers lived in, and even potentially hurt people, she wasn't sure how he was going to do what he was talking about.

"I'm going to head to the top of this lighthouse and see if I can't manipulate the weather to our advantage," Spike said, as there were many things his siblings had no idea he had learned during the last year of training with the Magic Crafters and the types of magic that they commanded, and while some of the spells he could use with no problem there were a lot of them that he hadn't mastered, but he knew of one spell that would help them out, "from there... well, you guys will find out what I have planned soon enough, if I can do what I'm thinking about."

The tunnel that they were heading to, where the Powerup Gate was located, allowed them to see that it was active at long last and that it was a Spring Jump Powerup, where they used it and launched themselves up into the base of the lone lighthouse, where they located a Breezebuilder that was standing near a trolley of some kind, though at the same time they smashed the metallic vase that was near one of the walls, broke the pair of straw baskets that were nearby, and picked up the gems that were near the vase, before approaching the bird that turned towards them.

"Oh, Spyro, Spike, Ember, it's a good thing you guys showed up, because I'm in need of some assistance." the bird said, his tone revealing that he believed that he was lucky they were there, though at the same time the siblings remained silent as they waited to see what he wanted them to do, before Spike asked him about climbing the lighthouse for what he had planned, "Look, my machinery is broken, and the Land Blubbers have scattered all the gears I need to fix it all over the tracks that wrap around the majority of this realm, and the only way to get those gears back is to use this trolley and ride around the tracks to collect them."

"Doesn't seem too hard." Spyro commented, because so far the majority of the tasks that the residents of the other realms had asked them to do were rather easy for him and his siblings to take care of, though he was sure a few of them would prove to be somewhat challenging in the future, since they had no idea what the people of the other realms would want them to do.

"Hey, do you mind if I climb the lighthouse and look out at the harbor?" Spike asked, as he made it seem like he was really interested in getting a look at the realm from one of the highest points that was available at the moment, even if he had other plans and wasn't about to tell the Breezebuilder what he really wanted to do, and both of his siblings remained silent as he asked the question.

"Sure, there's a ladder to do just that." the Breezebuilder said, though it appeared that he was focused on the trolley and the gears that he was missing, showing that he wasn't thinking about anything other than fixing the machinery that he was supposed to working on, allowing Spyro to jump onto the trolley and take it out onto the tracks, while Spike walked in the opposite direction so he could climb up the ladder, leaving Ember to simply follow Spike so she could see what Spyro was doing at the moment.

Ember looked out at the tracks that Spyro was riding the trolley on, which didn't actually look like tracks and seemed to be a stone path that someone could follow, and she did that for a few seconds before glancing at Spike, who was in the middle of focusing his mind and his magical power, where the sky rumbled as some clouds started to form, as it looked like he was in the middle of creating storm clouds, just like a weather manipulator would do. As that happened, however, she noticed that some of the Breezebuilders that were busy working on the airship stopped what they were doing and glanced up at the sky, as if they were worried about what was going on at the moment, though even as she spotted that Spike used a little more of his power to create a barrier in front of them. It was a barrier that had an invisibility spell on it, so none of the Breezebuilders would know what was going on and would think it was a force of nature, instead of them actually sabotaging their efforts to wage war on the Land Blubbers, so she said nothing as Spyro carefully moved himself around the tracks, even if he seemed a tad bit annoyed by what he was doing. She understood why her brother might be annoyed, as it appeared that the tracks were arranged in a way where he had to be careful and turn the trolley wheel every now and then, so he could switch from one lane to another, and he also used the cannon that was on it to blast the explosive barrels that were on the track. Of course there was on other thing that happened, as he accidentally hit one of the large wooden crates and all of the golden gears went flying, which was accompanied by the Breezebuilder that was below them making a comment about trouble with the trolley, before Spyro emerged with a frown as he returned to the tracks and resumed collecting the gears the bird needed.

Eventually Spyro reached the end of the tracks and picked up what Ember assumed was all fifty gears, and not a few seconds later he climbed up the ladder and joined them in the barrier, where he placed the Orb he had been given near Spike, so once he was done with what he was doing he could put it with the rest of their collection, before he glanced out at the rest of the realm. The storm clouds had come out in force, no doubt thanks to Spike manipulating the weather to what he needed, and while the sky rumbled they watched as lightning flashed every now and then, short bursts that did nothing, which also included rain falling on the realm, causing the Breezebuilders to climb off the airship and head to the various boilers so they could keep those fires lit. That was a good thing, as it meant that none of the birds were standing on the airship at the moment, before Spike focused his magic and gathered all the power into a single point in the middle of the sky, causing the rain to start falling in force as lightning raced towards the area he was focused on, showing Spyro and Ember that he was serious and that he was going to do what he had said earlier. A few seconds later Spike opened his eyes, where they could see that his eyes were glowing with magical power, as he drew on the power of the storm he had created, forming a large bolt of lightning that seemed to be coiling around itself, almost like a serpent of some kind, before it pushed itself into the storm clouds to hide from those that were watching it.

Before Spyro and Ember could say anything, and wonder if Spike had messed up, a loud roar rippled throughout the harbor as the serpent burst out of the sky and raced towards the airship, striking the metal deck in seconds, which was when they, and the Breezebuilders, watched as it pierced the metal and passed through the airship, causing the bombs that were inside it to go off and tear the entire thing to pieces, causing a flaming and ruined version of the airship, one the Breezebuilders wouldn't be able to use at all, to fall into the depths of the realm the birds called home.

"There... airship... destroyed..." Spike remarked, where he huffed for a moment as he collapsed on the floor of the part of the lighthouse they were standing on, where the barrier collapsed in seconds, though he did made sure the Orb Spyro had gathered was put inside the guidebook, just so they didn't forget it, before he focused on the destruction he had caused and the fact that the Breezebuilders were lost at the moment, as they seemed to have no idea what they were supposed to do in this sort of situation.

"Spike... what did you do?" Ember asked, as she had seen her brother pull off some incredible stunts with his magic in the past, especially when they faced some of the more powerful enemies, like the five foes that Gnasty Gnorc sent at them during their first adventure, but this was on a whole new level and made her wonder what the other Magic Crafters could do with this sort of power.

"Storm's Wrath, an incredibly powerful and draining spell," Spike answered, though he didn't even attempt to move after putting the Orb away, as he was exhausted and knew that he would be sitting here for a time, but it was definitely worth it when he looked out at the rest of Breeze Harbor and knew that he had stopped the Breezebuilders from sending their airship to Zephyr, "and, since I'm not used to using the weather manipulation spells, there was a chance it could have failed, but I'm glad to see that it was successful... even if I have to rest for a time to make up for how much magic I just spent to cast that spell."

Spyro and Ember nodded, because now that they knew that the Breezebuilders couldn't send a ship to attack Zephyr, and blow the land below them to pieces, they decided that they could rest for a few minutes and wait for Spike to regain a portion of his magic, as they both had the feeling that they might need it when they reached whatever realm they were going to head to next.

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