• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Dragonfly: Space Cows in the Country

Once the group returned to the part of Castle Hills that contained the stone platform that had taken them to Dragonfly Dojo, which they didn't need to revisit since they had rescued all of the dragonflies and had gathered all of the gems that had been scattered around the realm, Spyro walked forward and lead Cynder, Spike, Ember, and Elora out of the side area they had appeared in, since it was time for them to head through one of the other portals that were in Castle Hills and assist those that called the realm in question home, just like they just did. Spike, upon investigating the Guidebook, suggested that they head towards the Elemental Lock that could be opened with the Lightning Element, mostly because he was sure, without talking to the tired bear that was on the pillar of earth near the castle they had been celebrating in front of, that the portal to Cloud 9 was disconnected and would only be restored when they gathered enough dragonflies, though the realty of it was that the magic of the portal was still active and the bear would likely tell them to leave and come back when they had saved moved of the missing dragonflies. As such the five of them headed down the path to their right and glided over to the jade statue that they had found a fragment of, where they quickly slipped it into one of the slots and then continued towards the area Ripto's portal was located in, where it was easy to see that Bianca and the other magic users were trying to breach it so the group could head through it and take their foe down, just like their friend had done during their third adventure, but they focused on what was in front of them and nothing else. As such it didn't take them long to reach the area that the first Elemental Lock was located in, the Lightning Lock to be exact, which was when Spyro focused his magic and blasted it with his power, blowing the lock off and opening the gate in a matter of seconds, allowing them to walk forward and resume collecting the gems that were on the ground beyond it as they moved into the next part of the homeworld.

What they discovered, in the area that was at the end of the path, was what appeared to be a farm area that came with a barn that just so happened to have one of the metallic ladders for them to climb, though thanks to Cynder helping them discover the art of flying without needing anything to assist them, like they were used to doing in the past, the ladder wasn't something they even needed to use this time around, though that didn't stop them from walking into the new area and seeing what it had to offer them.

"I have to say, saving the day your way is rather interesting," Cynder remarked, though at the same time the group walked into the area that was in front of them and separated from each other for a short period of time, despite the fact that she was near Spyro, so they could collect the gems that were on the ground and smash the straw baskets that were in the area, though she had to smile for a few seconds as she thought about it, "fighting gem constructs without having to hold back, collecting stolen gems, saving the residents of a realm, recovering stolen dragonflies... I have to admit that I could get used to saving the day this way."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Spyro said, because he had been a little curious as to how Cynder would react to the types of adventures that he and his siblings had gone through in the past, before they visited Doxantha and changed things up for a time, though at the same time his attention was on the fact that Ripto had returned, he stole both Crush and Gulp from the areas they had been living in, and broken Moneybags out of his prison, even though the bear was no longer the same individual he and the others remembered, before he shook his head and refocused on what they were doing at the moment, "Come on, let's see if we can't find any of the other dragonflies and then figure out which realms we have to pick from this time around."

Cynder nodded her head and followed Spyro as he explored the area that was around them, though that was around the time that they found one of the dragonflies resting in the middle of this part of Castle Hills and it noticed them as well, which was why it flew over to them and followed them as they regrouped with Spike, who took a moment to channel his power and safely sent it back to the others they had rescued so far, which would make another hatchling happy to have their partner back. From there they found that the path to the left of the opening to this area had a few large flowers and a crocodile creature, who wore the attire of either a farmer or a gardener, standing near a large raft that looked like it had been made from a large honeycomb, though based on the glance he gave them it was clear they needed to save more of the dragonflies before heading to Honey March, as that was the realm Spike assumed it would lead them to, so they took a moment to pick up the nearby gems before leaving the crocodile creature behind. Around that point they found a gate that was like the Challenge Gate that rested near the main castle of this homeworld, only this time it was lightning based and not fire based, so that meant only Spyro and Spike could tackle whatever challenge it had for them, since they were the only ones that had access to the Lightning element, hence the reason they walked through it to see what happened and what they needed to do. What they discovered was that eight metallic posts appeared in the area around them, just like the scarecrows that appeared when they activated the previous challenge, so once they appeared the pair took off and split the posts between them, Spyro starting in the area that the Challenge Gate was in while Spike headed down the other path they hadn't explored yet, leaving the others to make sure they had picked up the rest of the gems that were around them before seeing what was down the path Spike had picked.

What Spike found at the end of the other path was a beach area that had some nets that prevented people from even leaving the area, though that wouldn't stop a flying dragon that could get over it, though instead of focusing on that he turned his attention towards the metallic rods that were his targets, where he found two resting along the path between the barn area and the beach area, while the other two happened to be near the water, so in the end he managed to get all of his targets and helped free another dragonfly. As he did that, however, he also found another dragonfly that had been near the third metallic rod he had breathed some lightning on, who flew over to where he was standing and followed him back to the others, so they could see that they had found two more dragonflies, three in this area to be exact, before he sent the pair back to Nestor and the others, allowing them to explore the beach area he had located, which had to lead them to Luau Island, and resumed picking up the gems that were in the area. As the siblings and Elora expected, from the last gem collecting adventure, there were a number of gems under the water and it didn't take them long to dive under the water, with Spike making sure to put the Water Safety spell on Elora, just in case, because as of now there was next to no reason for him, his siblings, and even Cynder to need it since they were used to swimming and whatnot, though if they had to go underwater for a long period of time, like Seashell Shore, he would quickly etch the spell on them, since that was the only time he felt they might need that spell at this point in time.

Once they were done with clearing out the area of gems, and they were sure that none had been left behind, the five of them headed back to the area that the barn was resting in, as it was time to see what sort of help the resident of the realm it connected to needed, since all of them were sure someone had to be up there, which was why they flew up to the upper part of the barn and landed in front of a creature that looked like a pink version of the Purple Villagers, only it was dressed as a farmer, though that was when they spotted a circular vehicle that looked like a functional UFO, something that would interest the Professor, the Machinists, and their allies.

"I have no idea what you did, but the UFO is working!" the Farmer said, showing that he was excited about what they had done by collecting the dragonflies, even if he had no idea they had reconnected things by rescuing the dragonflies that Ripto had displaced with his magic spell earlier, before he turned towards them for a moment and looked like he had one more thing to say before everything was said and done, "You should be careful of the Space Cows, if you go to Crop Circle Country, as they're everywhere! EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU!"

"Um, thanks for the warning." Spyro replied, though as he and the others climbed onto the center of the large circular vessel they had discovered, which would take them away from the barn and deliver them to the next realm that needed their assistance, he wasn't all too surprised by the fact that there were space animals wanting revenge on the Farmers that watched over them and helped them grow, especially after what they had discovered in the past during the last couple of adventures they had been on.

It didn't take them long to appear in the starting area of Crop Circle Country, a ledge that allowed them to look out at a country-like area that reminded the siblings of one of the Speedways they had checked out when Morrigan tried to steal all of the dragon eggs for her own schemes, complete with barns that seemed to serve as bridges between parts of this realm, a large barn near their location, and some UFOs that seemed to be beaming down enemies that were attacking the home of the Farmers, meaning they would have to deal with them in due time.

"Oh, you must be the dragons that my friend called in to help us," a voice said, where they found another Farmer off to their left, who seemed worried about what was happening to his realm and the enemies that were between him and whatever he was going to ask them to do, hence the reason the group remained silent as they waited to see what he had to tell them before they got started with assisting the residents of this particular realm, "While he was gone, getting you guys to help us, the Space Cows were joined by a force of Space Riptocs, who are here on a mission to find dragonflies and snatch them so they can't be returned to the dragons that they're paired with... or at least that's what I gathered from the couple of enemies that I overheard earlier. From what I've seen, they haven't been successful in finding any of the missing dragonflies and have taken to assisting the Space Cows in abducting our cows and locking them inside the large red barn that's nearby, so once they have every cow under lock and key they can just take them all at once."

"That's just retarded. They should be taking them to the mothership or something, not leaving them in someplace that we can rescue them from," Cynder remarked, because while she felt that what they had seen in the Dragonfly Dojo, from all of the Ninja and Staff Riptocs, had been a rather good plan on the part of their enemies, even if none of them had been able to stand against their teamwork and skills, it was sad to see that the next group of Riptocs they faced weren't smart and it made her wonder if the others were going to be stuck at this level of intelligence, before she sighed, "but you don't have to worry about anything, we'll take care of the intruders, secure this realm, and rescue your cows so you can return to what you were doing before the abductions happened."

With the Farmer happy that they would help him out, and that was with Spyro and the others confirming what Cynder had just said, the group moved out from the starting area and started to explore the first part of the realm they were now in, which was when they found that the first set of enemies they would have to face were the Space Riptocs, two of them red skinned and two of them green skinned, though they were more like the dinosaurs they had faced in Dino Mines, only these ones had shorter arms than the ones the majority of the group was thinking about. Since these were large enemies that meant charging was, in a sense, useless to the group, but that was perfectly fine with Ember as she jumped forward and spun forward so she could smash her chosen foe into the ground, opening the way for Spyro and Cynder to fly right at the pair of green Space Riptocs that were near each other and slam their heads together, allowing them to eliminate both of them in the process. As they did that Elora dashed forward and spun around so she could kick the last Space Riptoc in the side of its head, knocking it to the ground as the four defeated enemies were reduced to gems, allowing them to take a few moments to see what else was on this side of the bridge and pick up the gems that had been dropped, even though it was the perfect time for them to show Cynder how they dealt with metallic vases, by smashing them to pieces, and she followed what they were doing, since this was the first time she had dealt with anything like this. While they did that one more Space Riptoc teleported down to the area they were standing in and raised its ray gun so it could fire at one of them, though that was when Spike loosed a burst of his Ice Breath and froze the dino where he stood, allowing him to smash the ice apart and reduce it to another gem for Talon to collect, while he returned his attention to what else was in the section of the realm they were in.

One interesting thing Spike noticed was that this realm had a pretty decent view of the Celestia Moons, which were no longer near each other like they had been a year ago, during their last adventure, though he was positive that he was the only one that had noticed such a thing and that the others would be more focused on collecting the gems and smashing any of the straw baskets or metallic vases they discovered, even though they did discover that the barn they had been told about was off to the left of where the starting area was, though there was no telling how much of the realm needed to be run through before they reached the backside of the building. After that Spike took a moment to head down into the area that rested below the barn styled bridge, which just so happened to be broken in the middle and had some Space Riptocs guarding both sides of it, though Spyro and the others followed him down into the area he wanted to explore, which let him locate the first missing dragonfly that had been transported to this realm and he made sure to safely transport it back to the others, while at the same time the rest of the group smashed the straw baskets and metallic vases that happened to be around them. The moment they cleared everything out of the area that was around them they returned to the upper part of the area and accessed the barn bridge, where the couple of Space Riptocs fell in a matter of seconds as Spike took a moment to shock one of them and Elora jumped over the gap to strike the second one down with a sidekick to the head, something that allowed the others to glide over the gap as well and join her as they advanced into the next part of this realm and kept their eyes open for any enemies.

While they entered the next part of the realm the group found that two more Space Riptocs teleported down into the area in front of them and stood between where they were standing and the area that one of the Farmers were standing in at the moment, though neither of them stood much of a chance as Ember rushed in and hardened her body for a second or two, stopping the blasts from hurting her, before she used the Emission technique to knock both of them down to the ground in seconds, allowing Spyro and Cynder to take them out.

From there they walked into the crop area that was in front of them and found that the Farmer was curious if any of them had seen any of their cows, since that seemed to be what the Farmers were looking for while they were making sure none of the Space Riptocs or the Space Cows captured them and did whatever it was they would do to the Farmers, but all they could tell him was that they hadn't seen any of the normal cows, much less the Space Cows, and continue moving as all five of them focused on gathering the gems and breaking the containers they were trapped in. After that the group found that there was one of the Space Riptocs a few steps behind the Farmer, though it didn't look like the Space Riptoc even cared about the Farmer and only fired at the group as they approached it, which was followed by Spyro flaming it down so the others could explore the area that was in front of them, though that happened to be around the time that the group found the second of this realm's dragonflies hanging out in front of the small barn that was right in front of them, so Spike assisted it while the others cleared out the breakable containers that were around them. What was interesting was that there was one of the metallic rods on top of some haystacks, which just seemed out of place as they stared at it for a few seconds, though when Spyro breathed his Lightning Breath on it the UFO that was in the air near the barn that was near them lowered itself and positioned it as a platform so they could jump onto it and then jump into the upper part of the barn, even though none of them really needed it as Spyro, Cynder, Spike, and Ember took to the air and Elora made sure to follow after them.

Once the group reached the upper walkway that the barn would have let them glide to, if they didn't have the power to fly like a normal dragon, they found another barn bridge that was broken in the middle and quickly dropped down into the lower area to collect the gems that happened to be down there, but at the same time they found a small ladder that brought them to the top of the second half of the shattered bridge, which happened to be where the third dragonfly of this realm was resting and Spike sent it off within a few seconds, even though they did spot the portal to a side section resting nearby and ignored it for the time being.

After that the group regrouped on the other side of the barn bridge and walked down the path that would lead them to the next part of Crop Circle Country, where two Space Riptocs teleported down into the area and aimed their blasters at the group, who dispersed rather quickly as Spike loosed a burst of lightning magic to shock and stun their foes, allowing Spyro and Cynder to charge into the first foe and knock it to the ground while Ember and Elora kicked the second one in the chest to make sure it fell over, before they regrouped and collected the gems in the area as they kept an eye open for any other enemies that might be waiting for them. They then found their way to the location of another barn that had two Space Riptocs guarding it, where it wasn't long before Spike sent a burst of Ice Shards out and struck down the one that was far away from the barn, allowing Spyro and the others to beat the second one down before they turned their focus towards the gems and straw baskets that were around them, even though they did find another metallic rod on top of one of the haystacks, meaning it had to bring down another UFO for them to use as a stepping stone. As such the group flew through the barn and reached the ledge that it lead them to, so they could land and collect the gems that were on it, but it was around that moment that three new enemies teleported down into the area that was near them, three cows that just so happened to be standing on their hind legs, standing like the Farmers did, and were carrying blasters while wearing space suits, just like the Space Cows from Metropolis, so the siblings knew exactly what they needed to do next. As the trio of Space Cows readied themselves for battle, so they could blast whoever was in front of them and then find more of the missing farm animals that they and their allies were looking for, Elora quickly rushed forward and kicked one in the side of the head, while Spyro flamed one of the others and Ember spun through the air to strike down the last one, which ended in their enemies laying on the ground and reverting to gems and allowed them to pick up every gem that was in the area, before they considered moving forward.

The next area the group visited was just like the others, it had a barn, some haystacks, a number of straw baskets and a decent number of metallic vases, before they spotted one of the Challenge Gates that was resting nearby, one that had a flame icon to indicate what sort of challenge it had for them, before the five of them spotted a ladder that was on the back of one of the corn storage towers and found that it would allow them to glide down into the upper part of the barn, where the portal to the second side section of the realm rested, so they focused on clearing out the rest of the realm, even if that meant smashing a single Space Riptoc into the ground in the process. When they approached the Challenge Gate, so they could take care of the challenge and rescue the dragonfly that was tied to it, five more enemies teleported down into the area that was near them, four Space Cows and one Space Riptoc, though instead of dividing the number of enemies up between them Spyro nodded his head as Cynder dove into the shadows, releasing another burst of her Shadow Play as she knocked around the five enemies that were in front of them and dropped them to the ground, allowing them to pick up the gems that fell a few seconds later. Once that was done Spyro rushed through the Challenge Gate and found that a single scarecrow appeared nearby, though when he flamed it the straw object either dissolved and teleported to another part of the small area they were standing in or a new one appeared when the last one fell apart, but due to the fact that it was near where the first one was located Spyro wasted no time in striking the second one and watched as it moved again, to which he repeated the process a few more times before he reached striking it eight times, something that caused the Challenge Gate to deactivate and allowed a dragonfly to fly over to them, the fourth based on what Spike wrote down, and it wasn't long before it was sent to where Nestor and the others were waiting.

It was around that moment that they approached the final structure of the realm, the barn that lead back to the start of the realm, and quickly smashed the Space Riptoc that was in front of them into the ground, though once that was done Spyro made sure the Farmer and the cows that were inside the barn were standing far away from the barred door and used his flames to blow up the small crates of TNT that had been placed in front of it, blowing open the lock and allowing the trapped cows to go free, even if all they had to do was turn around and march through the open back of the structure, though he wasn't about to complain as he and the others faced the final Farmer of this realm.

"Thanks for your help in saving our cows from the invaders." the Farmer said, his tone revealing that he was pleased with what they had done and that he felt they were deserving of a reward, though based on what Spyro, Spike, and Ember knew, from their previous adventures, it was possible that he had one of the dragonflies and had been planning on doing something with it, but was handing it over before something else happened, "Here, I was going to use this thingamajig in my barbeque smoker, to add some flavor, but you guys deserve it as a reward for your efforts."

The group said nothing as the fifth dragonfly of this realm emerged from where it had been hiding, where the Farmer had been keeping it until this point in time, and Spike sent it back to the others they had rescued, though instead of them heading through the portal that was to their right, the exit portal to be exact, the group returned to the starting area of the realm and kept their eyes open for anything that might have changed, since the siblings and Elora knew that sometimes parts of a realm changed in response to whatever they had done for the residents of a realm. Interestingly enough their thoughts were correct as they noticed an odd looking weapon resting near the starting area of this realm, where it looked like a modified spotlight that was designed to fire at the large UFO that was hanging high in the air, the one that must have taken the cows while the space enemies were looking for dragonflies, though instead of investigating the weapon the five of them walked over to the first Farmer, who declared that the UFO was back to steal his cows and that he needed help taking it out, since they had set up weapons and couldn't power them. One thing Spike felt was odd was the fact that the Farmer called the weapon, which had to be either sound based or something else, a cannon, when it looked nothing like what a cannon looked like, though that didn't stop Spyro from using his Lightning Breath on it and loosed a short burst of energy into the air and struck the UFO, causing it to stagger in the air before it drifted off to another part of the realm, no doubt putting itself in range of the next sonic weapon, to which they sighed and followed it, just to get this over with and blow the UFO out of the air so the Farmers could get on with their lives.

Sure enough the UFO moved into the second area of this realm and positioned itself near the second sonic weapon, an action that made the five of them a little annoyed by what they were seeing, and it wasn't long before Spyro powered up the second 'cannon' and blasted their target once more, causing the vessel to stagger before moving once more, which was followed by them moving forward as well, though they did make sure to note the fact that the freed cows were now wandering the second area, as they felt it would be worth helping the Farmer with them once they were done with the UFO that was their main target at the moment. It didn't take them all that long to locate the area that the Farmers had put the third sonic weapon in, allowing Spyro to turn it on and blast the UFO once more and really tick off whoever was trying to pilot it all over this realm, to kidnap the cows that had been freed, before it flew off to another part of the realm and it didn't take them long to follow after it, especially since they could fly and Elora's wings had been updated to the level that they mimicked an actual dragon's wings, to a degree. From there they found that the last area that the UFO flew into was the area that the Challenge Gate rested in and it didn't take Spyro long to power the final weapon, something that allowed them to blast the vessel once more, causing it to crash into the ground nearby and they found a dragonfly, in a protective case that had been cracked, inside the wreckage, so they pulled it out and Spike sent it on its way, giving them six of the ten dragonflies that had to be in this realm. With that done they returned to where the second Farmer was located, after the first barn bridge, and found that he wanted them to move all the cows to a certain area, even though all of them were pretty safe from what they could currently see and there was no reason for them to actually help force the cows to a new area, but, given that the Farmer might have a dragonfly, the five of them sighed and separated so they could move the cows to the area they needed to be put in.

What was interesting was that the cows simply got up and moved when one of them approached their target, so all they had to do was walk up to their target and it would move over to where the Farmer was standing, eventually bringing all five of them to the person that wanted the cows to be near them and caused him to cheer for what they had done, so much so that he even handed them the seventh dragonfly of this realm, something that put a smile on their faces as Spike sent it off to the others, before they departed and headed for the first side portal they had discovered... which brought the five of them to an area that looked like the edge of a cliff, one that had a large UFO that had some platforms around the area directly below it.

"Oh, hello there. I didn't see you guys arrive," a voice said, where they found a Farmer standing nearby, who seemed to be studying the UFO that was in front of them and was no doubt wondering if it had any of the stolen cows that the rest of the Farmers had been worried about, before he glanced at them for a moment and seemed to connect some dots that none of them were aware of, hence the reason he beckoned to the UFO that was in front of them, "I noticed that this UFO is being piloted by a Space Riptoc that managed to capture a dragonfly that suddenly appeared in this part of our realm some time ago, though I have no idea why it hasn't left yet... maybe its waiting for the other Space Riptoc to arrive, before it takes off for whatever realm they call home."

Spyro glanced at the others for a few moments before he stepped forward and walked down to the lower area of the walkway that the Farmer had been standing on, where he found that Spike and the others were flying nearby, since it was clear he wanted to do this alone and Spike was only getting near him so he could see what sort of obstacles he would be facing for the next couple of moments, which was when Spyro grinned for a moment as he took to the air and flew over to the first of the two platforms and used the Headbash technique to activate it, before quickly flying over to the other one so he could do the same thing. Once the two buttons had been pressed a ring of platforms, which just so happened to have five parts of the entire ring, lowered down into the area between the earthen pillars and the center of the UFO, though as that happened he spotted a metallic rod on each of the platforms, making five in total, so what he did was take to the air and fly in the opposite direction that the ring was moving in, allowing him to use his Lightning Breath to activate the five rods and forced them to form a ring of energy that lowered another ring into place. This time around he found that the new ring was moving in the direction he had flown in, so what he did was reverse his movements again and repeated what he had just done, allowing him to activate the next five metallic rods that were located on the new ring, and once he did that the central part of the contraption that was resting below the UFO lowered into position, meaning that the Space Riptoc that had gotten its hands on a dragonfly wasn't even ready to take off, it was just messing around, waiting for the rest of its allies to come back with whatever they could get their hands on. As such it didn't take Spyro long to collide with his target's chest and knock it off the platform that had lowered into the center of the area, leaving the UFO unguarded, but for now his concern was for the eighth dragonfly that they had rescued from this realm, who was sent to the others by Spike not a few seconds later, even though Spike also made a note about what they had discovered and made sure to send a note to the Machinists, as a defenseless UFO sounded like something those dragons could experiment with, once the Professor and the others joined them.

Once they were done in this side section of the realm, and they were sure of it based on what the group was seeing at the moment, the group headed through the portal that was nearby and returned to the main part of this realm, which was when they headed for the second side area that they had seen earlier, when they were heading through the rest of this particular realm, and headed through the portal in question, arriving in a large farm area that just so happened to be the area that they found Hunter in, as Spyro and the others weren't even surprised by the fact that he was here, while Cynder tilted her head for a moment, surprised by his sudden arrival.

"Oh, hey guys, I figured it was only a matter of time until you arrived," Hunter remarked, though even as he said that he closed the lid that was behind him, revealing a decent sized UFO that looked more armed than the ones that they had seen since their arrival in this realm, before he held his hands up and stopped them from saying anything, since he knew them better than most people, Elora and the rest of the dragons not being counted in that, "I know, you guys wanted to find and recover all of the dragonflies on your own, just like how you gathered all the Orbs and all of the stolen dragon eggs in the past, but the Professor wanted to take this time to experiment with something new that would be able to help you guys out in the field."

"Then go take out whatever enemy UFOs are trying to stop us from recovering the remaining two dragonflies, and the five of us will render assistance as possible," Spyro replied, because at this point he knew Hunter had grown up and had become a skilled warrior in his own right, using his own skills, weapons, and even the toys the Professor made for him to take down the enemies that they might face in the various realms, and this was his way of showing his support towards what their friend was doing, to which the others nodded their heads in agreement.

Hunter nodded and climbed into the UFO that was behind him, where he took off and raised himself into the sky so he could figure out what was going on, though as he did that Spyro and the others noticed that there was another UFO in the air that seemed to be in the middle of stalking cows so it could abduct them, but in that moment Spyro raised a wing and stopped the others from moving, as the moment Hunter loosed a lightning based blast from his vessel he understood that even now Hunter didn't need their help. That attack was a stun blast, something that pushed electricity or energy into the enemy craft and made it go still for a few moments, allowing Hunter to move his own vessel through the air and use his tractor beam to carefully lift the cows that were outside their pens, so he could move them back to the pen and place them inside it, where he was able to get two of them inside it before the enemy vessel regained itself and took to the air again, even though that was followed by Hunter stunning it once more, just to make sure he was able to get all of the cows back to their home. Spike, Ember, Cynder, and Elora understood the same thing not a few moments after Spyro did, where they watched Hunter take down the UFO that was trying to abduct the cows that were in the area and weren't even a little surprised when a dragonfly flew over to them, the ninth one by Spike's count, meaning that whatever challenge had been in this area had been completed by Hunter, though in the following seconds the cows pushed open the gate as two more UFOs entered the area, putting it three to one as they chased the now fleeing animals that they were interested in. Even then the group knew not to get involved in their friend's fight, as Hunter seemed to have things under control as he loosed three smaller stun charges into the air and stunned the UFOs that were around him, showing them that the capabilities of his UFO were already fine and it appeared that it would be sometime before he even used the offensive capabilities of his new vessel, which they might see in the future.

In the end Hunter was able to outmaneuver the other UFOs and make sure the cows were put back in their pen, while making sure to chase off his foes so they didn't spook the cows again, and while everyone celebrated, to show that they were happy with what Hunter had done, Spike made sure to send both the ninth and tenth dragonflies, as the latter had appeared shortly after their friend succeeded in driving off his enemies, back to the others before they headed back to the main land of Castle Hills, since this realm was done and it was time to pick a new one to work on saving.

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