• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Molten Occurrence

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora long to return to Sunrise Spring, after taking care of the mess that was going on in Cloud Spires and recovering the eggs that had been in that realm, though as they emerged from the portal one thing was definitely clear in their minds and that was the fact that they were likely going to be facing a group of Rhynocs in every realm they visited in their quest to recover all of the stolen dragon eggs. The reason behind that thought was because there had been a few of those enemies in Sheila's realm, there had been some rather cowardly ones in Sunny Villa, and they had fought quite a number of them in Cloud Spires, so they were sure that it was safe to say that each realm was going to have a few of those enemies scattered around them. Of course they were up to the challenge that was being thrown at them, as the siblings were used to this sort of thing and Elora had proven that, even with her level of training, she was strong enough to fend for herself and had integrated herself into the group rather easily, so all four of them were prepared for whatever the other realms had to throw at them in the future. As they walked away from the portal, and jumped down into the path that would take them back to the area that the inactive portals were in, Elora spotted Hunter off to their left and realized their friend was just standing near Sheila's portal, looking like he was lost in thought or something, or maybe he was just waiting for them to come back so he could talk with them.

In fact Hunter noticed them about the same time that they noticed him, to which he walked over to them with a smile on his face, even though he hadn't found any of the other stolen eggs yet since they had cleared out the homeworld after they first arrived in Sunrise Spring, where the siblings waited for a moment and decided that they might as well see what he had to say before they moved forward.

"Hey guys, it seems you've done a good job assisting the realms of this land," Hunter remarked, referring to the fact that they had entered three realms so far and had come out looking better than when they entered the portals, but that was when he noticed something that really caused him to pause for a moment as he looked at them, "Um, Elora, since when did you have wings?"

"Oh, they're something the Professor made, to go with my suit of armor," Elora replied, where she realized that she had forgotten to put her wings away, after they had returned from Cloud Spires, but for the moment she was thinking of keeping them out for one more realm, just in case the next realm had gaps that required her to glide like the siblings did, something that they would find out soon enough, "I can retract and summon them whenever I want, to help me get across gaps that I can't jump across normally, and they really came in handy in the realm we just finished helping, as I was able to glide around like Spyro, Spike, and Ember do whenever they glide from place to place."

"I see. Well, I was going to head over to the other portals and see what their realms had to offer," Hunter said, where the siblings glanced in the area that he was heading to and nodded their heads, while Elora tilted her head for a moment, as she was surprised that Hunter didn't seem to care about the wings at all, but decided that he was focused on the quest and nothing else at the moment.

Once they were done talking the five of them started to head down the path that would take them to the two inactive portals and the residents that were waiting for something to happen so that their way homes could be restored, though as they walked down the tree filled path, however, the siblings had the feeling that someone was watching them and that whoever was doing that would make themselves known at some point. After a few moments Spyro came to a sudden stop and glanced around the area that they were in, something that Spike, Ember, and Elora did, as Elora was just getting used to how they worked as a team, while Hunter, however, didn't realize what was going on and tripped over Spyro's tail not a few seconds later, resulting in him face planting on the ground in front of them. It would have been funny, to a degree, but the siblings and Elora were focused on something else at the moment and kept glancing around the area that they were in, before hearing someone chuckle for a few seconds, to which they glanced at the nearest tree for a moment as all of them readied themselves for battle. Of course that was when Spyro and the others realized that it was the young lady that had ran away from them when Ember scared her off, the one that tried to threaten them into leaving at the beginning of their quest, to which they calmed down and focused on the person that was near where they were standing, because it looked like she was spying on them for some odd reason.

"Look out guys, Bianca has come to play." Spyro remarked, because there was a chance that the lady had come to do something to them while they were traveling through Sunrise Spring, given the fact that Ember had scared her off earlier, but at the same time he and his siblings remained on their guard, as they had no idea what she was planning on doing this time around, while Hunter picked himself up off the ground.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" the lady asked, informing the siblings that they now had someone to attach the name to, as they really had no idea who the Tiki had been referring to when he said that name to them the first time, but now they had a person to link to the name, even if it confused the lady in question, who seemed unsure of what she was supposed to do next.

"That Tiki told us earlier." Ember said, where she gestured to the Tiki that was standing in front of the portal back to his realm, something that she and her siblings now knew to be active as the former inactive portal was now working once more, meaning he had to be waiting for someone to arrive so he could thank them for their hard work in reactivating the way back to his home realm.

"Well, regardless of that fact, you should have let me finish my warning earlier," Bianca stated, deciding not to bother with the fact that the dragons and their friends knew her name, as she quickly walked out from behind the tree she had been using to spy on them and faced the group, who didn't seem to be that alarmed by her presence, "this place isn't safe for small dragons, fauns, and... pussycats."

"Oh, there's no need to worry about us," Elora stated, because after what she had seen and experienced so far, thanks to what the siblings did in Avalar and what she had done with them since this adventure started, she knew that the four of them could handle anything that was thrown at them, and even Hunter, if he wasn't distracted, could take care of himself for a certain amount of time, "we can look after ourselves."

"Oh yeah? Then how about this!" Bianca replied, where she gathered her magic into her hands for a moment, before combining them into a ball of energy that she hurled at them, either intending to scare them away and leave without even attempting to get any of the other eggs, which was very likely, or to hurt one of them enough to convince them to leave the Forgotten Realms and the rest of the stolen eggs behind.

Spike, seeing the rainbow colored ball coming their way, weaved his own magic together and pulled up a barrier that stopped the attack in its tracks, where he could see that Bianca was surprised by what she was seeing, which was when Spyro and Ember rushed out and chased after their target, who paled for a second as she turned around and proceeded to flee from the area, with two bursts of flame added for good measure, to convince her to back off.

"Well, that's the last we'll see of her, for a while anyway." Spyro commented, as he had the feeling that Bianca would show herself again at some point in the near future, possibly before they figured out what to do with the hot air balloon or maybe, and this was a stretch, she would come back when they found the area that was the next homeworld, before he and Ember turned back to face the group as Spike lowered the barrier, "Also, that was some pretty quick thinking, Spike. Did you see that spell coming with your ability?"

"No, I had the feeling she would try something like this and responded accordingly," Spike answered, where that was the truth of the matter, he hadn't used his Sage's Vision to see what Bianca had planned for them, rather he was used to dueling with Cosmos and the other Magic Crafters, to the point where he realized what Bianca was doing mere seconds after she decided on her course of action, even though revealing that he could use magic might complicate things for them in the future, since the lady was likely going to tell the Sorceress this bit of information.

"Say, is it just me, or does Bianca look kind of cute when she's angry?" Hunter remarked, though even as he asked that the siblings glanced at each other, not because of the fact that he might be smitten by one of their enemies, because he was easily distracted by certain things, rather it was more due to the fact that he thought Bianca was angry at them, as it seemed to be more of an act she was going through, to scare them off and get them to leave the Forgotten Realms, which was working on them at all.

"Whatever you say, Hunter." Elora said, because it was hard for them to really make a decision based on what Hunter had said, mostly because Bianca was wearing a robe that prevented all of them from seeing the rest of her body, but none of them were going to bother trying to get Hunter to think about something else or even criticize what he was thinking about right now, since he'd do that at some point in the near future.

Hunter decided to wander off and head to one of the other portals they weren't going to pick just yet, as Spyro was going to pick the portal that the Tiki was standing in front of, so he, Spike, Ember, and Elora bid their friend farewell for the moment and quickly walked over to the stone structure that the Tiki was standing in front of, since they were curious as to why he hadn't gone back home yet, even if it was the next realm they were planning on checking out.

"Well, would you look at that, you guys must have helped Bianca fix the portal!" the Tiki commented, revealing that he was of the opinion that they must have been called in by the young sorceress, for that was what Bianca was, to help her and her mentor got over the issue of the lack of magic in the Forgotten Realms, even though it was more due to the eggs that they were rescuing, which were hatching when they returned home and seemed to be influencing the flow of magic in the lands the dragons used to call home, "You guys can come visit me at the Tiki Lodge whenever you want."

The group glanced at each other for a few seconds, not sure if they should tell the Tiki that they hadn't been working with Bianca and that this was a consequence of them retrieving the eggs that had been stolen, but before they could even say anything the Tiki turned around and headed into the now active portal, to which they waited for a few seconds before heading through the portal themselves. It didn't take them all that long to arrive in the starting area for Molten Crater, as that had been the name that was on the portal they had walked through, though when they were allowed to see what they would be dealing with the group discovered that the starting area was inside a circular building of some kind, without any sort of roof, and that there were two paths, one that was right in front of them and was open while the one to the right a bit was locked off, limiting their options. Standing near the path that they would have to take was a light brown creature that walked on four legs and looked like one of the boars that were in the Beast Makers homeworld, informing them that the creatures were Warthogs, though beyond that foe, resting in the tunnel that contained the path in question, was one of the Rhynocs that had been sent here, who looked like a hunter of some kind and was using a whip as its weapon, which meant it was a Bullwhip Rhynoc. Of course that was when they spotted a Soldier Rhynoc standing behind the Warthog, and that he wasn't as armed as the ones they had seen in Sunny Villa, but the group knew that underestimating their foes would be a costly mistake, so they made sure that their guards were up as they finished looking around the area they were in, before getting their adventure in this realm started.

The only other things that stood out to them were the large rock statue that was to their left, meaning that it had to be of some importance to the Tikis since it seemed to be shaped in the same manner as their heads were, a small lava pool that told them there might be more lava in this area, something that Spike and Ember were okay with, and a locked chest, which meant they needed to find the key that went to it, so the first thing they did was walk over to the Tiki that was near them, all to learn what they needed to know about the situation in this realm.

"What seems to be the problem?" Spyro asked, knowing that the Rhynocs were the major problem and that taking all of them out would help bring peace back to this realm, just like they had seen in the previous realms so far, and doing that would give them one of the missing eggs that they were looking for, along with one that was just laying around another part of the realm and two portals to two other areas, if the realms continued to have six eggs in them, save for the fact that Sheila's realm only had three eggs.

"Rhynocs are running rampart around the Molten Crater," the Tiki replied, telling the group exactly what they already knew by simply looking at the area they were in, but Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora said nothing as they waited for the Tiki to tell them the other thing that was necessary for them to help them out, the end goal that would return everything to what it had been like before the Rhynocs arrived, "I tried to get some of the other Tikis to help me repel the attackers, but I can't get anyone out of the Tiki Lodge to help me do that, so I need your help dealing with them."

"That's what we're here for, taking out the aggressors and restoring order," Ember remarked, even if that wasn't the whole truth of the matter, as she felt that it wasn't necessary for the Tiki to know about the missing eggs the four of them were recovering, and it didn't seem like anyone was complaining about her decision to do that, though even as she said that the others turned towards the foes and readied themselves for what they were going to do.

Based on what they knew the animal creatures that they would be fighting weren't the normal animals that called this realm home, rather all of them would be gems that the Sorceress transformed into soldiers for her cause, so what they did as they approached the Warthog and the Soldier Rhynoc was split into two groups, where Spike and Ember dealt with the Rhynoc while Spyro and Elora would deal with the Warthog. By that Spyro spun around and tripped the Warthog as it tried to rush him, by moving out of the way as well, and that caused his target to fall to the ground, where Elora quickly kicked it in the side as it tried to get back up, weakening it to the point where a quick burst of fire could take their foe down, which let them pick up the gem as they turned to see what the others were doing. Ember hardened her body for a moment and allowed the Soldier Rhynoc to lash out at her, where the blade it was holding stopped when it struck her neck and even cracked a little, but it was the moment of weakness that followed that Spike seized, by charging right into the Rhynoc's chest and knocked him down, allowing them to collect the gems from their fallen foes. From there they picked up a couple of gems that were scattered here and there, and smashed the three metallic vases that were behind the stone statue that was near the metallic chest, but once they had those gems they approached the steps that would allow them to access the passage the Bullwhip Rhynoc was guarding.

Their foe, of course, tried to whip them as soon as they got close, where Ember hardened her scales and let the whip do no damage to her, or to Cinder for that matter, before she grabbed onto the weapon itself by biting it, allowing Elora to spin around and kick the Rhynoc in the face with the side of her leg, taking their foe down in a matter of seconds so they could move forward to the next part of this realm. With that foe taken care of they picked up the gems that were on the floor and then moved through the passage that was in front of them, though the moment they walked outside they found a pair of Warthogs standing on the other side of a bridge that was in front of them, even though the area that they walked out onto was a piece of earth that had grass, which had to be enchanted or something since there was a small of river of lava between the area they were on and the area that the Warthogs were occupying. When Elora stepped up to the bridge, however, both of the angry Warthogs rushed at the stone structure with the intent of running her into the ground so they could get to the siblings, though that was just fine with her, as she jumped backwards and made sure to backflip as she did so, allowing Spyro to charge into the first one and knock him to the ground, while Spike blasted the next one a few steps back with an Arcane Missile so Ember could smack it with her tail. With the pair of Warthogs taken care of they picked up the few gems that were nearby and then stopped when they realized that there wasn't a wall to their left and that they were allowed to stare out at a molten landscape that seemed like a new land was in the middle of being formed, and there was happened to be a wall of stone, mountains to be exact, that wrapped around the entire part of the realm they were in, keeping the lava and magma in this one area.

It was a rather amazing sight, one that sort of reminded them of what they had seen in the past, like Magma Cone for instance, where it made them wonder how long it would take for the rest of the realm to form and become livable for the Tikis to spread and colonize the new land that would be available for them, though it would be a long time before anything happened and they might not be around to see it.

After taking a few moments to stare at the molten landscape, and take it all in, the group resumed moving forward to see what the rest of the realm had to offer them, where Spyro found a Bullwhip Rhynoc blocking the way, to what they did was different from what they had done so far, as Elora rushed towards their foe and ducked under the Rhynoc's arm as he tried to lash out at her. As he turned to follow her, however, that opened him up to being attacked from behind and Ember was the one that capitalized on it by hardening her body and jumped into the air, where she rolled forward and bashed into her target's back, slamming him into the ground and caused a gem to replace him, though as that happened Spyro and Spike found a pair of Soldier Rhynocs, a Warthog, and another Bullwhip Rhynoc off to their right, guarding a passage that would help them reach the exit portal for this realm. Spike, instead of getting near the group of enemies, summoned his magic and commanded the wind for a moment, where he sliced through the shields that the Soldier Rhynocs were carrying, using the Wind Blade spell, one that was designed to use the wind to slice right through things, and he made sure that the wind only damaged the shields and nothing else. While he did that Ember kept her Warrior's Armor up and let the Warthog charge into her, where it staggered backwards for a moment like it was in pain, before she lashed out at it with her tail and took it down, allowing Elora to jump over her and kick the first Soldier Rhynoc in the face with the side of her left leg, before dodging the incoming sword strike from the other and punched it in the face.

As those foes fell down, and they noticed that another Soldier Rhynoc had been hiding behind the boulder they were walking around, Spyro stared at the Bullwhip Rhynoc and it stared at him for a moment, before he shifted his head and his foe lashed out at the other Soldier Rhynoc, surprising it in the process, only for Spyro to flame the foe he had been staring at, taking it down as well. Once all of those foes had been taken down, and the area was almost cleared, Ember spotted one more Bullwhip Rhynoc hiding around the corner from where the third Soldier Rhynoc had been standing, so she used her method of hardening herself and then spun through the air to smack him into the ground, before they jumped over a small bit of lava and found one of the eggs hidden under a ledge, which they had walked by a few moments ago. As such Spike took a moment to make sure that nothing was wrong with the egg, where he found that it was just fine, just like all of the other eggs they had recovered so far, before using his Teleportation Breath to send it back to the Dragon Realms, but once that was done the four of them made sure to pick up all of the gems that were around them, before heading for the passage that would allow them to move forward. They had to jump over a small bit of lava, to land on a small stone walkway, before jumping over another small bit of lava to reach an area that a pair of Rhynocs, one Bullwhip and one Soldier from the looks of it, were waiting in.

Since this chamber wasn't the size of the other areas they had been in the group was forced to do something else to their foes, where Spike used his magic to protect himself from the whip that was coming his way and then forced it to rest on the ground, which was the moment that Ember rushed forward and smashed her hardened tail into her foe's chest, all to take him down, while Spyro charged into the chest of the Soldier Rhynoc as Elora kicked him as well. Once that was done they smashed a straw basket for the gem that was inside it and then headed down the rest of the passage, where a Warthog rushed at them while they were walking, but it was forced to stop as it ran right into Ember, who hardened her body the moment she saw it, stunning their new foe so Spyro could flame it, before they found another small bit of lava that seemed to serve as a river between them and the area they needed to use to progress. Standing on the other side of the next jump was another Bullwhip Rhynoc, who definitely seemed like he was waiting for someone to come and try to get by him, so what they did was have Ember approach the gap and he lashed out at, though her body was hardened and took no damage from the attack, but she did bite the whip to stop it from being pulled back to its wielder. That allowed Spike to launch a small volley of Arcane Missiles at their foe, where he blasted him in the chest a few times before he fell backwards and collapsed on the ground behind him, reducing him to a gem that they picked up as they moved forward once more, only this time they discovered the central area for the entire realm.

Resting in the middle of the area was a temple or structure of some kind, which rested on a raised patch of stone that sat in the middle of a pool of lava, and there were a few bits of ground that they could use to get up to the temple, as they spotted a wooden bridge that connected it to one of the other patches, and the temple, from what they could tell, had the exit portal that they were looking for, meaning they were almost done taking care of the Rhynocs. Speaking of which there happened to be two more Soldier Rhynocs that were standing in front of them, somehow not even noticing that the one Rhynoc that had been guarding the way had been taken down, and Elora was the first one to rush out of where they were standing as she kicked the foe on the left and put him in the ground, stunning him for a moment. The instant of surprise that the second Soldier Rhynoc experienced, since he wasn't expecting such a thing to happen, was more than enough for Ember and Spyro to charge him into the ground, allowing a gem to take his place, while giving Spike a chance to flame the one that Elora had hit, where both of the Soldier Rhynocs fell in a matter of moments, opening the way for them to move forward once more. In that moment they spotted a side path that seemed to be made of small stone walkways, only wide enough for one of them to walk on them at any given time, so Ember jumped onto the first one and left the others to pick up the gems that were around them, even if that meant breaking a few straw baskets to get what they were after. Ember ended up charging right into a Soldier Rhynoc that was blocking the way and then jumped over to another part of the path she was following, knocking the foe that was on it, one more of the Soldier Rhynocs, into the lava so she could pick up a golden key, which had to be for the locked chest they had seen at the starting area for this realm, before she retraced her steps and returned to where the others were waiting for her.

As they jumped over to the next piece of ground, which had a bridge that connected to the ground that connected to the stone platform that the temple was built on, though while Elora and Spyro dealt with the Bullwhip Rhynoc that was in their way, by dodging his attack, kicking him in the face, and then flaming him into the ground, Spike found a small patch of ground that had a straw basket on it, so he jumped over to it and smashed it for the gem it held. From there they found that a Warthog seemed to be guarding the bridge to the base of the stone platform, so Ember took the charge that was coming her way and then hit it with her tail, taking it out in seconds, before they found a few patches of ground nearby, ones that had straw baskets to break, so she and Spike went out to collect them, as the lava didn't bother them and that left the gems and containers that were near the Bullwhip Rhynoc's location. It didn't take the four of them that long to pick up all of the loose gems that were around the area, to which they got back together at the base of the steps and made their way to the top of the temple, but before they talked to the Tiki that was near the exit portal they turned to the right and found two Soldier Rhynocs that were standing on a wooden bridge, one that no doubt took them over to the other parts of the realm, where Ember just charged through them and let her siblings flame them both into submission, which let them pick up the gems that were left behind, before they returned to the area that the Tiki was standing in, to give him the good news about the downfall of the Rhynocs.

"Wow, you guys did it. You repelled the Rhynocs!" the Tiki said, his tone revealing that he was very happy with the fact that his realm was now safe from the forces that had been attacking them for some time, while at the same time the iron barred door that lead back to the starting area sunk into the ground, which meant that they would be able to return to the area that the locked chest was in rather quickly, instead of having to backtrack, before the Tiki pulled out one of the stolen eggs and out it down in front of them, "Here, you guys can have this egg... they were giving away eggs at the Tiki Lodge earlier and I was given this one, though its far too big for me to bother with and it seemed different than the ones I've had in the past, so I'll give it to you guys."

Based on what the Tiki said this was the only stolen egg that had been among the bunch, so Spike quickly made sure that nothing was wrong with it and then, upon finding nothing wrong or out of place, used his Teleportation Breath to send it back home as the exit portal turned on, allowing the Tiki to depart from his realm, but before they headed through it there were two more portals for them to focus on before they returned to Sunrise Spring. With that taken care of they turned back to the bridge and started walking across it, where all four of them had to pause for a moment as they, once again, stopped Moneybags in front of one of the portals they needed to walk through, one that seemed to be blocked off by a door, meaning the bear was going to try and get some money out of them at some point. Instead of worrying about that the group continued towards the area that was in front of them, where they found a golden birdcage that had blue glass between the golden parts, or at least they assumed it was glass as they walked towards it, only to discover that it was just metal that was blue colored, but the door was locked and there was no way to open the portal to the section of the realm that it lead to. That was, of course, when Spyro found a sign nearby with the face of a bird of some kind, one that reminded him of the birds from Breeze Harbor, since it seemed that this one was wearing an army hat that had a card in the top part of it, before discovering a quick message had been written on the sign, though while he could read it he let Spike do it, mostly since he would copy it down for later.

"Let's see here, 'Sgt. Byrd is currently on an important mission... to the inside of a cage. Tough luck'," Spike said, taking a moment to read the entirety of the short message that was on the sign, while at the same time writing down exact what was said as he made a note of where this portal was located, since he had the feeling that they would be coming back to this realm to get into the sealed off area, "Its signed by the Sorceress, meaning that Sgt. Byrd must have done something to tick her off... or, if he's anything like Sheila, he's been falsely imprisoned and is being held against his will, likely in one of the other homeworlds that we'll be visiting at some point in the near future."

"Great, that's something to look forward to." Ember stated, because she was telling the truth, as anyone that opposed the Sorceress was an ally of theirs and it sounded like Sgt. Byrd definitely opposed the one who ordered the dragon eggs to be stolen in the first place, meaning that they would have to keep an eye out for him when they headed to the other lands that made up the Forgotten Realms.

The others nodded their heads in agreement as they smashed the straw baskets that were nearby and picked up all of the gems that were on the ground, before turning towards the gap that was between them and the area that the other portal was located in, where Moneybags was standing to be exact, before Elora sighed and jumped over to where the bear was standing, moving before the siblings had a chance to do so.

"Moneybags, we meet again." Elora said, because she was already getting tired of the bear's presence, especially after learning what he had done to Avalar during the time that Ripto that was there, and she knew that the siblings were getting tired of having to listen to him try and take the gems they were collecting, even though she had the feeling that he was going to do the same thing he did the last few times she had seen him.

"Elora, I see that you're still mimicking a dragon," Moneybags replied, where he raised his empty hand for a moment and tapped one of the wings, Elora's right wing to be exact, and found that it was pretty sturdy, before lowing his hand as he stared at her for a few seconds, showing that he was thinking about something, "Normally I would criticize your love interests, and the fact that you seem to have fallen for a dragon when you should be interested in one of the other Fawns, but I have more pressing matters to attend to. A pair of egg thieves ran through this portal earlier and paid me to stand guard over their hideout... but, if you convince your friends to part with some of their gems, I'll open the door that's in front of the portal and let you chase after them, to get back the eggs that they were carrying."

At first Elora said nothing to what Moneybags said, making him think that she was actually going to do that, but that was when she lashed out and punched him right in the nose, causing him to fall over for a second as a look of surprise appeared on his face, though before he could get up the siblings jumped over to the area that Elora was standing in and stared at the bear, who growled as he waved a hand and opened the way to the area the thieves were in, showing that he understood what they were trying to tell him, for now anyway.

"When will you learn?" Ember asked, mostly because she would have thought that someone would have learned not to mess with them about paying for things while they were trying to do something important, like how he was trying to get them to pay for everything in Avalar when they were in the middle of fighting Ripto and how he was currently in the middle of trying to get the gems in exchange for the ability to head to where some of the eggs were located, but Moneybags was a foolish bear and would likely never learn from his mistakes.

Elora watched as Spyro smashed a few straw baskets that were near them, allowing him to pick up a few gems in the process, before he and his siblings headed for the portal to the only section of the realm that they hadn't explored yet, but as they started to make their way towards it Moneybags got up and made a terrible decision, as he raised his left hand and threw a fist at Elora while her back was turned, only for her to turn around and catch the attack, mostly because she felt that he would try something like this. The siblings watched as she pushed Moneybags' fist backwards and then punched the bear in the chest, causing him to stagger for a moment, before he dropped his bag and rushed at her as he threw a few more punches at her, showing that he must have lost his mind at some point, where she used the sides of her bracers to prevent the attacks from hitting her, surprising her foe in the process. Once his guard was open Elora lashed out with a few of her own punches, where the first couple struck the bear in the chest, all of which would cause him to stagger for a time, before she delivered a powerful uppercut that knocked him onto his back, where she showed Moneybags that she wasn't messing around and that she was able to contend with whatever he was trying to do, including trying to attack one of them from behind. The siblings, on the other hand, nodded their heads in agreement as they saw her do that, as they weren't surprised that the bear would try something like this and were happy to see that no harm came to Elora while she fought him, but in the end Moneybags laid on the ground and just stayed there, either due to the pain that he was in or because he understood what she was trying to teach him.

Once that was down they walked through the portal and found themselves in a small room that lead out into a larger area with rocks and, more importantly, a Supercharge ramp that seemed to form a loop around the entire area, meaning that these thieves would be fast and that they would have to chase after them, only Elora would be forced to remain near the entrance, as she didn't have something that would make use of this powerup. She was fine with that, however, as she could look around the area and gather the gems that were in the area, be they on the ground, contained in the metallic vases, or inside the straw baskets, leaving the siblings to chase down the thieves in question, and even as they walked up towards the entrance of the area they found a Tiki that told them about the 'shifty' characters he had seen. With that done the group separated from each other as Ember rushed onto the Supercharge platform and started to chase the first thief, who had a yellow robe this time around, but as that happened they discovered that the path she was trying to follow didn't contain the power of the Supercharge ability, meaning she just had to follow the thief and bash into him when she got close to her target's backside. Sadly the thief didn't get all that far, as he managed to make it around the entire track once, before Ember collided with his backside and struck him down, allowing Spike to come up and take the egg that she just saved, though as that happened a red robed thief entered the area and the ramp activated, allowing Ember to actually use the Supercharge ramp this time as she growled and followed after the new thief. The red thief put up quite the chase, far more than what the yellow thief did since he was able to force Ember to run the course more than once, but in the end she caught him and smashed him into the ground, allowing Spike to collect the other egg that he had been holding, where he looked at the pair of eggs and found that nothing was wrong, so he sent them back to the Dragon Realms.

From there they searched the rest of the area, where they found a circular metallic chest that Elora was standing by, as she couldn't break it on her own, to which Ember smashed it with her hardened tail and let the others pick up the gems that had been trapped inside it, before they made sure that the rest of the gems in the area were claimed, where they found nothing else to be claimed. Once that was done they headed back to the portal that brought them into this section of the realm and headed back to the main section they had been running through earlier, only this time Moneybags had taken a hint and disappeared, no doubt heading to one of the other realms or, if they were lucky, to another homeworld so they wouldn't have to mess with him again. As soon as they discovered that the four of them headed back to the short passage that would take them back to the starting area for this realm, where they found the locked chest that Ember had the key for and they opened it up, revealing a couple of gems for them to pick up and add to the bag that contained all of the other gems that had been found so far. The moment that was done, however, the four of them admitted that this was all they could do at the moment and headed back to the exit portal that would take them back to Sunrise Spring, because while they couldn't complete everything in this realm the first time around there was still one other realm for them to help out, before they figured out what was inside the tower that was near the castle.

The siblings and Elora were under the impression that they were nearby done with what this homeworld had to offer, meaning they would have to find someway to head to the next land that existed in the Forgotten Realms, which could very well explain the hot air balloon they had seen, but for now they were going to focus on helping the residents of the realms and recovering the stolen eggs, before worrying about how they were going to move forward.

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