• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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A Claw-terlot Wedding part 2, part 6

Twilight gets a Puppy
Season 2

A Claw-terlot Wedding
part 2, part 6

[Canterlot Royal palace, Chapel]

The great doors to the room crashed heavily to the ground, sending up a cloud of dust and debris as a small group of ponies strode in.

To the left side was a bruised Applejack, still clad in a chefs hat and apron with a put out expression on her face, who glanced in annoyance to the mare in the lead of the group. Next to her were the pair of Nightlight and Twilight Velvet Sparkle, the former reloading a few of the crossbows that floated around him, cursing the need to use them, and the latter was doing her best to keep the Cutie Mark Crusaders corralled, with only a bit more success than most.

To the right side was a rather well groomed Rarity who unlike the others didn't have a speck of green goo on her. Her mane and tail were also perfect. To the right of her was Pinkie Pie, the mare had a straight mane and seemed to be foaming at the mouth. Behind her was a skittish looking Fluttershy trying to calm the pink mare down. Rainbow Dash stood on the other side of Pinkie Pie, trying her best to get the gunk out of her wings.

Behind them was a host of guards, nobles, and maids fighting off a surging wave of changelings. Leading the group, and receiving a number of angry glares, was a pink alicorn, one that looked as if she had gone eight rounds in the ring with a pissed off mountain gorilla.

The Changelings in the room quickly surrounded the group, giving Pinkie Pie a wide berth. Weapons were pointed at the lot of them.

“CHRYSALIS!!” Cadence bellowed. The power of the Royal Canterlot voice blowing out the last undamaged window in the room, which oddly seemed to be a image of Discord eating popcorn

“Cady!” Chrysalis replied happily, pronking over to the pink alicorn mare as she approached a smile on her face. She slowed, the smile faltering as she noticed the state the goddess of love was in.
“What the buck happened to you?”

“What happened to me, what the buck are you doing with my fiancée!?” Cadence snapped before waving a wing in a broad sweep... “ And what in Tartarus is all this?”

Chrysalis grinned,” Well if you must know, it was supposed to be a gift.”


“You don't recall what I said?”

“What? I certainly don't recall you saying you were going to attack Canterlot.” Cadence snapped, stomping past the changeling Guards to get face to face with Chrysalis.

“I did promise you a kingdom though.” Chrysalis grinned wider. “ And of course since most kingdoms are taken already I had to steal one first.”

“What?!” Cadence blinked.

“Don't listen to her she killed Princess Celestia!!” Twilight shouted as the others helped her from under the pile of ponies.

Cadence blinked a moment and looked to the hole in the wall to see the sun still shining.” Suns still out Twilight. Celestia can't be dead.”

It was at this point when Cadence looked back at Twilight that she noticed the groups explosive entrance had unfurled a massive banner over the door. A banner with a picture of Cadence covered in pig slop trying to catch a unruly pig in it's pen.

“I'm gonna kill her though...” Cadence growled staring at the banner.

“Oh, I remember that picture, that pig was an asshole.” Chrysalis commented sagely.

“ Grrrrr, AAHHHHH!!!” Twilight screamed out jabbing a hoof at the bug queen and pink alicorn. “ Explain. Now!”

“Is she always like this?” Chrysalis asked.

“Woof.” Rahs offered.

“Yeah she's had a stressful few days.” Spike agreed patting his brother on the back as he remained bent over the pews.

“Oh well that's easy.. Cady and I used to date before she moved to Canterlot.” Chrysalis admitted.

Cadence face hooved and the rest of the crowd simply stared at the pair.

Big Mac coughed lightly holding his hoof out to Rarity who placed a sack of bits into it.

“You had to say that?” Cadence grumbled.

“What it's true. Then you break it off to come to Canterlot after I told you lard ass back there had sealed me in a volcano and we didn't get along. I offered to teach you everything you needed to know, but you wanted a proper education. Despite all the fun we had together, BAM next thing I know you're getting married to some tool you met here.” Chrysalis waved a hoof. “ I mean how was I supposed to react to all that?”

“Not like this? You invaded Canterlot!” Cadence snapped back.” This is hardly a way to try to win back some pony.”

“I don't do things by halves Cady, you know that.” Chrysalis nodded solomly.

Twilight's twitching was getting worse.

“Right okay, I think I get this now. You gave me the two week spa package to get me out of the way so you could take my place to get close to Celestia to take her out.”

“Well, get revenge for the time she locked me and my hive in a volcano any way.” Chrysalis agreed.” I still have plenty of other things to get revenge on her for.”

“Wait, you've been me for two weeks?” Cadence demanded.” I've been at that resort for two weeks....”

“An she bumped up the wedding by a few months as well.” Twilight Velvet added.

“ You were going to marry MY SHINY!?!” Cadence growled.

“Well no, but actually yes. The marriage would have been annulled once everything came about, though his status as a Prince that was fought for would be called into question and make a great deal of a headache and paperwork for Celestia. Which was a bonus. During the intervening time I would swoop in sweep you off your hooves again and wham, bam, happily every after.” Chrysalis shrugged.” But the Sparkles there made me go to plan B. I hate plan B, but at least the hive gets to tour Canterlot for a while until Shining Armor recovers enough magic to put the shield up again and throw us out. Easy way to win right there.....”

“So you spent two weeks with Shining Armor.” Cadence growled clearly getting madder and not listening well to the bug queen.

“Well,..... yeeeessss....”

“And you needed to keep him thinking you were me.....” Cadence's ears were flattened to her head.

“Yeeeessss.....” Chrysalis rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “I mean honestly I think you could do better, but he is clearly picking up some of your likes and other things, so you are training him well....”

“Chryssy...” Cadence snarled.” You slept with him!??!”

Another twitch from Twilight.

“Well there wasn't much sleeping really....” Chrysalis offered as she took a step, back not meeting Cadence's gaze. “Look I had to make sure he was worthy of you and all that.... Shining back me up here.”

A few more strands of Twilight's mane sprung up and those around her wisely backed away.

Shining Armor wobbled as he turned to the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of Change.

“Shining seriously say something to help me out here.” Chrysalis demanded.” I mean you love her right...”

“My heart belongs to you Cadence...........” Shining answered in a rather monotone voice.

“See no harm no foul.....”Chrysalis smiled.

“.....But my dick has a vested interest in a mare that can be anything I want....”Shining Continued before sitting down hard not able to keep up the illusion of coherence any more.

“Oh, oh wow...... “ Chrysalis muttered. “Okay, I did not tell him to say that, but it's kinda romantic when you think about it.......”

Chrysalis might have continued had Cadence not lept at the Changeling Queen tackling her to the ground and going for the throat.

There was screaming, hair pulling, a good bit of flank kicking, some biting, and a great many male eyes, and some female ones, locked on the fight between the two goddesses.

At some point some one decided to make it more interesting and threw the four tiered wedding cake from the table at the back of the room onto the pair with a sweet smelling splorch.

No one would admit who did it, but there were certain parts of a broken stained glass window that seemed to smile wider.

Given the fact that the pair were the pinnacles of their race in terms of form and beauty, nearly all the fighting had stopped for a time so everyone could watch.

Unfortunately the fight ended with Chrysalis flinging Cadence off of her. The pink alicorn mare flailed in the air before crashing down on the pews next to Rahs.

“Dammit Cadence...” Chrysalis snarled.” Alright my fault there. I probably should have held back for a while, it's not like he'll be around long compared to us. Still you did always have a way to work me up and I became envious of that colt toy you've got. I certainly didn't want any one else to have you. Maybe I should come back later when every one's cooled off. This was clearly not my best thought out plan B.”

“DIE!!!” a voice snapped drawing every ones attention to the burning unicorn in the middle of the room.

“Oh right, Twilight Sparkle is still here, ......shit.” Chrysalis sighed, dodging a blast of magic as the smaller unicorn charged her and the rest of the group attacked the Changelings.

Celestia had at this point reformed, climbed out of the manure cart and flown to the hole in the wall, ready to return the favor to the bug queen.

The Solar Princess surged up to the hole, only to take a blast of magic from Twilight that Chrysalis dodged. The blast slammed into her, searing off her feathered wings and sending her screaming back down to crash back into the cart of manure.

“Oooh, that had to sting” Chrysalis winced. ”You really need to work on your aim Sparkle.”

“GAAAAH!!” Twilight roared.

“Don't give me that. It's clear you've got the power to spare, but you've got a temper and a fairly short fuse. You should really learn to focus on that instead of letting me rile you up.” Chrysalis chimed in her horn glowing as she vaporized a pair of pews flung at her by Applejack and Big Mac.

Cadence pushed herself upright. She hadn't been hurt by Chrysalis, but she had the wind knocked out of her. She really should take Auntie Luna up on that training offer. She glanced over as Spike helped her upright, nodding her thanks before looking to Twilight still trying to blast the Changeling Queen, who was easily dodging the attacks.

“Are you okay Cadence?” Spike asked. Noting a rather large chunk of cake on her wing, he quickly picked it up and ate it, heck some one needed to at least taste the thing.

“I've been better Spike.” Cadence growled looking to surge back into the fight before she noticed Shining Armor's horn still sparking.

“What?” Cadence asked.” Is he still trying to cast the shield?”

“Looks it. A dazed spell is just keeping him in his own little world and I think she's got another spell cast to mute his magic. That's probably how she made the shield so weak, and it's what made Rahs sick. The connection we have is a pain sometimes.” Spike offered.

Cadence blinked, looked at Shinning, then at Chrysalis with a curious expression before looking back to Shining, then over at Rahs before smirking.

“Not the dumbest thing I've done.” Cadence admitted grabbing Rahs off the pew and pushing him to the floor, her hooves pushing open his mouth as he flailed.

“Sorry about this Rahs, but open wide.” Cadence ordered before her horn glowed brightly as she poured all her magic down the flailing Moon Dogs throat.

The effect was immediate. Twilight's horn surged and Chrysalis barely missed being teleported into deep space like the chapel roof just was.

Spike coughed and a gout of green flame burst from his mouth engulfing the pews before him and oddly turning a few of them into ducks as the chaos infecting the link was burned out by a surge of alicorn magic.

Outside Celestia pushed herself up out of the manure for a second time, cursing loudly, only for a surge from her horn to make her look up as a half dozen heavy oak pews, and a couple of ducks, formed in the air above . Gravity quickly took hold as the message was delivered and the oak benches crashed down on top of her.

Shining Armor had never had a surge growing up. His magic had been steady and grew with him, with only a small jump once Rahs and Spike came into the picture. Power wise, and even skill wise he had nothing on his sister. He focused on his shields and that however paid off in spades, he had no equal in that field. His shield even managing to stop attacks from several gods who wanted to test it.

He could shape his shields however he wished, making platforms or weapons or even things with moving parts, he had managed a working clock once, though it ran three seconds too fast.

He could customize his shield to allow certain things or individuals in, or he could seal it to be so tight that even light couldn't pass through. Due to his, 'training,' with Cadence he also had the stamina to keep a shield up over a whole city for days, weeks if he didn't push it.

In his currently dazed state, his mind was still working on instinct. His brain was telling him it was time to recharge the shield and he was trying to do so , though he wasn't coherent enough to realize he was being blocked.

He also had picked up a number of things about changelings, and had altered his shield to repel them, despite barely being aware enough to have noticed them.

Though like the others, his attention was soly focused on the Cadence and Chrysalis cake fight for a brief time.

His magic was failing to break past the barrier that Chrysalis had put on his magic, and the sputtering of his horn was a clear sign of that.

However when a flood of alicorn magic rushed into him through the link, it super charged his magic, allowing him to easily break through the damping effect, allowing him to cast his shield spell.

The bubble of force that emerged from the tip of his horn grew larger with an alarming speed.

The changelings in the chapel barely had time to notice the shield wall before it slapped into them.
The glowing barrier catching them and sending them tumbling along the walls and floor, flowing like water and forcing them out of holes in the walls or the remains of windows and out into the air like they were launched from a bottle of well shaken bubbly.

The shield quickly raced across Canterlot gathering up changelings in a wave of surprisingly soft force, flinging them away from where they were. The shield seemed to curve and shift forcing the changelings out through the nearest opening rather than through any solid structures. The swarm was launched skyward , screaming as they were flung into the distance like from a catapult.

The shield itself hit it's full size once again, a shimmer of power arching over the dome.

Inside the chapel, Twilight fumed at missing a parting shot at the Changeling Queen.

Spike lay on the floor with Applebloom petting his head spines as he clutched his chest, the fiery super burp having been rather painful.

Shining Armor immediately collapsed, his horn trailing wisps of smoke and glowing hot.

Cadence herself was covered in moon dog vomit as Rahs threw up on her the moment she stopped feeding him magic.

Pinkie Pie was being calmed down by Fluttershy.

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were both staring warily at Twilight as she invented new swear words while ranting.

Big Mac was staring warily at Nightlight and his collection of loaded Griffonesse crossbows, a few of which were pointed at him.

Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle were checking their flanks to see if they got any bug stomping cutie marks while Prince Blueblood kept a silencing spell up around all the under aged while Twilight went off the deep end.

The gathered nobles and Guards were still in varying states of confusion and worry as they tried to figure out what the buck was going on.

Twilight Velvet was considering finding a bar of soap for her daughter's mouth.

Nightlight surveyed the room as he considered before shrugging.

“Soooooo, any pony want to go get breakfast?” Nightlight asked. “ I'm thinking Pony Joes.”

Author's Note:

And thus wraps up the final core chapter of Season 2, now for the epilogues. at least one for Calw-terlot wedding, then one or two for the season.

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