• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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A Claw-terlot Wedding, Part 2, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

A Claw-terlot Wedding,
Part 2, Part 3

[ Canterlot caverns. 4 AM, 5 hours before the wedding.]

“What tha heck is this stuff?” Applejack muttered splashing another bucket of salt water over Pinkie Pie. The pink mare wiggled and squirmed in her binding, but the green goo was dissolving rather slowly. Pinkie Pie had managed to only get one hoof loose and her mouth free in order to demand a number of questions of 'Applejack' A lot of which Applejack didn't think made sense or she didn't know the answer too, but that seemed to appease Pinkie Pie.

Applejack was rapidly running out of salt for the water and the whole chamber floor sloshed with muck and salty water.

Of course after a few more buckets Applejack was surprised to see Pinkie Pie suddenly fall asleep. She knew the mare could sleep any where but this was odd. Particularly when she was dousing her with rather cold water.

“So my Queen was correct that you were not what you seemed. “ a deep gravely voice stated from behind Applejack.

Whirling about the orange farm pony saw Applebloom standing there with a sneer on her face.

“Makes sense now that she would mention a way to get free so off hoofed like that. I thought she suspected Domino when she said that. You think simple salt water is going to fully dissolve our wax?” You're dumber than you look.”

“Well ah fooled you intah leading me down here.” Applejack snapped back.

“Indeed, and I am quite aggravated by that. But thank you for calming your friend down enough by your presence that my spell would work on her, anger makes that sleep spell hard to take hold.” 'Applebloom growled.” My queen wants you lot unhurt, but given none of you seem to share that sentiment, I don't see why I should either. And if the queen gets mad, well, easier to ask forgiveness than permission.”

“Thinking tah take me on? Ah already beat tha tar outta oneayah an I'm plenty mad so yer little spell ain't doing crap.” Applejack growled back as her fake sister approached.

There was a flash of green and Applejack found herself rolling across the cavern floor before she even realized she had been hit, the Changeling having teleported to her side and hit her with the force of Big Mac.

“Please, Pokerface is an infiltrator, I'm a warrior, I've eaten bigger threats than you for lunch. A farm yard brawler has nothing on a trained warrior.” The fake Applebloom growled.” Plus I know your weakness.”

“Lotta talk fer such a cheap shot. “ Applejack rushed forward rearing up to stomp down on the smaller figure of the doppelganger, only for the changeling to grin and look up at her with puppy dog eyes and a pout.

“What's wrong applejack?” Applebloom asked in a perfect Applebloom voice.

The act made Applejack hesitate for a moment as she reared up only for the changeling to take advantage of that and slam a hoof into her exposed belly, sending the farmer flying back to crash into a wall again.

“Love of your family... quite the tasty meal , but so easy to take advantage of.” The gravely baritone that was used switched back to Applebloom's voice.” I mean surely yah can't hurt yer cute lil sister can you?”

“Don't yah dare use her voice..... and stop using her face yah monster.” Applejack growled picking herself up again.

“Or you'll what, ask again? But nicer?” the changeling snarled.”Please, if you idiots had just stayed away like you were supposed to none of this would have happened. And now it's not like you can do anything, we have all your friends, the Sparkles are none the wiser, you've lost and you're going to wind up just like your pink friend because you can't bring yourself to hit your own little sister.”

“But ah can!”

“What?!” The changeling asked as a yellow hoof smashed into the side of their face sending the changeling toppling to the floor with a crash in the muck at the base of Pinkie Pie's ball, before a red maned earth pony filly lept on top of her doppelganger swinging wildly.

“Applebloom what” Applejack questioned.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CAVALRY, YAY!!!!” a pair of voices screamed from the other side of the narrow tunnel before the wall itself exploded in a shower of bug wax and rock. As the dust settled a White unicorn filly and an orange pegasus filly their fur still stuck with green globs of goo rush through and help the bow less Applebloom start beating the fool out of the one with the bow.

“What?” Applejack asked again.

“Girls don't get too far ahead , it's not safe down here...... oh my.” A mature light gray furred unicorn mare chided as she walked in after them, her horn was still smoking from blowing out the tunnel and a bit of her white and purple striped mane was singed. She too was covered in green goo though her three purple star cutie mark was clearly visible. “Well now. Dear I think we found one of Twilight's friends.”

Applejack glanced back to the tunnel, a blue furred and navy blue maned unicorn stallion trotted in after her. His cutie mark was of a crescent moon inside a crescent moon. What was off about him however was that there were at least twenty antique griffon crossbows floating in the air around him with a crate of what looked like bolts for them on his back.

“Why so we did. And that looks like Pinkie Pie I think..... but who's this one?” The stallion pointed out, half the floating crossbows suddenly pointed at Applejack.

“That's mai sister!” Applebloom stated yanking her bow off the battered changelings head with a couple more punches to the pinned bug.

“Um not tah sound ungrateful, but who are you and what's going on?” Applejack asked noting that not all the crossbows had stopped aiming at her.

“Oh right manners. My names Twilight Velvet, and this is my husband Nightlight. We're Twilight, Rahs, Spike, and Shining Armor's parents.” Twilight Velvet explained.

“Right well we were stuck down here and these little fillies found us, and on the way out I found this amazing collection of old armors and weapons, a cache left from the Griffon Equestria war it seemed , and the weapons were rather serviceable....” Night light offered before deeply sighing. “A perfectly preserved archaeological goldmine and I have to use it for roach hunting. Tis a sad day for archaeology.”

“The Girls? How tha heck did they get free?” Applejack asked.

“Please.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes looking back at the adults. “ With as much tree sap as we get stuck in do you think a little bug goop is gonna slow us up? Tree sap is way worse than this stuff.”

“ENOUGH!” The changeling bloom snarled flinging the fillies off of it with barely a shrug. Twilight Velvet quickly grabbed them out of the air before they fell.

The thunder of hooves was heard rushing down the new tunnel as a squad of changelings in Royal Guard Armor rushed into the room weapons drawn and pointed at the small group of ponies.

“Bout time you idiots got here!” the Applebloom changeling snarled shifting back to a massive and heavily armored and spiked black bug pony.

“General Rhino we got here as fast as we could...” One of the Guards tried to placate.

“Stuff it capture this lot again. The queen said keep them alive, but grievous injuries are more than allowed at this point if they resist.”

The guard was about to respond when a loud thud filled the chamber.

General Rhino suddenly got a great deal shorter as he was hit once and driven up to his neck in the muddy ground below him, the massive changeling knocked out cold from one hit. The sound of the impact was soon followed by cracking and splintering as a pink form ripped itself from the green ball of partially melted goo.


Pinkie Pie bellowed.

The changeling Guards upon seeing this, all wet them selves at once, and took off like bats out of hell with a pink demon right after them.

The remaining ponies glanced at the General then the ball , then the mess on the floor wrinkling their noses at the smell.

“Ah think..... we better find the others, particularly Fluttershy, an fast.” Applejack offered getting nothing but nods in return.

[Canterlot Throne room]

“Woof.” Rahs asked quietly.

“She said she would look into it but unless I had proof there wasn't much she could do at the moment. There are too many bits already sunk into this to stop it fully, not to mention the possible political fallout. Evidently she stomped on a lot of hooves making sure this wedding happened and the nobles are pissy. That said she's not dumb enough to just dismiss my suspicions. She has positioned a larger collection of Guards around the ceremony just in case.” Twilight sighed.”Would have had proof if the ones Spike caught hadn't gotten away.”

“I didn't know they could cut through metal, isn't the hole and the slime proof enough.”Spike asked with a low grumble as the four of them looked at the wedding ceremony going on before them with Princess Celestia presiding.

“She got real worried looking when we told her tha description of them bug pony things.” Big Mac added.

“Bark.” Rahs pointed out.

“Right, the princess is taking us seriously, she's got her war hammer out and tucked behind the podium. I've never seen that thing any where but on her wall.” Spike nodded.

“I can't believe that stupid hammer has a bachelors degree.”Twilight growled.

“Doesn't MC only have a degree in Leisure studies?” Spike questioned.

“I guess....” Twilight fumed.

“”What's the M.C. for?” Big Mac asked curious.

“ Masher of Chaos Hammer.” Twilight explained. “That's the full name. It's evident;y an artifact from the Discordian war.”

“Yip.” Rahs frowned.

“Yeah Shining doesn't look good at all, he's barely staying upright.”Spike frowned.” We need to stop this quick. Did you figure out a spell?”

“Sorta. If these things can assume another shape then they are probably can easily shrug off the usual dispel illusion spells that exist. I tried combining spells, but I didn't have enough time so I'm going for an alternative that might work, and it might just make things awkward. If they use magic disguises instinctively casting a simple mane color changing spell on them should have them shrug it off and show no effect at all.”

“Will that work on an alicorn?” Spike asked.

“I tested it on Princess Celestia with her being aware and actively trying to cancel it. After a few teaks to the spell I got her to have my coloration for a full ten seconds. It stuck on Big Mac until I could dispel it, though that was a nice color on him.”

“Eenope....” Big Mac comments noting the glare twilight gave him.” Looks better on you then me.”

“Aww..” Twilight smiled her brothers both making gagging motions behind her.

“Any way at the very least if she shrugs this off or changes it before at least ten seconds is over we know she's a fake. Cadence is in no way as magically skilled as Princess Celestia. I wish I could dig through the royal archive to see if we have a reference for these creatures, but we're out of time.”Twilight sighed. “I know I've heard of them before somewhere too.”

“Now that you mention it , they did look familiar.” Spike added as Rahs nodded sagely.” Maybe some old Nightmare Night story?”

“Possibly, we'll look into it later. We should have done this before the wedding to see if it would work. But noooooooooo, it has to be at the perfect dramatic moment or I'd never live it down from my idiot brother.”Twilight growled.

Twilight glared at Rahs whose tail was wagging hard in the seat.

“ I think the speak now part is coming up. If the spell doesn't work, I'll turn it into some sort of joke.” Spike smirked, “Like how he still owes me bits. Ponies that know me will think it's funny and those who don't will think I'm just being a kid.”

“ And if it does work....” Big Mac muttered.

“We hope Princess Celestia leaves something left for us for that thing screwing with my big brother.” Twilight growled.

[Under Canterlot ]

“I swear that if my coat is stained by this I shall be doing something not nice to that mare, or bug or whatever she is.” Rarity fumed as she trotted along with the rest of the group.

“Tell you what Rarity if we get a hold of her. I'll hold her while you punch her, then you hold her while I lay into her.” Rainbow Dash growled stomping along as well. “I can't get this goop out of my wings without yanking out feathers.”

“Rarity, Dash if y'all don't quit whining ah'm gonna put yah back in tha slime we pulled yah out of” Applejack snapped as she stomped along, bruised but unmucked. “ We need to get outta here.”

It had taken them hours to find all the others and as such they now had a large collection of servants and Guards following them as they walked. There were also a collection of nobles, but Prince Blueblood was keeping them under wraps, the rest were following the lead of the Element Bearers.

Pinkie Pie had found Fluttershy and was currently stretched over the yellow mares back half asleep as she had burned though most of her energy in her rampages.

The Sparkles were keeping an eye or four on the fillies, keeping the CMC busy with tales of what their kids were like when they were younger. They were currently on the story about Nightmare Night where Twilight unmasked 'Nightmare Moon'.

Still Applejack was looking for some one in particular.

The 'Queen' had mentioned a 'main guest', and it didn't take a Twilight to figure out that meant Princess Cadence.

So far they hadn't found any sign of her cocooned up some where, nor was she trapped in a crystal maze or anything like that.

Applejack was about to give up on finding her,and focus on getting out when they came across a mosaic tiled hallway that lead into a large hotel like lobby studded with crystals and very richly decorated. Looking around the place looked like a massive resort spa, complete with an activities guide.

Every one was visibly confused, though Rarity was delighted and made a bee line for a room labeled cleansing bath.

The others poked around a bit more though all of them found the place empty, despite being set up with the most modern spa equipment and furnishings.

Pushing open a door midway down a massive hall however made Applejack stop dead in her tracks and caused most of the others to gather around to see what the farm mare was staring at.

Inside was a fairly ornate masseuse chamber, a large table sat in the middle of the room with a pink alicorn stretched out on top of it her wings drooping as a pair of changelings worked her muscles along her back with skilled precision, though both stopped their work and stared at the door and the collection of faces staring back.

“Hey why'd you guys stop? I thought I had an hour of this, it's barely been twenty minutes?” Cadence murred before the cascade of angry foal napped ponies surged into the room at her.

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