• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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It's about Tiger, part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2
by TDR

It's about Tiger
part 2

[Ponyville, later that morning.]

Spike raised an eyebrow watching Fluttershy rub the belly of the massive three headed dog, the yellow pegasus was hovering over it making cooing noises.

“Who's a good boy yes you are yes you are.” Fluttershy giggled.

“Right, Rahs is now the third biggest dog in Ponyville.”Spike commented. “ And Mr. Tiny Sniffles has got to be related to this guy.”

“Okay I need to get him back where he belongs. I'm glad Fluttershy showed up, I'm not sure I really wanted to test my magic against something that guards the Gates of Tartarus.” Twilight admitted waving the ball she got from Pinkie around to draw Cerberus's attention. “ I'll get Spot back where he belongs and they'll be no disaster.”

Spike, Pinkie, and Fluttershy watch Twilight run off with giant canine in tow, rubber ball squeaking in the air.

“Why did she call him Spot?” Fluttershy asked Spike.

“Ehh it's one of those super nerd jokes.” Spike shrugged. “The name Cerberus is thought to be related to a word in Sanskrit that was talking about some famous dog that belonged to a Yama or something. Roughly translated it's Kerberos, which means spotted.”

“ That's super meta.” Pinkie Pie nodded.

[the next morning]

“WE”VE CHANGED NOTHING!!” Twilight freaked out looking at the new scar on her face put there by a lost dog flier Spike burped up at high speed.

“It's going to be one of those weeks isn't it?” Spike sighed.

[One cleaned up and slightly less panicked Twilight later]

“Soooo, you're just gonna stand there and do nothing?” Spike asked tilting his head.

“Right, if the future changes because of what I do, maybe it will be safe as long as long as I do nothing.” Twilight smiled.

“ Sooo are we sure this is a changeable fate? Cause if you come back and warn yourself, and then you didn't do what you weren't supposed to would that mean that you would never come back to tell yourself not to do it, then you would do it any way so you would come back and warn yourself, but because you warned yourself you didn't do it and didn't come back to warn........ oh I've made myself go all cross eyed....” Spike blinked falling over in a heap.

Twilight glanced down at her little brother and rolled her eyes.

“Hey Twilight, Fireball just got back and ….” Pinkie shouted throwing open the door and pronking into the library, one of her bounces causing her to land on Spike who let out a loud yelp and a gout of flame that struck the 'not moving to save the future' Twilight.

“Oops.” Pinkie winced.” Sorry Spike, I didn't see you there.”

“GAH!!!!” Twilight shrieked running around with her mane on fire before she managed to rush to the bathroom and put it out in the sink.

“Oops again?” Pinkie Pie offered.

“AAAAH!!! It's the same mane cut she had!!” Not doing anything changes nothing either!!!” Twilight shrieked.

“Ummm okay.” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“Please get off of me.” Spike whined.

[ Canterlot.]

Princess Celestia raised a brow as a number of strands of purple mane drift down in the air in front of her. This was possibly the third oddest thing Twilight had ever sent her.

One of the nearby maids glanced to the hair falling before the Sun Princess with just as much confusion as Celestia.

“Um... should I get a broom Princess?” the maid asked.

“If you don't mind. I think I'm just going to ignore this one.” Celestia sighed.

“Might be for the best Princess.”

[ Ponyville]

“Seriously?” Twilight asked.

“Of course!” Pinkie Pie offered, holding up a crystal ball on one hoof before plonking it down on the table.”Lets see what the future holds...... “

Spike and Twilight look at each other then back to Pinkie who in the moment they were not looking at her suddenly had a turban and a purple and gold cloak.

The siblings shared another confused glance, and when they looked back at Pinkie most of the library behind her was done up in old gypsy like decor.

They both silently agreed not to look away from the pink mare again.

Pinkie Pie wiggled her fore legs in front of the ball making spooky noises.

“Ahh yes here it is , show me what the future holds....... wait a minute. That's an ad for all natural stallion enhancement.” Pinkie Pie tapped the ball with a hoof. “Okay no.. wait, I missed eight messages from Maud, oh no.”

Spike and Twilight wanted to share a sideways glance, but kept their eyes on the mare before them lest they some how wind up in a tent.

“Okay those are taken care of and …...... wait what do you mean I can't access the future with ad block on... come on!”Pinkie grumbled. “No one wants ads and there's better ways to generate revenue than pop ups.....”

“Pinkie Pie please. Can't you just use your Pinkie Sense or whatever to tell us what the future disaster is?” Twilight demanded. “I've got enough stress on my mind without an impending disaster.”

“No can do. My pinkie sense only tells the immediate future not the far future.” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“Arrrgh.....” Twilight growled, her eyes widening as Pinkie Pie started vibrating.

“What? What is it!?” Twilight demanded only to get hit in the head with a flower pot.

“That's new.” Spike chimed up.

“Where did that even come from?” Pinkie Pie asked looking up.

[ Ponyville, later in the week]

“So Rahs is still gone?” Fluttershy asked Pinkie Pie as they walked through town.

“Yep Spike said he sent a letter back that he had a project to take care of, but he was going to be staying in the castle until that was done.” Pinkie Pie sighed. “I wanna apologize to him and Dashie but I can't with neither of them around.”

“Well I've seen Rainbow Dash.. but...... she's still very angry at every pony.” Fluttershy sighed. “ Perhaps we should give her space for a bit before we try to talk to her?”

“Well you've known her longer than any one else so I'll take your word for it Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie sighed. “I'm gonna go check on Twilight and make sure she didn't get a concussion.”

[ Golden Oaks library.]

“Uhhhhhhh......”Pinkie Pie stammered looking at the mess that was the entirety of the library.

Twilight , now sporting a bandage around her head was darting around looking over charts and graphs while rambling on about something in a techno babble that Pinkie Pie couldn't follow.

“Mr. Spike, Status Report.” Pinkie said flatly.

“She's giving it all she's got,she can't take much more.... and frankly I'm really worried. She's not slept since last week and she's trying to watch everything.” Spike offered with a wave of his claws.” At least she doesn't have the eye patch yet.”

“Eye patch?” Pinkie questioned reaching behind a book nearby and pulling one out.

“....... Why did you hide an eye patch behind.......” Spike looked at the book title. “ Pirates of the Eastern Sea..... okay that's kinda fitting. Still why?”

“I hide eye patches and all sort of other stuff around Ponyville.” Pinkie Pie admitted.

“Why?” Spike asked again as he stared at the mare, wondering if he should even bother to ask.

“In case of eye patch emergency.” Pinkie beamed.

“And what...” Spike asked hesitantly”.... counts as an 'eye patch emergency'?”

“Oh you know, sudden eye exams, the need to go into a dark area and then a light area and keep your night vision, pirate raids.................” Pinkie Pie rambled.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Twilight screamed falling away from a telescope.

“....That.” Pinkie Pie concluded.

“I think she forgot it was day time.” Spike sighed.

[Canterlot, Starswirl the bearded wing. Tuesday morning]

Rahs, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna blink in confusion at the mess of the Starswirl the bearded wing. Scrolls and books littered every aisle, and there was a big char mark on the floor.

“What the pluck?”

“Language.” Luna chided.

“Well it seems that the Guard who thought to interrupt breakfast to tell us Twilight was here had a right to be worried.” Princess Celestia sighed glancing leerily at Pinkie Pie. A week without cake had been murder.“So how bad is it Spike?”

Spike shrugged. “She hasn't slept since last Tuesday when a time traveling version of herself came back to warn her of something. So she went back to tell herself not to worry about it cause there was nothing happening.”

“Bark?”Rahs questioned.

“Nah, this was a pretty good distraction from her freaking out over whatever happened between her and Rainbow Dash.” Spike stated and Pinkie Pie winced.

“Well that would explain the letter.” Princess Celestia sighed. “Has she tried simply apologizing yet? I think that sort of worked for us. I'm still getting used to being called out on my long term planning.”

“We can't just apologize, that is too little, we screwed up BIG TIME, so we gotta apologize BIG!” Pinkie Pie protested.

“So that is a no.” Princess Luna sighed.

Any further conversation was cut off as a flash of light made another char on the floor as Twilight reappeared.

“Welp...... I never should have got out of bed...... a week ago.....” Twilight grumbled. “ I just went back to tell myself not to freak out about a nonexistent disaster only to not let myself talk long enough that I couldn't pass on a message that will now have me freaking out for a week about something that doesn't exist. And I spent all this time sneaking around in here for nothing.”

“Given that as an Element Bearer you have clearance to this wing any way. Why were you sneaking around?” Princess Celestia asked.” Also I hope you plan to clean this up.”

“What!? Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?” Twilight blinked in surprise. “ What are you doing here?”

“I live here, this is my castle after all.” Celestia smiled.” Happy Tuesday by the way.”

“We are here currently not finishing our dinner.” Luna pouted. “ We have become partial to the chefs spinach and mushroom Alfredo and it is likely getting cold. Come join us for ….. well what ever meal you wish it to be at this point and if you wish you can explain yourself.”

“Can I get ice cream?” Spike asked. “I choose an ice cream meal.”

“Woof!” Rahs chided.

“Hey if I make myself sick that's future Spike's problem.” Spike grinned.

Author's Note:

Now for the ultimate question of how Rahs is second[now third] biggest dog in Ponyville.

Mr. Tiny Sniffles is a Russian bear dog as Big as Celestia who belongs to Dinky Doo. he is Winona's boy friend.

according to Dinky.

Mr. Tiny Sniffles is quite protective of Dinky and has gathered quite an impressive collection of sticks, feathers, and random bits of fur and scales from things in the everfree.

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