• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Dragon Li Quest, prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Dragon Li Quest,

[Ponyville, One week Later, Spring]

“Thank yah kindly fer all of yah coming out tah help with tha spring planting.” Applejack smiled. “Ah'm in a bit of a rush tah get it all done early this year as ah'm heading off tah that big rodeo at that end of tha week an ah dun wanna leave Mac tah deal with it all himself.”

“Hey, no problem after last time something like this happened, I'm just glad you asked.” Rainbow Dash snorted making AJ wince. Despite patching up Dash still occasionally made jabs, though it was usually after some one tried to reign her in on something.

“Still I'm glad I could set everything up properly and give you and Rarity time to talk about what you needed to for that sister hoof social thing.” Twilight smiled quickly changing the subject.

“And I made sure to tell the birds and squirrels to leave the seeds alone or they wouldn't get anything come harvest time.” Fluttershy added.

“ I'm still kinda surprised that you came out to help Rarity.” Pinkie Pie chimed up. “ I didn't expect to see you digging in the dirt.”

“While I am not a fan of it at all. I am not adverse to gardening, and I often work in dirt for my gems.” Rarity pouted. “ That said, I cannot wait to get a shower...”

“Well it might need to wait, Spike offered to make us lunch and we can wash up a bit there.” Twilight smiled. ”Then we can head back to finish up.”

“So why didn't he bring it out to us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because he doesn't have a way to get it out there very quickly with out Rahs helping and I'll probably have to drag Rahs out of bed.” Twilight sighed. “He's not even nocturnal, but he still sleeps most of the day.”

“Don't most ponies dream at night? So wouldn't that make Moon Dogs nocturnal?” Fluttershy asked.

“He's asleep most nights too, he's just lazy.” Twilight huffed.

“Sounds about like a cat to me.” Applejack laughed.

Twilight was about to respond when Rainbow Dash took off towards the Library skidding to a stop as she landed beside the wide open door. The others quickly rushed to catch up skidding to a stop as Dash did looking up at the spray paint defacing the front of the library. Neon green paint screamed out against the trunk in a variety of slogans.

'Meat is murder'
'Animals are not here for your entertainment'
'Animals are not slaves'
' Free the orcas'
'Dairy causes autism'
'I'd rather go naked than wear fur.'

Inside was much worse with a great deal of slurs and insults directed against Twilight herself. They had also taken a large number of foals books about animals and cook books from the shelves and tossed them into the center of the room in an attempt to make a bonfire with them. Aside from some chard paper around the pile the books new fire suppression enchantments had held.

The six mares looked around in awe at the carnage.

“RAHS!!? SPIKE!!?” Twilight called.”Owlowiscious ? Mr. Whipple?”

When no answer was forth coming Twilight looked to Rarity in askance.

“No dear, this isn't like any Diamond Dog attack I've ever seen.” Rarity sighed.” They have better grammar.”

“There's a note over here.” Applejack pointed out.

Twilight snatched it up reading it.

“Dear horrible monster. We have freed your slaves and brought retribution on this den of evil for all to see. We shall carry them to where they belong and free them of having to answer to their slave names of Rahs, Spike, Owlowiscious , and Mr. Whipple. We also hope you suffer a long horrible death in a fire.” Twilight read out loud.

“So Rahs, Spike, Owlowiscious , and that parasprite of yours have been foal napped?” Applejack questioned.

“Again.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Hey look they left leaflets.” Pinkie Pie chimed up hopping over to scoop one up.” Lets see....instead of saying 'bring home the bacon' start saying, 'bring home the bagels'.....instead of saying' Take the bull by the horns' start saying' take the flower by the thorns'? What?”

“So Rahs, Spike, Owlowiscious , and that parasprite of yours have been foal napped by idiots.” Applejack corrected.

“Again.” Rainbow Dash added once more.

Fluttershy moved over to Pinkie Pie looking at the leaflet as Twilight let out a long breath trying to calm herself.

“I am going to ward this building six ways from Tartarus. So help me the next ones who come to cause a problem are just going to explode.” Twilight growled.

“Oh.... them....” Fluttershy stated with a tone cold enough to drop the temperature in the room a few degrees.

Twilight's mane started smoldering raising the temperature back to normal.

“Fluttershy that sounded like recognition. I want names.” Twilight stated.

“Ponies for the ethical treatment of animals. PETA.” Fluttershy stated lowering the temperature a few more degrees.” They're a group of ponies who think they are activists for animal rights when in reality their goal is to wheedle as many bits in donations out of gullible ponies as they can and gain attention any way they can, usually be doing something stupid. They've stolen ponies pets and released them into habitats they don't even belong in or in areas that the released animals soon take over and destroy the native wildlife. They cause no end of trouble to other ponies trying to promote their ideal society.”

“PETA? Had those idiots out on tha farm a few times, they tried tah free tha cows and pigs broke some of my fence. Didn't think they had even landed yet after Mac bucked the lot of um intah orbit.” Applejack frowned.

“They protested sugar Cube Corner because we use milk and eggs. Have you ever had a cake without milk or eggs?” Pinkie Pie threw up her hooves.

“Princess Luna is not to know about this. This one is mine.” Twilight snarled.

At that moment a large bear tapped on the front door and leaned in looking around the library before spotting Fluttershy and whimpering a bit.

“Harry what are you doing here. You know the mayor doesn't like it when you wander into town without me.” Fluttershy scolded.

Harry mumbled and growled a little and Fluttershy's eyes widened then narrowed as the bear continued. The sight of the little yellow mare scowling unnerved most of the others. Twilight was too pissed to notice.

“They came by my house.......” Fluttershy stomped a hoof angrily, which wasn't saying much as she lightly put her hoof down with a barely audible tap. “I warned them what would happen if they did that again.”

More muttering from the bear and Fluttershy blinked before pressing a hoof to her temple rubbing it.

“Of course he did.” Fluttershy sighed.

“Well?” Twilight demanded.

“PETA raided my house as well and 'Freed' all of my animals. Most of them already went back inside though they took some of the more 'docile' ones like Henrietta...... and Angel Bunny.”

There was silence.

“They foal napped angel bunny.?” Applejack asked finally.

“Yes.” Fluttershy replied.

“So Rahs, Spike, Owlowiscious , Angel, Henrietta, and that parasprite of yours have been foal napped by suicidal idiots.” Applejack corrected again.

“Again.” Rainbow Dash chimed up.

“Seems to be the case.” Rarity sighed.

“Pinkie Pie would you do me a favor and get the bag I have in my shed?” Fluttershy stated.

“The one in the back storage locker or the one under the floor boards?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“The first one. The second is for Zephyr.” Fluttershy sighed as Pinkie Pie zipped off.

“What?! Zephyr where!?” Dash growled shooting up into the air looking around angrily.

“One of these days I really must find out what is going on with her brother.” Rarity sighed.

“Applejack how many bodies do you think we can conceivably bury in the eastern part of your farm without some pony noticing?” Twilight asked calculating how many ponies an average organization had.” If we buried them vertically to avoid magical scans from flying ponies I mean.”

“Ah'm a little more concerned with surviving this before we worry about that.” Applejack sighed.

Author's Note:

Dragon Li is a type of Chinese cat.


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