• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Dragon Li Quest, Epilogue

Author's Note:

Due to what day it is and some of my past postings on this day, this message is here to tell you that this is NOT a crack fic chapter or a non canon chapter of TGaP.

It's just bad planning on my part had me finish the epilogue on April 1st.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Dragon Li Quest,


“Woof!” Rahs protested, glaring at his sister.

“No you don't buster, you don't get to pull that greater good nonsense with me, you left Spike alone where he could have gotten hurt!” Twilight shouted.


“'Owlowiscious was watching him' is not a proper excuse for letting Spike walk around some where dangerous!” Twilight snapped.” What would he have done if Spike was in danger, hoot at them?”

Celestia munched on a cookie and she and Luna watched the pair arguing. She wasn't even sure they had noticed the two Princesses in their house just yet.

Spike had, which was why they had tea and cookies.

The small dragon glanced to his arguing siblings then to the Princesses with a sigh.


“Don't give me that ,Spike already told me they were complete idiots, you could have kicked their flanks out the door or even called the local Guard!”

“WOOF!” Rahs waved his hands in the air. The raccoon that had been following since they got on the train was making the same gesture as Rahs behind him.

The other animals had either gone with Fluttershy to be properly released to the wild or with a collection of Guard to the Canterlot Gardens depending on their level of trauma.

Gummy's mom had wandered into the Ever Free Forest after Pinkie gave her cupcakes, likely to find a quiet spot, or for lunch, Pinkie wasn't sure.

Maud and Treehugger had gone their separate ways before Twilight had a chance to meet them.

“You did not need to destroy the head of the serpent! Fluttershy already told me they've been kicked out of town before and having a legal restraining order would have been that much better.”


“What!? I did not cause more property damage than you!”


“If that gate didn't want to be ripped from it's hinges like that it shouldn't have gotten in my way!” Twilight stammered.


“They needed a proper path over to the volcano any way. I just expedited that!”




“Don't you take that tone with me Mister, Rarity took those carts not me, I just used my cut to pay for the little bit of damage I did.” Twilight fumed. The loot gathered from the dragons had been split three ways among those who went to the nature reserve. The two would be set for some time and Rarity considered using hers to open a second boutique in Canterlot. Twilight was left with a few bits of pocket change, maybe enough to get a sandwich. “At least that was a deal of some sort, I didn't come home with a pocket full of wallets, jewelry, and gold teeth like a mugger!”

“WOOF!!”Rahs pointed to Berkly who waved as the attention was focused on him.

“I don't care if it was only one tooth, stop trying to blame it on the trash panda!”

Said trash panda promptly flung said gold tooth at Twilight and started chittering angrily at her, but he was ignored. As such he stormed over to the kitchen to see if Spike would feed him.


“Fine Blakenly whatever, in either case don't blame your light fingers on him!”

“Are they alright Spike?” Celestia asked leaning over to question the little dragon as he gave the raccoon a cookie.

“Meh, they've been arguing since we got off the train, sooner or later they'll notice you're here and realize that I sent you a letter too.” Spike shrugged.

“You didn't even bring back Mr. Whipple!” Twilight screamed.

“RUFF!” Rahs shouted pointing to the cage with a pink parasprite in it.

“Mr. Whipple was light blue!”


“What do you mean there were a whole bunch of them? You let a parasprite swarm loose in a densely populated city!?”


“I don't care if PETA did it or Fillydelphia has already dealt with one swarm, you let loose a DR 2 loose in a populace city!”

“Tis quite amusing to be on the other side of a sibling argument.” Luna offered.

“It's fine. They'll tire themselves out after a while.” Spike shrugged.

At this point Twilight had enough and screamed out before tackling her larger brother, the pair of them crashed back over the couch to the sounds of fighting, cursing and general name calling.

“Ehh, still fine.” Spike shrugged.

[ Twin Peaks Nature Reserve.]

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!” Bleu cackled falling over herself in laughter as the group of female dragons explained everything, given they were the only ones left in the cauldron not battered or avoiding the dragon lord in embarrassment.

The Dragon Lord looked to his mother and tried to ignore her. It was hard to tell what the Goddess of Winds found funny about the story, but he had learned long ago it would be a humor that was over his head.

Still this Spike Sparkle and his sister Twilight Sparkle were of interest. To do this much damage she must be a fearsome dragoness indeed.

Dragon Lord Torch surveyed the damage to the migration rest stop.

Perhaps she was single....


The stallion sighed as he looked out over the still smoldering rubble that was left of his head quarters. A number of rescue ponies were pulling PETA members from the rubble still. Most of them had all been stuffed into a pen in the basement before the building collapsed, the lizard in the pen was gone, thankfully, he regretted taking the bits to have his followers 'rescue' it from that odd lab complex. He was also rather surprised that lab didn't want it back.

Still this was going to set him back. Not that it really mattered, he had only started PETA after his sister gave him the idea, and even then it was just a way to make bits and impress mares without him having to do any thing.

Sure there were some bad rumors about them out there, and some of the more... excitable, members had done... questionable things, but most of the population didn't know that and any press could be good press if spun creatively.

This time however it seemed they had ticked off the wrong ponies.

He paused his train of thought as two stallions suddenly appeared over the rubble screaming before crashing down on top of it , one of them clutching between his rear legs and whimpering in a high pitched tone.

He had just come back from a cruise with some very lovely and rich mares who were impressed with his standing in PETA and their attempts to help animals. Getting back he had found this however.

The HQ was destroyed, that was the least of the problems. Most of his followers quit as soon as they saw him and the rest weren't coherent enough to do so. There would be ridiculous doctors bills which would deplete the stored funds.

Word had also gotten out that a parasprite swarm started here. That would add a mess of fines and property bills which would clean out the rest of the coffers.

Worst of all his cool apartment at the top of the building was destroyed.

He let out a sigh before turning to fly away from the wreckage.

“Maybe I can stay with mom and dad a while...” Zephyr mumbled to himself.

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