• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Luna Eclipsed. Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Luna Eclipsed.
Part 1

[Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library, Fall]

Rahs raised an eyebrow looking down at his sister.

Twilight at least tried to look some what sheepish.

The mare in question wore what could be considered a sheer black dress that hugged her form a little too tightly, particularly her rump, the frilled ends of it around her legs trailed off into shadowy looking tatters and probably made it hard to walk. Rahs was quite certain she was also wearing spider web stockings. The chest was cut low enough to show a good bit of her chest floof and her hair was done up in a large beehive style festooned with bat and spider decorations.

Rahs shook his head, Mom would have had a heart attack to see her dressed like this, so the pictures he had Spike take were for Cadence to tease Shining Armor with.

Rahs himself was dressed in a suit with a large black cape . Half his face was covered with a white mask that only left his lower jaw uncovered. The Specter of the Theater had been his go to Nightmare Night costume for about three years now.

“Woof.” Rahs smirked.

Twilight's face turned red.” Shut up! I'll have you know Vampella Mistress of Shadow is a perfectly legitimate costume.”

“Vampella? I thought you were going as Frankenstable's bride?” Spike stated as he waddled in.

The young Dragon was dressed, oddly enough, as a giant rat. Granted it was a giant rat dressed in a red Japony like kung fu costume. He was going to meet up with the Crusaders who were all supposed to be dressed like samurai tortoises.

Foals comics had gotten weird lately. Senior Student Samurai Sulcata was a very strange one even among oddities.

Even Owlowiscious and Mr. Whipple were dressed up. The parasprite had a little witches hat on it's head which it was trying very hard to eat, and Owlowiscious was dressed up like an incredibly old owl with spider webs draped across his form and a odd long white mustache. Twilight said it was from some book about a mouse.

“Frankenstable is the doctor not the monster.” Twilight corrected.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged.

“Yes, well, I suppose the Bride of Frankenstable's Monster doesn't have as good a ring to it.” Twilight shrugged.” But I'm not her so it doesn't matter.”

The plan for this year was pretty simple. Rahs was staying at the library to pass out candy, as he was the only one of the three that wouldn't eat it all before the foals got there. Twilight was going to a party with Big Mac that Berry Punch was throwing. Rahs fully expected to be called to the Guard post to bail her out before the end of the night if some pony got a bit too touchy feely with Big Mac. He had never taken his sister as the jealous type, but it seemed that Big Mac was sought after by a large number of mares in town. Perils of looking good and living in a town predominately of mares it seemed.

Rahs knew about that first paw really.

Spike was going to join up with the Crusaders and try and clean the town out of candy. He had channeled his sister and made up a map and everything. Thankfully Applebloom's grounding and time on the Black List had finally come to an end and according to Spike she was fiending for something sweet after a few months without.

Of course no good plan survives contact with the enemy.

The first sign there was going to be trouble was a knock on the door. Rahs walked over to open it the bowl of candy in one arm ready to give out the first treats of the night. Opening the door however only revealed a single adult stallion.

The pony in question was in costume, he was hidden under what seemed to be a formerly fancy coat that looked completely ragged and splattered with fake blood, his hooves ended in paws with fake claws, and his tail was bundled up and brushed to look like a wolfs. His mane and face were done up much the same, and gray fur dye made what looked to have been a pristine coat of fur look completely different.

Rahs could still smell who he was though.

“Woof?” Rahs blinked.

“Ahh, yes hello to you as well Rahs.... at least I think that's what you said.” Prince Blueblood greeted.

“Prince?” Twilight blinked as she walked up having heard Rahs identify the stallion. “ What are you doing here?”

“Hey Prince.” Spike called out. “ Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you Spike.” The wolf pony nodded. “Though that was a few days ago.”

“We sent you a card since you're impossible to shop for, guess you didn't get it yet.” Twilight sighed.

Prince paused looking over Twilight a moment with a raised eyebrow as he took in her costume and how it fit the mare. He turned back to Rahs. ”Big Mac?” Rahs nodded and Prince chuckled. “I have new respect for the stallion if he can get you to dress like that.”

Twilight blushed again and glared. ”You didn't answer the question.”

“I think I've found her, and she lives in Ponyville.” Prince said flatly.

That got all three of the Sparkles full attention.

“Really, here? Who is it?” Spike asked bouncing around. “Is it some pony we know?”

“Calm down Spike, though yes it probably is given how I have heard you are meeting and making friends with every one here. That said as usual, I am keeping this under wraps. The press is all over this town still and well if my cousin Cadence caught wind of this I would never hear the end of it. I need to find out for sure before I do anything.” Prince offered. “As such I came by dressed as I did back then to see if she recognizes me.”

“Makes a logical sense. I assume you're going to talk to her and see if she recalls the costume?” Twilight offered getting a nod in return.

“Indeed. And hopefully we can set up a date to get to know each other better after.” Prince smiled under his mask. “By the way might I ask where your other friends are the other Element Bearers... there's at least one or two I would like to avoid for obvious reasons.”

“I know Fluttershy is hiding from everything. She doesn't really like Nightmare Night. “Twilight considered. “Applejack's running the carnavel in the center of town. Not sure on the others.”

“Pinkie Pie's the escort to a bunch of foals hunting candy this year. Zecora's gonna do the story time..... and Sweetiebelle said Rarity usually passes out early after spending the last few days rushing last minute costumes.” Spike offered. “ So no worries about her, not that I expect she'd recognize you in that getup anyway.”

“Woof... Bark.” Rahs rolled his eyes.

Prince looked at Twilight expectantly for a translation though Twilight winced.

“He says Rainbow Dash is probably going to go around pranking again, so watch your back.” Spike offered.” He spotted her coming out of Barnyard Bargains with a black body suit of some kind. No telling what she's going as though. I'd say watch the skys.”

“Yes I shall decidedly be on the look out for her then.” Prince offered with a bit of a smile.” Perhaps I should start my looking around then. I don't wish to keep you from your own plans.”

“Right good luck, let us know how it turns out.” Twilight smiled , as Prince headed back out the door with a wave.

The trio looked at the door for a moment considering this as their friend finally seemed to have luck going his way.

“Huh, so she's in Ponyville?” Spike pondered.

“Yep. I hope he actually finds her. It shouldn't be too bad though, there's only so many pegasi in town.” Twilight offered.

“Bork.” Rahs added.

“Yeah seriously. I hope Dash doesn't scare him off. That gag last year with the pigs was a bit much.” Twilight added as Spike cackled recalling the numbered pigs that had the mayor going nuts.

“Ahh, he should be fine. He said he was gonna look out for her after all.” Spike smirked.

“True and he probably knows Dash pretty well given he keeps sending me letters asking about her.” Twilight sighed. “Either she got the attention of the nobles somehow, or the insurance company on his cart was being particularly demanding.”

“Didn't Princess Celestia say she took care of a replacement for him personally?” Spike offered.

“Right she even gave him a medal for that. Huh guess it's due to some noble having interest in her then....” Twilight trailed off staring at the door.

Spike and Rahs slowly blink, the three of them reaching the same conclusion with all the new information they had been given.

“Wait a minute.......”

As one, the trio rushed to the door to try and catch Prince to ask more questions, only to fling open the door and be bowled back over as a shout erupted sending them tumbling back into the library along with most everything near the front door.

“NIGHTMARE NIGHT, WHAT A FRIGHT, GIVE US SOMETHING SWEET TO BITE!!” three little fillies screamed out, their voices rattling the windows of the library and knocking Owlowicious off his perch and sending him into a hooting frenzy.

“Note to self, re-banish Princess Luna to the moon for teaching the foals the Royal Canterlot Voice.”Twilight muttered from under the pile of her brothers and most of their furniture.

Author's Note:

For those wondering why the title is the same as the episode and not a cat pun. It is a cat pun. A Sailor Moon cat pun at that.

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