• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Caspian and Weep, Part... * WACK * [40]

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Caspian and Weep,
Part... * WACK *


“Midnight, the chickens are leaving the hen house.”

“First off, who, and secondly what?” Twilight questioned.

“Twilight you were the one who chose Midnight as a call sign.” Spike sighed.

“Oh sorry, I just said the first thing that popped into my head when you asked for a code name. I didn't even remember I had one.” Twilight shrugged.

“I am so docking you xp next time we play.” Spike growled.

“Really, did you finally find a calculator with enough zeros to calculate my xp from the hall of infinite orcs?” Twilight asked with a smirk.

“You threw a fireball in there and tried to convince me that infinite orcs means infinite methane from their farts and that one fireball would detonate every one of them.” Spike shouted.

“Ummm can we discuss this later, Prince and Rainbow Dash are leaving the theater.” Moon Dancer offered.” They are back in the chariot and on their way to dinner.”

“Rainbow Dash seemed rather excited about the show, I didn't even know they made a Daring Do movie.” Sun Burst added.

“That's fine, the recursive looping from quids theorem is starting to get noticed by the Princesses any way and I need to drop it before they can think to trace the spell. “ Twilight sighed. “ Moon Dancer how are you holding up?”

“The movie took a lot more out of me than I thought holding the spell for an hour and a half. “ Moon Dancer sighed. “ I can probably cast it again in order to hide the restaurant, but I won't be able to hold it for the whole dinner. And there's no stable ley line grid here like the one near my house I can tap into to leave it running.”

“Yeah the mayor won't let us set one up. She figured it would explode somehow. We've got to rely on smaller mana batteries for anything powered.” Twilight sighed.

“It's okay we expected this. Gygax, plan B.” Spike stated.

“ I do not like this plan B.” Shining Armor grumbled.

“Menace, plan C.” Spike stated.

“On it Spikey.” Pinkie Pie said chipperly.

“Those are high risk plans Spike.” Twilight accused.

“But they have the best chance of succeeding once your spell ends.”Spike sighed. “ Unless you want to confront Princess Celestia directly.”

“Nah countering her chess master with my own chess master works for me.” Twilight smiled.

“Twilight you suck at chess.”Lyra chimed in.” Particularly if your opponent makes an odd move.”

“Yes, thank you for that. Lyra, I appreciate being belittled about my gaming skill.” Twilight sighed. “ Besides this is Xanatos speed chess. It's a whole different thing.”

“Alright they made it to the restaurant ya'll. Ah'm taking up position inside.” Applejack stated.

“Okay dropping the spells..... Now.” Twilight stated canceling the chaos spell and the high focus orderly Quids theorem at the same time.


Discord popped into being wearing a professors hat and graduation robes. He calmly extended a pointer and slaps a board into being behind him that was covered with a great many chaotic looking drawings with lines and boxes and things that had dimensions that shouldn't exist.

“Discord's 'Fun house' spell works by creating a pocket dimension of pure chaos that runs on the Murphy effect of anything that can happen will happen. In this dimension you might be assailed by pies, fight off bubble gum eels or simply see what you want to see.” Discord explained before yanking down a screen that hung from nothing.

On the screen was a picture of Twilight with a hay burger mashed into her mouth and ketchup everywhere.

“Little miss purple here is a first time chaos user... and while normally I couldn't be more proud, she's already made a very basic rookie mistake in attempting to control the spell and what it does.” Discord continued. “See she's been making it so it looks like the pair of peeping pony princesses are watching the date, with the occasional mishaps of getting shushed by imaginary ushers, getting stuck to the floor, and getting buttered popcorn stuck to their manes as a excitable filly or colt flings the bucket.”

Discord sighed.

“While this is chaotic and slightly amusing she's been reducing the potency of the spell in order to make it do what she wants with little petty paybacks.” Discord smirked.” Now her mistake was the control, Chaos does not like being controlled, and while she's over powering it through sheer magic chutzpah right now, sooner or later it will do what it wants and not what she wants.”

Discord pointed to another board that had a well written and very neat and organized series of marks and runes on it.

“This is Quids theorem. It's a complex and very neat and orderly spell to make something bigger on the inside. It's how you could have scenes where Optimus Prime was loaded into a smaller auto bot, or twelve cars could get out of that trailer of his. Any way, not the point.” Discord offered throwing a small red toy truck away grumbling about it costing seventy bucks and it didn't even come with the trailer.

“Now aspiring chaos mage Twili here decided to pair this super orderly spell and a super chaotic spell under duress together.”

Discord smiled plopping down in a movie theater seat with a pair of red and blue 3-d specs on as he ate his soda and drank a big bucket of popcorn.

“Dis' gonna be good.”

[ Ponyville]

Several things happened at once as Twilight released her hold on the spells. The very act of which should have ended the duration and caused them to fade away with no trace.

The first thing there was a loud noise, in the form of an angelic choir suddenly belting out DMX's 'X gonna give it to you', with the Tomas the tank engine theme going along with the beat, at a volume that shattered a number of windows in the area.

The second thing was that the entire building spontaneously turned into bees, and one very confused ostrich in a top hat that promptly got the buck out of there.

As two alicorns suddenly fell out of the vaguely house shaped bee swarm, Princess Celestia was the first to react.


Said Princess then proceeded to rocket away at a speed which would have made Rainbow Dash jealous and crashed fully into the nearby frog pond where she was reacquainted with Overfiend, the giant squid.

The second Princess was a little slower to react and as such she was at ground zero when all the bees suddenly exploded.

There was no noise aside from a sharp sound of a trumpet and a large cardboard sign reading ' BOOM!' taking up everyone's vision no matter what direction they looked at the explosion from.

Princess Cadence then started screaming herself as the explosion of bees had become paint.

The result left the area, and the princess, looking like a Jackson Pollock painting done by Lisa Frank.

The formerly pink princess opened her eyes, her amethyst orbs blinking in the apocalyptic crayola plant meltdown that was the remains of the building.

She let out a small cough, that released a cloud of smoke colored much like her surroundings before she fell forward, face planting into the mess.

Twilight blinked looking at the carnage, quite glad that building was slated for demolition, and hoping the coloration would fade eventually as she slowly started to back away before breaking into a run after uttering the most common statement for a buck up of this magnitude.


[Canterlot, a hour later]

“Umm thank you for inviting us to dinner Princess, though I am not sure what we owe the honor.” Fancy pants offered as he glanced to his wife, Fleur, who sat across from him on the tables narrow width. At the end not far from them sat Princess Luna.

“Tis simple. Thou were invited as thou are not twits. “Luna smirked. “ Also that thee was not afraid to make a comment on my eye wear, and yes we heard thine bet.”

The two nobles glanced to each other with a bit of worry before Luna waved it off.

“Calm thyselfs. Despite the rumors we do not consider any slight a grave insult. Granted we do not try to let this widely be known among the upper class for obvious reasons.” Luna explained.

“Ahh I see.” Fancy Pants nodded seeming to calm a little before he offered a sly smirk. “ So if I might be so bold Princess. Which of us won that little wager?”

Luna smiled.” Neither, we were not wearing it for our eyes, and we do not feel the need to sleep through boring conversations when we can simply demand the point be made.”

“Oh... then why might you be wearing those Princess?” Fleur asked.

Luna smirked and set the glasses down on the table, her horn glowing as she increased the slight volume on them to let the voices be heard.

“Pink menace what happened?” a young voice asked from the glasses, much to the surprise of the two nobles at the table.

“Oh she was sent out of town on another cart... this one was on fire though.” a chipper voice added with a slightly more muted voice in the back screaming about cabbages. “She'll be fine.”

“I take plan C worked though?” another voice asked.

“Yup she's still in Sugar Cube Corner. When I left she hadn't even made it through the D types of cakes yet.”

“Right the pair are getting ready to order desert, so I expect we might have this in the bag if we can keep Princess Cadence away.”

Fleur and Fancy blink as they look at the glasses their ears perked as Luna smiled.

“What is this?” Fancy asked.

“Prince Blueblood has found the mare he was seeking and is on a date. The Sparkles and friends are keeping every pony, including my niece and sister, from interfering.” Princess Luna explained.

Fancy Pants frowned. “In Ponyville?”

“Yes.” Princess Luna agreed.

Fancy sighed and floated a small stack of bits across the table to Fleur, who smirked and collected them.

“Is it at least not one of the Element Bearers?” Fancy Pants pleaded.

“It is one of them actually.” Princess Luna blinked as another stack of coins made it's way to Fleur.

“I don't suppose it would happen to be the one who modeled for a bit would it?” Fleur asked as Fancy sighed. “ Fluttershy?”

“No it is not.”Luna answered

Bits moved back from Fleur to to Fancy Pants as Fleur pouted.

“The sturdy looking farmer?” Fancy asked. “Applejack I think was her name.”

“No it is not her either.” Luna added watching with a smile as more bits went back to Fleur.

“The energetic pink one then?” Fleur asked.


Fleur pouted again and floated all the bits she had won so far back over to Fancy Pants.

“I see, given the reaction at the Gala and their past, that eliminates both Miss Rarity and Miss Sparkle, thus leaving Rainbow Dash as the one Prince has been seeking.” Fancy Pants smiled as Luna chuckled nodding. “ Well I do hope it works out for him and not simply because he helped me win a bet with my wife.”

[ Alice's Restaurant, Ponyville, outside]

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys. Alice's is closed tonight.” Comet Trail offered moving between the place and the trio of ponies walking up to it. While he wasn't sure what was going on at the moment, he wasn't going to let anyone get any where near any place the Sparkles were at the moment. The hospital had been kept empty thus far, save for some cabbage vendor who was having a break down, and he wasn't about to let any pony willingly walk into something that might send them there. Down town already looked like a thirty paint cart accident, after said carts fell off a cliff.

“But we came for the buffet!” The smallest one whined. A green eyed stallion with a brown coat and sandy blonde hair. He had an odd cutie mark of what looked like some sort of large six wheeled wagon firing a rocket out of the back.

“Oh well, I guess, maybe we're not hungry then?” the larger green eyed stallion offered, his light blue fur and neon blue mane an odd contrast to the other twos darker colors , though his cutie mark was a red circle with what looked like an arrow head in it.

The lone mare, a green eyed dark blue furred unicorn with a deep purple mane and a cutie mare of some sort of purple face with horns, glared over at the other two.” It's fine, lets go you two.”

As the trio walked off the Guard considered.

“I didn't know Alice's had a buffet.” Comet Trail shrugged.

Author's Note:

The song blaring at high volume.

The last three cutie marks where in order;
The M.A.S.K. Rhino.
Robotech U.N. Spacy badge
and a Decepticon symbol.

All perfect for those types of ponies.

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