• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny, Episode 2, Part 7

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny,
Episode 2
Part 7


“Right, so you say his fur was on fire?” Twilight asked as she galloped along. She had been getting the story of what had been happening as they ran back to Sweet Apple Acres where they had last seen Discord.

“Yeah, it looked like St Equine's Fire!” Rainbow Dash offered.

The group looked at her curiously and the mare flying along with them rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.” It's Spitfire of the Wonderbolt's signature effect. She can cover her whole body with it ….”

There were a few nods and a comment or two about 'of course' as the group of them galloped along with Spike on Applejack's back.

“Okay working theory...” Twilight considered. “ When Discord triggered the switch, he likely caused an thaumaturgy adjustment in the link between the three of us. With my abhorrent reaction to external stimuli I was able to cause a dis-junction with a heightened state of emotion.”

The group all blinked then looked over to Spike.

“ Discord's boop changed our personalities to the opposite of what they should be and her freaking out over a snake was enough of a shock to fix it.” Spike dead panned.

“Well why didn't you say that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I did.” Twilight muttered.” Any way I'm rather proud that Spike became so dumb, because that clearly means my extra credit lessons are paying off and not a waste of time like he says they are.”

“Not everyone thinks studying is fun! “ Spike shouted.” Let me have my weekends mare!”

“Blasphemy! Anyway the opposite of a a calm... calm-ish Moon Dog would be a Witch Wolf. The way you described him is very close to what most descriptions of Witch Wolves have been. Big hulking monstrosities of destruction and pain.“ Twilight explained. “The Saint Equines Fire was probably the excessive magic bleeding off of him that his body couldn't contain, and if the change affected the link like poison joke does, that explains why he had to bleed it off. Granted that opens many new avenues of study......”

“So when Twilight broke the spell, it did the same for all of us and the magic came back.” Spike continued. “ But Doesn't that mean that Rahs will still be a big hulking monstrosity?”

“ No, because I had a surge as the magic fed back into me through the link. “ Twilight stated.” Heck I'm not even tired. I have a headache, but other wise I'm good.”

“Which is where the big kaboom came from, all that magic coming back at once.” Pinkie Pie added.

“Right.” Twilight agreed. “ Now we need to get back to Rahs and Discord, because if Rahs is back to normal then he's got to be in danger from whatever Discord plans to do to him now.”


The six, plus Spike, skidded to a stop as Discord tore past them like a bat outta Tartarus. The Draconequus had only regrown his limbs partially, and was scuttling along the path like a lizard that had dropped it's tail to escape a bird.

Said tail was soon discovered clamped in Rahs' mouth as the Moon Dog rushed past on all fours after the scuttling Chaos God, brandishing the severed tail like a club as he tried to play wack-a-Discord.

“Oooooor Discord could be the one in danger.” Twilight frowned, briefly but she couldn't help smirk at Discord's misfortune at pissing off her brother.

The Moon Dog looked to have seen better days too however, his fur looked singed, and his clothing was shredded. His pants looking more like tattered shorts and what was left of his coat clung to his shoulders and his back.

Rarity rubbed her temples at the sight as fixing the Moon Dogs wardrobe malfunctions seemed to be all she was doing as of late.

Granted Rahs he looked healthier than Discord, who looked like a well gnawed chew toy.

“Rahs spit that thing out , you don't know where it's been!” Spike called out making the Moon Dog skid to a stop and perk his ears up before he stood up on his back legs and spit out the tail as he looked back at the group he tore past.

Spike and Twilight were then quickly yanked up into a hug as Rahs closed the distance between them in a flash, Applejack flailed as she was some how pulled into it as well by being in close proximity of Spike.

“AKK... AIR!!” Twilight gasped before they were all dropped with a thud.


“No we're fine, cough, now that I can breath anyway.” Spike wheezed. “Still don't know what happened.”


“You recall it?”

“Grrrr...” growled Rahs, his amber eyes narrowing as he glared at where Discord had scuttled off to.


“Discord did say that there was another link when he booped Rahs.” Fluttershy recalled.

“Oh crap, what happened to my big brother?” Twilight winced.


Shining Armor sat atop a massive sack looking around in confusion. One moment he had been helping protect Cadence from all the oddity that Discord had done with the castle. Happily being snuggled by said Princess he might add as the discordant oddities were just as good as a haunted house on Nightmare Night for getting her to cling to him. Now he was sitting atop a massive bag of what felt like laundry.

He opened the end to peer in before quickly closing it , his face turning bright red. The bag was filled with nothing but panties and socks.

Where the heck had all this come from?


“Huh? Cadence?” Shining Armor turned, his eyes widening as the Pink Alicorn of Love was in the air before him her fore hoof reared back. He barely had time to note how angry she looked before she lashed out, punching him in the nose and sending him flying off the sack into a mob of waiting and very angry mares that had gathered around the bag.

Shining Armor's world was soon pain.

[ Ponyville]

“Ehh I'm sure he's fine.” Spike shrugged.

“Okay, so now we just need to blast Discord and this whole thing will be over.” Rainbow Dash smirked. “ Game, set, match!”

“As if I was going to make it that easy!” Discord snapped at Dash, appearing before the group mostly intact, though Rahs still had his tail, and the bite and claw marks on his torso were still there.

“Discord.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Yes yes... honestly I never under stood why ponies have to say my name when I appear and act all surprised like that. I mean you know it's me from my fabulous voice, why announce it again? It happens so often it's gotten repetitive and that's annoying.” Discord sighed.” But on to business, I may have misjudged you lot a little... or at least the unknowns in this like the dog, dragon, and that annoying bunny, though I will certainly have to remember the rubber snake bit. That was a classic.”

“BORK!” Rahs snapped.

“Yeah how the heck were you watching us while he was mauling you?” Spike demanded.

“Because my dear boy, I was keeping an eye on you.” Discord grinned pointing to Spike's back.

Looking over his shoulder Spike let out a yelp as a large eyeball looked back at him from where it was squished between two of his back spines.

“AHH!! GIT IT OFF GIT IT OFF!” Spike flailed running in circles around Applejack.

“So what's the plan then, we've got the Elements and we beat yer game.” Applejack growled as Spike dropped to the ground and rolled like he was on fire trying to get the eyeball off of him.

“I'd say this whole situation should be a redo from scratch. Just to keep it fair.” Discord pouted. ”You did cheat after all by bringing Marmaduke here into play. So what do you say a mulligan?”

“I say.... “ Twilight frowned before looking to the other mares who all nod, then she stared back at Discord as her crown started to glow. “This is for the Library of Vollerei.”

“ For mai farm!” Applejack stated her amulet glowing.

“For the mess you made of the weather.” Rainbow Dash snapped , her necklace glowing.” Seriously if I have to clean that up I'm gonna be pissed.”

“For those poor animals.” Fluttershy whispered steeling herself as her necklace glowed.

“For fashion everywhere!” Rarity snapped her necklace glowing.

“FOR PONY!” Pinkie Pie shouted out causing every one to stare at her.

“Richard?” Discord asked.

“What you all had cool statements... sorta with Rarity, so I wanted one. And well I'm helping bakers so .. ponies, yeah, so, for pony.” Pinkie Pie shrugged as her necklace started to glow.

The Element's of Harmony all started to glow brighter shooting out a multitude of beams that came together swirling towards Discord.

A beam the Draconequus dodged.

The beam swept around again and once more Discord dodged it, wearing a tutu like a ballerina, prancing aside.

“Please, if this is your best shot than I've got some terrible news for you. Tha....” Discord began before his own tail smashed into his face, thrown by an irate Moon Dog. The Elements took that brief moment to whip around Discord in a rainbow tornado like they had with Nightmare Moon. The crayon box cyclone soared up into the air before bursting out in a wave that rocketed across the countryside.

As the light show faded a heavy stone statue crashed to the ground with a thud.

Sealed once more in stone Discord lay there with his arms outstretched, dressed in a tutu and his nose smushed in with his own tail, the appendage now part of the statue and stuck to his face.

The Mane Six and the Sparkle Siblings stared at the statue a moment before Rahs looked to Pinkie Pie.


“Of course, I've got giant mallets stashed everywhere for giant mallet emergencies.” Pinkie Pie smirked.

“No Rahs, you can't smash him.” Twilight sighed.

“Maybe we can find some blasting powder?” Applejack offered. “Gets rid of stubborn stumps that Mac can't pull up on tha farm.”

“It would be a bit uncooth....” Rarity frowned. “Perhaps there's a volcano we can use, no fuss or mess?”

“Rent a boat and drop him in the deepest part of the ocean, if he does come back it'll be like auto chum at the crushing depths he'd sink to.” Fluttershy offered.

Every one turned to look at the butter yellow pegasus.

“Ummm, so I've heard from some fishies I've talked to. It's not like I planed to do anything to my brother with that knowledge......”

“ Any way tempting all around, but no.” Twilight offered, deciding not to ask at all. “What we are going to do is send a strongly worded letter to Princess Celestia to come and get her ex........ Spike what are you doing?”

Spike had been gathering rocks for a few moments while the others talked and he was currently placing them around the fallen statue.

“Circle against chaos.” Spike said simply.

“Spike, you don't know that spell.” Twilight sighed. “ In fact it's not even a real spell..... although....”

“Not a spell. Though that's where I got the idea. “He stated as he placed another rock. “Basically if he gets power from Chaos then putting him in a very orderly area should keep him sealed. So I'm making a patterned stone garden around him.”

“Would that even work?” Dash asked.

“ Do you want to run the risk of him getting out again before the Princess Can pick him up? This is Ponyville after all.” Spike stated simply.”And Tuesdays in three days.”

The others looked at each other before Rarity's horn lit up.”There is a collection of gems nearby if Applejack and Pinkie would help me gather them they tend to be more symmetrical than rocks.”

“No Problem.” Applejack stated.

“Sure.” Pinkie Pie nodded.

“I'm gonna clear the clouds out of the area, Shy you wanna warn the birds and other animals away?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Okay.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Woof.” Rahs pointed out and Twilight nodded ripping off the top layer of soil in and perfect square as Rahs picked up the statue placing it in the perfectly cleared area.

“Rahs mark the pattern and I'll make sure they are all the same size before placing them.” Twilight stated before a flash of light made a quill and parchment appear before her. She gave them to Spike. “ Spike help with the pattern, but for now take a letter. I want to rant.”

“Now?” Spike asked with a roll of his eyes as he took the quill and parchment.

“No better time while this is all fresh in my mind.” Twilight stated her magic gathering and whittling rocks down to small matching disks of stone the shavings being turned to sand to drop into the space so patterns could be drawn into it. “ Dear Princess Celestia...... No..... Strike that, sounds too nice. Make it 'To Celestia'.......”

“Ahh, it's gonna be one of those letters.”

Spike nodded and began to write as Twilight ranted.

Author's Note:

Okay four things here.

One the scene where they blast Discord is based on this.

With Rahs playing Sokka using Discord's tail.

Two I do agree this stretched on too long. I planned to end it after 8 chapters total and i got carried away a bit.

Three it was noticed i was Worfing Rahs, so i went the other way this time and Worfed every one else.

Four there is one more chapter, an epilogue.

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