• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Kitten Cakes, part one

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Kitten Cakes,
part one

[Ponyville, Fall, two weeks after Tank came to live with Rainbow Dash]

“Well that settles it, we can't take yah any where Pinkie.” Applejack muttered yanking the rope a bit tighter around Pinkie Pie's legs.

“But the babies!!!!!!!” Pinkie Pie whined from the floor where Rahs was sitting on her as Applejack tied her up.

“Are newly born and need to rest , as do the parents. “ Nurse Redheart growled, before leaning down to glare at Pinkie Pie white muzzle to pink. “ And so help me Miss Pie if you wake the nursery again with your shenanigans I will make sure that that' Black List' of yours is known as the second worst punishment in Ponyville.”

The others remained wisely silent after coming to see the new foals, pretending not to notice the Pink mares mania. All save Fluttershy who was watching Pinkie Pie being hog tied with interest.

“Woof.” Rahs pointed out waiting for Applejack to finish tying Pinkie before he sat on her again. No one trusted the pink mare to stay in the ropes without a guard.

“Right that's a good point, what did you name them?” Twilight asked.

Carrot Cake looked rather haggard as he looked down at Pinkie Pie before he let out a small sigh.”So we named our little colt Pound Cake, and our little filly Pumpkin Cake.”

“A unicorn and a pegasus.” Applejack hummed softly.

“Well you see my great great great grandfather was a unicorn. And Cupcake's great aunt, second cousin twice removed was a pegasus.” Carrot Cake offered.” That makes sense right?”

Rarity hummed a little at that as Twilight started doing calculations in her head.

“Do twins run in the family?” Fluttershy asked.

“Not to my knowledge really.” Carrot shrugged.

“Hmmm.” Rarity hummed louder as if in agreement as she inched closer to Twilight.

Applejack shrugged, letting it go at that.

“Wait if it's second cousin twice removed then its not... hmmmph!!” Twilight started to explain having done the math in her head and seen a number of things not add up with the genetics. Thankfully Rarity caught on to her friends complete and utter lack of tact and bravely sacrificed her hoof to shove it in Twilight's mouth. Cutting her off before she pointed out something obvious to everyone else that would have just made Carrot Cake rather upset.

“They are quite lovely dear, though you should be careful, a foal unicorn is not quite going to be in control of their magic and will likely be doing things that they shouldn't until they learn the limits of their powers.” Rarity stated guiding Twilight into a safer conversation as she with drew her hoof .

“Oh right. IPS, or Infant Probability Surge.” Twilight stated giving Rarity an odd look. ”It's thought of as an old defense mechanism from more primitive times when foals were expected to be up and running around in minutes of being born. Earth Ponies still follow that and some foals have been known to hit the ground running. Literally.”

“Yup, Applebloom was like that, took tha nurses fifteen minutes to catch her too.” Applejack chuckled.

“With unicorns it tends to be the instinctive casting of spells in surges. It's as if they are trying to figure out what sort of magic suits them before they settle on one type. “ Twilight offered. “Some of the spells that they could cast might wind up far surpassing anything they can do as an adult later in life.”

“Bork.” Rahs added with a grin.

“No I don't think any one wants to know Mom's favorite story about how I shut off gravity for the whole block when I was six months old.” Twilight snapped.

The whole room went still as everyone looked at Twilight.

“......... I was trying to get to the cookie jar on top of the fridge, cast the spell and shut off the gravity for the entire block for about an hour. Everything was just floating around in the house and out side the gravity distortion lessened as it spread out so no one went flying up into space despite the attempts by the local foals to do so.” Twilight growled.

“She's only mad because she hasn't figured out how to do it again.”

“I'm working on that.” Twilight snapped at her brother.

“Pegasus have something like that too. Instinctive flying using air currents and updrafts that are too small for any but the most skilled flier to detect.” Fluttershy added interrupting what was building towards a Sparkle argument.

“In either case there is foal proofing to be done that you might not have considered otherwise. “ Rarity claimed.

“Right, though there's plenty of books out there with all you need to know about any issues that may pop up as extensive studies have been done, though we don't have any at the library right now......... oh my gosh!” Twilight smiled pronking into the air a moment.” I get to order new books!”

The others ignored her as she pulled out a list and started writing down all the foal books she would need to order for the library as well as which ones Carrot and Cup Cake should read first. Her rapid fire list making and suggestions were overwhelming the poor stallion, though the others simply took it with a grain of salt and focused on the newborns. Nurse Red Heart was just glad they were doing it quietly.

“But the babies need a birthday party...” Pinkie Pie whined.

[ Golden Oaks Library, several hours later.]

“ … That was nice of Fluttershy to take Pinkie Pie home, not really thrilled that Sugar Cube Corner will be shut down for a week or more, but the new parents need some time off.” Twilight added. “Shy seemed rather insistent that Pinkie Pie stay tied up though...”

Rahs shrugged pushing open the door and stopping dead, causing Twilight to run into him.

“Ow what?? Oh … Good afternoon Princess Luna, you're up early.” Twilight offered looking past her brother.

“Greetings Sparkles. Nay, we are up late still.” Princess Luna returned.” Spike here has been informing us of the goings on of our little sister in the last few weeks.”

“Sup.” Spike waved from the other side of a rather large pile of sugared gemstones likely provided by 'Granny Luna'.” So how's the new foal?”

“Foals . Twilight added, Mrs Cake had twins. Pumpkin and Pound Cake.” Twilight considered. “ A unicorn and pegasus. The probability of them having twins of differing types of ponies is astronomically high.......” Twilight began before Rahs swatted her in the mouth with his tail.

“What !! Hey!!” Twilight protested spitting out fur.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Oh, why are we here..... We have decided since we told thee part of the story that thine sister should be in the know as well. Thus we are going to tell thee about the Witch Wolves.” Luna sighed.” The sooner we get this out and over with the sooner we find if we are to be banished from thine relation or not. Thine ultimatums are most vexing thee realizes this correct? We also thought it best to do so before we accepted the invites from young Sweetiebelle for her family appreciation day event, or came with her to collect candy on Nightmare Night. We are still leery of that one.”

Luna trailed off noting that some how during her statement Twilight had set up a writing desk, three recording crystals and had Spike prepped to write down what she said as well. Rahs had been given a quill and ink well too, though he had taken the moment to draw a crude stick figure of his sister with massive over sized glasses and a cone shaped hat that read 'nerd' in very poor paw writing.

“How...?” never mind. We take you are interested in this then.” Luna stated not asking that as a question ignoring the fact Twilight had bounced a new roll of parchment off Rahs' head for the drawing.

“Princess, please relax. One, Celestia hasn't disowned you yet for what ever this is and two I know quite well that history isn't this thing of sunshine and rainbows like a lot of books say now a days. It's why I like older books as they tend to not be edited to hide things. “ Twilight frowned.” I'm still mad at Celestia for allowing that, we have a ridiculous amount of time that is gone from all written history because the editors removed all trace of your existence from so many tomes and books. Do you have any idea how much I've wanted to get the history from back then straight from the horses mouth? From some pony who's been there? I'm honestly surprised that historians haven't been swarming to try and get what they can from you. They gave up asking Princess Celestia once they found out she was making things up. I was nine before I realized that the great cupcake war of 376 ANM was a complete fabrication. I've been on field trips to the fort where the battle was supposed to be held for crying out loud.”

“Yes we have seen Germane Chocolate base. Tia attempted to fool us with that as well. Thankfully Moon Dancer was there and had words with her.” Luna rolled her eyes. As for thine question, they have, but we have declined to comment. This is the first time we have decided to speak of it.” Luna blinked as Twilight fan fillyed with a squee. Both Spike and Rahs rolled their eyes.

“Best get started Princess, or she'll be dancing around for hours.” Spike sighed.

“Very well, we shall begin.” Luna took a deep breath before letting it out. “ Over thirteen hundred years ago, we fell. It was not a sudden change, but a gradual slide. Ponies rejecting and hiding from our night, treating us as a monster barely held in check by our sister. The Nox- Cal were treated as pariahs simply from being in our favor. Oft they were driven off and in cases far more frequently than we liked destroyed amid cries of witchcraft and vampirisum. Many times the ponies responsible were not even punished unless Tia or our self became involved. It was the start of another tribal war between those of our favored and the ponies of the day. There is a reason they all fled to their homeland. It was not due to having lost a war, but due to how ponies treated them.”

Luna paused as Twilight wrote everything down.

“The Oneiroi was quiet, the Moon Dogs had done their new job in quelling the rampant insanity of the dreams that Discord had created. Tia was occupied with her current love interest a unicorn named Solomon who was a Prince of the Crystal Empire. Well we say prince, but in reality we are not sure his relation to royalty of the Crystal Empire. The royal tree was all over the place as the empire tended to follow a more herd based family unit. We know of one of their famed nobles was said to have bedded so many mares that at least seventy percent of ponies alive today are in someway related to him.”

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“While we have never heard of him referred to as 'little red', we do recall his name was Rhederic Pelt.”Luna offered before glancing at Spike.” Though we think he called his.... male part that.....”

“HA, I got it right, pay up fuzz ball.” Spike snapped.

Rahs grumbled digging into his coat pocket and pulling out some bits to give to his brother.

“What?” Luna questioned.

“Ignore them, we found four names relating to that particular figure in history in our studies and these two bet money on which one was right.” Twilight sighed. “Still confirmation that the empire existed plays into a number of my hypothesizes regarding it. Please go on.”

“Yes well to make a long story short there was no one for me to turn to during this building crisis of ours. We started coming down harder on neighsayers and those who committed crimes, which only made the fear of us worse.” Luna flattened her ears. Then there was the fact Solomon wasn't as devoted to Tia as it seemed. He tried to cast a spell that would enthrall her to serve him. Fortunately it did not work on my sister. Unfortunately he directed the spell to a new target once he realized it didn't work on Tia. And even more unfortunately that new target was us.”

“It didn't work on Princess Celestia?”Twilight questioned.” What was the spell?”

“The warlock's spell latched on to any fears and insecurities the target had, expanding them and working it's way in to corrupt them. At the time Tia was the highest ruler in the land, she had what she thought was a lover who cared for her, rather than her position, despite what we kept telling her. She also had the devotion and love of all her subjects. She had no issues for the spell to target. On the other hoof, we were a mess and had none of that. We knew that many of our subjects feared or even hated us. The number of times some noble or another showed up to demand the day be extended for some reason or another is higher than the strands of fur on our limbs.” Luna sighed. “It was quite a welcome feeling when we returned from the moon to find that Tia had not altered the cycle at all since our departure.”

“And the spell took effect and that was the birth of Nightmare Moon.” Spike considered.

“Indeed.” Luna nodded.

“Woof.” Rahs pointed out.

“Yes while we were stuck serving him, we were still our own entity. We still wished the destruction of our sister and the day as well as all the little sun worshipers.” Luna frowned. “But at that moment we were still trapped in the center of our castle, with Tia who had seen everything happen and was in shock because of it. There was also a host of Guard and powerful casters all of whom had always believed we were evil anyway and had prepped to destroy us the moment we turned. They called it the 'Nightmare protocol', tis where we took our name from in fact. Still at the time we needed to flee, the spells they had prepared may not have been able to kill us, but they could kill Solomon and slow us enough for Tia to do something. So we were ordered to get us out of the castle.”

Twilight wrote furiously as Spike and Rahs both looked on concerned, Rahs knew the next part but he hadn't heard how it got to this point.

“We were under heavy fire and our shield was being rocked by spells, Tia had started barking orders, we were out of time and needed something to buy us enough to escape so we reached out where we could, and pulled for something, anything to aid us.”Luna flattened her ears. “And what we latched onto and pulled on, was a Moon Dog. Three of them emerged from the Oneiroi, torn from their home and flung back into the waking world. The corruption infesting us affecting them as well and what they became could no longer be called a Moon Dog.”

“These were the first Witch Wolves. And among them was the first, Managarmr. “ Luna said sadly. ”They were beasts of towering muscle and rage. A sum of all the darkness that was within us and the nightmares they had consumed in the Oneiroi.”

Spike paled a little at the idea of that, and even Twilight had stopped writing.

“Solomon gave me the order and I passed it to them. The results... three platoons of the best the Guard had to offer at the time were destroyed. They lasted perhaps twenty minutes against three Witch Wolves. Thou might not have noticed with the passage of time when thou were in Castle Whinnyshire, but many of the crumbled walls were from that battle. The spells that were giving me such a hard time meant nothing to the Witch Wolves. None of the guard survived that first encounter, and thus began the War of Night. We sacrificed one of the Witch Wolves by sicking her on Tia as we made our escape to the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight blinked and frowned. Spike just stared. And Rahs didn't add to what he was told earlier that the one who was sicced on Princess Celestia was a direct ancestor of his. Granted all three of them were.

“ The empire soon fell to our power. Countless ponies enslaved and killed. Solomon realized the power of the Witch Wolves and had me draw more and more from the Oneiroi to act as his soldiers. All of them were as corrupted as the first. I ripped hundreds from their homes their families. The Moon Dogs were in a state of panic, Equestria was suffering nightmares not seen since the time of Discord's reign as my actions threw the Oneiroi into complete chaos once more.” Luna closed her eyes. “ The Witch Wolves were given mostly free reign and in the course of years...”

“Hmmm?” Twilight blinked as Luna trailed off.

“The Crystal Pegasi and Unicorns were made extinct because the Witch Wolves enjoyed their flavor more than the Crystal Earth Ponies... Solomon had them go out and attack other tribes, rip apart other races or enslave them. The Crystal Empire soon became a juggernaut of war. Crystal golems, the witch wolves, enslaved and enthralled soldiers, they stormed over everything in a ever expanding wave.”

“What about the other gods? Wouldn't they have stepped in to stop you rather than have you wipe out their races?” Twilight questioned moving the conversation along past the idea of genocide.

“We have wondered that ourselves, but it seems many stayed back either due to following our rule of non interference with each other or of fear that Solomon would claim them as well. Corrupted Dragons were war machines without match, corrupted buffalo were horrendous engines of destruction. Many Gods did try and do something, but only Tia acted directly.” Luna paused.” The war almost ended when Solomon died. But his son was there to take over, stepping into his fathers horse shoes as if nothing had happened.”

“His son?” Spike asked.

“Sombra. A unicorn who followed his fathers teachings a little too well, it was hard to tell what exactly his motives were but the population suffered even more under him than they had his father.” Luna said sadly. ”Thankfully his reign was short, barely twenty years before the Element's of Harmony were brought to bear. Rather than be hit by them however, Sombra ripped the entire empire from the world. What he did with it we do not know. When Solomon died we left the Empire and were not there to vanish with it. With the forces of Equss thinking they won, we marshaled our forces and started the Equestrian civil war by attacking Tia with the Nox Cal and the Witch Wolves. That conflict raged for ten years before we were defeated and sealed in the moon.”

The Sparkles sat there a moment staring at Luna who seemed to be trying to withdraw further and further into herself.

“Sooooo basically you had a spell cast on you that made you bad?” Spike theorized. “ Hardly your fault.”

“We continued to do 'bad' so after the original caster had died. We can hardly blame it all on Solomon.” Luna frowned.

“That depends on what the spell really was and how the casting went.” Twilight muttered. “ After effects of certain spells can last years and this is magic that is potent enough to affect gods. I seriously doubt all your actions can be blamed on you in this instance.”

“You sound like Tia.....” Luna sighed.

“That doesn't make it any less my own observation or any less true.” Twilight protested with a huff.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged, his opinion not having changed.

Luna smiled a little.” We are glad thou does not seem angry. We were not sure what thine reaction would be. Or if we would have dealt with the rejection well....”

“You're afraid of going back to that still....” Twilight frowned before she was interrupted by Spike.

“Yeah, well, things aren't really the same now as they were then.” Spike pointed out after thinking a bit. “There's nightclubs, late plays, entire shifts of ponies who are up at night, stargazers, and a number of ponies who prefer the night to the day. No one really is afraid of the night like they used to be... well I'm sure some are, but there's probably ponies who are afraid of the day time too.”

“Heliophobia,” Twilight answered. “I think most of the ones afraid of you now are such, due to how you act and how unlike Princess Celestia you are...I mean she's nice, approachable, quiet, reserved, pretty..mmmmph!!!”

Spike spoke up as Twilight spat out the wad of quill feathers Rahs had shoved into her mouth.

“Ignore the fan filly. You, not Princess Celestia, had three fillies come up and ask you to be one of their sisters. So clearly you're not all that terrifying.”Spike finished.

“Spike those three are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, have you forgotten what they did with that Snallygaster, they... mmmphmppph!!” Twilight began to correct her brother before Rahs shoved a rolled scroll into her mouth to shut her up.

Her immediate response to that was to growl, spit out the parchment, and tackle her brother with a cry of rage.

“Stop shoving things in my mouth!! Why is every one doing that today??” Twilight ranted as the pair started to fight.

Spike and Princess Luna looked over at the pair dukeing it out before Spike sighed. “Yeah, you're good with us princess.”

“We are starting to worry what that really means.” Luna blinked as Twilight bit Rahs' tail.

Author's Note:

Longer than my usual chapters with this story, but there you go the story , abridged, of Witch Wolves and Luna's fall.

well. most of it any way...

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