• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny, Episode 2, Part 3 [10]

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny,
Episode 2
Part 3

[Canterlot Castle]

“....... and that's why Rainbow Dash is the greatest pony ever!” Scootaloo beamed fluttering her wings.

“That was way more verbose than I thought you could manage.” Sweetiebelle blinked.

“What?” Scootaloo blinked.

“She means it was more wordy than we're used to from yah.” Applebloom stated.

“Indeed, the details of your knowledge about Rainbow Dash are..... graphic and faintly disturbing.” Luna muttered, sounding rather strained.

"That sort of relentless neurotic fixation is something of a stalker mind set. Tell me do you suffer from any sort of depression? Have any issue with substance abuse? Perhaps something of a diagnosed personality disorder?” Dr. Choppy added and was ignored as he wasn't a licensed to offer psychiatric help.

“Yeah she does this.” Applebloom responded to Luna, “She's got ah wig that looks like she scalped Dash. “

“It's part of the Rainbow Dash fan club dress code!” Scootaloo complained.

“Scootaloo, there's like four ponies in that fan club and two of them are creepy older stallions who like her for some reason.” Sweetiebelle commented. “Probably not the same way you do.”

“But Mr. Claws makes the best brownies... I can eat like... one....” Scootaloo grumbled.

“You holding up okay there Princess?” Applebloom asked looking up at Luna standing above the trio.

“We have been better.” Luna grumbled shifting her legs as they wobbled under the weight on her back.

The massive white sphere was squished over top of the four of them trapping them in a cave of white fluff and only Princess Luna was keeping the fillies from getting squished by her royal roundness Princess Celestia.

“TIA WE ART PUTTING THEE ON A DIET!!!!” Luna hollered her eye starting to twitch.

“I'm not that heavy...” Celestia weakly protested from where ever her head was on the odd sphere of her body.

“We lift the Moon every night and thine weight is giving us a hernia!!” Luna snapped back.


“So now what?” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“I'm not sure.” Rarity frowned.

“Ah got nothing.” Applejack grumbled.

“I'm clueless.” Pinkie pie shrugged.

“Same as before.. we go to the library. “ Fluttershy stated poking around at the ground on the other side of the hole.

“Not tah point this out if yah missed it, but the library ain't here.” Applejack added.

“Oh I know, it went that way.” Fluttershy offered pointing a hoof.

The other four blinked looking at the yellow mare then off the way she pointed.

“How do you know that?” Dash demanded.

“It left tracks when it walked away.” Fluttershy smiled pointing at the tracks in the dirt that looked like odd marks in the ground to every pony else.

The others looked at the tracks then at Fluttershy.

“It's walking on it's roots, which look very similar to the tracks of the giant squid I had to guide back to the duck pond last year after Spike sent it to visit Princess Celestia.” Fluttershy muttered.

“ Oh right ah forgot about that.”Applejack shrugged. “Well like ah said ah got nothing, lets go.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” A voice called.
“Yeah that doesn't seem like fun.” another voice said.
“Following a tree, totally boring.” a third voice added.

The group whirled around on the speakers three pairs of eyes widening at the sight.

Three fillies stood behind them. A pink unicorn filly with purple hooves and a white mane and tail. A darker purple pegasus filly with orange mane and tail, and a red earth pony filly with a yellow cream colored mane and tail. The oddest thing about all of them was that they were all three sporting ridiculously fake goatee and mustache combos.

“Applebloom?”Applejack asked.
“Sweetiebelle?”Rarity gasped
“Kid?” Dash stammered.

“Girls what are you doing here?” Pinkie Pie questioned.” Weren't you at the castle?”

“Yeah but that got boring, and the weird guy said he'd help us get cutie marks if we helped him.” Applebloom offered.

“I don't like where this is going.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Cutie marks in what?” Applejack demanded.

The trio grinned before all of them lept into the air with a shout.


Before the trio even landed they had all three taken off in different directions.

“Crap... Fireball will kill me if anything happens to her... then she'll fire me.” Rainbow Dash winced giving Spike to Fluttershy before racing off after the purple and orange filly.

“Applebloom git back here this place ain't safe!” Applejack shouted , dumping Twilight on Pinkie Pie's back before taking off after the retreating red and yellow filly.

“Sweetiebelle get back here, that mirror double look is soo out of style.” Rarity hollers chasing after the pink and white filly.

Pinkie Pine and Fluttershy simply stood there staring after the three as they ran off.

“This is bad you never split the party.” Pinkie Pie states as Spike blubbers his agreement.

“Umm so .. we'll just go get the library then.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Well look on the bright side shy. It's not your younger sibling out here.” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“I don't know , if he was out here, he might get eaten by a grue.......” Fluttershy pouted.

“Right, and imagine what kind of tummy ache that poor grue would have.” Pinkie Pie continued after the tree.

“True.” Fluttershy pondered before fluttering after the pronking pink pony.

There was no way the kid was this fast.

Dash frowned as she tore around Ponyville dodging the weirdness of food constructs and panicked ponies as the odd colored Scootaloo tore through town on her scooter. Dash was pretty sure the Scooter was powering itself and it was currently leaving a trail of blue fire that was making ice crystals form over the ground around it.

She was zipping around angering narwhals and bouncing off the heads of hippos that had come out of the pond to do their rendition of swan lake, and darting between pirouetting buffalo in tutus.

She was clearly doing her best to anger or gain the attention of every monster and oddity in the area and soon a number of them were stampeding after the filly, and by association Rainbow Dash.

Rarity was slapped in the face by a plaid dress and nearly shrieked at the thing clung to her face.

“Sweetiebelle how could you make this horrible skirt!?” Rarity screamed.

“It's a kilt!!!” a red haired pony in green shouted from outside before he was tackled by a bunch of random fillies and colts who went grabbing at the box of cereal he was carrying.

Rarity ignored them and rushed after Sweetiebelle who had taken over Carousel Boutique and was current in a untouchable frenzy of making.... things..... Rarity could not call them clothing.... particularly when the body suit for the six legged pony decided to come after her scuttling like an over sized roach.

Sweetiebelle cackled calmly as she completely cold-shouldered her chalky colored clan comrade, continuing to construct a chaotic collection of cursed clothing.

“Ah said hold up, but noooooo yah didn't wanna listen.” Applejack muttered trotting back towards where the library was.

“Let me go!!! You're the worst sister everh!” Applebloom shouted, the oddly colored filly bound up in a large spaghetti noodle that Applejack had used as a rope to hog tie the filly.

“Yeah yea, keep saying that but yah ain't Applebloom. Ain't sure what yah are trying tah mimic mai sister but ah get a twinge every time yah call me sis. So ah know yer lying.” Applejack stated flatly. The comments still stinging a little

“It's probably gas from all those apples you eat. How about a banana once in a while?” Applebloom wailed.

Applejack ignored her and continued on.

“Since ah know that yer lying, ah'm just gonna meet up with that others and find that tree tah git everything back tah normal.”

Applejack sighed.

“Knowing how all this nonsense is, you'll prolly wind up being Big Mac or something when yah git back to normal.”

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy peered around the corner to look over at Golden Oaks library.

Said library Was stomping around town with an angry glare on it's face and a multitude of roots and branches forming limbs to allow it to do so. It was also currently in a death battle with a over sized lumberjack pony wearing green paisley rather than plaid and a massive blue ox.

The tree seemed to be winning.

It was also screaming angrily about being forced to carry it's dead kin inside itself.

Yeah the tree was mad.

Super mad.

It even had a little cape.

“Sooooooo. Now what?” Pinkie Pie questioned as Fluttershy whimpered.

Author's Note:

Only a few more chapters of this left.

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