• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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A Claw-terlot Wedding, Part 1, Part 5, “Three Sir!” “Three!!” Lobs grenade.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

A Claw-terlot Wedding,
Part 1, Part 5,
“Three Sir!”
Lobs grenade.

[ Canterlot]

Rainbow Dash glided lazily over the city on her way back to Ponyville, she had been given clearance by one of the Guards to leave the bubble and head back to town to get the Elements of Harmony that were left in Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash had hers, as did Twilight, and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy hadn't brought hers and and Rarity had mentioned that she didn't want to out shine the bride so she left hers at home. Applejack wasn't much for jewelry any way and had hers in a lock box back at the farm. Granny, and Harry the Bear could get the Elements for her and Rarity had told her where hers was hidden.

Rainbow Dash didn't understand how leaving it sitting on the neck of a poniken in her shop was hidden, and the explanation of ' in plain sight' went over her head.

In any case she was in route to get them and get back here as fast as she could. Of course she couldn't kick up the top speed until she got away from the city. With the damage she did to the windows in Ponyville she didn't want to hear it from the ponies around here.

As she was flying over Avianna manor something caught her eye and caused her to dive down towards a balcony and a frantically waving white unicorn stallion.

“Blue.... sup.... I can't talk too long I need to get going, super important mission and all that.”Rainbow smirked looking over her colt friend. She tried to play it cool and not break down into a girlish giggling just from the thought of it.

Prince smiled. “Don't worry I won't keep you, I just need to show you something right quick that I think you'll like.”

“Oh? Really ?” Dash smiled trying to look seductive, though she mostly looked like she was passing a stone or something. Prince however didn't notice as he walked back inside the manor with a gesture to follow.

Dash rolled her eyes at that trotting along after him, he missed her being sexy, pity.

“So what is it, did they update the sulky spells? Maybe a new paint job? Blue is faster than red after all.” Dash chuckled as she noticed something. “ Does it have something to do with why you're wearing green contacts?”

Any further questions were stopped as the door behind her slammed shut and several dozen dark figures jumped her.

[ Canterlot Castle kitchens, third wing]

“You think it will take Dash long to get the Elements?” Twilight asked with a sigh.

“ That depends on how sidetracked she gits with a nap or somthin shiny.” AJ snorted as she mixed another bowl of cake batter.

“Seriously?” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“What ? She's a friend, but lets face it, Pinkie Pie's got more focus than her mosta tha time.” Applejack placated.

“But this is important she has to be going at full speed. There's no telling who or what might attack us.” Twilight protested as Applebloom came back into the kitchen after heading to the little fillies room.

“Ah'm sure she'll arrive in the nick o time sugar, calm down. Applebloom you wash yer hooves?” Applejack stated. “An where's yer bow?”

“Course ah did, and my what?” Applebloom asked as she hopped up from behind the table to get to work on the pie rolls, her bow atop her head like always.

“Huh... guess ah'm more tired than ah thought, seeing green flashes and stuff now too.” Alright ponies we got tah git moving, I want something cooking in those ovens like an hour ago and some one send out fer more coco powder. Ah let yah have three hours ah sleep last night, that's more'n enough so lets go. We ken sleep when we're done.”

[ Mareiott hotel Canterlot]

“So you're not with your sister?” Scootaloo asked curiously. “ I thought you guys were doing better?”

“We are. Sweetiebelle squeaked,” It's just at this point she's in her 'zone' and anything I'd do would be in the way.”

“I know that feeling, there's not much I can do either.” Spike shrugged. “Twilight's still whining about how odd Cadence is and Rahs is in the hotel room trying to get over what ever has made him ill. Though he wants to go have a word with Cadence and I can't blame him. Twilight's gonna mope that her friend and soon to be sister in law is angry with her for weeks if Cadence doesn't get over it , and I don't want to deal with it.”

“Hmm well since we're doing nothing now, did you wanna go to Pony Joes?” Scootaloo asked leaning against the table in the hotel's cafe. “Dash won't be back for a while, so I'm already bored.”

“Ehh why not, I can use a doughnut. Maybe I can stop by the comic shop, see if they have any new miniatures in.” Spike offered. ”I'll let Rahs know I'm headed out for a bit and I'll come back down and we can go.”

The two fillies watched the drake head up stares before sharing a green eyed glance at each other.

“Okay something else has been bothering me.” Twilight stated, as she helped keep the ice sculpture from melting in the hot kitchen, a rather easy task as all she had to do was redirect the heat away from the ice. Granted that meant that Applejack was now in a coat to keep from freezing herself, but the farmer wouldn't hear of Twilight just melting and reshaping the ice herself.

“Something else?” Applejack asked around the pick.” How big's that list?”

“Only six items since this morning. But right, … who the heck is allergic to bunny fur?”


“It was in the letter we were sent. Fluttershy was told to leave Angel at home because some of the guests were allergic to bunny fur.” Twilight explained.

“Ah thought he still had that restraining order after tha gala?”Applejack asked.

“Do you really think that would stop him if Fluttershy hadn't told him to stay home for a reason she found legitimate?”

“Prolly not.” Applejack offered. “Least we dun have tah worry about him and yer brother trashing tha wedding.”

“You're still mad about that?”

“Do yah know how long it takes tah repair that much destroyed fence?”

[ Canterlot Garden]

Fluttershy looked down at Fluttershy with a bit of confusion. A hoof poked the prone pegasus as an eyebrow was raised.

Seriously it couldn't have been this simple, show up and the mare faints?

Fluttershy shook her head gesturing to the others to come and take the mare away before any one else showed up in the garden. The birds were clearly a lost cause, but really they were only needed for the reception and that was all, and it's not like any other pony spoke bird that they could talk to.

Still from what was heard about this mare they had brought a full three squads to deal with her, only to have her pass out in meeting herself.

As the others moved in to carry her off, Fluttershy felt a presence behind her. Turning she was greeted by the sight of a pink earth pony mare with balloons as her cutie mark and a very straight mane looking at the two Fluttershys.

The other squads readied themselves as the mare smiled a humorless smile that clearly should not be done on a ponys face as she looked at the prone Fluttershy on the ground then at the green eyed one standing over her.

“You Dun Goofed.” Pinkie Pie growled.

[ Canterlot Castle work room]





This was not something that Pharynx had expected when he was given this mission.



The unicorn fashionista was supposed to be the second easiest one of the group to snag. She didn't have much magic, she was practically exhausted from the glut of alterations that had to be done to 'Cadence's ' wedding dress and they already had her sister.



It was supposed to be easy.



Well.... they had gotten her and replaced the wedding dress with a suit of Queen's armor that was disguised as a wedding dress, but.......



However the entire assault force was riddled with sewing needles stuck in their chitin and that was before the damn mare went all Stone Cold Stirrup Austin on the assault team. They had finally gotten her while she had a war drone in a headlock and was screaming at him to tap out or she'd feed him his own legs. The War drone was four times her size and designed to take on dragons. And she had pinned it.



Still on the bright side Pharynx growled as he looked down at the needle he just pulled out of his carapace, dropping it in a tray with dozens of others, they had succeeded with less casualties than the group that went after the yellow one.

The term sick as a dog never really applied to Rahs before.

Usually he was the one taking care of one of his siblings and aside from getting the occasional super mild strain of the flu when every pony else felt like death, and the cutie pox that one, very very weird time, he just didn't get sick.

Sure he over ate and got ill but that was different. Right now he couldn't drink enough and felt completely dehydrated, he also couldn't stop throwing up, and at times he was riddled with shakes as his body spasumed from whatever was infecting him. Add that to the fact he hadn't really eaten anything for a few days because he couldn't keep anything down and his nose didn't stop running due to throwing up so much. It was a bad time all around.

Now Twilight had theorized that he was drained so his immune system wasn't as high and thus something got through that shouldn't have.

Still he had eaten a number of Sweet Apple Acres apples for breakfast and hopefully that would bolster his magic back up.

He rather hoped he felt better soon as he wanted words with Cadence. Particularly since they did more for some ones love life than she did.

For now though, he was happy to lie in a cool room with a pitcher of water nearby and a large bucket close at claw and hopefully recover enough to be present at the wedding. At least the first day was over, and they were into the second day now. Hopefully he'd be fine soon.

A sudden flare of magic snapped his eyes open wide and he quickly rolled over the bed filling the bucket with all the apples he had previous eaten as well a good bit of green mucus that flooded from his nose. He coughed shuddering as he tried to figure out just what the Tartarus that had been. It felt like had been something cast on him directly though he didn't feel any magic in the area.

He coughed out more of the vomit washing his mouth out with the water before draining the rest of the pitcher and standing up shakily to go refill it from the sink.

This was something to tell Twilight, a spell nearby had made him throw up. That made him think the sickness might be magical in nature, something left over from the chaos along the link? Or maybe something else?

In either case he should probably find his sister.

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