• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Caspian and Weep, Part Uno

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Caspian and Weep,

Part Uno

[Stop that, that doesn't even make sense..... Don't you say it!]

[ Where's....]

[ Don't....]

[ ….the fun of making sense?]

[ Gah]

[ Ponyville]

It was a beautiful evening in Ponyville, the sun was just starting to dip down towards the horizon, bird song was everywhere in the trees, and the first harsh winds of winter had yet to come, leaving the air crisp cool and some what refreshing.

At first glance the new comers to town would think this was a perfect end to a quiet Saturday.

The locals however knew better.

The Flower Trio had already retreated to their basement fallout shelter. Mayor Mare already had all the damage forms filled out and all that needed to be added was what was destroyed, how, and by who. Filthy Rich was preparing a sale to help with the repairs that would be needed. The entire hospital was on high alert and the full compliment of Guards from the newly refurbished and rebuilt Guard post was patrolling the streets.

Princess Celestia might have noticed something odd as she moved down the street, perhaps she might have seen the amount of Guards wearing sunglasses who seemed to notice her. Or perhaps even the collection of civilians darting about wearing the same sort of sunglasses. Maybe even the collection of birds and small animals that were following her in the trees watching her. At the moment however, she was too focused on getting to a position where she could keep an eye on Prince Blueblood. She had managed to refine her scrying spells so that he wouldn't notice now, but he had skipped out before she could cast any of them on him.

Perhaps she was being a bit over protective of the youngest of the Blue Blood line, but he was the first one in a long time that wouldn't win a upper class twit of the year award. He actually reminded her of the first Blueblood that she had ever met. Granted that wasn't the family name at the time.

It hadn't been long after the founding of Equestria. She and Luna had not yet been recognized as rulers of the ponies when he appeared on the scene. He had managed to catch the interest of both herself and Luna, though in the end her sister had won out. The pair had wed and had a foal. A half god that lived for quite a time before some war or another claimed his life.

His children had taken to the nobility well, rather like ducks to water in truth, though over time and generations they had become corrupt like the others. Celestia forgot the exact event that brought it about, but Luna had washed her hooves of the whole family. This was well before she had fallen into darkness herself and the act led them fall quite far from grace.

Luna hadn't taken another serious, nor pony love, since that point and it was one of the reasons Celestia had not believed her about Solomon, thinking she was simply trying to keep Celestia as bitter and lonely as she was.

After Luna's fall, Celestia had found the BlueBloods once again and brought them back into her favor, simply as a reminder of her sister.

Because of this most believed the Blueblood's were her descendants, given the amount of family members with white coats like hers, they had frustrated her to no end as well, but for a thousand years they were a reminder of her sister in better times. There were also a few good ones over the course of the years and Prince was one of them. Despite his arrogant act and what others thought of him because of it, he had managed to secure many agreements as an ambassador in his young life that many thought impossible.

While Celestia hoped that this particular date would go well, she had to know for sure, she had to make sure it worked out for the best, or it was stopped before he had time to regret it. His parents had caused him pain before as had some of his dates in his short time in the dating pool. Then there were all the crazy mares who flocked to him. She had to watch out for him....

She also needed to watch out for the run away hay cart in front of her...

“Oh horse apples.” Celestia cursed as the cart plowed into her invisible form, and flung her into to the air, to land, plot up, in the middle of the cart's hay pile as the cart shot out of town at a speed that shouldn't have been possible.

“Pink Menace to Green Breath, Pink Menace to Green Breath over.” Pinkie Pie grinned from where she stood at the top of the hill.

“That's not my call sign.” Spike sighed on the other end of the communication spell Twilight had put on the sunglasses.” Also this is a party line, you don't have to say over.”

“I like Parties.” Pinkie Pie giggled. So what is your call sign?”


“I am not gonna remember that.” Pinkie admitted.

“I told him he should have gone with Sphinx.” Moon Dancer chimed in.

“Just …. what happened?”Spike sighed.

“Princess Celestia just met a cart on a rather personal level and is on her way out of town. I give it five to ten minutes until her return.” Pinkie Pie added chipperly.

“Okay, that should give them enough time to get to the theater. Good work Pinkie.”

“Pink Menace.”

“Whatever. Any how, the pink princess is on the cart.” Spike added.

“I don't recognize what that code phrase is Spiky.”Pinkie chimed up.

“It's not a code, Cadence is on top of Prince's Chariot.” Spike sighed.

“Oh.” Pinkie frowned.

“We got this!” three young voice chimed in suddenly.

“Ummm .” Spike replied.

“I'm with them, it's nothing explosive.” Bon Bon added with a long suffering sigh.

Princess Cadence smiled to herself as the cart made it's way through Ponyville. She could hear the pair of them talking inside the cart, but she couldn't quite make out what was being said. Perhaps she could risk an eavesdropping spell, though she was wary Prince might notice that one. He had been taking lessons that might help him as an ambassador.

Before she had a chance to cast anything however a loud creaking from a tree the cart was passing under drew her attention.


Cadence blinked recognizing the voices of the three fillies that had been at the gala.

“I wonder what they are doing?” was all Cadence managed before a massive tree branch swung across the top of the cart, missing the roof by a few inches, but impacting Cadence in the chest sending her flying off the top of the chariot to crash land in a wagon full of hay that was nearby. Dazed as she was Cadence could feel the wagon she was in start rolling back down the street away from Prince and his date.

Bon Bon smiled slightly glancing over at the tree the fillies were under and the rope they used that had been holding the branch.

“Not bad, but you can't yell out before you attack. And this was more assassination than espionage.” Bon Bon corrected.” Still it was a successful start.”

“Oh”....Sweetiebelle commented tapping her chin as she considered it.

“So that's why you put the cart there. Neat... she's really booking too, the carts almost already out of town.” Scootaloo called as she watched down the hill the cart had rolled.

“You seem tah know a lot about espia-whatever Miss Bon Bon.” Applebloom stated looking over the top of her sunglasses at the candy mare.

Bon Bon froze a second glancing down at the filly who was looking up at her curiously.

“Ehh, I like spy novels.” Bon Bon placated.

“Oh, okay.” Applebloom admitted before tapping her glasses. “Spike we got Princess Cadence off tha cart.”

“Is no one going to use my call sign.” Spike sighed over the com.

“Bork.” Rahs countered from further along the party line com system.

“My call sign is not koopa!” Spike grumbled. ”And get off the line unless you have something important to say.”

“Err, Tarrasque, are we going to have any issues with this? I mean we are trying to fight off two Princesses?” Bon Bon asked.

“First off thanks. Okay.... now what was your call sign, oh yeah. “ Spike muttered. “ Don't worry about it Sweetie Drops, Princess Luna has granted blanket amnesty for the duration of this date. Of which I need to update her of the situation.”

“Do it later Spike, the carriage is at the theater.” Twilight's voice chimed in.

“Right. Lunar and Solar Eclipse are you two ready?” Spike questioned.

“Err which of us was which again?” Sunburst asked.

“Does it matter?” Spike sighed.

“No” Moon Dancer stated and everyone in on the chatter could feel the eye roll. “I do have to question though, how did you get the theater to be empty on a Saturday night?”

“We set up a earlier cheaper matinee for the showings and asked the manager to close early by telling him what was going on. After he ran off screaming we talked to the assistant manager who agreed so long as we promised to keep the collateral damage away from the theater.” Twilight explained.

“The Cakes also set up a free cup cake tasting event and the Crusaders told everyone about it and well, you know how fast good news spreads among foals.” Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Big Mac is inside to make sure everything runs smoothly and as a last line of defense.” Twilight explained.

“Okay they're in, Big Apple are we good?”Moon Dancer asked.

“Oh, you remember his call sign.” Spike grumbled.

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac chimed up.

To those inside of Ponyville Theater and Stage nothing changed. To those outside however, the building simply wasn't there any more as Sun Burst and Moon Dancer activated an improved version of Moon Dancer's Alicorn -B- Gone™ spell.

The chariot was quickly moved down the street to a mock up building that was scheduled for demolition and had been rigged up to look like the theater, before all those involved slipped away to wait.

They did not need to wait long before two somewhat annoyed, hay covered, and still invisible, alicorns approached the building from different sides of the street.

Twilight who was sitting in a side alley just out of sight grinned as she watched the pair with her sunglasses on and a odd black and white striped jacket she used to blend in.

“It's show time....” Twilight grinned.

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