• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Serval of my Excess, part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Serval of my Excess,
part 1

[Ponyville, three weeks after Hearths Warming. Tuesday, 3am]

Twilight let out a little yawn as she made her way upstairs. A glance back into the library proper made her smile. With Spike being hatched so close to Heaths Warming she had always been leery of
ponies doing the Hearth-a-Birthmas-eve bull crap. She and Rahs had called out her parents a few times on it and a number of other ponies. Her little brother didn't deserve that sort of crap.

Thankfully all her friends and Spike's understood that, and he had received just as many gifts for this as he had for Hearths Warming.

It was mostly more gaming books and figures to paint. Though Big Mac had some how found a signed poster from the creator of the Power Ponies from a cousin of his and had it magically laminated to give him.

Well, he had given it to Applebloom to give to Spike, as the filly had been super intent on giving him the best thing she could. Mac had instead passed over a number of gems he had unearthed while plowing and forgot about in a crate in the barn. None of them were worth much, but Spike's stomach didn't care.

She had expected Rarity to try for the large gem that Spike had been preparing for a while now, but aside to comment on it's beauty and ask Spike if he could grow others like it, she hadn't tried to wheedle it from him, though she had winced when he ate it.

Pinkie Pie had made two cakes again, only this time one was for Spike and was loaded with gems, and a normal one for everyone else to enjoy.

While she wasn't sure what any one else had got him, she knew Rahs had found a set of dice carved from tiger eye, and she had given him a small stack of Battle Mallet 40k books. She wasn't a fan of the dark setting, or the ridiculous price of the books and models, but Spike was trying to expand his O&O games into other areas, so more source books were better.

Princess Celestia had sent a card along with some gems and her parents had come down for the day as well with gifts. Shining and Cadence had also only managed to send a card and gift not managing to make the appearance themselves, though Luna showed up and couldn't be talked out of giving Spike a real battle ax that he could barely lift. The Princess of the night had evidently miss heard he wanted Battle Mallet things, and went with her preferred weapon instead.

[Canterlot early evening]

“Luna how could you give him a battle ax, that's not safe!” Celestia protested.

“Tis a battle ax Tia, tis not mean to be safe.” Luna offered burying her face into her bowl of cereal to get the last of the marshmallows.

“He's still a foal Luna.”

“Tis educational.” Luna responded tipping the bowl back to drink the sugary milk.

“What if he hurts himself?” Celestia growled.

“Well that will be an important lesson won't it?” Luna concludes debating if she wanted toast as well as she licked the milk from her muzzle.

Thankfully Spike opted to just mount it on the wall instead of trying to swing the thing around, much to everyone but the CMC's relief.

Twilight smirked , it had been a pretty good day for Spike. He had crashed around eight and had been put to bed as every one else went home or carried some one else home given he and the CMC had school in the morning. Allowing Spike to miss one day for his birthday was one thing, but two was pushing it.

The only oddity was Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle apparently teasing Applebloom about something, that had devolved into their usual little shouting match. Though that broke up the instant Spike went to see what it was this time.

Twilight paused outside her little brothers door on her way to her own bed, pushing it open a little and wincing at the snores coming from his room. She really hoped he grew out of that. Peering inside she took note how organized everything in the room was. His bookshelves and chests of figures and treasures we set neatly. A desk on one side with a lamp to help him paint. And just under the window a foal sized bed that he usually curled up in the middle of.

Twilight blinked as she stared in the room looking at the sleeping figure. She stared a moment more before opening the door further allowing more light into the room. She stared longer before turning on the rooms light. She further stared, her magic yanking away the Power Pony Blanket over the sleeping form.

“The buck!?!?”Twilight finally managed as she looked over her little brother, grown enough to be hanging off all sides of the bed, his muzzle more angular and body more gangley. He had to be the same size as Rahs now.

Speaking of which.

“RAHS!!!”Twilight bellowed.

Either her tone or volume woke her brother as he came stumbling out of his room across the hall with a crash spotting Twilight and rushing over to the door to see what she was staring at in front of Spike's room.

“It's too early, still dark out.” Spike grumbled rolling over in bed and pulling the pillow over his head showing a rather impressive row of spines along his back now.

Rahs stared a moment at the much larger form of his little brother.


“That's what I said!” Twilight shouted.

"Seriously guys, what time is it...” Spike growled slowly sitting up in bend and smacking his head against the shelf over his bed, bringing a yelp from him as all the books and models came tumbling down to bounce of his head and body.

Spike growled rubbing his head sitting up again before noticing the changes he had under gone.

“The Buck?” Spike gasped.

“Lang..... no, never mind that's an appropriate response.” Twilight gave in. ”This time.”

[Ponyville General Horsepitol]

The white maned gold coated stallion raised an eyebrow looking at Spike as he stepped into the room. He paused at the door looking up at the six foot dragon sitting on the edge of the table. A slow glance to the side showed a canine of some kind looking over a pamphlet for high blood pressure , and a purple unicorn pacing showing many of the signs the pamphlet listed.

He glanced to the chart before him noting that one of the nurses had gone through all the preliminary check in for one of them named 'Spike'.

He frowned ripping the paper off the clipboard and throwing it into the waste bin by the door.

“I am getting quite sick of these pranks.” Doctor Borborygmus frowned.”While I understand hazing the new guy might be a tradition, you can stop now.”

“What?” Twilight blinked as Spike and Rahs looked at each other in confusion.” What are you talking about.

“This is a pony hospital and I'm supposed to treat a lizard or a dog? The vets office is three blocks down the street, take them there.” Doctor Borborygmus snorted turning to head out of the room in a huff.

“Excuse me, this is my little brother you are ignoring... how bout you come back here and do your job and check him out.” Twilight stated.

“I don't deal with animals!” The doctor snapped.

Twilight frowned. “You make it sound as if I was simply asking you politely to do your job.”

Twilight's horn glowed and the door slammed in the doctors face as he was yanked bodily back into the room and brought hovering upside down at eye level with a pissed off unicorn with a slightly smoldering mane.

“Put me down!”

“Listen here you soon to be professional bed pan changer, who will be stuck with that title for the rest of your life if you think of staying in the medical field when I'm done with you any way. My brother, Spike Sparkle, the Dragon has gone through a massively unexplained and unexpected growth spurt. His messenger breath is not working, and my skill in the medical fields is rudimentary at best when it comes to diagnosis. This is why we are here so you can use what knowledge you have in that ivy school league brain of yours to see if you can find what is wrong with him. My initial scans only showed up the remnants of Discordian chaos that has been in all three of us since last summer. Either I'm doing the wrong scans or I am missing something that your seven years of medical school might notice. But with that attitude I am inclined to believe you got your Doctorate from the same place that damn ax did, or a gumball machine.” Twilight growled rather than spoke. “I am highly stressed that there is something wrong with my baby brother, you have kept us in this room for an hour waiting on your slow ass. I have yet to sleep today and if you don't make with at least some attempt to figure out what is wrong with Spike I WILL DO SOMETHING, NOT NICE!!!”

“Rrrrrrr” Rahs added.

“You doing something to him afterward implies that I will be leaving anything left for you to do something to.” Twilight snapped.

The door to the room burst open and a pair of very large ponies stepped in with an older Guard who had been assigned the front lobby as a less strenuous position.

“We heard shouting what's going on?” The Guard demanded.

“Oh thank Celestia. Guard escort these three out of here and make her put me down!” Doctor Borborygmus demanded.

The Guard blinked, slowly glancing to the two orderlies who were staring at the ones in the room with clear worry. He then looked over at the Moon Dog, the Moon Dog sized Dragon, and a pissed off bearer of the Element of Magic.

After another look to the burly orderlies who were staring pleadingly at him and a moments more consideration, the Guard spoke up.

“Miss Sparkle is this stallion bothering you?”

Author's Note:

This may wind up taking longer than i thought.

Discord Channel is being posted again. https://discord.gg/hx6pcda

if you want to ask questions, talk about the chapter, and get small tidbits into how my demented mind works come on n. It's a free service and i don't use the voice chat as much as the text.

granted in an effort to prevent spammers to say anything you need to register an email and be on the channel for ten mins, but it's better than every new person suddenly trying to tell me about single nude girls in my area 2 seconds after logging in.

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