• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Sphinx and elite

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Sphinx and elite

[ Canterlot]

“They're trying to butter us up.”

“Oh I know, they couldn't be more obvious about it.”Twilight groaned.

The table before the small group was laden in presents to the point it creaked under the weight. Though four gifts in particular stood out.

The massive wall wrapped gifts were covered in expensive paper and shiny ribbon. Two of them were pure white with gold ribbon and two with bluish purple and silver ribbon. The four stood out from the other gifts in both size and attention to detail, something that only Pinkie and Rarity's gifts came close to.

Rahs rolled his eyes as he looked back at the others in the ball room. Pinkie Pie had convinced, bothered, and bribed, Twilight to let her host Rahs and Twilight's birthday party this year. Rahs didn't really care and Twilight got tired of fighting it.

There was a bit of tension after they found out that Rarity couldn't make it back to town due to Opal getting sick on her trip to Canterlot. But that was quickly cleared up.

It was Fluttershy who convinced Twilight to take the party to Canterlot. Twilight agreed, she had asked Cadence to help Rarity out with a room in Canterlot while she was working, so asking her soon to be sister in law about reserving a small ballroom for the party wasn't difficult. She did hope that Shining would propose soon however, she expected to get a letter about it any day now.

The new location had the added benefit of Shining and Cadence also joining the party, as they didn't have to take too much time away from their duties to make it. The pair of them had invited Moon Dancer and her colt friend as well.

Lyra and Bon Bon came along with Twilight's group, though most of the other members of Twilight's school group were either in another part of Equestria and just sent cards or gifts, or were working too hard like Minuette. Though the dentist did say she'd try to stop by after the triple root canal she had to deal with.

The Ponyville crew had the usual suspects of the mane five and Spike. Rahs and Twilight were a given since it was their birthday, and the only other addition was Big Mac. Twilight was a little freaked out at the unexpected size of the gathering, but between Rahs and Mac she remained calm....... Ish.

The CMC however were not here. Applebloom was still grounded, Scootaloo was visiting her parents, and Sweetiebelle had been drug off by her parents to some sort of beach get away.

The birthday pair's mother and father had come by to see them when they first got there, but had left soon after her father had lost a silent stare down with Big Mac and mom had run out of embarrassing questions to ask Rahs about all the females who had gotten him gifts.

It was true that Rahs' pile had edged hers out this year, not that Twilight had counted while having flashbacks to a party years ago when the same thing happened. He had a number of gifts from some mare named Saturnia, a couple from the Ponyville Guards for his help with some of the monster bounties, quite a few from Jynx, and a fairly large one from Trixie, a gift that Rahs was reluctant to open because he could smell gunpowder in it.

Spike and Rainbow Dash had already started betting on whether Trixie herself was in that present.
Of course this was done out of Twilight and Rahs' hearing as not to ruin the larger bet between most of the weather team and Spike as to when Rahs would realize Trixie had a thing for him.

Of course then there was the pile from every one else who showed up too. The page colt who carried it all in nearly died before getting it all on the table.

Aside from a few games and some music, the main entertainment of the party was watching Rarity run back and forth from the Sparkle's party to a nobles garden party outside while trying to pretend she had never left to both of them.

Honestly she wasn't fooling any pony about why she kept running off to mingle with the elite, but Twilight was fine with that. She fully expected that was where the sick cat thing came from and she was sorta enjoying watching Rarity wear herself out trying to be in two places at once.

She wasn't trying to be cruel, but she wasn't going to give Rarity a free pass for lying to her as she tired to keep up her appearances. It wasn't as if the nobles cared about anything beyond their own little worlds. It also wasn't as if they already didn't know she was friends with a dirt farmer, a hoarder, a maniac, a braggart, a mentally unstable former student of Celestia, and her mangy mutt.

Twilight had not been happy with that newspaper article.

It had six spelling errors in the first two sentences, the strongly worded letter she had asked Rainbow Dash to deliver to the editor took up three pages with just the intro before getting into the corrections.

It was well known Rarity was a Bearer, though perhaps she hadn't introduced herself as such.

In either case Twilight had a party to try and enjoy.

“Hey Sparkles!” a voice called, causing Rahs and Twilight to turn away from the glittering mountain to see who called.

A cream colored unicorn with a mulberry colored mane and tail streaked with violet and lavender trotted up to the pair. Her mane was a bit frazzled though it was pulled back in a loose bun on top of her head in an attempt to tame it though she clearly wasn't a mare too concerned with her looks. Her dark purple eyes were hidden behind a large pair of light blue, square lens glasses.

Next to her was a orange unicorn stallion with a red mane, white fetlocks and a white stripe along the bridge of his nose. He wore a dark blue cape trimmed in light blue and covered in stars of the same color. It also appeared he was trying to grow a beard, though the scraggly hair dangling from his chin reminded Twilight a bit to much of Discord's facial hair. He too wore light blue framed glasses though his were round rather than square and were propped in front of blue eyes rather than purple.

“Moon Dancer. Nice to see you again.” Twilight smiled looking over her friend then over to the stallion next to her. “ So who's this? That mysterious colt friend that caused you to create an alicorn repellent spell?”

Both of the ponies before Twilight turned a bit red at the memory, though Moon Dancer recovered quicker than the stallion.” This is Sun Burst. He joined Celestia's school a year after us, he's an absolute genius when it comes to spell theory and creation.”

“The execution is something I have a harder time with.” Sun Burst admitted.

“Rather curious how you two managed to meet.” Twilight questioned.

“We literally ran into each other.” Sun Burst offered pantomiming the pairs meeting by smacking his two fore hooves together. “ There needs to be a disclaimer about reading and walking.”

Moon Dancer grinned. ”Any way Sun Burst, this is Twilight Sparkle and her brother Rahs. He's a Moon Dog.”

“Oh one of those things from...ooof!!” Sun Burst began before getting elbowed in the ribs by Moon Dancer.

“X-neigh on that-ay.”Moon Dancer muttered.” So I've heard I'm not the only one no longer single hmm?”

“Of course Lyra and Bon Bon are right over there.” Twilight tried to misdirect not sure what had happened with the exchange. ”Granted they've been together longer than any pony else......”

“You know I'm not talking about those two Twilight... So who was it who managed to catch the top student's eye hmmm? Bet it's either a librarian or a barista. I fully expected you'd sleep walk into a relationship with some one who makes coffee.”

Rahs chuckled at that looking around before waving someone over with a paw as he shook his head. He quickly slapped another paw on his sisters back to keep her from running as he noticed how embarrassed she was getting.

There was a heavy thudding on the floor as the massive red stallion with a short cropped wheat colored mane and tail trotted up next to Twilight. He paused looking down at her before offering her a cup of cider.

Both Moon Dancer and Sun Burst stared up at the massive earth pony, then down at Twilight and her nearly glowing red face, then back to the massive earth pony.

Rahs had fallen over laughing at this point. His sister could talk some crap about relationships but when it came to ponies bringing up hers.....

“Woof.” Moon Dancer finally uttered.

“Oh It's eleven o clock on the dot. “ Pinkie Pie answered Moon Dancer as she popped up from the pile of presents on the table. “ Though why you want to know the time in Canburro I have no idea.”

“What?” Moon Dancer questioned as Pinkie Pie dove back into the pile and then was some how on the other side of the room offering a cup of punch to Fluttershy. ”What!?”

“Just don't ask..... trust me I've tried the scientific method for figuring her out and the machine just goes 'PING'.” Twilight sighed.

“Oh.. I love that machine.” Star Burst muttered.” Though my job bought one then sold it to another company, then they leased it back from the company they sold it to, that way, it comes under the monthly current budget and not the capital account.”

“Any way..” Twilight stated trying to regain control of the situation, which was not easy with Rahs losing it. “ Moon Dancer, Sun Burst, this is Big Mac. My special some pony.....”

“Eeeyup.” Mac agreed as he looked down at Rahs wondering what was so funny.


Prince Blueblood blinked as he looked up at the large red stallion, then down at the orange unicorn next to him. This perhaps could have gone better, he was unsure of how he got into this conversation and was desperately trying to find a way out of it.

“So.... you dated both Moon Dancer and Twilight, is this correct.” Sun Burst asked, his tone bordering on angry. The large Earth Pony said nothing.

“If you wish to count one date each as dated, then yes. In both cases it was decided that we were a bit too different for it to work.” Prince Blue Blood sighed. “And you can blame my cousin Cadence for all of them. As soon as she found out that Twilight and I were not going to work, she set me up with Moon Dancer, then Lyra, then the rest of the School of Gifted Ponies. It was a rather hectic week......”

Sun Burst had heard bad things around Canterlot about Prince Blueblood ,which made him rather leery of the stallion.

Big Mac had heard favorable things about the stallion from Twilight, which made him rather leery of the stallion.

Prince had two ponies before him, one of whom looked like a skilled mage, and the other who looked like he bench pressed buildings for fun glaring at him, so he was rather leery of both.

His plan had been to drop off the gifts, wish Rahs and Twilight a happy birthday and then slip out before the press tried to make this visit out to be more than it was.......

And maybe have a talk with the rainbow maned pegasus, though he didn't see her anywhere at the moment.

Rainbow Dash had slipped out to prank Rarity and the nobles in the garden next door, though she tended to follow Rarity back in, and Prince had chosen the moment Rarity slipped out for his run in. He didn't want a repeat of her trying to kill him with cake like at the gala.

“Perhaps I should go then....... it was nice meeting you two.” Prince nodded.


[later still]

“........ So because of the connection the magical nature of the cutie pox transferred from Rahs to us.” Twilight explained.” And once it came to us through the link, Shining and I became the new patient zeros when the virus started up again our systems later in the day.”

“A virus shouldn't act like that.” Moon Dancer pointed out.

“It really wasn't a virus, the first case of the cutie pox was a magical infection that spread through contact. This case was just one magical plant going a bit overboard and corrupting a desire. It only became communicable once it interacted with the chaos magic clinging to our link. That's also how Spike and Rahs got it, though it didn't spread from either of them oddly.”

“I see.” Moon Dancer considered. “Do you mind if I bring Sun Burst into our study, he might have some insight we missed.”

“Sure go ahead, but I think we have it all figured out. Princess Luna designed Rahs' race and my surge pulled him from where he was supposed to be. Why the link formed has something to do with the power I used to yank him out of there. Evidently Rahs' connection to myself and Shinning was joined to Spike when he showed up and is a natural connection with Moon Dogs, just his was strengthened greatly when he was pulled out of the Oneiroi.”

“Convoluted and ridiculous...... I can totally see it happening.” Moon dancer sighed. “Are you still mad at the Princesses? Luna's been whining to me about it for a while now.”

“More at Princess Celestia than Princess Luna. Other way around for Rahs. He's mad she's still holding information about Witch Wolves from us. What ever Discord did to him pissed him off something fierce.” Twilight explained. “As for me, despite Discord needing to be dealt with Princess Celestia did manipulate us into doing it again, plus that whole stupid ceremony and everything that came after shows her hoof work.”

“Princess Chess master strikes again huh?” Moon Dancer nods. “ I figure after all the times it's blown up in her face lately she'd be able to get out of the habit of playing games.”

“Seems not.....”Twilight sighed looking over at Sun Burst and Big Mac who were talking off to the side. Her brothers were both chatting with Fluttershy and Applejack and the rest of the party goers seemed content with the food or each other. Who would have thought that barely a year ago the idea of this many ponies at her birthday would have caused her to break down and hide.

“Wonder what those two are talking about.” Moon Dancer questioned looking at Big Mac and Sun Burst.

“Ehh, guy stuff I guess, probably not anything interesting.” Twilight shrugged.

Sun Burst stroked his beard with a hoof as he pondered what had just been suggested by Big Mac.

“I see. It never occurred to me to consider that space and Equss were both moving as well. So that's oneself, the planet, the galaxy and space itself one needs to take into account.” Sun Burst stated. “ Fascinating.”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac agreed.

[later even stiller ]

“The janitor is going to kill us.” Spike chuckled, looking at the huge mess of wrapping paper and ribbons flung everywhere after Rahs and Twilight dug into their presents.

Those who knew Twilight and Rahs watched on in amusement at their antics, those who did not stared in confusion at the massive book fort that had been constructed, and then inhabited by Twilight. What ever pile of books Celestia had given Twilight had caused the book worm to build the fort and vanish into it almost immediately.

Big Mac had tried to get her to come out and stay with the party, though the large stallion now found himself being used as a pillow after getting dragged inside the fort as well.

Rahs however had barely opened half his presents and was responsible for most of the mess.

Too many shiny ribbons and boxes evidently overloaded the feline part of his mind and he was currently hiding in one of the larger boxes swatting at a ribbon Fluttershy was swishing about.

Granted Pinkie Pie was also hiding in one of the boxes too shuffling around like a turtle and rustling the paper laying about enough to make Rahs even crazier.

Spike was taking pictures and laughing himself into hiccoughs.

Rarity was running herself into exhaustion as no one had yet to tell her they noticed her bouncing back and for the all night.

Rainbow Dash had driven off a large portion of the nobles with pranks, but was currently sulking because her main target, Fancy Pants, had managed to avoid or redirect everything she had tried to prank him with.

Most of the others were still talking or having one of the multitude of cakes presented. Twilight's cake was a massive chocolate one Pinkie had whipped up, though Rahs' was almost as big and confused many of the guests why there was a sign warning ponies away.

Pinkie had made that one too. And nearly everything in it was gummies, apples, cheese, or some sort of meat she had gotten from a stuffy griffon chef in the castle whipped into a fondue like pudding, that smelled awful before being baked.

Rainbow Dash had tried a bite of it and nearly lost her lunch.

Rahs had eaten half of it already before getting distracted by shinies.

With the problems with both Discord and the Cutie Pox it was rather nice to have something normal going on. Particularly with how serious Rahs and Twilight had been lately. To see them enjoying themselves was a nice change of pace.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both glanced at each other before moving away from the window they had been peering into and heading back to the court with not a word to anyone at the party.

They both had things to think about in regards to the Sparkles. They both knew they should take this as an opportunity to distance themselves from the family. As long as they lived it never did well to get too attached to a mortal.

But in this case neither of them really considered doing that.

[Later that night, Canterlot]

“It was rather nice to see Twily enjoying herself at a party again.” Shining Armor offered before starting to brush his teeth.

“I know. She's come a long way when it comes to her birthday parties, with that many ponies there I expected her to be hiding under the table or something.” Cadence offered. “I guess between Rahs and Big Mac she had plenty of support to deal with it.”

“ Murrphmlp” Shining muttered scrubbing his teeth.

“I'm rather proud of you too. You didn't even try any of that over protective big brother nonsense on Big Mac.” Cadence stated flopping down on the bed.

Shining took a moment to clear his mouth.” Why would I do something like that to Applejack's brother?”

Cadence blinked looking over at him in a bit of confusion.” Because he's Twilight's colt friend.”

Cadence was witness to Shining Armor suddenly freezing in place, his tooth brush dangling out of his mouth a moment before it fell into the sink with a clack as his brain finally caught up to him.


“Still not gonna be an alibi for you to skip work.”

“Double damn it.”

Author's Note:

And yet again a one shot. Cause lets face it Sweet and Elite was a Rarity-sode. the only bit that would have been fun was the party.

and thus party.

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