• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Luna Eclipsed, Part 2 [30]

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Season 2

Luna Eclipsed
Part 2


It took a bit to get everything back in some semblance of order. The foals were given candy and warned to dial back the shouting a bit to prevent blowing out some ponies eardrums. After a moment to consider Twilight said to ignore the rule if they came across some one giving out apples, sugar free candy, or tooth brushes instead of regular candy.

Those sort of ponies were fair game.

Once everything was back together and post it spelled to the floor in case of another group of foals trained in the Royal Canterlot voice, Twilight laid out her plan.

“Right we're going to head out there and keep an eye on Prince to find out if it is Rainbow Dash.” Twilight Explained.” Spike I need you on the north side of town, Rahs you take the south and I'll hit the outskirts, he couldn't have gotten far...”

“Nope.” Spike stated, waving a rather large pillow case in Twilight's face. “ I'm going to get candy as soon as the Crusaders get here.”

“You can get candy later, this is important...” Twilight trailed off.

“Woof. Bark. Whine. Bork.” Rahs listed counting on his claws.

“What do you mean, 'No, super no, really super no, and get bent!?' “ Twilight growled as Rahs grinned down at her, his ears perked as he heard another knock at the door and he went to answer it.

“I agree with him.” Spike added.” I mean heck, this is Prince... and maybe Dash's possible love life we're talking about here. Rainbow Dash is still mad at you, how do you think she'd react if you screwed this up?”

“Errr. Okay that is a valid point, but still what if it is!?! Do you know how long this mystery has bothered me?” Twilight grumbled.” I mean it's almost solved itself, I have to know the end.”

“Is it worth skipping out on Big Mac to chase after another guy to see if he likes your friend?” Spike tilted his head and smirked looking past her.

“I am not skipping out on Big Mac to chase a guy, I'm......” Twilight glanced back, and then up, finally realizing who Spike was looking at.

The massive stallion behind her was dressed in a black suit with a white undershirt. A red necktie wrapped around his neck and he wore a deep red long coat that draped over his form. His rear hooves were in black boots while his front were in white with an odd symbol traced on them. He wore a pair of round orange glasses that hid his eyes and a wide brimmed red hat with an almost pink band around the top.

Twilight blinked as Big Mac grinned showing he was wearing a pair of vampire fangs.

Twilight's eyes widened and she had the urge to curse her brothers for making her have some sort of attraction to fangs, that was the only thing Twilight could come up with.

“Woof?” Rahs grinned.

“Yeah, what are you gonna do now Twilight?” Spike chuckled.

“Uhhhhhhh” Twilight muttered.

“Yup, you broke her. “ Spike rolled his eyes.

“BORK!” Rahs added with a grin.

“Hah, yeah. Have her back by eleven.” Spike translated.

Big Mac picked Twilight up with a hoof draping the mare over his back before trotting back out the door letting out a cackling evil sounding laugh as he did so.

Spike stared after them a moment before looking to Rahs.” Soooo what was Big Mac supposed to be?”

“Bark.” Rahs grinned.

“Oh Ok..... what's a buck mothering vampire?” Spike questioned.

Two more door knocks later the rest of the crusaders arrived with a large gathering of other foals, and Pinkie Pie dressed as a chicken.

Sweetiebelle was dressed in a green body suit with a bunch of ninja weapons and a fake turtle shell. She had a purple mask and her belt had a big R on it. The rest of the costume seemed to be an adapted version of a suit that could be used as a school uniform. She was clearly supposed to be Rockwell from Senior Student Samurai Sulcata.

Scootaloo was dressed exactly the same only her bandanna and other colors were red,as well as the letter on her belt being a K, she was dressed as Kinkade, from the same comic.

Applebloom too was in that sort of outfit , though her bandanna color was orange and her belt letter was an R as she was dressed as Ross.

Behind the trio was a mare who was highly out of place and probably why the crowd of foals was around her. She was dressed like the crusaders though one of her prop weapons Rahs recognized as Dr. Choppy. The turtle shell hid her wings and her coloration was blue and her belt had a large P on it .

Rahs and spike both raised an eyebrow seeing Princess Luna dressed as Pablo.

The princess of the night noticed the stares and sighed tilted her head towards Sweetiebelle. “ T'was her idea.”

“Awww, I lost six bits to Bon Bon.” Pinkie Pie pouted looking over Rahs and Spike's costumes.” I felt sure you and Twilight were gonna dress up as each other this year so Twilight could use her Rahs disguise to try and get closer to Dashie to apologize, resulting in crazy body switching hi-jinks.”

Spike and Rahs stared at Pinkie Pie a moment.

“Woof.” Rahs frowned.

“Yeah . We already did that. A couple years before we moved down here. Then Twilight thought it would be neat to try and make the costumes seem like they were more realistic. “ Spike sighed. “ To make a long story short, she flubbed the spell and I spent four hours of wacky hi-jinks as Twilight dressed as Rahs, Twilight spent the time as Rahs dressed as me, and Rahs was me dressed as Twilight.”

The crusaders, Luna and Pinkie stared at Spike before looking up at Rahs who had nodded after slapping his paws to his face. Scootaloo looked back at Spike curiously.

“What even 'is ' your life Spike?” Scootaloo asked.

“Gotta be a sitcom.” Pinkie Pie nodded.

“A what?” Luna asked.

“Situational comedy, Mrs Cake likes them but doesn't have much time to read any more with the twins.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Yeah that describes us better than anything else.” Spike nodded.”But enough talk, I've got the list and the map with the most optimal routes. We need to start now so we can clean this town out of candy.”

“YEAH!” the three fillies cried out.


Rahs and Luna shared a worried glance as both Spike and Pinkie Pie had joined in the cheer.

Rahs took note of something else as he doled out a bit of candy to the small group in order to keep them calm a moment longer.” Woof.”

Luna glanced to Rahs her ears perked up.

“Art thou certain? We thought thou was to stay here to pass out candy.” Luna blinked.

“Ruff.” Rahs shrugged and pointed to a shadow near one of the bushes.

Luna glanced over that way and sighed.

“If you insist Rahs. Sergeant Lodestone.” Luna stated.

The thing that stepped out of the shadows had the fillies and Pinkie screaming out in fright. The pony would have towered over Big Mac and was built in a way that made big Mac look like Fluttershy. He had dark gray fur with a short cropped black mane. His tail didn't end in a normal ponies whisk but in a more serpentine length with a number of spines along it that ran up the length to his back along his spine. His hooves were split, not quite cloven but seemingly edged like claws. The giants eyes were reptilian slits with a deep purple coloration. Add the monstrous form to the Lunar Guard silver and purple armor he wore and lesser ponies probably would have soiled themselves with little more than a angry glance from the stallion.

Only the fact that Rahs, Spike, and Luna seemed to be expecting him kept the others from fleeing. Despite that even Rahs and Spike seemed in awe of the sheer size of him.

“COOOL, a Nocturne” Spike chimed up first. “I didn't think any of you guys left Lionheart island.”

“We generally do not. But after the Discord incident it was decided that a bit more muscle might be required for the Princess' Night Guard. The recruitment was quite successful a number of us came from the islands defense force.”Lodestone offered before looking to Luna.” What is it you wish Princess?”

“Take over for Rahs in giving out candy to the foals. He will be accompanying us.” Luna ordered.

“Princess I must protest I am here as one of your Guard detail, I cannot leave you alone it would be a dereliction of my duty.” Lodestone protested.

Luna rolled her eyes.”Sergeant there are five ponies on your team and Tia has two of hers trying to be subtle watching me and eight others watching the Sparkles and the Element Bearers, then there are three Heart Guard here keeping an eye on the Sparkles for some reason or another. We have two of the Sparkles and an Element Bearer with us, we are well covered.”

Rahs blinked in surprise not knowing about any of the other Guard aside from the Nocturne's team which he could smell, and that worried him more than a little, particularly the Heart Guard.

“Oh yeah, I met the one watching me. She wasn't too happy when I offered her some cupcakes. She was even less thrilled when I suggested we get matching t-shirts. Mine would have said 'Pinkie Pie' and hers would have said 'Secret guard watching pinkie Pie, SHHHHHHH, don't pay attention to me'.”

Lodestone and Luna stared at the pink mare dressed as a chicken with a bit of worry before looking to Rahs and Spike who simply shrugged.

“Woof.” Rahs offered.

“We doubt we shall get used to that. But yes sergeant we shall be fine.” Luna sighed.” Consider this a paid bit of rest for the night.”

“Bark.” Rahs explained holding up two fingers then pointed to the kitchen and the library itself.

“What?”Lodestone questioned.

“He said only two pieces of candy per foal, no costume means no candy, there's snacks and drinks in the fridge and a whole library to look over if there's a lull.” Spike translated.” Also the little box next to the candy has earplugs, you might need those.”

Lodestone frowned looking over at the princess before sighing and reaching up to take off his helmet. The enchantment faded turning his black mane to a fuchsia coloration and his scales and fur becoming a brilliant orange and burnt seinia looking coloration's instead of the black and gray. Despite the brighter coloration he was still massive and intimidating.

“I shall endeavor to deal with this assignment as best I can Princess.” Lodestone grumbled.

“Awesome now that we're all settled, LETS GOOO, Times wasting and we've barely got any candy yet!” Scootaloo whined.

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