• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny, Episode 2, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny,
Episode 2
Part 1

[Sweet Apple Acres]

“I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!” Rarity shrieked as she ran towards town.

“You're the oldest one here!” Applejack snapped, shifting as she galloped in order to keep Twilight on her back, the grayed out mare not seeming to care if she was left or anything else.

“Well then I'm too fabulous to die.” Rarity snapped back.” Is that better?”

Rainbow Dash was galloping along with Spike on her back, the dumbed down dragon seeming to love the ride.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were bringing up the rear with Pinkie Pie hurrying the non athletic pegasus along.

Behind the group was a monster.

There was no other way to describe what Rahs had become. He was the size of, if not larger than Princess Celestia and as feral looking as a timber wolf. His body had gained a great deal of mass as well, he was no longer lanky or corded looking, his frame was more like Bulk Biceps in build , as if he had taken all the magic he gained and turned it into power. There was also some sort of aura around him that seemed to be brought about by his fur sparking and rubbing together making small beads of light that danced around him.

Dash thought it looked like the weird lights some pegasus saw when they were at higher altitudes, the effect called Saint Equine's Fire.

Every pony else thought Rahs was literally burning with rage.

Then of course there was the one between the group and the monsters, one who wouldn't stop arguing with Pinkie Pie.

“This is totally not my fault.” Discord stated as if that would make it become fact.

“It is too you big meany, so do something about it!” Pinkie Pie snapped back.

“I can't, he ate my booping finger..... hand....” Discord protested having started running along with the others.

“Well use your other hand!!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“He ate that too!” Discord yelped as massive jaws snapped on where his tail had been, the appendage only yanked away from the gnashing teeth at the last second.

“Well what good are you!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“I'm sorry no one told me there was a creature in your little group that could eat a gods magic!”Discord whined” Celestia's notes said he could barely eat any of her power! And I'm stronger than she is!”

“Yeah well, i bet SHE still has all her limbs.” Pinkie Pie snapped. “What the heck did that boop even do!?!”

“It's an old trick, it reverses a ponies personality.” Discord snapped back.” What the heck is he that that's the opposite of it!?”

“Someone who wanted to protect his friends and family.” Applejack shouted back.

“Someone who looks really hot as a pony” Dash added.

“Some one rather difficult to cook for. Do you know how hard it is to make magic cupcakes as an earth pony!?”Pinkie Pie added.

“A very nice Moon Dog.” Fluttershy added." Though I wish he and Angel could get along."

“ A true lover of theater.” Rarity called back at the same time.

“Well that last bit explains it, because this is all very ridiculous and dramatic.” Discord snarked.

“How do we fix this!?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“How should I know, I just do the boops I've never tried to fix it.”Discord growled.” Someone else always managed to fix it.”

“By the stars, Princess Celestia made the right choice dumping you.” Rarity snapped.” You are a cad!”

“Right so we only have one idea, but with Rahs like this we can't get to it.” Applejack grumbled.

“Um, not to bring it up , but you seem to be rather okay with not having any hands.” Fluttershy managed.

“Hmm? Oh they'll grow back.” Discord explained. “Even with what ever that thing is, my powers only a bit muted. The only way I can be killed is if there's no more chaos in the world at all. And good luck with that.”

“Really? Well that's nice.” Fluttershy commented.

“Okay, I have a plan that is just, fair, and clever.” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Or maybe just fairly clever.”

“Should I be worried?” Rainbow Dash asked.” I feel like I should be worried.”

“Nope, we just have to get to the Library and not get eaten by the giant death mutt behind us.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.

“We're trying tah do that Pinkie.” Applejack grumbled.

“Yep and we need a distraction.” Pinkie Pie offered again.

“What would distract rabid Clifford back there?” Discord demanded.

“So glad you asked.” Pinkie Pie grinned, stopping suddenly and sticking out a leg.

Discord yelped tripping over the outstretched limb, and crashed to the ground. Pinkie Pie grinned pronked into the air and sped away in a puff of smoke with a 'meep meep' sound.

The hand less draconequss lifted his head up glaring after the retreating ponies hearing the deep growl from the figure looming over him.

“Clever girl..” Discord grumbled before screaming out as Rahs started to treat him like a chew toy.

“Pinkie Pie that wasn't very nice.” Fluttershy chided. Pinkie Pie frowned, her ears drooping, as she tried not to look at the butter yellow mare.

“Neither is he. Ah can't think these three are gonna take to kindly to what he did to their heads. That's if we even survive whatever he did tah Rahs.” Applejack responded to Fluttershy. ”Now that we got some breathing room we need tah get to Golden Oaks. If what Twilight blurted out was right, that's what were tha Elements are.”

“And we seriously need to get to them before Rahs gets bored of his new squeaky toy.” Rainbow Dash growled. “ What even happened to him?”

“Plot point.” Pinkie Pie said flatly.

The others glanced back at the pink mare though said nothing.

“Is this going to even work? Whatever he did to Twilight and her brothers, I mean. “ Rarity frowned.” Can the Elements fix this?”

“Well it's not like we have any better ideas.” Rainbow Dash grumbled.” He did say they could be cured though. Unless he was lying trying to get on our good side.”

“Oddly he ain't really lied yet.” Applejack muttered. “ Not sure how ah figure that though.”

“What about what he said he did in town?” Fluttershy asked as the group galloped over a rise at at the edge of town skidding to a stop as they all looked down at Ponyville.

There was a clear, if uneven, line before them where the normal stopped and the chaos started. The green grass of the field outside of town gave way to rainbow colored blades of grass that were singing something with tinny little voices. None of which were singing the same song so it came out as sort of a muttering wail that covered the field.

The path into town turned from normal dirt to what looked like butterscotch pudding with little round cookies floating in it. The bridge however remained over the river, though it was now a giant stick insect sort of creature that no pony in their right mind would try to gallop over. This was fine however, as the river was no longer resting in it's banks and was now swirling through the air over the town in a demented whirling mess. It was also pink and smelled strongly of strawberries. The group could see fish swimming in it, most of them looking like some sort of candy creature now rather than regular fish.

The town itself, from where they stood, seemed odd , though a layer of cotton candy clouds obscured all but the buildings on the outside of town , there was something rather large moving through the low hanging clouds, and a siren was going off over the oddly foggy town.

“Wow... he really likes food doesn't he?” Dash deadpanned.

“No time tah gawk, lets git going.” Applejack frowned as the group galloped towards town again.

Author's Note:

The moral of today's story is....

Never boop a Moon Dog.

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