• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny
Part 2

[Canterlot train station]

The squeal of brakes when the engine pulled into the station echoed across the empty platform as the Friendship Express came to a stop.

“All stop for Canterlot.” the train conductor called.

The train had a number of ponies on it, ones who were either heading to Canterlot for lunch or returning to work from their lunch break, or in the case of eight of them, here on a summons from the Princess. Well six summons and two tag alongs.

Despite the train having stopped, the doors did not open and every pony on board was plastered to the windows looking out at the scene before them.

Pink clouds darted around the sky like mad, being chased by the Canterlot weather patrol as brown liquid rained in torrents from the underside of them. A few of the weather patrol seemed to have caught up to the clouds only to find that the pink mess was a sticky candy that they easily got tangled up in only to be left stuck to the sides of buildings or flagpoles like discarded bubble gum.

Strange creatures ran around either chasing or being chased by ponies. Most of them looked like they had started as something else, a chandelier here, a bag of trash there, an ice cream cone over there. No one seemed to be having any luck catching or escaping them, save a young colt in a hat who was throwing red and white balls at them for some reason and had a large yellow rat following him around.

“Next stop, buck this, nopesville , and anywhere else!” the train conductor called as the train started moving to leave the station again.

There was a flurried movement inside the train car and six ponies, a dragon, and a Moon Dog lept off before it took off like a shot back down the mountain.

“This is new.” Spike commented looking around at the madness as a sword with a blue tassel on the end hopped by being chased by an annoyed Guard with a empty sheath. The letter hadn't said he should come, but after the situation with Nightmare Moon, he wasn't about to let his sister run off to save the world without him. He and Rainbow Dash had been talking about what sort of monster or demon it might be the whole trip. Though Dash had ten bits on a long lost brother, Spike had matched it with the idea Cadence had finally lost it and become Heart Attack or something.

“Indeed.” Rarity stated dressed in a fancy purple rain slicker. A frilly umbrella floated over her head hiding her entirely from the rain. She also had a matching scarf covering her face and large dark sunglasses. The Gala disaster was only a bit ago and she was certain the gossip papers were after her after her attack on Prince Blueblood. “This is certainly a mess isn't it?”

“We need to find a way to stop it.” Applejack frowned. The farmer had been dragged along with this reluctantly, there was a great deal of planting to be done this early into the summer and she didn't want to dump it all on Mac and Applebloom. ”This has gotta be what tha princess wanted our help with.”

“Why would any pony want to stop this, chocolate milk rain, cotton candy clouds.” Pinkie Pie smirked. The pink one had opted to come with out even asking why as it seemed like it might be fun.” This is great!”

“Unless you're lactose intolerant, or diabetic. Or don't want everything covered in ants and flies, or don't want all the crops to die and for ponies to starve to death because they are not getting water.” Twilight rambled. Twilight Sparkle was less than thrilled at this. The letter had asked specifically for the Element bearers and thus she fully expected it to be some Equss ending threat. Her mood had not improved since. Particularly since the restaurant wouldn't do carry out.

“Woof?” Rahs asked looking at his sister. Like Spike he wasn't about to let Twilight and the others wander off without some sort of extra protection. Plus he wanted to see if he could put his training to use.

“I am calm.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Maybe we should see what the Princess wants?” Fluttershy pointed out. Out of all of them she wanted to be there the least, the idea of facing something like Nightmare Moon again terrified the pale yellow pegasus.

“Of course. We need to focus on that. We should head to the castle first and then see if we can help. The Princess may know the source of this and we can stop it all at once.” Twilight agreed.

[Canterlot throne room]

The doors to the great chamber of the throne room burst open with a crash and the sounds of arguing.

“No get back you beast. Princess Celestia only has Twilight Sparkle, Applejack Apple, Rarity Reighnolds, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy Poesy.” A stuffy looking stallion with a clipboard protested from where he was tucked under Rahs arm.” No Dragons or Diamond Dogs!”

Spike rolled his eyes as the others walked in. “Yeah yeah, I hear you talking but all I hear is blah blah blah. I missed out on one world ending threat I’m not doing it again.”

“Seriously with everything going on outside Starched Collar, you are going to argue this with us now?” Twilight sighed. “ We do that every time we come to the castle.”

“If you are not on the list you do not get in!” Starched Collar argued back.”Now get out of here before I call the Guards!”

“Yah mean tha guards that waved us in already?” Applejack sighed.

“Bork!” Rahs growled, turning around as the others came in the door before tossing the stallion back outside and shutting the great doors with a slam.

“Right, back to the discussion you are not doing what you did last time. That was too dangerous.” Twilight agreed. “ We're going to find Cadence and you can stay with her.”

“I'll keep that plan of yours in mind next time you two roll critical fails on your will saves to resist fear.” Spike snapped back.” And I’m not there to dragon fire your way out of it with a save bonus.”

“We told you they would all be here.” Princess Luna smirked from where she stood near Celestia's throne.

“I told her just the other bearers of the Elements. I didn't want Rahs or Spike involved, there's no telling what will happen.” Celestia grumbled from the other side of her throne. Or where her throne was supposed to be. What was there instead was a platinum seated , diamond encrusted toilet that was leaking water all over the place and had a tiger striped seat cover.

“Okay, one these two don't listen to me at the best of times.” Twilight rolled her eyes as both her brothers offered fanged smirks. “Two if you called us here for a plumbing problem I have some really bad news for you regarding what I would do next after that revelation.”

“Twilight ah don't think that's supposed tah be in here, an tha rest of tha room ain't right either.” Applejack pointed out.

Twilight took a moment to look around the throne room. If she hadn't been so focused on Starched Collar and the Princesses Twilight would have noticed the oddities sooner.

The red carpet spilling down the dais stairs was shifting around like a tongue with the stone blocks that made up the few steps to the dais looking uncomfortably like teeth. The pillars holding up the ceiling were twisted into impossible shapes that defied any natural law and even if the ones that didn't couldn't have held up the ceiling like they were doing. Even the mural of the sky that changed depending on what court was being held was now of a pony reclining on the ground reaching out a wing tip to what looked like a bundle of spaghetti with eyes and hay ball cheeks. And that thing was reaching out a noodly appendage to touch the the ponies wing tip.

Looking around they saw many of the stained glass windows depicted other odd things. Strange creatures, misshapen shapes and one window that made Rahs slap his paws over Spike's eyes so he wouldn't see it.


“No we cannot break it. ”Princess Luna sighed casting a spell that masked the lewd window. “Cadence has already claimed it for her quarters.

“Princesses Princessi .. dang what was the plural again.” Rainbow Dash considered before giving up.” What the heck is going on?”

“I've called you here for a matter of great importance.” Celestia started.

“We believe they get that sister, skip ahead a bit.” Luna scoffed getting a glare from Celestia.

“An old foe of mine, someone who I believed defeated long ago has returned. His name is Discord.” Celestia said ominously.

“Is it your brother?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Has he possessed Princess Cadence? Is she known as Heart attack now?” Spike demanded.

“What ?!? No.... where did you get those ideas......”” Celestia glanced over to Luna. “ Never mind.”

“They used to date.” Luna added with a smirk, stumbling back as Celestia walloped her in the face with a wing before Luna could do more than offer a small laugh.

“Who's telling this story Luna you or me? If you wanted to do your own exposition you should have sent them a letter.” Celestia growled. “Anyway. Discord is the god of Chaos, before my sister and I stopped him he dominated Equestria and spread chaos, mayhem and grief among the ponies. With every pony so fresh from their flight from the north to escape the Windigo no one was prepared for his chaos and ponies as a whole suffered for it.”

“While our sister has the right of it, most of this happened after she broke up with him for being an ass. His worst was an attempt to get back in her good graces with various epic pranks and jokes.” Luna added. “Tact, common sense, critical thinking, and general good looks were not anything he possessed.”

“I take offense to that.” A voice shouted from somewhere.” A nice white picket one, with a flower box.”

“What? “ Twilight asked looking around for the source of the voice.

“OOOOOOH offense, a fence, I get it, it's a pun!. HA HA HA, ehh I’ve heard better.” Pinkie Pie ranted.

“Every ponies a critic.” The voice grumbled.

“And you need us here to deal with a God of Chaos, ummm..... how now?” Rarity questioned tentatively.

“Last time we used the Elements of Harmony to seal him in stone, but they do not work for us now as they have chosen you six as their bearers.” Celestia added.

“Oh well... um.... okay.” Fluttershy muttered still looking around for the source of the voice.

“Seriously, you summoned us all the way up here to run off your ex? Lame.” Rainbow Dash scoffed, with a few nods from the other mares.

Celestia glared at Luna. “And see this is why I didn't want to tell them that part. They think it's just a personal issue now.”

“Fine, thou were right, did thee wish a cookie for it? Despite the flippancy we show, Discord does pose a number of problems as long as he is free. He is well known to alter the minds of his toys in order to get a reaction from them that he finds funny. His is also the reason we needed to create the Moon Dogs in the first place. His chaos magic bleeds heavily into the Oneiroi and likely will again, causing problems with the Moon Dogs there as well as any one who wishes a restful nights sleep.”Luna explained. “T'would not be so bad if he kept the chaos toned down, but as we said he hast no tact.”

Rahs and Spike perked up at that, before they looked to each other then the girls. Despite Rahs not recalling having been there, the Oneiroi was his homeland and he didn't like the idea of his real parents and sisters suffering.

Spike was a bit worried when Luna mentioned 'altering minds' his Oubliettes and Ogres books always listed that as an alignment changing spell if it was cast, no matter what the reason and it was usually a change towards evil.

“There is also the weather situation outside as you must have seen coming in. Now picture that mess all over Equestria, or worse if he thinks of something funnier.” Celestia added noting Rainbow Dash's wince. “The effects will also likely spread to the crops Equestria has next, as they are watered with the chaos. I recall once before the chaos created a new sort of fruit you could partially see through. It was like sort of new clearer cherry. The problem was the moment they were ripe and one fell of the tree in the orchard, it acted like a bomb and set off the others. We call that place the Badlands now.”

Applejack winced at that, glancing to Dash and the others before looking at Twilight.

Twilight still looked annoyed, Pinkie stared impassively, and Rarity and Fluttershy were looking around in worry.

“There is are several cases of him changing how various animals are in terms of shape and diet in ways that amuse him or annoy others. Rarely is it a change that will aid them in life.“ Celestia offered hearing Fluttershy gasp. “Then with the way his magic works there is no telling what sort of oddities he may create, cupcake trees , cake bushes....”

“That sounds amazing!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“While perhaps in the short term Miss Pie. It would soon put all the bakers and confectioners in Equestria out of a job.” Celestia pointed out. “And it is unlikely any one would have to come to any of your parties for treats if they could pick something from a tree.”

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened at that.” Oh no! Then I’d be out of a job and homeless..... double oh no, then Mr. and Mrs. Cake would be out of a job and Mrs cake is expecting soon!! We can't leave little bakery foals homeless!!”

“There's a 'bun in the oven' joke here, but it seems a little half baked to me.” The voice called again and was ignored.

Celestia frowned noting both Twilight and Rarity seemed unconvinced before she sighed.

“He is well known to dress in plaid.” Luna offered getting a shriek from Rarity.

“That cad, he must be stopped for the good of fashion every where. Plaid is a winter pattern, or for lumberjacks.” Rarity whined.

“ Discord was also responsible for the destruction of the Library of Vollerei, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. “ Celestia added. “He gave all the books and scrolls the ability to fly around on their own like birds and one of them knocked over a lantern and set everything on fire.”

“He must be stopped!” Twilight swore.

“Right!” the others agreed.

Rahs and Spike glared up at Celestia and Luna, both of them less than thrilled at how well the Princesses played the rest of group, though none of the others seemed to notice.

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