• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Dragon Li Quest, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Dragon Li Quest,
Part 1

[In the back of a cart some where]

Spike was rather annoyed. He had finished making the sandwiches for the girls when this group of ponies came through the door. Being the good little librarian's assistant he was, at least when he wanted to get paid, he asked if they needed help finding any thing.

Rahs certainly wasn't going to do it, he had expected Twilight to come home and drag him off to help so he had moved a large bookshelf in front of the stairs up to the bedrooms and then promptly hid atop another book shelf so when Twilight came in she would have to move the first book shelf to go upstairs to get him, thus giving him enough time to slip out and nap some where else.

Seriously if he put as much effort into doing anything as he did avoiding doing anything he'd be amazing at what ever he did.

The bakers dozen of ponies who came in had ignored his question and started screaming out for Twilight Sparkle to come 'face justice', or something like that. Spike took note of Rahs as he looked down at them from the top of the book case by the door seemingly just as confused at what they were doing as Spike was.

The noise was also more than enough to wake up Owlowiscious who flew out of his cubby hole to his perch on the main desk and huffed up angrily at the group. Mr. Whipple fluttered around in his cage on the desk wondering if he was going to be fed.

Still ignoring Spike, the groups leader, he guessed, launched into a several minute long rant about the evils of ponies treating animals like pets and a whole bunch of other stuff that seemed rehearsed. Most of it was pretty confusing. Spike wasn't sure what ' go naked rather than wear fur' meant as they were all ponies and all of them had fur. He again asked what they wanted and was ignored until one of them actually got a look at him and started shouting about freeing the enslaved dragon, which started up another good long rant.

Rahs at this point had dropped down from the book shelf and was watching them with some interest as they debated what to do about finding the dragon before they found Twilight Sparkle. It was then that one of them noticed Rahs and started up a rant about how he had been forced to preform for ponies amusement and it just wasn't right which got all the others ranting as well about that topic and various others, like how 'ponies all needed to be vegetarians like fish', and how the' Griffon Empire self destructed because they ate meat and this showed the folly of meat eaters'.

Rahs was clearly confused by this as he hadn't been in nearly as many performances as he would have liked.

Spike was confused as the Gryphon Empire collapsed and fell into warring feudal states before being united by King Grover. This lasted fourteen generations before it fell back into ruin ruled by a collection of barons only seeking their own personal power at the expense of their subjects.

Owlowiscious wasn't confused, he was just annoyed that he had been woken up in the middle of the day.

Mr. Whipple was neither annoyed nor confused as he was a parasprite with very little brain activity beyond eat and reproduce.

Still the ranting went on before the group started discussing how to get them out of there to free them and return them to their respective environments. Spike was a little worried about that though Rahs just stared at them amused. The consensus was finally made that they put a sleep spell on the lot of them and sneak them out of the town.

Rahs blinked then looked at Spike before smiling in a way that Spike recognized.

“Woof.” Rahs explained as Spike stared at him a moment more and considered.

“Fine, but only because I want to see the Dragonlands.” Spike huffed still being ignored by the group of ponies.

Owlowiscious glanced back and for the between the two of them and sighed before shifting on his roost and just going back to sleep there. Mr. Whipple was still looking around his cage for food.

Spike waddled back into the kitchen to put the sandwiches in the icebox took the tea kettle off the stove before he left out of the kitchen, locking the door behind him.

Waddling back over to Rahs he was less than surprised when a unicorn cast a sleep spell that fizzled completely due to the nearness of his brother. Still he yawned and kicked back against a book shelf pretending to sleep as the 'spell' took hold.

Rahs of course had to over dramatize his suddenly falling asleep, and did so in such a way, that had these ponies not been total idiots they would not believed.

He staggered around the room, falling over the table drunkenly and rolled under a few of them knocking them to the floor. He stifled a yawn, knocked a few more down and smacked two of their heads together hard enough to make a sound of clonking coconuts, before finally falling back and draping himself over a couch with all the flair of Rarity having a episode.

With the pair of them down, the group gathered up Owlowiscious , Spike as well as Mr. Whipple while they proceeded to wreck the library. Still every time they tried to move beyond the main area a book or other object would 'fall' from the sky or simply smack them in the back and distract them long enough they didn't progress. Of course Rahs moved to a completely different 'sleeping' pose after every throw, but none of them seemed to notice.

He also had pretended to be so much dead weight that it took three of the Earth ponies in the group to move him. He then managed to get 'caught' on everything between the couch and the door.

Currently Rahs was sitting in the back of the covered cart smirking as he fiddled with something inside his green coat. Spike was a little surprised as he had been wearing the gray one earlier. The green one was the one he usually wore when he went out hunting.

He had pulled out the book he was currently reading, and had given Spike a O&O magazine to thumb through as well as some paper to write on to send a note back to Twilight while they waited.

He also hadn't shut up singing show tunes at the top of his lungs.

In Fancy.

“Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow MEOW MEOW, meow meow meow!!” Rahs sang.

Spike had tuned him out fairly earlier on as had Owlowiscious.

The PETA members pulling the cart however were not used to Rahs' singing and had spent quite a long time trying to get him to be quiet. They had given up and were now whining in misery as they pulled the cart along whimpering at every high pitched 'meow' Rahs made. They had also doubled their speed and were practically racing along the road.

At one point they had even thrown a chicken and a rabbit into the back of the cart, as a if a meal would get him to shut up.

Surprisingly that had worked, but not for the reason they hoped.

As soon as Rahs and Angel Bunny locked eyes both of them developed grins that were most often seen along with a fin cutting through the waters surface, or lawyers with personal injury claims.

In the silence, the golden golden silence, Spike had over heard they were passing by the Dragonlands to 'Free' him, and Owlowiscious first, before bringing Rahs and Mr. Whipple back to their headquarters in order to figure out where their habitat was, clearly they figured Henrietta and Angel would be eaten by that point.

Rahs hadn't liked the idea of them being split up, particularly with Spike being left in a dangerous place, but Spike had convinced him to go ahead as he wanted to find Bleu and ask her some questions any way.

Besides Twilight would probably be by to pick him up in a couple hours tops. How much trouble could he get into, without the CMC to help any way.

It was only after Owlowiscious promised to keep an eye on him that Rahs agreed.

[Hours later]

Rahs frowned as Spike was pulled from the wagon, offered praise for being so brave under ponies slave owning tyranny and told to go be free among his own kind. Owlowiscious took off as soon as the door opened, rather than deal with what ever Rahs was going to do next. Henrietta and Angel bunny hid behind Rahs as he watched the PETA members close the door and start towing the cart again .

The faint scent of draconic flame touched his nose and he knew Spike had sent off the letter to Twilight.

He spared a glance over to Angel Bunny and the rabbit pulled out a stack of papers he had written plans on.

Henrietta laid an egg, and Mr. Whipple bounced in his cage trying to eat it.

“This is gonna be fun.”

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