• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Caspian and Weep, Part Hamster

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 22

Caspian and Weep,
Part Hamster

[ I'm getting the bat.]

[Canterlot, Royal throne room.]

The petitioners of the Day Court had been having a interesting and troublesome day.

The first bit of news was that one of their number had run off after canceling everything that he was associated with for the whole weekend. Parties, meetings, and other high status events were shuffled to the side or out right dismissed. While many were getting used to Prince Blueblood's oddities, to have him drop everything so suddenly giving less than two weeks notice caused an uproar in certain circles, particularly once said circles realized how much influence Prince's presence gave to them.

Princess Cadence and her consort had vanished as well.

Not that any of the nobles would admit he existed. Many actively sought to avoid anything to do with him. Granted the majority of the ones who pretended neither of them existed were the ones who had protested the most about a commoner trying to marry into royalty.

This group had been verbally 'bitch slapped' by Princess Celestia of all ponies who informed them on no uncertain terms that Shining Armor had claim on not one, but two titles of Prince. One from Princess Luna being, after an annoying legal battle, legal guardian of a one Rahs Sparkle, This making the family royalty, and the news that Spike Sparkle was a Prince of the Dragons, thus making Shining Armor a 'Double Prince', and thus unable to be judged by any save the Princesses themselves. And since he had the favor of two the three directly, Princess Celestia was still on the fence, they could, and it has been quoted,' Stuff it where the sun and moon don't shine,' end quote.

Still that all could be overlooked.

The major thing of note was the Day Court had been canceled for the day, which was preposterous. Saturday was the day Princess Celestia specifically set aside to deal with the issues of nobility without the lower caste rif raf being able to attend like they could the rest of the week. It was a hard won concession that took many years of careful negotiation to achieve.

Rumors of them whining until they got their way were simply that, rumors.

Not only had the Princess canceled, but she had vanished as well.

Still that was neither here or there. Emergency's happen. What had the gathered nobility in a titter was that the Day Court had been reinstated, but moved back to the later afternoon.

All petitioners had had messengers show up at their homes with this info. It was also followed by the information that if the petitioners did not show up to plead the case they registered, then they would be held liable for wasting the crowns time and tax payer's bits and be fined accordingly.

The idea of losing money brought all of them immediately to the throne room, only to find it was not Princess Celestia heading the court.

Princess Luna sat on the throne surrounded by her horrific looking Night Guards. There were mummers of worry that she had overthrown Celestia and now ruled everything, though the presence of a number of Day Guard, the usual annoying Starched Collar, checking off the names on the list, and Mrs Flowery Text aiding the Night Princess gave little fuel to fan the fire of the rumor. Still despite everything being odd and off kilter, the Nobles did their duty of complaining about what ever had annoyed them this week.

Princess Luna sat back in her throne looking down over a ridiculous pair of sun glasses she wore at the noble currently complaining about his neighbors fence being an inch and a half too high according to the HOA rules for his area.

Luna had already had the site surveyed when she learned of the petition and the reason it seemed to be taller than allowed was because it was built along a slope, which the complainers side was the lower side. In fact Princess Luna had already read over the full list of grievances of the day and determined that only three of them were even something to bring to the Royal Court. The first was a zoning dispute with royally held land. The other was a criminal sentencing, that had been added due to Friday night having an overflow of cases. The final one of interest was permission to start a settlement from a one Starlight Glimmer. The unicorn had filled out all the necessary paperwork already and was simply seeking the final approval, which Luna had no issue giving as it was all on the up and up, despite the mare creeping her out a little with that too wide smile of hers. How the mare had gotten into the court on 'Pompous Twit Day' was any ponies guess, but if she was starting a town and was here, she clearly had some connections.

Still with the rest she followed her sisters advice and simply allowed the nobility to talk, despite her having already reached a decision on all of the cases to be presented.

While tuning out the one rambling about fence post width and material, she took note of a pair of nobles in the front row who were whispering to each other.

“So ten bits on she's wearing them due to light sensitivity?” the male muttered.

“Agreed and my ten are on she's using them to hide the fact she's slept through all the rambling.” the mare chuckled.

Luna offered a little smile at that. She had found Fancy Pants and Fluer to be most amusing. Granted they were both wrong in this case, she was using the glasses to listen in to what was going on in Ponyville, bolstering the devices range with her own magic.

It had been a struggle not to laugh in a nobles face as he proposed a cheese tax when she had heard Tia was rolled out of town in a hay cart.


Now those who knew Twilight Sparkle, knew the mare had issues, and not just the periodicals that were in the library.

She had even considered writing them down and laminating them to hand out like business cards to new people to avoid any problems arising. Of course the list was far to big for one card, or ten, so the idea was scrapped.

What most ponies don't know however is Twilight also had a vindictive streak. It only tended to show itself when she was particularly angry, or like in the current situation, when she wouldn't face any real repercussions for her actions.

Her brothers knew of this streak quite well and knew how to avoid it or at least counter it if it was aimed their way.

At the moment, two ponies who normally would never be a target of such ire, just activated the second situation.

While the misleading and manipulation she had endured as Celestia's student was a perfect reason for a bit of comeuppance on that Princess, despite forgiving her.... again, Cadence being a desired target might be a little less known of a reason.

Aside from her brothers, Cadence was her first real friend, and although it never crossed her conscious mind, she was aware that after a while Cadence had started coming over to see her brother more than she came over to see Twilight. There was also the fact she knew the pink mare had a hoof in her own dating shenanigans, and had a hoof in Rahs' love life as well.

The opportunity to do something as sort of a payback was too good for her to pass up.

The fact Twilight had also abused her full access to the Starswirl Wing of the Royal Library and found all the information on a particular spell of Discord's that Starswirl had written about. One that he had recently used in fact and called' Fun House'.

Twilight was itching to try her hoof at a bit of magic she had never tried before.

Purely for scientific purposes of course.

And not for years of pranks, tests, and forced dates with twits.

Certainly not that.


“I'm telling you Snap Chat, he's here. We saw the cart and his butler already.” a dark gray stallion chuckled his horn glowing through his sea green hair as he adjusted his camera hanging from a strap around his neck.

“I dunno Quick Pic..... this sounds a little far fetched.” A silver furred pegasus muttered, her feathers brushing over her own camera possessively. ”Sounds a little hard to believe that the mare he's been looking for years has been here of all places. It's practically right under his nose.”

“I know, ain't that the beauty of it. It's a perfect scoop and we need to be the ones to get it and pictures of who ever this mystery mare is.” Quick Pic smirked as the pair of them made their way down a side street.

“I'm also wondering why you invited me along for this. You could have had all the fame of getting that image yourself” Snap Chat muttered.

“Yeah well.... this place is the problem.”

“Problem? What problem?”

“You haven't heard the rumors of this place?” Quick Pic asked.

“ Oh about Ponyville, yeah who hasn't at this point. Don't mess with any of the Element Bearers, especially the yellow one.”Snap Chat shuddered. “ But this is a Canterlot Noble, he's not covered by that rule..... unless.....”

“Right unless he's been looking for one of the Bearers. Which means two of us have a better chance of getting a shot than just one.”

“I can see that, still I hope it's just some local mare I heard what happened to Zoom Lens and.......” the silver furred pegasus stopped cold , her eyes getting wider.

“What?” Quick Pic stopped looking around in a panic seeing nothing else in the back street of note.” What is it?”

The pegasus mare lifted a hoof to point, and the stallion followed her gesture to what looked like a small animal rooting around behind one of the old crates behind a building.

“By Celestia's easily photographed from space plot, don't tell me your afraid of a little mouse.” Quick Pic sighed.” You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“N... not a mouse......” the mare stated backing up away from the crate her wings fully extended.

“What?” Quick pic asked again looking back to the box noticing a bit of white fur as a small rabbit hopped out of cover looking up at them it's nose twitching.

“Okay see look it's only a rabbit.” Quick Pic pointed out before his ears drooped noticing that the pegasus was freaking out even more now.

“Yeah a white rabbit..... the thing Zoom Lens didn't stop screaming about when they found him.” Snap Chat swallowed.

“Come on there's tons of white rabbits it can't be the same one.... did it just smile at me......” Quick Pic asked. Granted his companion didn't answer as she had quickly flapped her wings and shot straight into the air and back towards Canterlot at a speed that would have impressed even Rainbow Dash.

The unicorn stallion looked up at the fleeing pegasus then back down at the rabbit that was now hopping closer as he weighed his options.

“Buck this...” the stallion stated and started to run.

Rahs glanced over at the ally as a unicorn stallion shot out of it screaming at the top of his lungs, a small white rabbit hopping slowly after him with a manic grin on it's face.

Rahs shook his head smirking a little himself as he looked to the issue before him.


“Woof.” Rahs responded.

“What?” the barrel demanded the lid pushing up to show a gray and black spotted muzzle.

“He says he has a permit.” Fluttershy stated from next to Rahs as the Moon Dog pushed a bit of paper into the barrel before hammering down the lid to seal it.

“This just says ' I do what I want'!” the barrel shouted before it was knocked onto it's side and then kicked down the hill. The pony inside screaming as it rolled down the bumpy road and out of town.

“I think maybe that wasn't very nice.” Fluttershy protested.

“Woof.” Rahs responded.

“Well I know you cut air holes, but isn't this a bit much?” Fluttershy asked.

Rahs pondered a moment before shaking his head no.

“Oh... well alright . If you're sure.” Fluttershy replied.

In another part of town across from a invisible theater, a building started screaming with two voices.

In an alley across from the building, a purple muzzle smiled just a bit more.

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