• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny
Part 4

[Avianna manor]

Wooster raised an eyebrow looking down at Twilight Sparkle and her friends, then up to her brother and her baby brother who was riding on the Moon Dog's shoulder.

The mare's explanation worried the old butler. Not because of the idea that a mad god was running amok causing chaos and nonsense, that was par for the course really, he had been born in Ponyville after all before moving to Canterlot to serve the Bluebloods.

No what worried him was that Prince might go out into it to see what the fuss was about and if it was any fun.

Wooster worried about Prince's ideas of fun in recent years. The parkor run across ten to twelve story buildings was the least of it.

“I will see if he is available Miss Sparkle. I would ask you to wait here but that would hardly be fitting given the ….. weather.... we are having.” Wooster offered pushing open the gate and gesturing to the massive gazebo that was in the front yard that could have fit the entirety of sugar cube corner inside it with room to spare.

“Thank you Wooster, hopefully this shouldn't take long and everything can go back to normal.” Twilight sighed.

“Why are we even here?” Rarity hissed as soon as the butler walked off.

“Transportation. The trains are clearly not running and as you saw before we came here, the Gaurds sky chariots are currently on strike demanding more wheel oil.” Twilight sighed. “Prince was the best bet for something that hadn't been corrupted yet.”

“Yeah that was crazy.... who knew carts could even hold protest signs.” Pinkie Pie added.

“You okay there Rainbow yah seem a bit out of it.” Applejack muttered poking the cyan pegasus in the shoulder.

“ Huh? Oh yeah... the weird zipper lip thing that jerk did is kinda still freaking me out... then there's this place.” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Huh, what about it? Might bit fancy, overly so ah think.” Applejack commented.” But ah don't see anything wrong with it per-say.”

“I dunno I just have the feeling I’ve been here before but I can't remember when.” Dash grumbled.” It's bugging me.”

“Well, you have had a lot of doctor visits for your training accidents and there's usually magazines like better stables and barns, and other housing magazines there , maybe you saw this place in one of those.” Fluttershy considered.

“Ehh probably it.... but I keep wanting to think there should be a big window over there.” Dash pointed to a large wall on the other side of the yard that seemed to be a three story part of the house.

“What you become a interior decorator or something?” Applejack scoffed.

“Twilight!” Well this is an unexpected surprise.” a voice called and the conversations died out, save the grinding of the masked Rarity's teeth as the graying and faded red maned Wooster and a pure white, blonde maned unicorn stallion trot across the lawn. The unicorn paused every so often to stare at some absurdity in the sky before hurrying forward again and into the gazebo.

“ Good to see you and your brothers, both. Though I have the unfortunate feeling this isn't exactly a social call.” Prince chuckled a little glancing to the others with Twilight.” And who might these mares be?”

“Unfortunately you're right Prince, we're here on Royal business. “Twilight sighed. “This is Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. “ Girls this is a friend of Mine Prince Blueblood. Name not title.”

“The title is lord, actually, but I rarely use it unless I’m in court. So what exactly can I do for you then? It seems we must skip the pleasantries.”

“We need to borrow the Thunderhead.”Twilight stated.

Prince's eyes narrowed as he heard the name Rarity his attention focused on the mare until his eyes shot open wide at the mention of what Twilight needed. Dash however wasn't as subtle with her reaction.

“You have a THUNDERHEAD!?!” Dash demanded.

“Indeed. Though I don't think we have any suitable clouds for its use today.” Prince muttered looking up.

“What's a thunder head?” Spike asked.

“No no all capital letters when you say it, THUNDERHEAD.” Dash frowned. “Gah those things aren’t cheap and it's almost insulting that it's just rotting away in some rich guys yard. No offense.”

“Some taken.” Blue blood smirked waving them after him as he marched across the grass ignoring the chocolate rain falling on him.

“My question remains unanswered.” Spike grumbled.

“No seriously, it's just, you're a unicorn and those things are designed with pegasus in mind for Sulky racing. “ Dash continued both answering Spike and ignoring him. “And a THUNDERHEAD, is a design built so well that it's been banned from the normal circuit and has its own division. It's just kinda.... I mean do you even have a Pegasus puller?”

“I don't need one.” Prince chuckled. “ A Sulky cart can be harnessed to clouds and pulled along as well if you have a custom cloud harness built. Which of course I have.”

“Oh.... well that's kinda cool but a clouds not going to get the kinda speed those babies should get.” Dash sighed as she flitted around the stallion.

“It can if you use a charged storm cloud.” Prince smirked as his horn lit up and a large multi cart garage door opened up.

Inside the building were a number of fancy horse drawn carriages, many of them gilt and richly decorated as if they were made with various Gala themes in mind.

There was an old hoof powered cart where the driver sat behind a small wheel and two great big barrels acted as wheels. There was a seat though the floorboards were open so the driver could run to make the cart move.

In the back there was a shiny metal thing half covered in a tarp the only thing they could see was the rubber wheels and a front grill with three letters reading 'DMC'.

There were a few flying carts, a steam powered trike and a mage crystal enchanted sports cart called a coquette, as well as a mustang.

“Hello there Doc. Would you mind bringing out the Thunderhead?” Prince called to the mustang.

The deep green coated mustang nodded and trotted to the back of the garage before pulling out something that shouldn't be.

Dash was practically vibrating in place as the cart was pulled out.

The cherry red wagon only had three small wheels to aid in movement and landing. A glass canopy covered the top of the cart and the whole thing looked like a stream lined wedge. A pair of long bars came out of the wedge point connecting to a cloud harness that Prince was working on removing. The only way it seemed a pony could fit in the wagon was if they were lying down. There really wasn't any way for all six of the ponies plus the Moon Dog and Dragon to sit in it.

“Okay Dash we need you to be puller, Pinkie Pie you've got the best reaction time and I’ve seen those whirly-gig things you have, so I know you have a pilot's license. "Twilight considered." I hope you have a license. As for the rest of us.”

Twilight's horn flared and suddenly the rest of them were shrunk down to a quarter of their size.

“Oh no , not again.” Applejack bemoaned.

“BORK!” Rahs growled as the double hit on Spike and Twilight with the spell shrunk him further than the others. Twilight ignored him and grabbed the lot of them in her magic dropping them into the back of the cart in the small bit of cargo space the thing had.

“Okay Prince. Thanks for the help, we'll bring it back in one piece... and if not, well Princess Celestia gave us this task so you can bill the crown.” Twilight offered sheepishly

“Don't worry I trust you Twilight. I'm sure it will be fine.” Prince smiled before glancing over at Rainbow Dash, who had somehow already gotten into the harness wrong and both Doc and Wooster were trying to help her. Looking to Pinkie Pie the mare had on an aviator hat and goggles with a bomber jacket that had a rather risque picture of Spitfire from the Wonderbolts on it riding a cupcake towards the ground like a bomb and waving a cowboy hat over her head. Prince glanced back at Twilight again with a slight frown.”On second thought I will keep an open mind about the billing thing.”

“This is so awesome...” Dash stammered still prancing in place now that she was hooked up properly. The cart seeming to hum as if it felt the mares excitement.

“Alright she pulls a little to the left once you hit a certain speed. Since you've set this up to a two pony run you're going to have to make sure you communicate somehow so you can lean into any turns she makes. The carts enchanted with a anti wind resistance, anti friction and a booster to keep the puller from getting fatigued easily. There's also a light charm to make it more buoyant and an air sick back in the trunk there for Rahs to use. Please make sure he uses it, I heard about the train incident.” Prince explained.

“Dude I don't care what Rarity said, you're awesome. Been cool talking with yah Prince, but we gotta jet, hero stuff to do.” Rainbow Dash called out as soon as Pinkie was in position

Right just....” There was a loud explosion of air as the mare tensed and launched and suddenly neither of them were there any more and a streak of rainbow colored fire arced from where the Thunderhead had been and to where it had vanished in the sky. “..... keep in mind the cart enhances the pullers speed a bit.... oh well.”

Prince smirked a bit as the trail started to fade out , the group likely half way to Ponyville already. He had never expected to see Rarity again, but her being silent and glowering was a much better thing than her trying to hit on him. Perhaps one day he might apologize for his treatment of the mare, perhaps not. In any case he would need to invite them back some time when they could have a moment to talk.

He at least knew he could speak with the rainbow maned one. She seemed impressed by his usual use of the cart, the speed enchantment was an illegal mod for racing circuits, but even the storm clouds he used paled after too long with out it. It didn't seem to matter to her that he had the cart, just that it might not have any use to him. He couldn't recall when he had been called awesome before though. That was interesting. Rather athletic looking mare too, and dude wasn't a term used often in........

“Wait a minute.....” Prince stated his eyes going wide as he looked up at the sky again where the cart had vanished.

“They're late.” Discord pouted.

It hadn't taken him long to set up the maze, a few tricks here and there, some division and twists and the bearers would embody the opposite of what Element they were supposed to represent.

He hadn't been sure what to do about the dragon and Moon Dog, Celestia's notes about them were rather light. Sure he knew all about their growing up and what Rahs was supposed to be, but nothing directly. Luna didn't keep journals and Celestia hadn't been keeping up with hers since her sister came back. So despite the edge he was a bit behind the curve.

Discord frowned. He also hated waiting, it was boring.

Reaching off to the side he unzipped it air and reached inside. Fiddling around a moment he pulled out what looked like a large red book with a bunch of letters on raised squares on one side and a glowing screen covered with words on the other.

Tapping one of the buttons he looked over the scrolling text going back to the start of the chapter to see what he had missed.

Meanwhile a dark gray rabbit was stretching it's paws out of the hole trying to get the device back while shouting curses in Snoopy speak while Discord held him back with his tail.

“Blueblood? You had them go to Blueblood?” Discord frowned glaring at the rabbit. “ And the dragon's smart and not some dopey little children's toy that tries to tell little girls that boys are icky? What kind of fanfiction is this? Why can't you just write clop of me and the rest of the cast like everyone else?”

Discord grumbled throwing the laptop back into the hole and knocking the rabbit back through as well before re-zipping reality.

“Blast this was supposed to be a fun game and now I need to get serious.” he grumbled.” It hasn't been this bad since that time I was forced to meet Celestia's stupid mother....”

His ears perked as he heard something whistling through the air. Hopping back quickly Discord let out a yelp as a massive steel battle ax with a stethoscope around the handle slammed into the ground where he stood burying itself over half way into the stone walk leading up to the maze.

Looking up at the castle Discord could see an irate Luna leaning out of one of the windows glaring down at him and shaking her hoof angrily at him.


“Owch.. when did you grow fangs little Loony? Also good ear on you.” Discord flinched before snapping his fingers. “ Still, don't you have better things to worry about than what I say? Like the three chaos magnets you invited into the castle this weekend?”


Luna blinked leaning back into the window to look before growling to herself, her horn flaring as she yanked Dr. Choppy out of the ground and back to her.”WE SHALL CONTINUE THIS CONVERSATION LATER DISCORD!! Be still Applebloom, we shall get thou free. Where is Cadence..... oh it already ate her we see. Niece we seriously need to get thou some combat training.”

“Luna playing nanny that's a new one.” Discord snorted glancing up to the trail of rainbow fire streaking across the sky. “But still. I have other places to be.”

With another snap of his fingers Discord was gone.

Author's Note:

Damnit Discord..... Leave my laptop alone.....

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