• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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30 - Symbiosis, Part 7 of 10

‘Dear Sparklefly, Thank you for writing back so quickly! The mail doesn’t exactly go through as fast as I’d like, but it was good to hear from you. Needless to say, you’ve put my heart at ease. As for being formal, I’d say we don’t have to worry about that for now. We’ll have plenty of time to get married and raise foals later. I can wait. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. I’m originally from Manehattan, and I studied medicine before the war broke out. I enlisted after the fall of Canterlot when the call went out. My parents were pretty mad about it, but I felt I’d be more use as a medic saving lives than if I continued studying rare diseases for the next few years to become a specialist. That is still the ultimate plan, but it’s on hold for the moment. I’ve noticed we do have one thing in common: a love of reading. I’m sure you’ve also been frustrated with how difficult it is to get your hooves on new books these days, but we do what we can, you know? I have to get back to work, but I’ll write again soon. Love and kisses, R.’


Cloud Blazer wiped sweat from his brow under the blazing summer sun as he put one hoof in front of the other. Pains were shooting through his body, but he had been cleared for swimming, and he was determined to get to the water-hole. As usual, Sweetie Belle and Pixyglitter were with him. Apple Bloom had mentioned bringing some of Sparklefly's siblings, but only if they were able to get enough chores accomplished. The job is never done on a farm, as she reminded him.

Coming around a bend, he could see it, and Cloud Blazer's heart leapt for joy. His breaths were heavy and the air hot, but the water was sure to be cool. He wanted to run, but Sweetie-Belle was watching, and he knew she'd stop him from the attempt, even if the sharp pains from his leg didn’t. Pixyglitter felt her way behind them with her cane. She'd been using it to move more freely about the hospital, but she still wouldn't leave the building without them. Outings such as this were one of the few things that seemed to cheer both of them up a little. Cloud Blazer suspected this was because they could keep their minds busy and not think about the things they couldn't do.

"There it is!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "I don't see the others, though," she added with disappointment.

Cloud Blazer didn't reply as he trudged onward. Each step now seemed longer than the last. Sweat trickled down his nose as he closed the distance. He finally arrived at the water. Stepping in, it was indeed cool. It did nothing to ease the pains from his injuries, but it felt incredibly refreshing as he submerged his body in it. A painful shiver shot through him as he immersed himself. He didn't go deep enough to swim, not yet. Sweetie Belle parked the wheel chair and came in also, standing near him.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"It's nice!”

He was invigorated.

Pixyglitter sat down in the wheel chair, which was in the shade of a tree near the bank. Cloud Blazer closed his eyes and turned his face to the warmth of the sun. Sweetie Belle began to swim away, leaving him to rest there a while. Time melted out of thought as he listened to the sounds of foals and fillies playing on the other side of the pond. Bird songs completed the peaceful atmosphere. He wasn't sure how long he stood there entranced by sound and water before Apple Bloom arrived.

"You made it!" Sweetie Belle’s voice brought him back to cohesive thought.

Apple Bloom called back from the bank near Pixyglitter, ”Howdy! This here's Miss Twinklestar, Glitterdust, Thunderfly, and Shimmerpuff.”

Cloud Blazer opened his eyes to see Sparklefly's family standing close to each other near the tree. He could clearly see the resemblance. Her siblings all bore the same silver coat that she did, though her mother had a white coat but the same light blue mane and tail. More than anything, her mother shared her daughter’s blue eyes. Shimmerpuff and Thunderfly's flanks were still blank, but Glitterdust had a plow tilling earth for hers. Twinklestar had a single golden apple.

"I'm Sweetie Belle, this is Cloud Blazer, and that's Pixyglitter."

"Nice to meet you," the stallion replied.

"Thank you," Twinklestar’s voice was appropriately motherly.

"He's the one I told y’all about. He was with Sparklefly in the forest,” Apple Bloom said.

Expressions changed: Twinklestar seemed curious and hopeful, Glitterdust looked either bored or uninterested, Thunderfly became excited, and Shimmerpuff hid further behind her mother.

Thunderfly erupted into speech, ”Did you fight the timberwolves? Is big sis really a hero? Tell me about it; I want to hear everything!"

Glitterdust rolled her eyes.

"Hush! Where are your manners?” Twinklestar gently scolded her son. "I'm sorry; it's just that we don't get a lot of news."

“It’s not a problem," Cloud Blazer answered. He felt slightly confused and had to ask, “She doesn't write?”

He had seen her writing letters when they were cadets and after.

"Oh, she does," Twinklestar replied. "I just get the feeling she doesn't tell me very much of what's actually happening. She’s still never told me about Canterlot, but it’s always the first thing I hear when ponies find out she’s my daughter.”

Cloud Blazer's mind returned to that day. The squad had nearly been shot down, and he and Scootaloo went to rescue Pibs when she’d fallen. It seemed as if it had been a lifetime ago.

Cloud Blazer took a breath, ”She may be the bravest mare I've ever met.” Thunderfly perked up, listening intently. "She can see things others can't. It's like she knows what to do especially when things go bad." Twinklestar looked concerned at this. He continued, "She has a gift for tactics and doesn't needlessly put herself or others in danger."

"Did she kill a bunch of stick-dogs?" Thunderfly asked, still overexcited.

Cloud Blazer smiled at the enthusiasm, but he felt a little strange about it. Somehow, he felt he was seeing himself before he had actually fought the enemy.

"Twice as many as I did," he replied with a grin.

Pixyglitter looked bored sitting under the tree as the rest began chatting about Sparklefly and then about farming. Cloud Blazer wanted to include her in the conversation, but apparently she knew nothing of either. Her mood still seemed depressed, but what could he do?

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