• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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29 - Trail, Part 5 of 10

Beigh was glad to be done with training, but at the same time he was terrified that they might see combat soon. Rumors had already been flying through town of enemy movements in the area or that they would be deployed soon. They had only graduated days before, but so far they had been protecting Ponyville. For one unicorn stallion medic, focus had become a problem.

Every time he tried to take care of important things, Sparklefly invaded his thoughts. Why had she kissed him like that? The curiosity and admiration he had felt for her before that moment had transformed into blinding desire. The idea of a relationship developing was preposterous given their stations in life. Still, the war couldn't last forever. When it was all over, maybe that wouldn't seem so far-fetched. He would finish his studies and become a doctor; once he got established, there was no telling what could develop between them. The intoxicating thoughts were beginning to consume him.

Beigh shook his head. The priority was to survive the war. In the meantime, get some line of communication with her to better understand how she feels. The one signal she had given was clear enough, but jumping to conclusions would only cause trouble. 'Don't spoil it,' she had said. What was that supposed to mean? She didn't want to know his name? It made no sense to the stallion.

His thoughts were interrupted by the report of a bugle sounding a 'call to arms' blast. Like a flash, ponies were running in every direction, and Beigh was among them, his heart pounding. He had to get to his gear and report for duty. Early in training, this would have been chaotic, but he could see the well-planned pattern to everypony's actions. Within three minutes they were all geared up and assembled. Before anything could be said, Beigh heard the sounds of battle at the southern end of the training grounds; this was no drill. Zebras thundered past them toward the fighting.

Beigh stood with his squad; Starbright to his left and Ruby Red to his right. Sergeant Emerald Dream was in front, standing silently and listening for Lieutenant Clyde’s commands. Beigh’s legs began shaking, and a cold sweat formed under his helmet.

“Just keep breathing,” Starbright whispered. “You’re going to do fine.”

Beigh nodded, and attempted a smile as a lump formed in his throat. He’d never been in combat, not really. He was imprisoned during the coup and never saw any fighting. Starbright didn’t look as confident as she sounded when she spoke. There was an ocean of terror behind her pale blue eyes.

Orders began to be shouted to move out. It was done seamlessly as though they were all one being.

Beigh was gripped by his won fear. His body had been conditioned to this course, and it knew what to do, but his mind was having trouble. He knew he didn't want to be in the middle of a battle. As a medic, he hoped he wouldn't be at the front for long. Tending the wounded would be his priority, just like in the drills. Dust was kicking up into the air and choking him as he rushed headlong into danger. What strength drove him forward, he couldn’t say, but his limbs felt numb as though they had no strength, even as he put one hoof in front of the other, clutching his spear close.

When the outer defensive line came into view, it was clear that the shield had already been breached. The zebras bolted headlong into the fray. A melee of hooves and claws ensued, spears skewering the timberwolves that lunged savagely forward. The soldiers from the rear advanced, and before Beigh realized what had happened, he was only a few yards from the ferocity that was unfolding. Officers were yelling commands and cries of rage and pain filled the air. Unicorn's explosive magical bolts were sizzling and popping through the enemy in rapid succession. Beigh lost his squad in the insanity.

Then it seemed as though the timberwolves were all around. They had pushed through the line to Beigh’s right, and more had gone around left. Arrows zipped through the air, and wild cries of battle rang in Beigh’s ears. The stink of timberwolves turned the stallion’s stomach.

In the middle of the madness, Beigh looked over just as an EUP soldier took a direct hit to the throat as timberwolf claws swiped at him. Time seemed to freeze. The brown crystal pony tried to cry out, but only silence came from him as he staggered backwards from the blow. Beigh saw a bead of sweat on his brow just under his helmet; terror was written on his face. This was the moment of action.

Strength returned as Beigh charged forward, pressing his spear home into the flank of the beast and pushing it back as it howled. Turning, the stallion quickly pulled the wounded pony back from the line as blood erupted from the wound. With bare hooves at first, he applied pressure to the nasty injury. Bleeding freely, it was warm and slippery. Panic nearly overtook Beigh; his mind raced through his training, but they were being buffeted on all sides by the throng of soldiers fighting to hold the line.

Several waves of pegasi began flying overhead. Letting out a cry, they made a dive into the battle, unleashing arrows as they went. Quickly reaching into his medical bag, Beigh pulled out a heavy pad and pressed it onto the wound. Pulling on the injured pony, they moved toward the rear as best they could. They didn't get far before stumbling.

"Can you walk?" Beigh yelled above the cacophony.

The wounded pony tried to speak, but only a gurgling noise came with a spray of blood from his mouth; he was bleeding into his wind pipe and ran the risk of drowning on his own life-spring. The light was leaving the soldier’s eyes. Looking down, the pad was already nearly soaked, red and dripping. Pulling his patient a little farther, they were able to clear the worst of the line.

There wasn't time to get to the infirmary; this one was about to die. Beigh went to work; his focus returned and the rest of the world faded away as his every effort was consumed in saving this one life. There was no choice but to sew the wound shut to slow the bleeding and then perform a tracheostomy. According to the weakening pulse, there were minutes or less now. Like lightning, he pulled out his supply kit and found what he needed. He went immediately to work, closing the wound bit by bit. The patient was still choking, but his breaths grew much more shallow.

Beigh wiped the sweat from his brow as he feverishly continued the struggle to save a life.

Another pony fell down in front of them, reminding Beigh that they were not alone. The medic gave him no attention as he began cutting into his patient’s throat to perform the second procedure. Beneath the wound, at the base of the neck, Beigh made the appropriate incisions. He then inserted a small rubber tube into the opening and listened. Air began moving freely through it, and the wounded pony’s breathing became stronger.

“How is he?” the pony that had fallen down in front of them asked.

The medic was surprised to see someone he knew.

“You’re hurt,” Beigh said when he noticed Duster's shoulder.

"I'll be fine; how is Gunnysack?"

A quick assessment didn't leave much hope. Shallow ragged breaths could be heard, but blood was still seeping from the closed wound. Beigh pulled another pad from his bag and applied it to the wound.

"Nothing else I can do from here," Beigh said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," Duster replied, "The armor took the worst of it."

Turning his back, Beigh saw a deep gash in Duster’s armor. The blow would have been far worse indeed had he not been wearing it. Suddenly becoming aware of his surroundings again, Beigh noticed that everything had changed. The battle sounded far away now. All that remained was moaning and shouting that sounded mostly like medics calling out for supplies and help.

"What happened?"

A grim smile crept onto Duster's face as he said, "Looks like we beat them back for now. The shield is up again."

"Go to the infirmary and get a stretcher. We need to get him back there," Beigh replied.

Duster ran off to the task. The entire skirmish couldn't have been more than a few minutes, but still bodies lay scattered around the field as the living were sorting through them, looking for survivors. It all seemed so hopelessly senseless. Shouts began going up all over, ponies crying out for medics. The stallion gave Gunnysack plasma and then left him to help anypony else that he could.

Beigh’s heart pounded in his chest. He felt sick.

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