• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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38 - Countermeasures, Part 7 of 11

Duster threw himself down against the earthen breastworks that would serve as their next defensive line. His chest heaved in spasms as he allowed exhaustion to have its way for a minute. Their success at the first two positions had been flawless, but he could tell that nopony expected this to continue. At the current rate of enemy attrition, they would still number in the hundreds of thousands by the time they reached Ponyville. There were just too many, and the dents made were too small.

Hunger pain shot through Duster, causing him to curl into the fetal position for a moment. His emotional state was in even worse shape, if it were possible. When they weren’t fighting for their lives or digging trenches, waves of depression lapped at the shores of his sanity, driving him farther down. More than anything, he wished he could have seen his sister one last time. He had known regret before, but it had become a mountain in his soul. There were so many things that had been left unsaid; he would have traded anything to have the chance to regain the missed opportunity.

"Get up," Scootaloo broke his reverie.

The stallion looked up at the lavender eyes that stared back at him. Something had changed. There had been an iciness before that was gone. The hardness had been replaced by determination and compassion.

"Ponies are watching," she said quietly. "I need you to stand up."

Duster rolled over and pressed his hooves against the ground once more. His legs were incredibly shaky, rendering the effort fruitless. Scootaloo helped him stand.

"Can you fly?"

He snorted in disbelief at the question. She turned and looked down the line. Even Duster could see the ragged shape they were all in. It was nearly to the point where it wouldn’t matter how high they built their dirt mounds because they were going to lack the strength to defend them. How exactly they were to continue was beyond the stallion.

"We’re a mess," she said.

Duster looked back at her.

She returned his gaze and added, "I’ve known for days. We’re all going to die out here."

The stallion felt his blood run cold at the callous way she said it.

"I think we’ll need ice arrows," she continued nonchalantly, as though her former statement had been meaningless. "They’ll be expecting fire again since we’ve found it effective. They’re going to come up with a way to counter it. If we have enough ice, we might make the field less passable."

"Ice arrows? Are you joking?” Duster asked, feeling a little beside himself. "What difference does it make? You just said we’re all going to die."

"That’s why we have to make every moment count," she replied. "None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, so we have to make the most of today. If we slack off, or show weakness, the others will see it, and their hope will die. If it does, we will die sooner than later." She paused, scratching behind her left ear. "We need to save as many of our friends as we can. That’s why we’re here. That’s why I am here. I had forgotten that for a long time.” She paused, staring into his soul. “Why are you here?"

Duster looked down at the ground, as if there would be some insight to the thoughts that Scootaloo was stirring in his mind. Everything outside of the past few days seemed to not exist anymore. The rough grit of sand, the pain of hunger, the taste of dirt, the smell of death, the sting of loss... he couldn’t remember any other life or purpose beyond that. He thought he should know.

"Sparklefly knew," Scootaloo said. "She was brilliant... and I miss her."

Duster looked back at the mare. He could see the wound deep in her heart through those lavender eyes. She spoke volumes in the brief silence that followed between them with her gaze. It appeared that tears had welled up, but she held them back.

"I have a mission for you," she finally said, regaining a normal composure. "With every ounce of speed you can muster, I want you to go to Canterlot. Your squad will accompany you for support. Once you arrive, go directly to Prince Shining Armor and inform him of our situation. Do not talk to his aides or generals; you talk to him directly as a representative of his Taskforce.” She gave him a written copy of the order. “We need water; we need food; we need reinforcements. Also, Ponyville must be evacuated before the timberwolves arrive. At the speed they’re moving... it could be as early as tonight. Do you understand?"

He nodded gravely.

"That doesn’t give us a lot of time, and no matter what, I will not allow them to pass us."

A shiver ran down Duster’s spine. The conviction that was in her expression told him everything. She would not retreat, not if it meant putting civilians in danger; she would order them all to their deaths if that’s what it took to buy more time. She was resigned to her fate. He swallowed a lump that was forming in his throat in an attempt to steel his own resolve.

"We’ll return straight away," he heard himself say.

"That won’t be necessary," she replied. "Deliver the message as quickly as you can, then remain in Canterlot for further instructions."

"You’ll need every hoof you’ve got here. You won’t be able to spare any more to come back for me."

"You have your orders," Scootaloo answered flatly.

The finality of her tone perfectly revealed her intention. She was sending him away to keep him alive. She knew there would be no reinforcements. Something inside Duster wanted to argue. Perhaps it was a sense of nobility or honor. However, it was an underdeveloped trait, and the desire for self-preservation screamed for him to keep his mouth shut, which is exactly what he did. Coming to attention, he saluted.

Scootaloo returned his salute and said, "Good luck."

"You too.”

She turned away from him, looking into the distance from where the next attack would come. Still no sign of the enemy. Duster turned and walked away, his legs almost numb from all of the running and fighting. A kind of euphoric hope of survival was pulsing through him, carrying him forward.

The remnant of Lieutenant Clyde’s platoon was located easily enough. They had been folded into another that had been equally devastated by casualties. Jewel, Locknload, Gunnysack, Rolling Thunder, and LD were sitting in the middle of a group when Duster found them. They all looked exhausted. Duster couldn’t remember if he had ever seen lower spirits. He gave the written order to Locknload.

"Looks like we’re making a house call," the unicorn sergeant almost sounded disappointed.

"Let me guess," LD said, "It’s really far away.”

Rolling Thunder added, “And we’ll have to carry the rest of you.”

Gunnysack snorted.

"Can it," Locknload answered. “Gear up, I’ll take this to the lieutenant and we’re out of here in five."

"Like... awesome," Jewel said sarcastically with a mocking salute.

It took longer for the order to be delivered than it took them to prepare to leave. Jewel winced when Duster locked their harnesses together.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said. "My ribs still hurt pretty bad, so take it easy on the turns."

Duster snorted.

Locknload returned and said, "We’re moving out. We’ll stop in Ponyville for water and food if they have any."

LD secured Locknload to his harness and took flight. Duster followed, his weary wings whipping the air once more. It wasn’t so bad once they had gained some altitude, but Duster thought he was going to pass out at one point.

They flew beyond the fortifications that were hastily being dug into the earth. There were several more lines of them that reached across the path toward Ponyville. The first two of which were complete, and three more had only begun to be created. These fortifications had earned Captain Scootaloo her own nickname from the grunts of the Assault Corps: Queen of Spades.

The last trench would be near the southern end of the city itself, beside the training ground where Duster had taken basic. It seemed a lifetime ago. The northern side of the city was under attack. It was a small band of timberwolves, but they were being fended off by a mixed force of zebras and EUP. The squad was escorted to the ground by the city’s CAP, and they submitted to being scanned. As soon as that formality was out of the way, they went to the castle, where they were given water and a little food, which they consumed ravenously.

They were quiet as they ate, and if everypony else was as thoroughly exhausted as Duster felt, they could have slept for days.

A voice unknown to Duster interrupted their hasty meal.

"Slow down there; you’ll make yourself sick.”

Duster looked up to see a blue coated, rainbow maned mare grinning at him. Then he noticed the rank insignia on her uniform: it was that of commander. He instinctively snapped to attention, as did the rest of his squad.

"Yes, ma’am, sorry ma’am!" Duster quickly replied.

"Oops, as you were, soldier, I thought you were somepony else. Sorry about that, heh, heh," Rainbow Dash said. "You wouldn’t be related to Captain Sparklefly, would you?"

Duster was relaxing a little when he felt himself go pale. The morsel on which he’d been chewing was stuck in his throat, and his gut wrenched. The commander’s face became concerned as she looked to the others. LD simply shook his head, and a saddened light of understanding filled the rainbow pegasus’ eyes.

"When?" she simply asked.

Duster found himself unable to speak, still working to not choke on the dry hay.

"Yesterday?" LD answered. "Maybe the day before. I’m not sure anymore."

"We haven’t slept," Jewel offered.

"You’re from the Assault Corps?" Rainbow Dash asked, any hint of joviality extinguished.

"Yes, ma’am," Locknload replied. "We have been dispatched to Canterlot to request aide immediately."

"What’s the situation? I’ve only heard rumors," the commander replied.

Duster thought he read concern on her face, but not the kind he might have expected. Everypony was concerned about the fate of the Assault Corps in general, but this was something much more specific. It took only a moment for him to determine what its nature. It was personal. She knew somepony down there. Recovering himself, Duster managed a drink of water to clear his throat.

LD began, "It’s bad. We got our tails handed to us. I think we lost as much as half of the force, maybe more."

"I see," Rainbow Dash said as evenly as she was able.

"She was my sister," Duster said.

The commander nodded slowly, "I’m sorry. I knew her; we served together." The mare paused, hesitating for a moment and then asked, "Is there news of Captain Scootaloo and the rest of the Taskforce?"

Duster didn’t miss the way she’d asked the question. He was glad to be able to set her mind at ease.

"She lives," he said. "The rest of them… I think there are two or three others left. Charging Lance is dead, as is General Brax, the traitor Mane Crusher, and many others."

Visible relief flooded over Rainbow Dash as she looked away.

"They need help," Duster said. "The food and water is out, and the timberwolf forces are heading this way. Captain Scootaloo personally sent me to ask for reinforcements and resupply. I don’t know what’s keeping her on her hooves."

"Then help is on its way," the commander replied as she looked directly at Duster. "Continue on as ordered. I’ll muster everything we can spare in Ponyville and head out. They’re due south?"

"Basically," he replied. "A little southwest. They’ll be to the river soon, west of Ghastly Gorge and the forest. You can’t miss them.”

"Got it," Rainbow Dash replied. With an uncharacteristic softness she added, "I’m sorry about your sister. She was a friend." Then a fire grew in her eyes, "We’ll pay them back a hundred times over."

"Yes ma’am," Duster said, the fire spreading into his own heart.

It did little to ease the pain he felt from the loss, but it did serve as a small distraction.

With a nod, Commander Rainbow Dash trotted quickly away, deeper into the castle. Duster felt somewhat shaken by the encounter, but he was glad that some help might be heading down to the Assault Corps.

"You heard her," Locknload barked, "let’s get moving!"

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