• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

  • ...

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29 - Trail, Part 2 of 10

Pixyglitter was rather enticed by the very thought of fresh air. The restfully dreamless sleep she'd just had only made the offer seem much more tempting. However, being blind, 'going for a stroll' wasn't something she was effectively able to do.

"I'll be fine here. You two go ahead," she politely declined.

She could hear Cloud Blazer shift in his bed, "Don't be like that. How often do you get a chance to get out of here for a while? It's a beautiful day!"

She doubted whether he was actually as cheerful as he was trying to sound. Still, he did have a valid point. Nopony else was lining up to take her outside these days.

“I’m still not supposed to be walking, so I’d need a wheelchair," Pixyglitter hesitated, "but only if you don't mind."

"Oh not at all!" Sweetie Belle practically squealed; she sounded most delighted to be of assistance.

Pixyglitter hated herself a little in that moment: reduced to only being able to go outside on the charity of others. Her own physical therapy didn't involve walking yet, but she had been taught how to steer the wheelchair. The only problem being that she still couldn't see where she was going.

"The doc says I'll need one too, just in case," Cloud Blazer said. "Sweetie Bell, if you can push mine, and just make sure Pixyglitter steers straight, I think we'll be fine."

In spite of some amount of autonomy, that suggestion didn't make her feel much better. Sweetie Belle got the wheelchairs, and it seemed like only moments before they were on their way. Pixyglitter felt her heart-rate increase as they neared the doors. She could hear the activity in the lobby with several patients being admitted. Nurses were chattering about one thing and another. Somepony was bleeding; she could smell it. Cloud Blazer talked to the workers at the desk to get permission to leave.

"We're all set!" he sounded excited as he walked back to them; his breath was already heavier.

The wheelchair that Sweetie Belle was pushing clattered as they negotiated the door. Then Pixyglitter felt the bumps of the threshold for herself, and fresh air kissed her face. It was the sweet scent of spring. Some kinds of flowers were already blooming; they didn't have a strong smell, but they were pleasant. The sun was also beaming straight down on her, and she turned toward the radiance of it and inhaled deeply. Her remaining senses were enough to make this an enjoyable experience: a gentle breeze pushed at her mane, the warmth of the sun on her coat, the aroma of flowers, and the sound of birds singing made her lost in the moment until Sweetie Belle spoke.

"Watch it," she said to Cloud Blazer. "There you go, that's fine. This way, Pixyglitter."

The discovery that she could hear Cloud Blazer and Sweetie Belle walking quite well was a pleasant surprise indeed. That made the journey much easier on all of them. It became unnecessary for anything to be said to lead Pixyglitter, except for the occasional warning about any rough ground that might cause a problem. The town sounded fairly quiet. This was not unexpected after the frightening events several days before. It seemed that most of the civilians were still skittish of coming outside. There were several dozen that had braved the day, and they all sounded in good spirits.

The three traveled for what seemed like an hour. Pixyglitter's fore-legs were beginning to burn from the effort of pushing her chair. The doctor had told her that this would be expected. On the bright side, the injuries to her hind legs weren’t severe. They expected she would walking again soon, so they kept saying.

Their pace slowed somewhat as they began climbing up and down gentle slopes. Cloud Blazer’s breathing became as deliberate as each step he took as the other two followed.

"Last... hill..." the stallion panted.

"Yep, almost there," Sweetie Belle said cheerfully.

"I think... I'll sit a while... when we get there..." he said.

Pixyglitter didn't say anything, but she would be glad for the rest. Although it wasn't a hot day, she was already sweating. She wished she'd remembered to bring some water.

"Oh my..." Cloud Blazer said blankly.

Pixyglitter stopped, only to have Sweetie Belle take over and push her just a little farther until they reached a flat spot.

“I can do it!” she lashed out in annoyance.


"It's all gone," Cloud Blazer said, still panting.

Pixyglitter turned her attention to the others as Sweetie Belle walked around her.

"Well, it's bad, but just look at how much they've already done,” Sweetie Belle replied optimistically.

Pixyglitter wished more than anything that she could see what they were talking about. She wasn't even sure whether she’d seen the orchard while she’d been stationed in town or not. Several minutes of silence followed. It was broken only by the songs of birds on the breeze and the sound of ponies working in the fields in front of them. It was a peaceful place to sit, but Pixyglitter could tell that Cloud Blazer was upset.

"The last time I was here, the orchard was whole," he said, “just like I was."

There was a heaviness to his voice that resonated in Pixyglitter’s heart. The loss he had suffered wasn’t far less than hers.

"You'll both be good as new in no time," Sweetie Belle replied.

Pixyglitter did not share this optimism, but she could only wonder whether Cloud Blazer did. He would never fly again, she herself was blind, but what had Sweetie Belle ever lost? How could she possibly understand what they were going through?

"I'd like to go back now," Cloud Blazer said, almost devoid of feeling.

Apparently he didn't share Sweetie Belle's positive outlook either.

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