• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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39 - Devotion, Part 8 of 16

Scootaloo’s heart pounded and her mouth was dry as the timberwolves once again came into view. They rushed to close the distance and meet the prepared Assault Corps. In the sky above them, a swarm of changelings loomed.

“They’re in a firing position,” Flittergear said.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash scarcely had time to understand what she said and duck before the changelings opened up a magical barrage. The entire pony force laid down, hugging the earth as the explosions from the opening salvo shook the ground and sprayed dirt through the air.

“Unicorns! Return fire!” Rainbow Dash shouted over the noise.

The changelings were in a far better position. The little dirt mound was protecting the ponies, but as the unicorns stuck their heads up to return fire, many of them were injured. Scootaloo managed a glance over before sliding down a little.

“Send a volley of arrows over the line!”

The soldiers complied, firing blind toward the approaching beasts.

Rainbow Dash grunted, “These guys are really starting to tick me off. Spears at the ready!”

Pinned down, all the ponies could do was wait for a break in the fire. The constant pounding shook through Scootaloo, rattling even her bones. It gave a queasy feeling in her stomach, though there wasn’t much within to lose if it came to that.

All at once, the incoming fire stopped, and Rainbow Dash shouted for the spears to come up.

The ponies on the line stood up, spears forward as the timberwolves met them atop their little ridge. At the same time, explosions were heard from the ridge on the right flank. It seemed that the changelings were pulling no punches as they unleashed their fury against the defending ponies.

Scootaloo had a fleeting thought that perhaps Ash Eater had survived their encounter, infuriated to have seen her and been unable to finish her off. Even if that were the case, it was probably more than that. The changeling force was superior in every way, but the ponies had been able to hold them off somewhat successfully all things considered.

Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and Flittergear were able to pull back just behind the front and take up a position there. Orders were issued and rapidly obeyed behind the EUP line, but resources and soldiers were dwindling. Scootaloo was drenched with her own sweat, which made her armor stick to her stiflingly.

"Almost out of arrows," Flittergear softly announced.

Scootaloo could hardly make out her voice above the chaos.

"We’re going to have to pull back," she relayed.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash admitted. "At least there are more supplies in Ponyville."

A fresh push only served to increase the struggle. The unicorns began letting concussion magic fly, ripping through the timberwolves and blasting them to sawdust. As before, the endless stream of them filled the gaps, wearing out the ponies’ strength as they continued to struggle.

The commander shook her head, "Okay, light ‘em up."

Scootaloo shot a signal flare, and every unicorn in the Assault Corps began blasting fire into the timberwolves as the retreat began. Running down the back of their own breastworks, they put some distance between themselves and the flames. The unicorns continued pouring it on, and then changelings began streaking across the sky like meteors above the line and dropping to the ground behind them.

"Rainbow Dash! The..."

"I see them!”

Scootaloo’s heart nearly stopped. The force that was landing behind them numbered in the thousands, perhaps not quite as large as what she was working with, and certainly not as well trained, but they only had to keep the ponies from leaving now that there was fire behind them.

Rainbow Dash shouted, “Sound the charge!"

Their bugler blasted the appropriate notes.

The EUP force, trapped between changelings and burning timberwolves vaulted toward Ponyville, stampeding into the changelings that were crashing down behind them to cut off their escape. All earth pony and pegasus ranks converged at the new front, spending the last of their arrows, and many of them their lives to push through.

The unicorns focused fire on the timberwolves. The blaze became hot against Scootaloo’s flank as she fought side-by-side with Rainbow Dash and Flittergear. Bolts of magic ripped through the line, some deflected by armor, others finding a lethal point of contact. The changelings were still coming.

The ponies smashed into the formed up line of changelings and engaged a melee. There were too many to charge through, and the ponies momentum was completely halted. A flurry of madness unfolded as the scent of seared flesh filled the air mingled with spilled blood. The changelings didn’t wear armor, and were much more susceptible to the spears and arrows than even were the timberwolves.

Scootaloo didn’t have the presence of mind to appreciate the bravery of her foe, as she was too busy fighting for her life. The burning timberwolves drew closer. A force wave pushed them back; they continued coming, the flames only growing more intense. All forward impulse was lost, and the changelings pushed back. There were just too many of them.

For a moment, dark thoughts crossed Scootaloo’s mind. She knew they had to find a way through, or they would all die. If there were a way to beat back the changelings and pass them, she didn’t see it. They seemed totally determined to stop the Assault Corps there and then.

That was when Pacer arrived.

Screeching split the sky, and griffins dove into the changeling’s force and began ripping at them with their powerful talons. Behind the changelings that were blocking the way, another five-thousand ponies joined the battle. The sandwiched enemy panicked and some began to retreat. This caused no small amount of confusion, and their line became disarrayed.

The EUP took advantage of this and cut down as many as they were able before the sentiment to flee took complete hold, putting the rest of them out of range. The griffins put flight to them, but didn’t stray far from the retreating Assault Corps. The newcomers turned as the battle wound down and led the way back toward Ponyville and their final barricade that defended the city. They practically galloped the entire way. Once again, the pegasi assisted the unicorns on the mountainous ridge to fall back toward the city.

The orange pegasus’ heart raced even faster than her hooves as they fled northeast across familiar plains that she had run many times before as a filly. Upon arriving at their final destination, Scootaloo had a sinking feeling. She couldn’t put her hoof on it initially, but her spirit felt as if it were dwindling. Somehow, everything she’d fought through, everything she’d survived didn’t seem to matter anymore. There was nowhere else to run. It was as if she knew that she were about to die.

She cast a glance upon Ponyville, just a few hundred yards to the northeast. This was where’s she’d grown up. She’d spent so much of her life crusading here for her cutie mark. Now she had it, and Ponyville was about to be destroyed. Her friends may not even escape, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

The darkness that was taking her was a bit overwhelming. Had she any tears left, she would have let them out. They were long spent, and she was far too weary to make the effort.

Up above, she noted a large cloud north of the city. It looked just like...

"Cloudsdale," Rainbow Dash said absently.

"So, I see you two finally got back," Pacer puffed, he was nearly out of breath.

“Good timing, Pacer. Where’d you find all those griffins?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“They found me. Apparently, somepony got a bit mouthy and chased them off.”

Scootaloo ruffled at his statement, “Yeah? We’re just surprised to see who finally rejoined the war.”

"Do you have something to say to me?" Pacer asked, advancing with a menacing gate.

“Kids!" Rainbow Dash scolded them, "Not now. I swear by Celestia, if I have to separate you two… Darn it! Now you’ve got me sounding like an old nag,” she sighed. “What’s your sit-rep?"

Pacer saluted and began, "We have seven-thousand, minus whatever we lost in that charge, and about five-thousand griffins. Get your force formed up, and then you three follow me. I’ll fill you in at the command center.”

Those details were quickly attended to. Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Flittergear quickly found the command center. They were slugged with fresh zebra paint and unicorn scanned before entry. Scootaloo noted that unicorns were scanning soldiers all up and down the line as well.

The command center was a modestly sized tent that had a map, not of Equestria, but of Ponyville and the surrounding terrain. Sentries stood all around, facing outward, and perhaps two-dozen others were inside, many busily writing notes and checking through scrolls.

Without bothering a greeting, Pacer said, “All of our unicorns are making ice arrows, and we need yours to do the same."

"Ice arrows? Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because that is key to turning the tide," Prince Shining Armor spoke as he walked through the group.

He wore full armor plates, and it was then that Scootaloo realized that they were surrounded by all three branches of the most elite soldiers in all Equestria guarding the tent. The prince looked rather imposing, ready for battle.

"General Spitfire," the commander greeted her colleague.

"Commander Rainbow Dash, and I thought you were still on medical leave."

Scootaloo thought she saw a blush, "Well, technically..."

"We’ll have time for that later," Shining Armor said. "Right now, we need every unicorn you’ve got to make ice arrows. We brought a stockpile from Canterlot, but we need about a million of these things. Direct your unicorns to the castle. They’ll need to be scanned first.”

"Sure thing; take care of it Scoot. Want to fill us in on the plan?"

Scootaloo left the command center and relayed the necessary orders. Her dark thoughts had gone as inexplicably as they had come. As soon as that was taken care of, she did a quick check of the line and left Commander Rain Chaser on duty. She found some water to refill her canteen and made her way back to the others.

The Wonderbolts were imposing figures around the perimeter of the command tent, watching outward in all directions. Since the war had begun, they had increased the size of their group to contain several squads. While Spitfire still commanded them, they now numbered at almost a hundred. At most, only half of them were here. They were the most elite soldiers that Equestria had ever seen, though the unicorn members of the Templars and the earth ponies that were Bushmasters, also present, would have disagreed. As Scootaloo made it through the formality of being scanned again, she noticed that the griffin’s leader, with whom she had parted badly south of Ghastly Gorge, was also present. She felt herself bristle defensively and tried to swallow her qualms. Scootaloo could tell that Rainbow Dash looked troubled. Flittergear also had a stern look about her.

"It’s a good plan, but they’re not going to make it easy," Rainbow Dash said.

"No, they are not, but that’s why we have to keep all of this under wraps until we’re ready,“ Spitfire agreed. "We’re going to commit Prince Shining Armor to the center of the field. The Wonderbolts, along with some Bushmasters and Templars, will act as his personal escort. Half of our pegasi will be charged with bringing Cloudsdale in; they’ll carry unicorns for support. As for the rest, we have to keep them bottled between the mountain and the river until we drop the city."

Scootaloo’s blood ran cold as she began to understand the implications of their discussion. Cloudsdale would be no more; they were going to freeze it with ice arrows and crush the enemy. The cost of the action aside, it was a solid chance to wipe out the timberwolf horde advancing on Ponyville. If they could pull it off, it would be a crippling blow to the enemy.

"Commander Rain Chaser will hold the middle with me," Shining Armor continued. "Can you fly?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, “I can, but I shouldn’t be in the air. I mean, my wings are fine, but these burns hurt like the furnace that heats tartarus just walking around. The doctors told me I should stay grounded for a few more weeks. I guess I can fly about as well as you can use magic right now.“

"The Alicorn Amulet may grant me enough power to inflict heavy damage to the enemy, but if I use it at that level, there’s no way to predict how it might corrupt me."

"Come on, you only got struck by lightning and fell from two-thousand yards.” Spitfire teased, "You’re just getting soft."

Scootaloo couldn’t help but grin at their banter.

The prince decided, “In that case, you will command the right flank at Sweet Apple Acres."

Rainbow Dash nodded solemnly, "I don't guess you could pass the amulet off to somepony who can’t use magic?"

“No, I’ll keep it,” he paused, as if rethinking what he intended to say. “There’s no guarantee that they wouldn’t be corrupted, but more to the point, we can’t risk it falling into the hooves of the changelings."

Scootaloo was sure she saw a defensive scowl on Shining Armor’s face.

"As for you...” he indicated the orange mare, "I believe you owe the griffins an apology. Admiral Gaash.”

Scootaloo’s heart leapt into her throat as the griffin commander stepped toward her. She felt defensive and as if she were being unjustly called out. After all, it was he who had started the unpleasantness between them. Though, her own response was certainly overly hostile. Her mind raced through what would be an appropriate way to satisfy Shining Armor’s command and not aggravate the situation.

Gaash stared at her, his head held high with pride.

“I apologize,” Scootaloo forced out.

It was a start.

“I had lost several friends when we last spoke, but that’s no excuse for what I did. My actions were out of line, and I regret what I did and said.”

She bowed her head slightly, looking down to avoid his eyes.

“We will not speak of this again,” the griffin spoke dryly, but he seemed satisfied.

Shining Armor continued, “Admiral Gaash, I want you in charge of the CAP. Unless otherwise instructed, just maintain that patrol and engage as you deem necessary to support our efforts and protect the town. Make sure your force is ready to go.”

“I shall see to it immediately.”

“On behalf of all Equestria, thank you.”

Everypony seemed to breathe a little easier after he had left.

The prince turned to Scootaloo, “You punched him in the face?”

The mare felt embarrassed and nodded sheepishly.

“From what Flittergear tells me, he had it coming,” he added with a smirk. “I’m promoting you to major for your stalwart efforts throughout this situation.”

Pride welled up inside, but it also came with the sting of loss. She wouldn’t be able to share the joy with Sparklefly. There was something else as well.

“Your majesty, I didn’t do that much. In all honesty, promotions are deserved by each and every member of your Assault Corps. I yelled at them a bit, but they were the ones that towed the line.”

The prince nodded before continuing, “I’ll keep that in mind. You will be in command of the pegasus regiments that will escort Cloudsdale in safely. The colonels have been briefed, and they’re already guarding the city."

Shining Armor glanced over his shoulder, "The way they’re moving, it’s going to be another four hours to get into position. I need you to get it south of Ponyville in two."

"You can count on me," she said with a salute.

"I know I can.” He looked at her sternly, “If you fail, we all die."

Scootaloo felt like she’d just been sucker-punched with that statement. The elation she had felt only moments before was stripped away, leaving only the grave understanding of the task she had just been given.

"As soon as you see signal flares, offload as many of your support unicorns as you can and report to the castle with your force to load up the ice arrows. Lightning Dust will evacuate everypony else from the city. You will not wait for the evacuation to be complete. As soon as you are loaded, you will make a bombing run over the city, dropping the ice arrows as you pass overhead."

Somewhere to the south, the first reports of concussion magic were heard.

"They’re here," Spitfire said.

“Then we must take to our positions.”

The prince led them outside and toward the line. He stopped when they reached a spot where they could see the line, and more importantly, they could be seen. Prince Shining Armor seemed to stand taller somehow, and in the Royal Canterlot voice, magically amplified, his words boomed across the city and what would soon be a war zone.

”Citizens of Equestria, hear me! I, Prince Shining Armor, have come to defend the line with you. The timberwolves are coming again, as they have been for over a year. We have done everything we can to hold them back, but this is a position from which we do not retreat. Not for Ponyville, but for the Equestria we grew up in. It is not a place, or a group of ponies. It is a dream, a grand idea that lives in the hearts and minds of us all. We carry that dream of what it is and what it can be inside. It is this that we fight and die to defend. Unnumbered hordes of timberwolves cannot smother it. Nor can changeling trickery subvert it. We hold this ground today. We hold it so the dream will continue, so that Celestia’s death will not have been in vain. This is the hour when we make the changelings and their timberwolf puppets afraid. This is the hour when we tell them, you’ve gone far enough, not one more step! This is the hour when we ensure that Celestia’s dream will live on in all of us for untold generations to come. Equestria, are you with me?"

His voice echoed through the countryside, and a calm followed. It was brief, for the next moment was filled with the battle-cry of tens of thousands of soldiers, rallying one last time. Scootaloo felt the fighting spirit wax strong inside. She locked eyes with Rainbow Dash, just for a moment. No words were exchanged in the cacophony that had erupted; they weren’t necessary. Scootaloo understood what was at stake, and how dear each of them had become to the other. It wasn’t exactly a goodbye in their exchanged glance, but more like a resolve to see each other again soon. Scootaloo shot into the air to find her squadrons.

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