• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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27 - Aftermath, Part 4 of 5

Pixyglitter felt broken inside. The tears had come after the soldiers had left her, laughing as they went. Later, when the fighting erupted in the hall, she didn't have any fortitude left. She just lay in her bed waiting to die, crying with her back to the door. It had begun with an impotent rage that descended into an acute awareness of her own helplessness. Having already spent all of her tears she simply lay there. Her sight was gone. She was not strong. These facts were not going to change. The coldness of it cut through her soul like a knife through soft bread.

The dreams told her to seek out Cloud Blazer and help him, but what use could a blind pegasus be to anypony? On the other hoof, what did she have to lose? She didn't have a better plan. At any rate, if she could get the crazy dreams to stop, she could get some sleep again. Hoof-steps approached.

"By Celestia! What happened here?" Nurse Redheart exclaimed.

Pixyglitter didn't answer initially. She could hear the nurse stumbling through the remnants of the barricade that Pixyglitter had built in front of what was left of the door. She hadn't noticed, but the fighting had stopped a few hours before.

"Are you okay?" the nurse asked.

Pixyglitter nodded. Her pillow felt soaked against her cheek. Within moments Nurse Redheart gently replaced it with a fresh pillow.

"You just let me know if you need anything at all,” the nurse said. “I’ll be around while we’re trying to put this place back in order.”

She began walking away, muttering something about getting maintenance in to get the door fixed.

"Nurse Redheart," Pixyglitter said. She heard the nurse stop and turn about. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetie.”

Pixyglitter could hear the smile in her voice. It was like a ray of sunshine that had pierced though a gray cloudy day. After the nurse left, Pixyglitter's thoughts began to take focus. She would have to find Cloud Blazer and see what it was she was supposed to help him with. Doubt filled her mind as to what role she could possibly play, broken as she was, but she decided to try.


Sparklefly was tired from the long night as she and Brax entered barracks thirteen in Cloudsdale. It had most effectively been converted into a prison for captured changelings. It now housed traitors as well. The light of the sun was shining down the corridor, making it seem somewhat cheerful until the guards shut the door. The dimly lit hallway then looked appropriately depressing.

“Thank Celestia!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she grabbed hold of Sparklefly from the side.

Only slightly startled, Sparklefly let out a nervous laugh as she returned the hug, "Hi; glad to see you too."

"Lieutenant!" Brax said to Scootaloo, his voice filled with relief. "I'm glad that you are well."

As Scootaloo backed away, Sparklefly noticed that her left fore-leg was in a sling.

"Oh, this is nothing," Scootaloo said with a smile. "The doc says it'll be sore for a few days, and then I'll be good as new."

"Where is he?" Brax asked, killing the joyful mood of their reunion.

Also becoming serious, Scootaloo nodded a gesture and turned, "This way."

She led them past cells, all full now beyond their intended capacity. Of the three-thousand traitors that had attacked Cloudsdale, most of them were now incarcerated here and nursing injuries. There had only been a few hundred deaths all across Equestria during the attempted coup. The rebels had been so well outmaneuvered that most of them gave up without much fight. All the way at the end of the corridor, and past even more guards, Scootaloo led them to Mane Crusher's cell.

"Major, lieutenants," the traitor greeted them.

Sparklefly could hear the defeat in his gruff voice.

"Sir," Scootaloo began glibly, "I'm happy to report that it is over. All rebel forces have failed in their missions. Prince Shining Armor is still in command."

“I’m no sir to you anymore, and gloating does not become you," Mane Crusher replied. He turned to Brax, "I take it this is your doing?"

Shaking his head slowly, Brax replied, "I'm afraid not. I wasn't aware of anything until Captain Radiant Pyre and some of yours took me prisoner."

Mane Crusher nodded thoughtfully, ”I know that Shining Armor couldn't have suspected anything unless he had been warned. So, I was outwitted by you two girls?"

"Not exactly," Sparklefly said. "A great deal of credit also goes to Captain Swiftlight,” she paused; the silence could be felt. “Where is he?"

"His fate is no different than mine will likely be,” he spoke gravely. Turning to Scootaloo, Mane Crusher asked, "How's your shoulder?"

She snorted at him, "It's sore, but I'll live."

Sparklefly cringed at the comment. Though there hadn’t been a crisis in Equestria that warranted a death penalty for over a thousand years, their current situation had already put it in the minds of many, especially with dwindling resources to feed everypony. Mane Crusher already had his upcoming execution on his mind. Rubbing his nose in it wouldn't make him more compliant. The expression on Scootaloo's face betrayed that she hadn't meant that jab how it had come out. Sparklefly decided to redirect the conversation again.

"What happened to Captain Swiftlight?" she asked.

Mane Crusher stood there quietly for a long while. "I don't know for certain. I believe he is dead."

Sparklefly felt sorrow for Java Chip. Somehow, she'd been holding hope that they had just imprisoned him somewhere.

"Who would know for certain?” Brax asked.

Mane Crusher sighed at them, "I take full responsibility for the actions of the officers under my command. I will not betray the trust they placed in me."

"Loyalty? That's rich coming from you," Scootaloo sneered.

"The actions I took, I believed were in the best interest of all of Equestria. What happens in battle is just that, battle. I will not degrade myself or my soldiers by apologizing for any of my choices in this matter."

Sparklefly felt that there wasn't anything more to discuss. She turned to walk away, and the other two followed her.

"However," Mane Crusher said, bringing the trio to a halt. "I will admit one thing. Prince Shining Armor does have what it takes to save Equestria. I misjudged him, which was a critical mistake, and in that I was wrong."

Something resonated in Sparklefly from what he said. It wasn't an apology, far from it. He was aware that he had chosen wrong and freely admitted as much. He may have deserved to die for what he had done, but somewhere inside, Sparklefly wondered whether they would need his tactical genius again before the end of the war. He certainly wasn’t the type to make the same mistake twice.


Beigh exited the castle, flanked by a pair of zebras. He had been left with the wounded in CIC under his charge. As they were being moved to other locations, his skills were no longer required. They had managed to save all of them that had survived to that point, for which the stallion was relieved.

A faint shadow of fear still hung over him as he crossed through Ponyville. The town had survived the fighting almost unscathed. There were a few tell-tale signs of the struggle that had taken place the night before.

Beigh was exhausted, but he kept pace with his escort all the way back to his squad’s tent in the training grounds. Every place they passed was deserted but for the patrols of zebras walking about watchfully.

As Beigh entered, his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior.

“Where have you been?” Sergeant Emerald Dream scolded.

In moments, he was surrounded by the other members of his squad.

“We thought you were dead!” Ruby Red added.

“No, I’m fine,” he replied. “I was on my way back last night when I was taken to the castle.”

Starbright asked, “What’s happened?”

“Have the zebras taken over?” Emerald Dream demanded.

“What? No. The zebras are on our side.”

“They won’t let us leave,” Ruby Red replied.

“Okay, just calm down,” Beigh said. He wanted to sleep, but he could understand that they needed answers. “Here’s what I know...”

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