• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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41 - Resolutions, Part 6 of 9

Scootaloo was beginning to believe that she had been banished to some dark corner of Tartarus and that this great meeting to talk of peace was simply a single moment of failure, doomed to repeat itself for all eternity. She could only wonder what hideous sin she might have committed to have herself so damned.

They would always begin somewhat cordially, but Chrysalis would inevitably steer the conversation toward some point to which she could strongly object and then demand to return to her ‘cage’. If Scootaloo remembered correctly from the last several meetings, the deflection should be coming any moment.

“How many times have we been through this?” Chrysalis sneered. “You want a cease fire, that’s all. I get it. Listen and tell me if I stutter. Release me, and then we can talk terms.”

A wry grin formed on Scootaloo’s face… the queen was right on schedule.

Celestia stared back, a bit harder than usual and asked, “Honestly, if our positions were reversed, would you for any reason even consider letting me go?”

The changeling queen held her gaze in silence for a long moment before answering.


“Then I suggest we put that aside for a moment.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

“I am open to the possibility of giving you something else as a show of good faith.”

In all of the talks they had attempted, this was only the second time that Chrysalis seemed surprised. Scootaloo took note that the queen’s attention had been gained.

“So generous. What did you have in mind?”

Despite her snide tone, she seemed interested in the turn the conversation had taken.

“If I might make a suggestion,” Cadence began, “I have been told that the most recent battles in the plains west of Manehattan have resulted with severe injury inflicted on changeling forces. We could offer medical assistance to your wounded.”

“So they can be your hostages as well? I think not.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle added, “They don’t have to come to us. We could drop off medical supplies for them, to be picked up and taken to where they are needed.”

Chrysalis sat back, considering what had been said. She nudged her glass of water, turning the ornate vessel before looking up again.

“You certainly seem eager to halt us, even temporarily. I can’t help but wonder if my children shouldn’t press our advantage.”

Scootaloo could only guess what advantage Chrysalis thought she had at this point. It was true that there still remained a significant number of timberwolves, but it was hardly enough to put her in a position of strength. The recent battles had seen a rallying of the EUP forces and several crushing defeats to the changelings and their minions.

Celestia looked saddened, certainly she was weary in her current state. She had been well fed and groomed in the weeks since her return, all of the princesses had been, though it would take a great deal of time for their wasted away forms to return to normal.

“I care for each and every one of my subjects,” Celestia spoke, “I know you care for yours as well. If you’d rather we fight until the land is burned and everypony who survives the war starves to death, I suppose there is not much I can do to stop you. Our determination to live freely is no less than yours.”

“That, I do believe.”

Scootaloo shivered. That was the first concession, though minor, that the changeling queen had made. It hardly felt like progress. Quiet filled the room for a long moment, the sounds of shuffling in chairs and the occasional cough was all that could be heard. This time, it was Chrysalis that broke the silence.

“What could my children possibly gain by stopping their attacks? All it would do is give you time to further fortify your cities.”

“The medical supplies aside,” Celestia answered, “I’m not sure. From the reports I have received, we don’t have much else to give in our current state. We are struggling to feed our own now, and we expect that situation to only grow more dire through the winter.”

Chrysalis leaned in, “You surprise me by admitting as much freely.”

“We have to start somewhere. For me, it starts with being as open and honest with you as I am able. At the moment, I’d don’t trust you, and I know you don’t trust me.”

“You’ve found two things we agree on, and in one meeting. I’m impressed.” The changeling queen crossed her front legs, a smirk forming across her muzzle, “It’s really a shame that Shining Armor was never able to do as much with all the countless hours he interrogated me. I suppose he simply wasn’t up to the task.”

The prince’s face flushed.

“I would ask you, please, to not torment my nephew.”

“Or what?” the combative question hung in the air as if it would derail the meeting.

Celestia tilted her head and spoke softly, “I apologize. That was not a threat. I don’t intend any repercussion, though I may send him and his wife away if you insist on insulting him further. I only mentioned it as it is a distraction. The longer we take to come to a conclusion here,” she gestured to the window, “the more ponies and changelings die out there.”

Chrysalis’ expression was difficult to read, “And how long would you have this truce last?”

“As long as we can. What I am ultimately after is a lasting peace, one we can both live with. I know there are miles ahead for us to get there, but putting a stop to the fighting, however tenuous, seems the most reasonable first step.”

“Let me go, and I’ll consider it,” the queen countered. “My children are obedient, but they will never stand down without direct orders from me.”

Scootaloo’s heart sank. It was right back to the same deflections. Chrysalis would be storming out soon.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. However, what if I allow you a courier that will carry correspondence between you and your subjects?”

“A courier? What a massive concession,” she seethed sarcastically. “You offer very little. If a stop to the fighting is really so important, why not give me something valuable.”

Celestia considered her response.

Twilight Sparkle made another attempt, “We are here, and we are trying. We don’t know what you need.”

No reply came. The deafening silence was enough to make Scootaloo’s fur crawl.

“Food,” Flittergear said, her voice hardly audible in the large room.

Princess Luna turned to her, “Did you say something?”

Flittergear shrank back.

Scootaloo cleared her throat, “She said, ‘food’.”

It occurred to Scootaloo only after she had spoken that several of the battles fought had been over grain storage sites, which compelled the ponies to begin keeping their locations secret.

“How are the changelings faring, food-wise?” Celestia asked.

“If you’re thinking of starving us out, forget it. We’ll manage.”

“I simply meant that we could add that to our offer,” Celestia said flatly.

She sounded less enthusiastic and cordial than she had to this point.

“For a temporary truce, you’ll give us food?” Chrysalis mused.


“And we still get the medical supplies?”

A faint hint of hope rekindled on each of the princesses’ faces. Celestia continued as the speaker.

“Of course. We’ll give food, medical supplies, and you can have a courier to correspond with your… children. In return, we want the following: no further attacks on existing EUP positions or pony towns, no interference with ponies traveling by air so long as they do not come within a hundred yards of the ground, and your word that you will not abuse the privilege of communicating with your forces to attempt escape.”

Chrysalis sat back in her chair and took a sip of water; she seemed to be considering the proposal.

Celestia continued, “For our part, we will not advance on any new territory, and will not fly under one-hundred yards over territory that is currently in changeling control. We can make the food drops daily at specified places to be picked up at your discretion.”

The changeling queen pursed her lips, “My children won’t tolerate any trickery on your part. If the food does not come, or if traps are set, they will strike.”

Celestia returned a hard gaze, “If we don’t deliver our part, you’d be within your rights to do so. But I swear to you on all that I hold dear, they will have no cause to do so.”

Quiet fell over the room again, such silence that it was deafening. The two changelings’ eyes were fixed on their queen, who had looked down as if in thought. She looked back up rather sharply.

“I want your word that no changeling prisoner will be executed for any reason.”

Celestia stared back impassively, “Done.”

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia held each others’ gaze for a long moment before the changeling matriarch spoke.

“Very well, I accept your truce.”

Scootaloo’s mouth dropped open as a shiver rippled though her.

The princesses smiled, all but Celestia. Her expression was guarded, though she did seem pleased.

“Agreed. I thank you for taking this first step with me. Now, the real work can begin.”

Scootaloo felt the twinge of hope that breathed into the room. It was as if everypony let out a relieved sigh together. It wasn’t a peace agreement, not yet, but that possibility now seemed to have a real chance. The fighting, and possibly the war, was over.

Author's Note:

Fun fact! Everything you have read in this arc through this point was not in the first draft. The last three (coming soon) were all I had initially intended for this chapter. :twilightsmile:

When I got back here and was getting ready to do this chapter... it felt rushed... like we needed a little breath to see everyone continuing a bit before things wrap up, so... rewrites! :pinkiehappy:

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