• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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41 - Resolutions, Part 5 of 9

Scootaloo felt her eyelids getting heavy. Their second meeting with Queen Chrysalis had gone much longer than the first, though as little progress had come of it. The third meeting had seen them talking in circles for nearly an hour, and an equal amount of headway seemed likely.

“We’ve been over this a dozen times,” Chrysalis spoke at a soft growl, “We will never be your servants.”

Celestia seemed weary, but she tried once more, “Please don’t misunderstand, we are not calling these meetings to discuss surrender.”

The changeling queen seemed surprised by the statement, her first noteworthy reaction to date. Chrysalis didn’t reply. She instead waited for Celestia to continue. The princess seemed somewhat energized by the changeling queen’s reaction.

“There is currently far too much bad blood, and far too many sacrifices have been made by both of our peoples. For the moment, the only thing I wanted to suggest was a temporary truce, a cessation of hostilities while we discuss matters further.”

“What’s the point?” Chrysalis pursed her lips. “We are night and day, our goals and yours. We can never come to terms.”

Princess Luna sat up straighter, “Indeed, night and day are as far apart as two can be, yet both working together can produce harmony for all. If there were only day, the land would burn with heat of the sun. If night were eternal, how would the forests and grass survive? They need the warmth and light to thrive.”

The changeling matriarch groaned, “Spare me your metaphors and platitudes. It’s even more revolting than Shining Armor’s pathetic attempts at witty banter.”

Scootaloo felt herself frown, a reaction that Cadence echoed. It was Twilight Sparkle that spoke next.

“We just want to stop the fighting. That’s all we’re asking for.”

“Asking?” she sneered, “Now that is rich. You don’t make requests of prisoners, you demand of them. Here’s a thought; set me free and I’ll consider it.”

The princesses exchanged looks.

Chrysalis continued, “If putting a stop to the fighting really is what you want, let me go and we can discuss it as equals.”

Celestia bowed her head.

“You know very well why we can’t do that.”

“I appreciate your forthrightness,” Chrysalis snorted, “As much as anyone in my position could. In that case, I think I’d like to go back to my cage now. I’ve had enough of your prattle for one day.”

Scootaloo sighed as the meeting imploded the same way that the previous two had.

The piercing cry of a foal awakened Pixyglitter. Her sleep had been restless in anticipation of the coming day. Though there was still pain in her chest, it was somewhat blunted after having rested for so many weeks. Today, she would be getting up for the first time.

This realization had stolen her slumber almost as effectively as had Applejack’s new foal in the recent nights. She opted to not wait for anypony, but cautiously rolled over, gently setting her hooves against the wooden floor. She stood slowly, feeling rather strange as if her body had forgotten how to maintain a standing position.

Pixyglitter wobbled a moment and finally leaned against the bed for stability as her head began pounding. Fresh spasms of pain surged from the healing wound. There was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” she answered.

Cloud Blazer’s voice greeted her, “Hey Pixy, I was… You’re up!”

The cries of the infant grew louder as the door had opened, making the mare cringe.

“Yes,” she said through gritted teeth, “I need to go for a walk before the foal drives me insane.”

The stallion stifled a giggle, “Well, you shouldn’t overdo it. The barn is close, how about we hang out there for a bit?”

Pixyglitter nodded as she picked up a stick that had been placed by her bed. She appreciated the thoughtfulness of it being provided by Apple Bloom weeks before she could actually get up and use it.

Her attempt to walk was a bit wobbly, so the stallion assisted her, leading the way through the noise of the house.

The fresh air outside lifted the mare’s spirits. A shiver ran through her sweat drenched body as she stretched her wings into the cool breeze, allowing her feathers to be tickled by it. They had hardly made it into the barn before she felt the need to sit down. It felt good to be moving, but it was also exhausting.

“I’ve been thinking,” Cloud Blazer broke the relative silence. He sounded nervous, “We should give some thought to the future.”

She scratched at the bandages that covered her useless eyes and tilted her head questioningly.

“I mean, I don’t want to stay in Ponyville.”

The mare shrugged, “Where do you want to go?”

“I… I’m not sure. That’s why I think we should talk about it. We’ve imposed on the Apples too long already. We need to find some work… You know? Make our own way.”

She understood exactly what he was feeling. The family that had taken them in at Sweet Apple Acres had asked for nothing in return, but Pixyglitter felt a deep need to pull her own weight.

“Unfortunately, my talent isn’t something I can actually pursue anymore,” she replied, thinking the image of a camera that was her cutie mark.

“Mine either,” he replied.

“Okay… wow, that stinks.”


They grew quiet for a long moment before Cloud Blazer spoke again.

“So… I’m not sure where, or what yet, but...” he took a breath, still sounding fearful, “I guess I wanted to know… are you… I mean… do you want to come with me?”

The mare shook her head in confusion, “Of course I’ll come with you. Where else would I go?”

The question had caught the Pixyglitter off guard. Certainly their friendship didn’t have any formal terms or expectations, but she thought it had been made clear in Manehattan that she was planning to stay with him for the foreseeable future.

A sigh of relief escaped the stallion. Pixyglitter felt herself grin as the need to tease took hold.

“But I’m only saying that in a platonic friendly sort of way.”

The stallion snorted a laugh, “Am I ever going to live that down?”

“No,” she made a coy smile. “Although, there is one thing I’ve been wondering. Pinkie Pie had mentioned something about a ‘Carrot Incident’?”

“I was thinking maybe we could go north,” Cloud Blazer quickly changed the subject. “Princess Celestia said that as soon as possible, they’d be putting out a call to begin putting together a new cloud city and a weather factory. I thought maybe, between the two of us, we could help out.”

She flicked her ears each in turn, her curiosity about the ‘Carrot Incident’ not satisfied. It would have to wait.

“We’d probably have to take a single salary for the both of us.”

“Well… yeah…” he conceded, “It’d be enough to get started anyway. From there… we can play it by ear maybe?”

Pixyglitter was not fooled by the way he danced around his unspoken motivations. She knew what he was doing. Cloud Blazer didn’t want to stay in Ponyville because he knew that sooner or later, Scootaloo would return. While she didn’t know the full story of what had happened between them, his behavior and overheard whispers from others in the house were sufficient to indicate to her that the dynamic had definitely changed.

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