• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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24 - Reassignments, Part 3 of 3

Cloud Blazer hadn’t felt well ever since that dream he'd shared with Pixyglitter. Afterward and still he found sleep elusive, and when it did come, it was restless and void. His thoughts returned frequently to the things that Scootaloo said to him after he had confessed his feelings for her, and he couldn’t shake the overwhelming sorrow that he felt from her reaction. Trying to stay positive wasn't even a consideration anymore. His strength in that department had finally failed.

"Hey, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle greeted their friend as she entered his hospital room.

"Howdy, y'all," she cheerfully called back. "Where's Pixyglitter?"

Looking over at the empty bed on the other side of the room, Sweetie Belle answered, "I think she went to physical therapy."

Pixyglitter had changed after that dream, hardly speaking to him since then. As a result, Cloud Blazer had barely noticed her absence that morning. Something was wrong between them. He knew the dreams meant something, but how could he get her involved if she only pulled away?

"Are you okay?" Apple Bloom asked.

Cloud Blazer wasn't sure what to answer. He was not okay, and he almost didn't care what the others thought of him.

"He started physical therapy today," Sweetie Belle replied. "I think it was painful."

'That was quite an understatement,' he thought to himself. Nurse Redheart had taken Cloud Blazer down to the physical therapy room and tried to get him walking. He hadn't gone more than ten steps before collapsing from the pain. Even after that, she made him try again and again. He hadn't seen Pixyglitter there, and deep down he knew what that meant. She wasn't in physical therapy as Sweetie Belle had suggested; she had been moved to another room.


Duster could feel energy in his body again, and it was wonderful. He was still tired from the ordeal, but the fever had broken two nights before. Soon he'd be his old self again.

"How are you feeling?" Duster heard his sister's voice ask.

He turned to see Sissy approaching his cot. "Much better," he answered. "The medics tell me I'll be back to regular duty tomorrow."

"Good," she replied. Her manner felt cold or detached somehow. "We've already lost enough training time on this."

Duster didn't have any answer for that. He wasn't even sure how much time had actually passed.

"There are going to be some changes in your squad," Sissy continued as she sat down by the cot. "Sergeant Scootaloo is being reassigned effective immediately. Locknload will be your cadet sergeant for the duration of training."

"So there are only nine of us now," Duster said.

"Eight. Doff is dead," she answered bluntly.

Duster was in shock. "Dead?" was all he could manage to say.

“The fever took him.”

“But, he can’t be dead.”

Doff was the closest thing he’d had to a friend in Ponyville.

Sissy continued, ”This is war. Ponies die."

Duster was enraged by her callousness and shouted at her, ”How could you say something like that?"

The rest of the infirmary went silent.

Sissy stood slowly and said, "Do not forget your place, Cadet.”

Her voice had an icy chill that was intended to be intimidating. He bit his tongue for fear of lashing out further.

Without another word, Sissy walked away and exited the tent, not looking back. Duster mostly felt confused, but also overwhelmingly sad. He had expected that things would get rough once they got out to fight, but they hadn't seen a single timberwolf yet, and Doff was dead. Duster realized in this moment how close he had come to death himself. It was an eerie revelation to have stared his own mortality in the face and survived when his friend had not.

One of the medics approached and said, “Cadet Duster, you are cleared to go. If you should start feeling faint or otherwise ill, take a rest. If you feel fine in a minute or two, go back to regular duty. Otherwise come back and see us."

Duster gathered himself up and began walking away. His joints ached, and although he was tired, it did feel good to be moving again. The air outside was fresh, and much sweeter than he'd remembered it being. The walk back to his squad tent didn't take long, and the sun shone through the purple shield that surrounded camp and warmed his back.

His feelings were also running hot, and he was almost back to his tent before he realized his face was wet. The tears burned his cheeks with the fire of anger. Sissy was just so cold toward him. Why would she treat him that way? How could she be so callous about Doff's death? Duster's only desire was to find rest in his rack. Upon entering the tent, laughter was dying down.

"Well, well, look who's finally back," Locknload said. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

"If at all," Gunnysack chimed in.

Duster ignored them, going straight to his bed and lying down.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Quickbeam asked.

"Come on guys, he just got back," Moonsliver said.

"All the more reason to be welcoming," Rolling Thunder sneered.

Gunnysack got close to Duster and said, "Yeah, we thought you were getting on the same train that Doff left on."

The other stallions laughed, but something inside of Duster snapped. A quick jab caught Gunnysack completely off guard and he took a direct hit to the eye. Not wasting the momentum, Duster leapt from his bed, pinning Gunnysack to the ground. Duster felt a little light-headed, but he got at least two more good blows in before Rolling Thunder and Quickbeam jumped him. Something got knocked over in the ensuing scuffle, and Duster hit his head on a hoof-locker. Locknload finally was able to get them broken up. The scuffle only lasted for a minute or less. All in all there were only bumps and bruises suffered, wounded feelings aside.

"What is the matter with you?" Locknload yelled at Duster.

"I don't care what any of you think!" Duster yelled back at the group. He was in a corner now. "Doff was my friend, and more than that, he was one of us!" Anger was making it hard to think, and weariness was making it even harder.

"You watch your back," Gunnysack said. "First time we're in combat, you watch your back!”

Locknload spoke, his voice becoming eerily calm, “I’ll tell you what. I’d suggest both of you learn to keep that in check, or neither of you will ever see combat.”

Gunnysack snorted, but then said, “Aye.”

Duster nodded, “Yes, sir. It won’t happen again.”

The tension seemed to be dispersing, and Duster made his way back to his bed to rest. The conflicting emotions raged inside. All he could do was try to remain calm.


Pixyglitter was trying to stay awake. The nurse had told her that her new room didn't have a window, not that she could look out one anyway. Still, the warmth of the sun had been a refreshing thing when it came. The hospital rooms always seemed to be refrigerated. Drowsiness tugged at Pixyglitter again, and she shifted in her bed to hold it off. She hadn't been sleeping, but it was by choice. That strange dream that Cloud Blazer had known was just too much.

As she lay there, trying to stay awake, she opened her eyes to blurred vision. Blinking a few times cleared it up, and she could clearly see the hospital room. She wasn't aware that she was now dreaming. A nurse walked in, checking the patient in the next bed, but she left without saying anything. Pixyglitter looked at her legs to find that they weren't sprained or injured at all. Just as she decided to get out of bed, the ground shook, and the building split in half and fell away revealing the night sky. The full moon hung high overhead, and it captivated Pixyglitter as if she had never seen it before.

The chorus of voices blasted down at her, "Go with him!"

As the voices spoke, Cloud Blazer's face appeared on the moon.

Pixyglitter rolled off of the bed, hiding under some nearby rubble. The bright intensity of the moon continued increasing until it was blinding.

Pixyglitter screamed.

"Go with him!" the voice blasted again. The noise of it brushed aside the rubble and dust, leaving Pixyglitter alone, bathed in the moonlight.

She awoke screaming and thrashing in her hospital bed.

"Whoa, calm down," a nurse said gently, but firmly, as he held her down.

She tried to catch her breath. The sheets were soaked with sweat.

"I'm," she said, "I'm okay... now... thanks."

He let her go and asked, "Bad dreams?"

She nodded. "I'll be fine," she said.

“I can get you something to help you sleep.”

“I said I’m fine now.”

"Okay," the nurse said as he walked away.

Pixyglitter doubted if she would be tempted by sleep again for several hours. The adrenaline coursing through her veins made her feel powerfully awake, and a little shaky. It was exactly as she had feared. She sensed some intelligence or will behind the experience that she and Cloud Blazer had shared. There was no running or hiding from it; the dream was waiting for her.

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