• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

  • ...

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22 - Bonds, Part 3 of 8

The silent darkness was shattered by a thousand blasts of magical energy that ripped through the night. The shouting and chaos that ensued were immense, but the pegasus mare didn’t panic. She expertly navigated the air fearlessly with her passenger. She’d never been afraid of combat. She was invincible. At least, that was how she’d felt right up until the moment when everything changed. The last thing she’d seen was a unicorn and pegasus pair ahead of her. As the unicorn was about to return fire, they were hit and spun wildly. The hostile magic intended for changelings was released and struck her full in the face.

That hot blue energy burned into her vision, melting through her goggles and into her eyes. She shrieked in pain as fear became real to her. The noise, the roar of battle, became deafening. She heard her passenger shouting at her, trying to calm her down. The air was alive with fire and death, and she couldn’t see. There was no way to get her bearings. The earth pony stallion she carried kept talking. She listened to him as he guided her down, down, down. His forced calm was the only thing she could hold on to. The last thing she could remember was the sound of something snapping as his final cry went up. She shook her head, trying to forget the horror of the memory that was still as fresh in her mind as the moment it had happened.

The pattering of the rain against the hospital room window was incredibly soothing. It was wonderfully melodic to Pixyglitter's ears. It was like the world was playing a sad song that echoed how she felt. Each droplet was a note, continuing in endlessly nuanced harmonies against the glass. There was something different about it. Somehow, it was as if she had never really heard the rain before. She had, of course, been in rain many times, but she hadn't had as much time to just listen.

Loneliness and boredom filled her days now. The nurse had been by to check on her, but that seemed like it had been hours before. Cloud Blazer, the patient in the bed next to her, wasn't awake, but that was normal for him. He seemed to sleep most of the time since she had arrived. He usually had a visitor watching over him, but she couldn't hear anypony else. Left with her thoughts, the feeling of loss grew heavier with every passing moment. She was now blind, and nothing could change that.

The sound of hoof steps disturbed Pixyglitter's thoughts. She had become rather amazed to discover that she could tell many ponies apart by only the sound of their walk. This one was light on its feet but made strong, decisive steps. Upon entering the room, the steps grew quieter, as though it were now trying to be silent. The unknown pony approached Cloud Blazer's bed and stood there near him for a little while. Then it moved into a nearby chair and sat. Pixyglitter could hear the chair creaking under the weight of the visitor. It sat there quietly for a time before the tell-tale sound of breath changing gave away the fact that they had fallen asleep. Once again, Pixyglitter was left alone with her thoughts.


Cloud Blazer walked in the dead of night. He was aware that he was dreaming, which was an odd sensation. He recognized the mare that was with him in this unconscious shadow world. Pixyglitter walked along side him as they crept down a mine shaft. Deeper and deeper it wound, until the last light of the moon had faded.

"I can't see to go further," Pixyglitter said.

"Me neither," he replied.

“Great, now what?"

As Cloud Blazer considered his response, his eyes adjusted to detect the faintest torch light ahead. He nodded toward it, and he could see her begin to creep forward in the darkness. When they reached the corner, they could see a small fire blazing on a torch that was sticking out of the wall. The rocky cave-like tunnel was lined with them. The two ponies exchanged a smile and continued on. They descended the gentle slope until they came around to a place where there were two tunnels. Cloud Blazer eyed the separate paths, but they were practically identical. Both were lit with torches and both continued downward.

"What's your pick," Cloud Blazer asked, "left or right?"


"Well, there's two of us. There's two directions. I'm sure we'll find what we're here for if we split up."

Shaking her head, the mare replied, "I think we should stay together."

"It's not like there's anything dangerous in here. This cave has been abandoned for years. Besides, this is just a dream."

Her face contorted into a near panic, "Don't leave me alone!"

"Are you okay?" he asked, becoming concerned.

"I'm fine; its... I just... I don't like being alone."

"Okay, we'll go together," Cloud Blazer replied softly.

He was just beginning to wonder whether the real Pixyglitter had the same fear when the cave split open and everything burned bright white. His injuries seared like fire. He felt like he was being ripped apart at the joints. Then, as suddenly as it began, the pain stopped, and Cloud Blazer now stood in front of Princess Twilight's castle in Ponyville again.

"Always here," he said to himself.

"What do you mean?" Pixyglitter asked, approaching him from behind.

"My dreams. I always end up here eventually. Also," he looked up at the full moon directly overhead. "It is always at night, and the full moon is always directly overhead."

"Did you find them?"

"Find what?" Cloud Blazer turned to Pixyglitter.

Her eyes were glowing white, "Find the keys to open the door." Her voice sounded strange. It was far away and booming; the echo rebounded from every building in Ponyville.

That was another common element of his dreams now. There was a door, usually in the castle that needed to be opened. There were always five locks, and he didn't have the keys. He was wondering whether to go into the castle when he became completely disoriented. Everything spun and went dark. Pain began throbbing from each of his healing injuries, pulsating in rhythm with his own heartbeat. Then he could hear talking, but he couldn't make it out at first.

As Cloud Blazer awoke, the dream faded, and things that had seemed so clear only moments before became as nonsense once again to be ignored by his conscious mind.

"Well, it's fine to make your acquaintance," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm just glad somepony else is here. It gets too quiet sometimes," Pixyglitter replied.

Cloud Blazer opened his eyes and looked about. Apple Bloom was over by Pixyglitter's bed. He decided that he must actually be awake now, as he was in pain, and Pixyglitter was bandaged up. So far, she was always in perfect health in his dreams. Also, his heart felt heavy again from the rejection he had suffered.

"Hey Apple Bloom," Cloud Blazer said. "Would you get me some water?"

Turning to face him, Apple Bloom smiled, "Good to see you too." She then left the room on her mission.

"You have great friends," Pixyglitter said.

"Yeah," Cloud Blazer replied. "They are pretty awesome. Have you had any visitors?"

She didn't answer, but simply lay still on her bed. The sound of the rain coming down outside filled the silence. Cloud Blazer wondered about the extent of her injuries, but given her responses to him in general, he thought it better not to ask just yet.

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