• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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38 - Countermeasures, Part 11 of 11

Cloud Blazer’s anger was still seething over the confrontation with Bull Market. Though it was an improvement from how it had been boiling over on the walk back to Rarity’s apartment, Fluttershy had the sense to give him space while he calmed down.

Somehow, the pain in his ribs and leg felt even worse than usual. There was little outward expression of this aside from the scowl he wore, as he had become so accustomed to it.

"Well, he sounds like a complete ruffian to me," Rarity said with disdain. "Throwing out one’s guests over a difference of opinion is most uncouth."

"Oh, he wasn’t so bad," Fluttershy offered.

The trio sat in the fashionista’s surprisingly spartan apartment.

"Wasn’t so bad?" Rarity questioned. “Wasn’t so bad? Fluttershy, darling, what you have described is the absolute worst sort of host."

It was all the stallion could do to just keep breathing and remain soothe his wounded pride. As much as he’d wanted to punch Bull Market in the nose, it wouldn’t have helped anything to make an even bigger ruckus than they had. Pixy had chosen to stay behind, which was a problem. Feelings aside, it was the main problem at this point. Fluttershy wouldn’t be able to carry them both, even if they did manage to get out of town and airborne.

"Oh, no, I think he just had a stressful day. It was the first time he’d seen his daughter since she was injured. Plus his livelihood depends on the trading exchange, which got shut down.”

"Fluttershy, dear, you are being far too kind to someone who is completely undeserving."

Cloud Blazer sighed, trying to focus on the problem at hoof.

"Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked.

A whistling from the kitchen interrupted any reply he might have made.

"I shall return with the tea," Rarity declared as she stood to leave the room.

The light tinkling of dishes could be heard for a few moments as Cloud Blazer gathered his thoughts. Rarity was returning with a small tray filled with some of the customary accoutrements when he finally spoke.

"If you’ll let me stay here, you two can head back to Ponyville without me."

Rarity hummed in thought before saying, "I’m afraid there isn’t any sugar, and this is the last of the lemon; the rationing has been simply dreadful."

"Anything to get the taste of their awful cider out of my mouth," Cloud Blazer pouted.

“Milk has been easier to come by, but of course you are welcome to whatever you see.”

"Now, now," Fluttershy used an almost motherly tone, "no need to be grumpy. Their cider was very good."

"It tasted like acid."

"That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?"

Rarity poured the steaming aromatic liquid into the cups, "Well, I’m afraid the tea will be just as bitter."

"It’ll be fine," Cloud Blazer said as he accepted the drink.

One sip nearly made him gag. He’d never been much of a tea drinker, and this kind had a particularly pungent taste that felt like it was pressing against the back of his tongue. It didn’t quite induce a gag reflex, but it was a similar sensation.

"Not a fan, I see?" Rarity questioned with a concerned smile.

Cloud Blazer forced a smile of his own and said, "It’s great. Thank you."

He added some milk to hopefully help the flavor.

Rarity hummed to herself again, "I don’t suppose we could find another pegasus to carry you back to Ponyville?"

"Maybe we could get a balloon," Fluttershy suggested.

"Well, that would certainly do the job, but I’m afraid it would take quite a while to get to Ponyville by balloon."

"No," Cloud Blazer answered. "Rarity’s right, that’s too slow. The longer we’re over open skies, the more danger we’ll be in. Just flying, we got into trouble twice on the way here."

"Not only that, but there’s another push on," Rarity added. "I heard that they’re not allowing any civilian travel for the next few days."

"That doesn’t apply to us," Cloud Blazer answered. "Pixyglitter and I are EUP, and we have travel orders."

"But, doesn’t that mean that we can’t go without you?" Fluttershy asked.

Cloud Blazer sighed, a powerful sensation of defeat hanging over him like a storm cloud.

"Well, we’ll just have to find a way," Rarity said before sipping her tea. She looked at the late afternoon outside and added, "Since we seem to have some time, why not tell me what this business is all about."

Cloud Blazer took a breath and organized his thoughts before beginning. He told Rarity everything he could remember from the moment he first fell into Ghastly Gorge, mainly the dreams and how he met Pixyglitter. The mare listened patiently without commenting as she sipped her tea. He omitted everything that had happened between himself and Scootaloo. Her eyes grew wide with the story of the shared dream that he and Pixyglitter had experienced. It was dark by the time he finished telling how they had arrived in Manehattan.

"Anyway, when we couldn’t find you, we went to visit Pixyglitter’s parents. I think I don’t want to go through that again," he added with a twinge of the anger remaining.

"My, my," Rarity finally spoke, "that is quite a story."

"So, you’ll come with us?" Fluttershy ventured.

Rarity let out a light giggle, "Why, of course, darling! You know I’d come just because you asked."

That, at least, made Cloud Blazer feel a little better. However, it didn’t solve the problem that was in front of them. If they didn’t get Pixyglitter to go with them, and soon, they would lose any chance they had of making the trip. Their travel orders would expire, and there was no telling how long they’d be stuck in Manehattan. Everypony’s thoughts were broken by the air raid sirens blaring across the night.

"Leave the dishes," Rarity said flatly. "Quickly now, both of you go to the restroom."

Cloud Blazer stood and followed Fluttershy into the hallway and then the restroom, each step sending shocks of pain from his hind leg. A moment later, they were in complete darkness. Fluttershy squealed in fear.

"Sorry for the fright," Rarity said from the other room.

A moment later, a faint blue magical glow from Rarity’s horn dimly lit the restroom. She followed them into the cramped space and shut the door. With three ponies inside, there was hardly any free room. Cloud Blazer wedged himself between the wall and the bathtub while Fluttershy was seated on the commode. Rarity had her back to the door, and the three of them were nearly nose to nose. Fluttershy whimpered.

"There, there, darling," Rarity consoled her in a hushed tone, "it’s going to be okay."

"Does this happen often?" Cloud Blazer asked.

"Not every day, if that’s what you mean, but frequently enough I suppose."

Fluttershy was shaking a little, "I don’t like this!"

"Don’t you worry about it in the slightest. Most likely it is just a precaution. I’ve been living in this apartment since the war broke out, and nothing remotely dangerous has ever hit us here. Most likely there is an attack closer than they’d like. We turn off the lights so we don’t become targets."

Cloud Blazer shifted his weight, his flank brushing up against the curtain that concealed the bathtub. Then a stabbing pain ripped into his hindquarters. He gnashed his teeth together, letting out a growl as he turned his body away from the injury. His right side hit the wall, sending a second shock of pain through him.

The stallion pulled the curtain back, prepared to launch an attack in the confined space. The dim light of Rarity’s horn revealed a pair of glowing eyes staring back. A hiss menaced him from the tub.

"Opalescence!" Rarity scolded, "How many times have I told you to stay out of the bath! I’m terribly sorry about that, Cloud Blazer. I’m afraid she has been rather cranky these last few years."

The wounded stallion decided that direct action would be unwarranted, and let his anger steam for a few deep breaths. The cat meowed unhappily, her tail flicking back and forth.

"Don’t worry about it," Cloud Blazer finally glowered. "I’ve had worse."

The injury wasn’t severe, but he was bleeding just below his cutie mark on his left side. As they grew quiet, the sounds of magical attacks could be heard outside. It mostly sounded like concussion magic, echoing dull thuds thought the city. There was also no small amount of shouting.

Cloud Blazer broke their silence, "Looks like the changelings are trying for the city again."

"I’m not surprised, but I think it a foolish maneuver."

"You do?" Fluttershy asked, a quiver in her voice.

"Why, of course! Even if our standing force isn’t enough, there are thousands of recruits that are finishing up their training here. I’ve seen them called out before. It was quite a sight, I assure you."

The mention of this brought powerful memories back to Cloud Blazer. In his mind, he saw Canterlot in flames once again. The fighting that swept through the streets of the capitol and their defense of the tower where they’d taken shelter with Brax and Lighthoof all came back as well. He could almost smell the smoke from that day.

"So, we just wait here?" Fluttershy brought Cloud Blazer back to the moment.

"It’s all we can do," he replied. "I just wish Pixyglitter had come back with us."

"I’m sure they are taking similar precautions at her apartment."

"I know they are; I just wish she was here with us,” he repeated.

He felt little fear from their current situation. It was mostly despair at the way everything had unfolded. The widespread fighting may cause their travel orders to be overruled, Pixyglitter to help them fly or not. He sighed, swallowing his longing for the day to have gone differently.

Cloud Blazer was slowly becoming aware that it was more than just because he needed help flying that he wished Pixyglitter had come with them. They’d spent so much time together that he genuinely missed her now that she was gone. He knew that there was nothing he could do. She had willingly stayed behind, and that was that.

The stallion took a deep breath and refocused on what was most important in front of him. No matter what it took, they had to get Rarity back to Ponyville, the future of Equestria depended on it.

Author's Note:

So... I've got a small announcement to make... There will be a short break after this chapter. I know I've been posting every day for... several chapters... Anyway, I was reading ahead, and I found some things coming up that need to be addressed in deeper revision than I've been able to get away with for the last few. It is my intent to be back posting within a week... maybe two... Rest assured, the story already has an ending, I just need to make sure that some of the revisions made to this point play out properly. :twilightsheepish:

Which brings me to the second part of this... We are almost at the end of this journey. :fluttershysad: Not counting extras like prologue/epilogue sort of things, there are 41 chapters. That means that there are only three more. :derpyderp1: It makes me a little sad, because I'm having so much fun doing this, but it can't go on forever. I do already have inspiration for another story, though I think it will be far less grand than this one. I can't even guess when I'd be posting it, as I've had so much focus on this that I haven't been writing anything else.

Also... I have been asked to edit and rewrite an original story by someone else that could actually be published, so that will be my next project (after this one is completed).

I'm starting to ramble. Sorry about that. :twilightblush:

Anyway, hold on to your hats, because things are about to get crazy! Will Cloud Blazer be able to save the Princesses? How is Pixyglitter going to function, now that she's at home? Duster had the ear of the prince, but was sent out with not further orders; is there any way he can help his comrades in arms? Will Scootaloo,with her new-found cutie-mark, be able to slow down the timberwolves and save Ponyville? Find out when we return with the next exciting chapter! :rainbowdetermined2:


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