• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

  • ...

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21 - Discovery, Part 4 of 7

Sparklefly felt like she was going to be sick. With all of the strength she had in her, she trudged wearily behind Scootaloo. Loud music aside, the victory celebration had been rather tame, but the combination of a lack of sleep and the apple cider had left her feeling horrible. With the food shortages, she had grown unaccustomed to sweet beverages, and the cider on an empty stomach was making her regret the frivolity of the previous night. One cider would have probably been okay, but she’d had five.

“This isn’t the training ground,” Sparklefly observed woozily.

“We’re heading to Java’s.”

“It’s Sunday.”

“She told me she was opening this morning since nopony got any sleep last night.”

Sparklefly groaned, “You sound far too chipper this morning.”

"Stop being such a baby," Scootaloo teased.

"What did you say?" Sparklefly turned slowly.

"Stop being a baby, ma’am!” Scootaloo teased again with a salute.

Sparklefly snorted a laugh, but felt so queasy that she had to stop. Apparently, Scootaloo had only consumed the one cider. She must have been sipping on it the entire time. Sparklefly specifically remembered that she'd still had a drink when they were getting ready to leave. As they approached, Scootaloo ran around and opened the door for Sparklefly, which was a welcome gesture. The smell of coffee kissed Sparklefly's face, making her smile. She didn't drink it often, but something bitter like coffee was the only thing that sounded palatable in her current condition. There were several ponies in line, but it didn't take the pair long to reach the counter. Java Chip looked about like Sparklefly felt, but she was still wearing a smile.

"I'd like a mocha latte with whipped cream," Scootaloo placed her order.

"How in in the wide, wide world of Equestria can you even think about something sweet right now?" Sparklefly asked.

"I told you to go easy on the cider," Scootaloo replied.

Sparklefly frowned, ”No you didn't."

"Yeah, you're right. I didn't," Scootaloo grinned wide.

"What'll you have?" Java Chip asked, her voice weary but cheerful.

"Just black coffee, the darkest you have,” Sparklefly said, just trying to keep from being ill.

As Java Chip got started, she asked, "Have either of you seen Swiftlight this morning?"

"Not me," Scootaloo said.

"No," Sparklefly replied. "Maybe he's still out on maneuvers? The corps clerk last night said that he didn't know when they were due back."

“Yeah, but it's just weird. He told me he was going to be here this morning," Java Chip said as she put down Sparklefly's steaming cup of coffee before her. The deep rich aroma filled her nostrils, beginning to push the sickness away. "He can be a jerk sometimes, but he's usually pretty good about being where he says he'll be."

"Maybe he didn't know how long they were going to be out last night?" Scootaloo offered.

Sparklefly took a small sip. The coffee was too hot to drink, and she burned her tongue a little. It was worth it for the relief that grew inside her. She felt herself, for a moment, taken back to her family’s kitchen in Apple Loosa, when her dad had first given her coffee to try.

"Maybe," Java Chip replied as she worked her machines to create Scootaloo's drink. Steam was puffing out of the top of it as she worked. She seemed unconcerned about the leak and unconvinced about Swiftlight’s absence.

"Don't worry," Sparklefly came back to the moment and put the memory away. "If we see him, we'll let him know that you're looking for him."

"Thanks," Java Chip replied with a small smile.

They paid and left, walking slowly back to the training ground on the west side of Ponyville. It was when they reached the perimeter that the coffee had cooled enough for Sparklefly to take a long, satisfying drink. It warmed her inside and out, and she began to feel like herself again. It was not a cold morning, but storm clouds were rolling in. They'd have rain by the evening without fail. Sparklefly caught herself unconsciously rubbing her eye patch as they waited for the shield to be opened.

"Does it hurt?" Scootaloo asked.

Feeling embarrassed, Sparklefly stopped and quickly replied, "No... it just itches a little."

Scootaloo nodded but didn't say any more, for which Sparklefly was grateful. By the time they reached Scootaloo's tent, they had both finished their coffee and discarded the empty cups. Sparklefly checked the time, and found that they were due at morning assembly in only thirteen minutes.

"Right on time," Scootaloo said with a grin as she entered the tent. "What in Equestria?"

"Are you alright?" Sparklefly asked. She was about to follow Scootaloo in to see what was wrong, but Scootaloo came out.

"My squad isn't here," she said with a dumbfounded look on her face.

Sparklefly's head tilted as she considered this. She was immediately concerned for her brother's safety, "Well, we'd best find them. You go check with the guards at the perimeter. I'll see if I can find Drill Sergeant J."

Scootaloo nodded and began heading back the way they’d come. Sparklefly briskly walked in the other direction, but when she arrived at the assembly area, her worry abated, giving way to anger. Scootaloo's squad was there, and they looked horrible. Completely covered in dirt, grime, and sweat, they were now being made to leap into the air from lying down, and then return to that starting position. Every one of them was drenched with sweat.

"What do you think, Featherplume, have they had enough yet?" Drill Sergeant J asked loudly.

"Yes, sir, I do," she replied.

"Five minutes rest!" he bellowed.

Sparklefly was trying to remain calm and assess the situation. When rest was called out, the entire squad collapsed on the ground gasping for air. Her brother was no exception. His chest heaved as he lay on his back. It wounded her to see him like that.

"Drill Sergeant, a word," Sparklefly said.

The donkey and the pegasus instructors quickly moved to her and put themselves at attention.

"Why has this squad been singled out this morning?" Sparklefly asked in a voice low enough to not be heard by anypony else.

"Sir, they performed poorly yesterday, and they are receiving extra attention, sir!" Drill Sergeant J said sharply.

"Is your intention to exhaust them so that they will be continually unable to perform?"

"Sir, no sir."

"Then explain yourself."

Drill Sergeant J made eye contact with Sparklefly for the first time. His no-nonsense persona was not an act. She could see in his eyes nothing but a rigidity that she’d not ever witnessed before. He was hard like a rock, "Permission to speak freely, sir?"

She nodded.

"You seem to have personal interest in Cadet Duster, sir," he said.

Sparklefly considered her response, but decided to be direct, "He's my brother."

"I see, sir. I am following your order to make him the best soldier I can, sir," his gruff voice was putting Sparklefly on edge. "Might I suggest, that you let me help him grow up, sir."

She wanted to change things somehow, to help keep him from any agony, but the drill sergeant was correct. Duster had always been a soft-spirited colt. If he were to become a soldier, his best chance to survive was to be trained well. Her heart was heavy, but there was nothing to do but trust the drill sergeants.

“Very well. Carry on," Sparklefly said to him.

Both drill sergeants saluted and went back to Scootaloo's squad. They lay on the earth, still heaving for breath. Sparklefly decided that she should leave before Duster noticed her.

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