• Published 29th Jan 2016
  • 1,753 Views, 1,533 Comments

The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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16 Injustice

Cloud Blazer found himself walking the deserted streets of Ponyville. A thick smoke was filling the air. It was kind of funny: he couldn't smell it. It was definitely smoke, not fog, but unscented smoke. He walked around for what seemed like an eternity, a specter of trepidation leading him on. The longer he walked the more he became afraid. It had begun as a shadow of a thought, but it grew stronger in his mind. The fear that there were no other ponies, that he was the last one, had become overwhelming. It was quite a terrifying prospect. He began shouting for anypony to answer, but nopony came. He was becoming frantic, charging through the streets. He went to Sweet Apple Acres, but it was empty, just as every other place was. He sat down, bewildered, but then heard a voice behind him.

"Come with me."

Turning around, he saw Scootaloo, but it wasn't her voice.

"Scootaloo! I'm so glad you're safe!" he cried out as he galloped to the mare and embraced her.

She didn't react at all. She just stood there like a statue. When he let go, it was a stone statue of Princess Twilight Sparkle he was holding. Backing away from it, he was now on top of the Princess of Friendship's tower.

"Come with me," the same voice said from the stairs that led inside.

It still had the body of Scootaloo, but he knew it wasn't her. He followed the figure into the castle. The smoke seemed to be coming from somewhere inside. They walked down the corridors, their hooves clicking against the stone floors. Cloud Blazer noticed that the tapestries and stained glass windows had changed. They depicted a story, his story, right up to the last battle he fought in the forest. There were others also, things that he didn't understand. One looked like a massive explosion in the Everfree forest. Another looked like Las Pegasus was on fire. There was one with some kind of brawl at Sweet Apple Acres, and another with a great assembly in Ponyville at the town hall.

"What do these mean?" Cloud Blazer asked.

The form of Scootaloo stopped, slowly turning her head to face him. The strange voice said, "Come with me."

It turned and continued walking. As the stallion followed, the smoke seemed to be getting even more dense. They went down what had to be ten different flights of stairs. The air was so thick now that he could barely see in front of him. There was a light ahead. He followed the form of Scootaloo to a door at the end of a long corridor, the source of the smog. It was glowing silver like the full moon. The form of Scootaloo walked through it as if it weren't there. Cloud Blazer found it more solid than did the apparition. He pushed against the door, but it wouldn't budge. He strained with all of his effort, but he felt weak. Examining the door, he noticed that there were several keyholes along one side. They had different shapes: some more jagged and pointy, others more round with softer curves. He counted five of them.

"Use the keys,” the voice said from inside the door. “Come to me.”

Looking around, the hallway was empty. Cloud Blazer couldn't see far for the thick smoke that was emanating from the door. He turned and galloped up the hallway. At the other end, he found another door. This one opened with a creak, shattering as it swung back. As he stepped out, Cloud Blazer realized that he was now in Sugar Cube Corner. There were sweets everywhere: cupcakes, custards, and pies of all varieties. It was a wondrous bounty that no pony had seen since the war began. As he picked up a cupcake, he had kind of a giddy feeling all over. It sprang from his grasp, bouncing away from him as if by its own will. Hot in pursuit, he chased the cupcake through the door, out of Sugar Cube Corner, and through the streets of Ponyville. It was incredibly fast, and it was already outpacing him. Cloud Blazer stretched out his wings and took to the air, speeding along to keep up with the bouncy cupcake. The next thing he knew, he was standing in front of the castle again. The misty smoke was flooding from the front door.

Then he woke up. Still immobilized and in excruciating pain, Cloud Blazer finally understood that he had been dreaming again.


Swiftlight didn't realize that he'd fallen asleep until he awoke. From his hiding place in the corner behind the bookshelves, he could see morning sunlight flooding through the damaged windows. There was still a great deal of dust in the air, but there was an eerie calm that bordered on complete silence. There weren’t even any birds singing. A little groggy, he checked himself for the extent of his injuries. The stallion was relieved to find only a few bumps and bruises, other than the bite on his fore-leg. His neck was even more stiff than it had been the night before. He had trouble turning his head. The energy burn on his back didn’t feel too serious, but it ached. As he stood and took his first step out of the corner, he realized too late that his front right leg had fallen asleep from how he had leaned on it in the night. He crumpled to the ground as it gave way. Wide awake now, he jumped back up and reared back on his hind legs, picking his front right leg up with his left. There was absolutely no feeling at all and he couldn’t move it. He used his left to move it, but it hung there like a dead appendage. Disturbing as this was, the experience was short-lived. Within moments it began to feel like pins and needles were stabbing him from just below his right shoulder all the way down to his hoof. He shook it vigorously and walked out on three legs, carefully inspecting the hallway. It was completely deserted. He then turned and crept up to the window, slowly peering outside.

The scene that lay before Swiftlight was utterly appalling. The dead timberwolves, changelings, and ponies were piled so thick through the square that he could hardly see the ground. What of the street was visible was stained red from the fallen. Other than smoke rising from several small fires, everything was completely still. He shook his head to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The pain in his stiff neck and his leg waking up helped confirm that what he was seeing was real. It appeared as if both EUP regiments had been slaughtered trying to gain entry to the mill, and they had taken at least as many timberwolves with them. The strangest thing was how it was now completely abandoned, only a few hours later. If the changelings had wanted the mill so badly, why discard it once the EUP soldiers were out of the way? Why hadn't more reinforcements arrived to safeguard the mill and the grain that was inside? Swiftlight knew one thing for certain: those answers were not going to be found where he presently stood.

Finding his way to the bottom floor was uneventful aside from his leg becoming fully functional again, but he kept his makeshift spear close all the same. Getting outside proved more of a challenge. The dead were so thick against the sides on the ground level that every door and window seemed blocked. Returning to the second floor, Swiftlight found a room that had blast damage where the wall should have been. He carefully crawled out and dropped down. Landing in a pile of bodies was rather unsettling to say the least. The mingled smells were even worse once he was on the ground. The stink of timberwolves, smoke, and blood all permeated the air. Stepping as carefully as he could, Swiftlight worked his way to the center of the square where Colonel Greymane had been. He searched the bodies that were there, but he didn't see Greymane or the lieutenant that had been with him. If they had been killed, they had moved to a different position first. Swiftlight continued on toward the mill. The only sound was the noise of the stallion walking through the aftermath of the battle. He picked up a discarded spear, a new knife, and some arrows for his crossbow. His senses were keen, but nothing stirred.

There was no longer a magical shield protecting the grain mill. Cautiously entering, surprise is what met the captain more than anything else. It was completely empty inside. More than that, there was the complete lack of any sign of a struggle. Had the EUP forces been wiped out before the changelings got in? Where was the grain? Did the changelings take it all in just a few hours? Swiftlight didn't think they’d have been able to empty the supplies that quickly, but there was nothing more he could do here. He very much felt that the longer he stayed separated from the other soldiers, the more likely it became that the changelings might find him first. As he exited the mill, his ears picked up the distinct sound of a train engine. Swiftlight galloped west through vacant streets the short distance to the railroad. He arrived to find the tracks as empty as the rest of the town, discarded bodies and other debris notwithstanding. Turning north, he could see the train was approaching slowly. Any moment now, the reinforcements that they had sent from Ponyville the night before would begin to pour out and he could join them.

Swiftlight stood there as the train approached. The engine lazily pulled up and past him. The locomotive showed no signs of slowing. It simply continued puffing by at idle speed. No ponies got off, and none were on top of the cars either. After several went by with no change, Swiftlight decided that this needed to be investigated. He stowed his spear in favor of his crossbow and knife, galloped alongside the train and jumped onto the staircase on one of the cars. The door was unlatched. Pushing it open, he went inside. The captain rounded the corner into the car to find nothing in his line of sight. There were no enemies, no allies, nopony at all. Swiftlight’s heart began pounding as he walked through the empty passenger car. There were no signs of a fight, or anything else for that matter. The train, inside and out, seemed perfectly intact. It was as if everypony had simply decided to get off at some point. Working his way from there toward the engine, he only found more of the same. The entire train was empty. The only thing that seemed out of place was some of the doors were opened as he went by them. When he arrived at the engine, it was not surprising to find no engineers. Swiftlight stowed his crossbow and located the brake. He pulled it, bringing the mechanical behemoth groaning to a halt. He had ridden it all the way to the edge of town as he had moved through the dozen or so cars he had checked. If they had still been loaded, he should have seen hundreds of ponies crammed inside.

Swiftlight exited the train into tall, yellow desert grasslands on the south side of the city. It would have been delightful if the variety had been edible. But for the sound of some crickets, and the outgassing of the brakes on the train as they released steam into the air, it was completely quiet outside. The perplexed captain turned and walked back up the train toward town, looking around, but seeing only the countryside and the city around him. Then the crickets went dead silent.

"Shambulia!" a deep voice called loudly from somewhere behind, a cry that was echoed hundreds of times over in a moment.

Swiftlight turned quickly on his hooves, dropping into a combat stance and bringing his spear to bear, gripping it tightly. As he came around, he saw what had to be hundreds of armored zebras charging directly at him. The entire horde of them let out a fierce battle cry as they rushed at him, and his courage melted. Spinning around again, Swiftlight galloped farther back into the city as fast as his hooves would carry him. They were fast, too fast; the zebras were gaining on him. He dropped his spear and pressed as hard as he could go. Their wicked cries were drawing closer as they thundered across the plain behind him. Finding an open door into one of the cars, Swiftlight mounted the steps, but then was pulled backward off of the train by one of the zebras. He turned, pushing his attacker away, and continued running back toward the city at a full gallop. He kept close to the train on his left side, and by the time he realized the error of that strategy, it was too late. A zebra came out from one of the cars and dove down into Swiftlight's legs, tripping him.

The world spun around and then he slammed into the ground hard, rolling in the field by the train. He tumbled over and over before coming to rest with the taste of blood and earth in his mouth. He was dizzy, but he tried to get up. Before he could regain his senses, the zebras had him pinned down, and several of them were whooping cries that terrified the lone soldier. Worse than this was the realization that if the zebras would attack an EUP officer on sight, it could only mean that they must have joined forces with the changelings, and they had come to support the attack against Las Pegasus.

"Je, wewe ni rafiki au adui?" one of them said.

Another raised up a short spear aggressively. It was about half the length of an EUP spear, but the sharpened head of it looked every bit as lethal. Swiftlight wanted to fight, even though he knew the situation was hopeless. On his back, he simply laid there like frightened prey.

"Je, si kumchinja!" another shouted.

One that was decorated in red armor approached through the crowd that had thoroughly surrounded Swiftlight. "Watu watano wa kwenu, kumchukua kwenye ulinzi. Kila mtu mwingine, kuendelea katika mji," it said calmly.

This seemed more like an order. Swiftlight had not seen the half of them initially; there were thousands upon thousands of zebras. The entire mass of them continued on into the city, leaving only five guarding the EUP captain. His heart was pounding hard in his chest as he caught his breath. He had only seen a single zebra before, the mare that lived in Ponyville, but he had heard of them. They lived in lands far to the south, and their dark magic was the stuff of ghost stories back home in Van Hoover.

The five were chattering amongst themselves for a moment, and then one spoke directly to Swiftlight, “Kuinuka na kufuata yetu."

He lay there looking back, not daring to move. Pointing directly at Swiftlight, it spoke again, “Wewe." The zebra then motioned with both fore-hooves with them down, and then lifting them up saying, “Kuinuka." He repeated this, and Swiftlight decided it was telling him to get up.

Carefully avoiding any sudden movements, Swiftlight rolled over, placing his hooves on the ground once more. He sat there a moment, looking up at the zebra that had addressed him. It nodded at him, and Swiftlight began to stand slowly. "Unaweza kuona? Yeye gani kuwa na ubongo," he said, causing the others to chortle for a moment. Looking at the rest of his captors, Swiftlight could see at least three of them had their spears at the ready. Despite their seemingly jovial attitude, if he tried to run, he'd likely not make it far. The one in red armor seemed to be their leader.

He spoke again, "Sefu, wewe kuangalia naye kutoka nyuma ya."

One of the others that wore a necklace made of teeth nodded and walked around behind Swiftlight. Not otherwise moving, Swiftlight turned his stiff neck as far as he could manage, wincing as he did. The zebra kept the business end of his spear pointed at him. Turning back, the one in the red armor that had addressed him previously came close. He produced a small container and opened it. He dipped his hoof in a thick green paste and reached for Swiftlight. Without taking a step, he recoiled as far as he was able. The zebra stopped a moment, and then continued more slowly. He wiped the sludge in a pattern on the EUP captain’s face. Then the zebra stepped back, regarding him for a moment. With a nod, the rest of them lowered their spears. Zebra magic was fabled to have all sorts of abilities to curse and control one. Swiftlight didn’t know what the green paste was supposed to do to him, but he didn’t feel any different. Though their wary eyes still followed him, they seemed a little more at ease. They didn’t take his crossbow or knife away, which the stallion found strange.

Red armor spoke again. "Zuberi," he said, touching his right-fore hoof to his own chest. "Jina langu ni Zuberi.”

"Zuberi," Swiftlight repeated.

The red armored zebra, Zuberi, stood there silently for a moment. He had a look of expectation on his face.

The EUP captain slowly lifted a hoof, touching his own armored chest and said, “Swiftlight.”

The heavy accent came back, “Sweeft Lahght.”

Swiftlight nodded.

Zuberi smiled at him, and then motioned with one hoof. From extended out, he brought it close to him, and then repeated this, saying, "Kuja.” Swiftlight took a slow step toward Zuberi, who smiled at him again. He then held his hoof straight at Swiftlight and said, “Kuacha." Swiftlight stopped, and Zuberi smiled once more. He then put his hoof high and brought it down half way, saying, “Kujificha." He repeated this motion. Swiftlight turned his head as far as the stiffness in his neck would allow as he tried to understand. The zebra repeated it again, and Swiftlight dropped down to the ground, laying flat. Zuberi’s grin grew large this time, and he said, "Nzuri sana. Tunaweza kufanya kazi na hili."

They repeated this exersise several times. Swiftlight decided that 'kuacha' must mean halt or stop. 'Kuja' would have to be follow or perhaps come here. 'Kujificha' was said when they wanted him to lay down. He wasn't sure if this was to show submission, or if they taught him this in case they ran into trouble. After they practiced these no fewer than a dozen times, with him laying down, and then being told to 'kuja,' and then 'kuacha,' again and again, they finally began moving into the city.

Of all of the outcomes Swiftlight had imagined, he never considered being taken prisoner as a likely scenario. He'd always imagined that he'd go out gloriously fighting to the death face to face with the enemy, if it ever came to that. In spite of his preconceptions, here he was, being marched back into the city, a prisoner of a zebra horde. All he needed was the right opportunity to escape. Then he could find an EUP unit and let them know that the zebras were a new enemy that would have to be dealt with. The ramifications of this information were astounding, but it was odd that they hadn’t taken his weapons. They were walking up a street now that was littered with rubble and timberwolf bodies. If he were being magically controlled, wouldn’t he be able to feel it? It was an unsettling thought, especially since his own survival depended on complying for the moment. He would just have to take his chance when the time came.

"Kujificha!" Zuberi yelled loudly, and all of the others dropped to the ground behind what they could find, some a large bench, one a trash can.

Swiftlight hesitated a moment, forgetting what kujificha meant. As the realization hit him, so did a sweeping kick from the zebra that was behind him. As he fell, a deadly bolt of changeling magic sizzled through the air, just missing Swiftlight's face, and catching the edge of his helmet with a dull thudding sound. His head was tossed as he struck the ground, and pain shot through his neck. He rolled off to one side, hiding behind an abandoned carriage that Zuberi was also using for cover. He was incapacitated for a moment by the pain.

Swiftlight hadn't seen where it had come from, and it took him a moment to regain his hooves. The zebras were completely quiet. They were all looking around, mostly trying to see forward. Zuberi ducked just as another shot sizzled harmlessly past, impacting on something farther down the street. Now Swiftlight was even more confused. Changelings were shooting at the zebras. The stallion quickly decided that he may have misunderstood why he was taken prisoner. The zebras must have suspected that he was a changeling. At the very least, he was quite grateful that they kept him alive to find out for certain.

The zebras chattered something in their native tongue for a moment. Then Zuberi began giving orders and pointing.

“Sefu na Ishara, wewe mbili kwenda karibu na upande wa kushoto. Safi na Zakiya, kupata njia yako karibu ubavu wa kulia. Sweeft Laght na mimi ni kwenda up katikati.”

From what Swiftlight read of Zuberi’s gestures, it looked like he was going to send Sefu and Ishara to try the left flank, Safi and Zakiya around the right, while he and Swiftlight charged the middle. The captain looked around the corner, and then understood better better what the plan must involve. There were several places up the street to take cover; now if he just knew where the sniper was-

A flash of green light shot right at him, and Swiftlight dropped to the hard surface of the street. He pulled his head back in before they could get another shot off, but now he knew where the enemy was positioned. At least one sniper was on the roof of a three-story building about four blocks away. There would be easy access from either of the side streets.

"Kuja," Zuberi said, looking directly at Swiftlight. "Kuja," he repeated, tapping his own chest with his hoof.

Swiftlight nodded in agreement. "Kuja," he replied, pointing from himself to Zuberi.

Adrenaline was already flowing in anticipation of the next moment. They were about to spring out toward their objectives, and Swiftlight's looked to be straight toward the sniper. He loaded an arrow, but realized that he and Zuberi were basically bait. He wondered briefly if anypony else got as nervous as he did when they knew they were in harm's way. Mane Crusher always seemed cold like ice, especially in the worst of situations. Those thoughts had to be pushed aside. All that mattered right now was to focus on the problem at hoof. Get the sniper; don't get killed.

Zuberi shouted, "Shambulia!"

Like a flash, the other two pairs of zebras sprang from their cover, and Zuberi charged forward with Swiftlight on his tail. As they came out, the changeling opened up rapid fire at the group that went left, and then redirected at Zuberi. Swiftlight took aim, let his arrow fly, and then galloped after the red armored zebra. They turned right, running around a cart and back to the left, zigzagging their way up the street. Several shots rained down around them, the street stones exploding when hit. Swiftlight's legs were peppered with the shards of rock that blew out in every direction, an indication that his own shot had missed. They continued on and had almost reached a dumpster when Zuberi took a direct hit in the head. He collapsed to the ground, falling next to the dumpster. Swiftlight ran into it, almost at full speed for fear of slowing down. He turned at the last second, letting his armor take the brunt of the impact as he slammed into the trash bin with a loud clang. Turning about, he was surprised to find that Zuberi was back on his hooves, crouched down.

Swiftlight motioned at his helmet, and Zuberi smiled at him, knocking a hoof against it. The surface was barely even burned by the magic. A direct hit like that would have incinerated an EUP soldier, armored or not. The sniper fire stopped completely, and it again grew quiet. Zuberi put his head up, looking over the dumpster for a moment, and then dropping down again. He pointed left across the street. Swiftlight nodded.

"Kuja!" he said, darting out of their hiding place.

Swiftlight followed close behind. They weren't taking any fire just yet. Glancing up at the roof ahead, he couldn't see the changeling anymore. Magical energy began raining down around them, exploding into the street. Zuberi stumbled as he took another hit, this time on his back. He kept running. Turning hard left, the unlikely pair galloped into a shop. There was a counter, and both of them jumped over it, crashing down behind the makeshift concealment. Swiftlight’s heart was pounding as he lifted up just high enough so he could see. The changeling flew down to land on the street outside. Staying still, he watched the onyx equine as it approached the building. It looked tired and was breathing heavily. A little steam was coming off of its horn. Zuberi had his short spear ready; he was also looking over the counter. They both slowly ducked behind it, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Swiftlight quietly retrieved an arrow and pulled back the action on his crossbow. He had five arrows remaining, but would likely only have time for one. They listened to the clicking of the changeling's hooves against the street. Tension filled the pair like a rubber band that was stretched as far as it can go. They breathed silently, waiting, anticipating. Zuberi’s mouth moved as if he were speaking, but he made no noise.

The sound of the hooves changed the moment they came through the door, and that's when Zuberi sprang up, throwing his spear. It zipped silently through the air as the changeling let out a blast of magic. Wood splintered in every direction from the counter as a hole was blasted through it. Swiftlight and his new friend leapt out ready to fight only to discover that the spear had hit its mark. The blow was fatal, and the changeling lay dying in the entrance of what Swiftlight decided was a carriage repair shop. They stood there a moment, still ready for action, but all the changeling did was gasp for air. It looked rather pitiful just now, and Swiftlight might have felt sorry had it not been trying to kill them only moments before. As it was, he felt no pity, shame, or remorse at the outcome.

"That's what you get," Swiftlight said coldly.

Zuberi shot him a disapproving look, and then shook his head. The changeling tried to speak, but was unable as the spear had pierced his lungs. The zebra took a hold of his weapon; pulling it out, he finished the changeling quickly. He then checked outside briefly and afterward did something that Swiftlight didn't understand. Zuberi knelt down by the changeling, put his hoof over his face, covering his eyes. He then closed his own eyes, and gently said, "Sisi walikuwa maadui katika maisha haya. Natumaini sisi kupata njia yetu katika amani katika maisha yajayo."

Barely a moment after he said this, the rest of the zebra squad came upon them suddenly, spears poised to strike. When they saw the changeling and Zuberi, they simply turned around and kept watch. Zuberi stood, cleaned his spear, and then looked at Swiftlight. He pointed at Swiftlight's leg, which was bleeding a little from some splinters that had hit him from the counter that they had been hiding behind. It wasn't serious, and Swiftlight tried to communicate this. They seemed to understand his gesturing, and the group went outside. They didn’t say another word to him. It seemed that he had gained some small measure of their trust. Their watchful eyes still followed him as they continued their walk through the battle-torn, deserted city.


Scootaloo stood rigidly as the unpleasant situation unfolded. A lump had formed in her throat. The outburst she’d allowed had felt so satisfying at the moment, but in its wake was only regret and a sinking feeling that everything she had worked so hard for was slipping away.

”Just what in Equestria were you thinking?" Brax yelled hotly.

She and Brax were basically alone in CIC. Among the few officers that were present, there was no small stir concerning her actions at Sweet Apple Acres. The only other one she recognized was Clyde, so stood near the door.

"We are soldiers in service of the civilian authorities. We are here to protect the population, not to attack them!"

"Permission to speak?" Scootaloo asked, trying to swallow the lump.

With a sigh, the captain said, "Go ahead."

"The mayor has no right to command any citizen to do anything with their own land. Furthermore, she was attempting to commit an illegal arrest."

"Is your hearing still weak from that explosion? None of that has anything to do with us," Brax countered. "Those sort of things are for judges and courts to figure out."

"So what was I supposed to do, just let Applejack be taken away?"

“That’s exactly what you should have done.”

“What of justice?”

“Who do you think you are?” Brax rose to shouting again. “You’re not here to dispense justice or your version of it. By Celestia, you’re here to follow orders and protect Equestria. That doesn’t involve policing the citizens, and it certainly doesn’t give you license to harass public officials.”

“But I never touched the mayor.”

“It doesn’t matter! She has already filed a formal complaint that claims your squad assaulted her and interfered with Ponyville police jurisdiction.”

Scootaloo's anger was getting the best of her again. "I thought we were sworn to defend the citizens of Equestria from all threats, foreign and domestic."

"Careful," Brax warned, his own emotions running high. “There are no princesses to bail you out right now. I consider you a friend, but my first duty is to Equestria. I’m going to do everything I can to help you, but if you don't keep your temper under control and your mouth shut until we get through this, you may end up spending the rest of the war in the stockade."

Scootaloo's anger boiled, but she had sense enough to remain silent now. This was incredibly frustrating; it was all just so completely unfair. It was senseless and wrong, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"In the spirit of avoiding further situations, I'm going to request that the mayor stay clear of Sweet Apple Acres until this matter is resolved. This is not something I can enforce. You, on the other hoof are confined to the infirmary until further notice, pending the outcome of my investigation. Sergeant Clyde," Brax called.

"Sir?" Clyde said as he stepped forward.

"Escort the lieutenant to the hospital. I want you to stay with her and keep her away from the mayor.”

"Yes, sir!" Clyde saluted.

"Dismissed," Brax said formally.

Scootaloo saluted, and then turned, walking on three legs out of CIC. She was followed closely by the unicorn. They passed silently through the nearly deserted castle. Scootaloo's thoughts were filled with far too much rage to notice much around her. The anger burned hot at the blatant abuse of power that Diamond Tiara was getting away with. They went down the stairs and out into the morning. It was a clear blue sky with only a few small clouds overhead. They padded though town without speaking, nearly all the way to the hospital.

"Thanks for making my day interesting," Clyde finally said.

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

"I was all set. I just got promoted; hopefully I'll get a squad soon, but for the moment, I get to babysit a hot-head. This is so much better than what I had planned," his voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Scootaloo's instinct was to lash out. Turning suddenly, she got right in Clyde's face. His horn began glowing purple with magic. They stood face to face, both tensed like a pair of cobras ready to strike.

"Just give me an excuse," he said, staring her coldly in the eye.

Before she made an aggressive move, she fought to reign in her frustration. "Glad I could help," she finally managed to deflect.

Turning away from him she continued the short distance and entered the hospital. It was as dismal a place to visit as ever. Shadowed by Clyde, Scootaloo went up to the second floor and down the hallway. She decided that she might as well check on Cloud Blazer while she was here, and he had been moved to a room as the hospital was not so overcrowded as it had been only a day before. Both Zecora and Sweetie Belle were sleeping soundly. Their patient didn't look any better and was still covered in the foul smelling potions.

"A friend of yours?" Clyde asked.

"Yes," Scootaloo replied.

"What happened to him?"

Facing Clyde, she used a menacing tone, "He said the wrong thing to me."

Clyde snorted at her, apparently neither amused nor afraid of her. "You can be as difficult as you like; you're in a heap of trouble one way or the other," he reminded her.

In truth, she didn't need to be reminded. She was already keenly aware of how badly she had jeopardized her career with her latest stunt. Rainbow Dash would not be happy when she found out. Without a doubt the mayor would be making accusations against her specifically. Scootaloo began to feel sick as the lack of sleep caught up to her. She found a spot against the wall by Cloud Blazer’s hospital bed and sat on the floor watching the doctors and nurses pass by in the hallway. Clyde found a place nearby so he could keep an eye on her. It wasn't necessary. At this present moment, Scootaloo was resigned to accept her fate, not having any fight left in her.


Sparklefly, LD, and Lightning Dasher were exiting the castle. The beautiful sunny day was quite the contrast to her spirits, which had become downright gloomy. It hadn’t taken nearly as long as she might have expected for the squad to be escorted to the castle. Brax had wanted to hear their accounts of the events at Sweet Apple Acres, and he sent two squads to ensure that they were brought in without incident. He had them in one at a time in an uncomfortably official manner. They were ordered to not take any similar action, but as their lieutenant had given the orders they followed, Scootaloo was the only one placed under guard for the moment. The fear of punishment had diminished, but now it had transformed into concern for Scootaloo.

"How did it go?" Java Chip greeted them; Apple Bloom, expressionless, was with her.

"Better than expected," Sparklefly attempted to sound cheerful.

"Not in trouble?" Java Chip asked hopefully.

"Well," LD started.

"Sort of,” Lightning Dasher finished.

"Scootaloo is confined to the hospital, pending the outcome of the investigation," Sparklefly said. "Even if she doesn't get court marshaled, there's going to be some kind of disciplinary action. We're not out of this yet."

"Not even close," Java Chip said.

As Apple Bloom spoke, moroseness was what defined her tone, ”Applejack was arrested not five minutes after y'all left.”

"Why that rotten-" both LD and Lightning Dasher started, but they stopped short.

Sparklefly sighed, "And things seemed to be going so well this morning."

They were all feeling the effects of working through the night. Sparklefly unconsciously rubbed at her patched eye.

"Celestia help me, if I ever find a way to fight back, that rotten mayor will be history," LD said.

Lightning Dasher added, "I wish I had hit her. That would have at least made this worth it."

"Keep cool, guys. We have to be careful now," Sparklefly cautioned.

"What if we can fight back?" Java Chip asked.

The other four looked at her; Sparklefly felt a little puzzled.

"I mean, this isn't a fight for hooves, but what if there's another way?" she continued.

"Like what?" Sparklefly asked.

"Diamond Tiara is basically having a power trip," Java Chip said.

"That Diamond Tiara's just awful; she's always been selfish and proud. I guess some ponies never grow up," Apple Bloom added.

“What are you suggesting?” LD asked.

"We take her power away," Java Chip offered. "We have a recall election and get rid of her."

That caused a brief silence. Sparklefly felt it was a nice thought, but it would be incredibly difficult to pull off.

"Even if you manage to get a recall election, you'll need a candidate to replace her," she pointed out.

"It would definitely have to be somepony that's from here. Somepony that everyone knows and respects," Java Chip said, half to herself.

"But who in Ponyville could we find that's that well liked and would want to run against Diamond Tiara?” Apple Bloom asked.

"Why don't you do it?" Lightning Dasher asked Java Chip.

"What, me?" Java Chip seemed a bit surprised at the suggestion. "No way. I'm too busy with getting my coffee business off the ground. Besides, I haven't lived here nearly long enough to earn the kind of trust we're going to need. We can't just build a candidate out of thin air."

"Who's been in town the longest?" LD asked.

Apple Bloom snorted, "No luck there. Diamond Tiara's family has been here since Ponyville was founded. Only Sweet Apple Acres has been here longer."

Sparklefly felt a chill run down her spine. From the corner of her eye, she saw the other three turn to look at Apple Bloom at the same time that she did. They stared at her for a moment.

"What?" she asked.

"Applejack," Sparklefly and Java Chip said together.

"You want my sis' to run for mayor?" Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

"It makes perfect sense," Sparklefly said. "She's the one who was wronged by Diamond Tiara most recently, and your family is the only one that has been here longer."

"Also, Applejack has a huge reputation here," Java Chip said. "I hadn't even met you guys before I commonly heard the phrase, 'honest apple.' Honesty is a great trait in a candidate."

"I don't know," Apple Bloom said doubtfully. "I don't think she'd want to do anything that'll take her off of the farm."

“In her condition, she can’t really work the farm anyway. This could be her best chance to save Sweet Apple Acres," Sparklefly pointed out. "Do you think she’d have a chance against Diamond Tiara?"

“Maybe...” the farm pony was doubtful.

“Would she do it?” Lightning Dasher asked.

Apple Bloom thought for a moment and shrugged, "Well, I guess it can't hurt to ask."

"So, let's go ask!" Java Chip said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

They tried to keep their volume down as they walked to the jail. They didn't want to get too far ahead of themselves. They would have to talk to Applejack first to see if she would even go along with this scheme. If they managed to succeed, it would be a huge commitment for Applejack. She wouldn't be able to give her full attention to running the farm for the foreseeable future.

Sparklefly wasn't sure whether she was more hungry or tired. The satisfying effect of the zap apple she'd eaten earlier had already worn off, but the memory of the flavor was still strong in her mind. She could almost still taste it. The Ponyville jail, not surprisingly, was as quaint in design as the rest of the town. If it hadn't had a sign on the front door indicating the function of the building, Sparklefly wouldn't have been able to pick it out from any of the larger houses that were nearby. They entered carefully, keeping watch for any of the mayor's thugs. None of them were present. There were three simple desks with papers stacked all around, and the unmistakeable scent of chewing tobacco permeated the air. Sitting at one of the desks was the sheriff of Ponyville, the lone occupant of the office. He was an older stallion with a blue coat. His mane, which had once been jet black was going gray, and his long mustache matched. His head was topped with a brown cowboy hat, which was similar to the one Applejack always wore. Strapped to his back was an well used leather saddle that had a rope and keys attached. They jingled as he shifted in his seat.

"Good morning, ladies; sirs," The sheriff greeted them with his tenor voice.

He removed his hat and placed it on the desk.

"Good morning," LD replied.

The sheriff sat up straight, looking at LD and Lightning Dasher. "Now, would you fella's happen to be twins?"

"No, sir," Lightning Dasher began.

"It's kind of complicated," LD continued.

"Yes, they're twins," Sparklefly said. The other's looked at her. "Identical twins."

Sparklefly decided it was the simplest explanation that they’d be able to give for the pair of Dashers. It might also help the way everypony thought about them. The sheriff bore a puzzled look, but his curiosity was interrupted by Apple Bloom stepping out from behind the others.

"We've come to see my sister," she said.

Standing, the sheriff said, "Of course, of course! My apologies, miss Apple Bloom. I didn't see you come in."

"Can we see her?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, ma’am. This whole thing is a rotten business if you ask me. I've known your family ever since I was just a colt. Shoot, I’ve known Applejack since she was just a filly, and she'd never do a thing like she's been accused of. Attacking the mayor my hoof," he said, spitting a wad of tobacco into a brass pot that was on the floor beside his desk. "Pardon me, ladies."

Sparklefly smiled at him, "It's a small matter."

He nodded at her and said, "This way."

They followed him up to the second floor, where an iron door at the top of the stairs was locked. He unclasped the keyring and found the key quickly. He opened the door, which swung easily on well-greased hinges. They followed him into a large room with eight iron cages that filled the entire second floor. There was a kitchen off to one side, but the entire floor was devoid of any kind of solid walls. The hardwood floors creaked under their weight as they walked on them.

"Miss Applejack, you have some visitors," the sheriff called out as they approached.

Applejack was sitting on a stool in the corner of her cell. She looked up at them as they approached. She then stood and wiped her eyes. Sparklefly wasn't sure whether she was tired or if she had been crying. Given her condition, it seemed especially sad to see her incarcerated. It just didn’t seem the right place for an expecting mother to be.

"Hey, sis," Apple Bloom greeted her.

Applejack nodded sullenly.

"I'll leave y'all to it then," the sheriff said as he walked back toward the stairs. He stopped, turning back for a moment, "Just knock hard on the door when you want out." He disappeared through the iron door, closing it solidly behind him. This was followed by the distinct sound of the lock turning a moment later. Sparklefly felt rather uneasy being locked in. She could only imagine how Applejack must be feeling. Realizing that she was unconsciously rubbing her eye, she stopped.

"I'm sorry for all this trouble.”

"It ain't your fault," Applejack said. "If anypony owes an apology, it's me."

"What could you possibly have to be sorry for?" LD asked.

"Apple Bloom, I never believed you when you told me how rotten that Diamond Tiara is," Applejack said. "I should have listened to you."

"Forget it, sis,” Apple Bloom shook her head, her little pink bow tossing as she did.

"What about Scootaloo?" Applejack asked.

"Confined to the hospital pending the outcome of an investigation," Sparklefly answered.

The jailed workhorse sighed.

"Applejack," Java Chip began, "we've been talking. What Diamond Tiara is doing is downright horrible."

"You're telling me," Applejack half-heartedly kicked the bars of her cell, perhaps an indication that some fighting spirit remained within.

"She has to be stopped," Lightning Dasher added.

"And we think you're the mare to stop her," Java Chip continued. "She's trying to take your farm and tell you what to plant. She's done more than that. Have you heard of the ‘small imports business tax'?"

Applejack shook her head.

Java Chip continued, “Most ponies haven’t. It is a tax that new businesses in Ponyville must pay if they meet the following criteria: if they were started in the last five years, if the owner has been a resident of Ponyville for fewer than ten years, if they have fewer than five employees, and if their sales are more than half of an imported good. Do you know how many businesses in Ponyville have to pay that tax?"

Applejack shrugged.

"Just one," Java Chip said. "My coffee house. If that weren't strange enough, this tax wasn't implemented until shortly after I catered Diamond Tiara's birthday party last year. She tried to talk me into giving her half off because it was her birthday, but my business was new. I couldn't afford to take that hit, so I politely explained that I couldn't do that for her. Within two months I got hit with this new tax, and it's all I can do to keep the doors open now."

Sparklefly was suddenly glad that Scootaloo wasn't here with them. She'd probably have grown enraged by this point. Even tempered as the rest of them were, Sparklefly could see that they were all incredibly frustrated by what Java Chip had just told them. Applejack still seemed depressed.

"I really wish I had hit the mayor," Lightning Dasher said.

"Me too," LD agreed.

"I'm sorry for your troubles," Applejack said, “but why are you telling me this particular story just now?"

Java Chip took a breath, "Diamond Tiara is rotten. She is selfish and unscrupulous. She thinks nothing of running over anypony who gets in her way. We have to get rid of her, and we need your help to do it."

Tapping the bars, Applejack asked, "Just how am I supposed to help?"

"We want you to run for mayor," Java Chip said.

Applejack stared back at her blankly.

Apple Bloom added, "We can get a petition going for a recall election. Then it'd be up to a vote."

Shaking her head, Applejack said, "So, first you want to convince all of Ponyville that we need a recall election, and then you want to make them think that I'd make a better mayor?"

"Not all of Ponyville, just a little over half," Sparklefly pointed out with an uneasy smile.

"I don't know nothing about politics," Applejack said.

"We would definitely have to work on that," Java Chip admitted, "but that's the least of our worries. You know a lot about Ponyville.”

"Everypony here likes and respects you," Sparklefly said. "Winning is more about perception than reality. After today, not to mention her tirade in the castle last week, I think you'd easily be perceived as more likable than Diamond Tiara. Besides, you already have a strong sympathy in town because of what happened to the farm. Everything that happened today only helps that.”

"I don't know. I just don't know," Applejack said. "What about Sweet Apple Acres? I won't be able to run the orchard if I'm running Ponyville."

There was silence for a moment.

"If you don't run Ponyville, you may not have Sweet Apple Acres," Java Chip said.

“Not only that, sis, but you can’t work the farm till after your foal comes anyway.”

Sparklefly couldn’t have said any of that better herself. She added, "Do you think the mayor will give up and let you keep the zap apple trees?"

Applejack had the look of hardening resolve as she thought on these things. "No. No I do not," she finally said. Sparklefly was now certain that she was coming around to their thinking. Her demeanor was transforming from having made a decision.

"Well," Applejack said, "we've got a lot to do."

“You’ll do it?” Sparklefly asked; she knew the answer, but she needed to hear it.

“I’ll do it.”

Apple Bloom became excited, speaking rapidly, “We do have a lot to do! Like tell everypony how nasty that Diamond Tiara is, get enough signatures for a recall, run a campaign, have a debate, then an election, and save Sweet Apple Acres!”

"Whoa there, sis, simmer down now,” Applejack said, a hint of levity in her voice. "First thing's first; we've got to get me out of here."

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