• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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38 - Countermeasures, Part 10 of 11

Scootaloo awoke to the sound of alarmed cries going up from the defensive line. She fumbled in her grogginess and set her crossbow forward, facing the enemy, only to discover that there was no attack. It was disorienting, but her eyes quickly scanned the field and confirmed that the timberwolves were still out of range. Her ears must have also been sleepy to misinterpret what she had heard.

Now awakening completely, cries of joy were what met her; spirits were rallying. Turning to the rear, Scootaloo saw two regiments of zebras approaching at a trot. They were laden with saddle bags as they drew near the line. Leading them was a blue pegasus with a multicolored mane; Rainbow Dash had arrived.

"Keep watch on the timberwolves,” Scootaloo said to a nearby officer, "If they move within range, give the order to fire."

"Yes ma’am!" the stallion replied.

Scootaloo stood, her legs were stiff and tired. She forced them into motion and hobbled at first toward the advancing zebras. Just as her legs fell back into the rhythm of walking, her blood ran cold. Could this be a trap? Scootaloo’s heart pounded inside her chest. Turning to her own force, she spotted Clyde.

"You, come with me," she ordered.

"Ma’am!" the unicorn replied.

Jumping to his hooves, he followed after Scootaloo. She increased her speed to a canter to gain some distance between herself and the others. It seemed a small enough force, but she didn’t need to take any chances. As they drew close, Scootaloo halted and held up her hoof, signaling the newcomers to stop. They complied. Rainbow Dash and one zebra approached alone; they were adorned with the zebras’ green magical paint.

"Hey kid," the commander said.

"Commander Dash," Scootaloo replied. "My apologies, but I need to scan you."

Rainbow Dash grinned, "You go right ahead, but we’re going to slime you with this green gunk."

Scootaloo nodded to Clyde but didn’t take her eyes off of the other two. Golden light showered over each of them in turn as the unicorn used his magic to verify their identities.

"They’re clear," he said.

Scootaloo felt herself let out a sigh of relief.

"Great, you’re turn," Commander Rainbow Dash nodded at her zebra counterpart.

The gruff-looking warrior stepped forward and took a small tightly-woven pouch and squeezed the familiar green paste onto a hoof. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them and smeared the sludge on Scootaloo’s left cheek and down her chin.

"Hebu kweli yako kuwa wazi,“ he said in his native tongue before continuing with a thick accent, “Let your truth be revealed.”

The zebra repeated this ritual on Clyde before stepping back. After waiting a moment, he seemed satisfied.

Rainbow Dash concluded, "Now that that’s out of the way, I heard that you were short on supplies, so we brought food, water, and two-thousand fresh warriors.”

A strange mixture of emotions churned inside Scootaloo at the rekindling of a spark of hope. She nearly forgot herself, wanting to give the commander a hug. The turmoil inside must have been visible. Rainbow Dash had a look of understanding on her face.

"We’ll get all of this distributed. Then I want a full report."

Scootaloo saluted, but her first attempt to speak came out almost like a grunt. She cleared her throat and said, "Yes ma’am."

The water alone brought life back to the Assault Corps, what the food did was beyond belief. Scootaloo had grown accustomed to the lack of energy and felt empowered to have something in her that replenished strength. All too quickly, the mouthful of oats and few sprigs of hay were consumed.

The orange pegasus gave an account of everything that had happened since the defeat at the heights near Apple Loosa. The enemy still had not made a move, which began to concern Scootaloo.

"How long have they been sitting there?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Looks like about three or four hours since our last contact.”

The magical ice had all melted away. No doubt, the changelings were planning something.

"You’ve done a fine job holding them this long," the commander said, "especially considering the shape your army is in."

"My army," Scootaloo heard herself say.

Her mind was drawn back to the loss of Sparklefly and the execution of Radiant Pyre. She felt hollow inside. Not wanting any continued part in the war also weighed heavily on her. How could she tell Rainbow Dash? The young mare remembered how proud the commander had been when she’d signed up for the EUP and when she got her first assignment. How could she disappoint her now?

"I heard about Sparklefly," Rainbow Dash broke the brief silence, "I’m so sorry."

Scootaloo nodded, but said nothing.

"We’ll pay them back a thousand times over," the commander said with her usual bravado.

Scootaloo felt numb and was anything but encouraged by the display. The things she felt inside had to be confronted with her mentor and dearest friend. Without a word, she turned and walked away toward the rear of their position. It was more an act of instinct than a conscious effort.

"Where are you going?" Rainbow Dash asked, following behind.

Scootaloo stopped with her back to her entire force, and quietly burst into tears. Rainbow Dash moved in front of her, but said nothing. Even through blurred vision, the look on the commander’s face was clearly pure compassion. It was all the young pegasus could do to contain her breathing and not make any noise.

"It’s okay, let it out," Rainbow Dash said softly.

"I’m sorry," Scootaloo whispered back.

"For what?"

"That I’m not strong like you are."

Rainbow Dash smiled and said, "Kid, it’s a tall order to be as awesome as I am... and you know what? You’re about the only mare I’ve ever met that is."

"But I’m not," Scootaloo’s voice was hardly more than a choked whisper. "You thrive in these situations. I just get myself hurt, and I get everypony around me killed."

Rainbow Dash’s smile evaporated, and she stood there silently. The younger’s tears continued.

"The last thing I want to do is let you down... but I... I can’t...” Scootaloo had trouble finding the words, and looked down at the ground as she continued, "I don’t want to do this anymore, any of it. I have nothing but respect for you, and what you’ve accomplished... I just... it’s not me. I know I can’t leave; I’m here until the war is over, but I don’t want a career in the EUP. I don’t want to be a Wonderbolt. I don’t want to follow in your hoofsteps... I’m sorry."

She hung her head, ashamed of herself for a long moment. Scootaloo took a breath, and as she looked back up, the concern she felt drew a serious expression on her face. The elder mare’s gaze was locked and somewhat stoic.

Rainbow Dash asked, "Do you remember what I told you in my office when you were a cadet?”

Scootaloo thought back, but it seemed a lifetime had passed since that day. She found herself again looking at the dry cracked earth beneath her hooves as she replied, "That my cutie mark doesn’t matter."

"Before that; you don’t have to be anything other than the best that you can be. You don’t have to follow in my hoofsteps, Scoot; you never did. The fact that you had the courage to tell me that just now... I’ve never been more proud of you than I am today."

Scootaloo managed to blink her own vision clear to see tears in Rainbow Dash’s eyes. To call this a rare occurrence would have been a massive understatement. Like a dam bursting, relief flooded Scootaloo’s soul for the heartfelt words that she had just heard. The commander smiled.

"Now, get your face dried up before we get back to the line. We’ve got an image to keep up," the older mare teased.

Scootaloo let out a giggle as Rainbow Dash playfully slapped her shoulder.

"You never did get your cutie mark, did you?"

The young pegasus snorted, "No, but you know what? I don’t even care anymore."

She didn’t. It seemed like such an insignificant trifle in the middle of everything else that was going on.

"I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you say that and actually mean it. Well, since the EUP is out, have you thought about what you’re going to do after all of this is over?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo replied as she began wiping her face with a cloth from her kit; it wasn’t clean, but it was dry. "I’m going back home. Maybe I’ll help rebuild the farm. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle… we always had a knack for helping others find their way. Sweetie Belle would say, ‘finding their true selves.’ Ever since I’ve been here, I keep finding myself encouraging others. I guess I hadn’t really realized it before, but I think that’s what I’m best at."

A shiver ran through Scootaloo. She thought she was going to be sick for a moment, but then it became a prickly tingle. Her stomach turned, and she focused her strength on not vomiting up the meager rations she’d just eaten.

Rainbow Dash’s mouth hung open in surprise as the ground fell away from beneath Scootaloo’s hooves. Fear gripped the mare that another attack had begun and changeling magic had immobilized her. She was confused that there was no shouting or other indication of such.

Scootaloo was levitating magically and a blinding light seemed to be everywhere. Something was building inside, warming the young mare inside and out. It was like a great churning within that was followed by a sudden wave of giddiness. Then with a burst, a magical shockwave blasted out, and Scootaloo fell to the ground. She shook her head, regaining her bearings and trying to catch her breath. She felt good, and yet exhausted as well.

"Scoot...” Rainbow Dash looked dumbfounded.

"What happened?"

"You just..." the commander stopped, and then a grin worked its way across her face.

Scootaloo was exasperated as she regained her hooves, "What is it?"

"Aww yeah!" Rainbow Dash cheered with a little dance. "You did it, kid!"


"You just got your cutie mark!"

Her heart nearly stopped as Scootaloo spun halfway around to see her flank. It was true. She had finally earned her mark. Unbridled joy filled her heart at the sight of it: her cutie mark matched Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle’s crusader shield marks. She had finally done it.

Author's Note:

So... back when I started writing this, season 4 had just ended, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders didn't have their marks yet... That's why I thought adult Scootaloo without one would be interesting. I've done what I can to incorporate some of the changes that seasons 5-7 brought, but some of them (specifically with the changelings) were too far different for me to do much with in this draft.

Anyway, instead of an understanding episode and a song, I give you 400,000 words to give Scootaloo her cutie mark! :scootangel:

Oddly enough, her being helpful to others and encouraging as they discover their true selves was very close to what I had originally planned, even before that was officially their cutie mark purpose in season 5... I felt good about nailing the character on that one. :pinkiehappy:

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