• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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30 - Symbiosis, Part 3 of 10

Sparklefly took the letter from the Cloudsdale quartermaster, but was surprised to find that she had received two of them. She thought it was a mistake at first, but upon closer inspection, they were both addressed to ‘Captain Sparklefly’. The first was in a familiar script that her mother had written. The second was a writing she didn't know, but it was from Ponyville. She opened it with curious eagerness as she walked back outside into the morning. The cloud city was washed a golden color from the new dawn.

Turning so the rising sun would be at her back, she pulled out the contents of the mysterious letter and read, 'Captain Sparklefly, Your last words to me were, "Don't spoil it." I admit, since that moment, I have had great difficulty thinking of anything else. While I'm not sure exactly what you meant, I had to talk to you again to find out. Since I was trying to tell you my name when you stopped me, I have chosen to not give it here either.'

Sparklefly quickly looked about, having realized from whom the letter had come. Her heart began pounding like a drum, and she was sure she was blushing, but she didn’t recognized anypony around.

She continued reading the letter from her medic friend, 'Ever since the first time I heard of you, I was curious about your exploits. I suppose that is a very common thing. What really got my attention was how faithfully you stayed by your brother's side while he was ill. Our last encounter, needless to say, got my attention in an entirely different way. I trust it is not out of place for me to mention this, given your actions that day. If you mean what I think you meant, I am definitely interested in pursuing this. Do you feel the same? Please direct any response to the Ponyville EUP infirmary, addressed to Private R. I have arranged for the quartermaster to deliver anything so addressed to me. Wishing you clear skies, R.'

Sparklefly quickly looked around again. Nopony seemed to be paying her much attention; she walked at a brisk pace away from crowds. Searching for a place to be alone, she found herself on the east side of the city looking toward the sunrise. This would have to do. She knew she must be blushing a bright shade of red. She couldn't believe he had actually written to her. Flattery, embarrassment, longing, and a host of other feelings were rippling through her as she sat alone with her thoughts.

Her heart pounded even harder as she took out a scrap of paper and began to write a reply, ‘Private R, you did not misread me. I am indeed interested in seeing how things develop, as much as our stations permit.’ She stopped, unsure what to say as her emotions made her feel giddy. She was sure that she was grinning like an idiot.

Needing to get her mind off of that for a minute, she opened the other letter and read, 'Dear Sparklefly, We heard about how you led the mission to rescue Hoofington and their supplies from a siege. We are so proud of you!'

Sparklefly felt herself twinge. She was angry when that rumor had begun, courtesy of a newspaper article. Rainbow Dash claimed to have no part in starting it, but she didn't deny helping it grow. She also said that she didn't see the harm in letting Sparklefly be a kind of symbol that the nation could rally around. It didn't ease the frustration; Sparklefly didn’t want to be a celebrity, especially as she began experiencing it. Sure, everypony knew her name, but it was getting to the point that most of the facts about her and the victories that ‘she had won’ were becoming fictitious, bordering on absurd.

She continued reading, ‘You’ve become so well-known among the populace that we are looked at differently now. I don't go a day without at least three different ponies that I've never met telling me how much they love you. That maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but allow a mother some pride in her daughter. In fact, a few stallions have also come by asking if you are promised to anyone. I have been as vague as I can be without being rude. Do you have a special somepony?'

Sparklefly felt herself blushing again at the thought of her medic admirer. She was caught somewhere between fright and relief that he reciprocated her feelings.

'I haven't heard anything from your brother, Duster, for several weeks. I suppose we’ll get the chance to see him soon. I don’t know when they will be moving us to Ponyville, but we’ve been living out of suitcases, ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Glitterdust has taken to farming, which will be useful when we finally do get to Ponyville. She does have a knack for it, but I’ve noticed that she seems sullen lately. I don't think the work is to her liking, but there may be something more to it. We have all recovered from the fever, and the city seems to be as close to normal as it can get these days. Shimmerpuff and Thunderfly ask about you often. I know you have plenty of cares to keep you occupied; please don't let us be among them for now. We are well, and between Glitterdust working the farms here and the money that you and Duster are sending home, we are going to be fine. Loving and missing you, Momma Mare.'

All of the conflicted feelings melted away as the golden colors of dawn yielded to a bright sunny day. In spite of the hardship and death that had become so commonplace, Sparklefly felt a ray of warmth in her soul. It felt good to remember, to really remember what she was fighting for.


Pixyglitter heard them enter the room. It was one set of hooves and one set of wheels. It must be Apple Bloom and Cloud Blazer returning. She had awakened when they left over an hour before, but she hasn’t wanted to get up. She didn't want to do anything but lay there and be left alone. Unfortunately, she knew Cloud Blazer well enough by now to expect that he would interrupt her momentarily.

"Pixyglitter, you awake?" Cloud Blazer asked.

Right on schedule. She sighed her answer, "Yes, I'm awake."

“Wakin’ her up like that ain’t all that thoughtful. It's no wonder nopony else wants to be your roommate," Apple Bloom teased.

"I need your help with something," he continued, ignoring the jab.

Pixyglitter noticed that his voice sounded strained, almost fearful. She didn't answer, but instead rolled onto her back and turned her bandaged face toward him.

"I want to fly again; I mean, I want you to help me fly. I think we can do it if we work together.”

The battle Las Pegasus came suddenly and vividly back to her mind. The shouting and dying, the explosions and magic, and her sudden pain and blindness all came rushing back. Runesplitter was with her. She'd been hit, and he was scared; she could hear it in his voice. He talked her into dropping altitude to try to land. 'Trust me,' he had said. She did as he asked. She came lower and lower, but he suddenly shouted for her to pull up. It was too late. She hit something and tumbled. He was killed on impact.

Pixyglitter snorted in disbelief, "You're crazy."

"I'm with you on that one," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey, no teaming up!" Cloud Blazer whined.

"Why can't you get one of your friends to do it?" Pixyglitter felt herself bristling.

"I only have one other friend that is a pegasus, and she is off fighting the war. Besides, you are one of my friends. That’s why I’m asking.”

There was something almost glib in his tone that struck the Pixyglitter wrong. The sensitive nerve he had agitated blasted pain and anger through blinded mare.

“Look," she said hotly, "I'm only here because I couldn't sleep without those awful dreams driving me crazy. I'm not here for you, and I don't want to get us killed, so just back off!"

She rolled to face away from them. She didn't realize that she was crying for several minutes. The other two became quiet, and Pixyglitter wished that things could be different. The awkward quiet continued until a nurse came and took Pixyglitter down to see the doctor. They were going to begin her physical therapy and teach her how to walk with a cane. Everypony kept acting like she should be excited about this, but she would still be blind. What difference did it make if she could walk or not?

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