• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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41 - Resolutions, Part 7 of 9

Duster fidgeted as his mother straightened the collar on his dress uniform. Two weeks had passed since the tentative cease-fire had begun. It was no secret that hunger was the driving factor. Even still, rumors and the hope of peace were on everypony’s ears. It was widely assumed that the changelings had expected a much faster victory against Equestria. The resistance the ponies had offered had crushed any hopes of a swift end by fighting it out.

"Hold still," Twinklestar scolded her son.

The dress she wore was beautiful. It wasn’t made from any special fabrics, but the details of the design were magnificent. One of Major Scootaloo’s friends had made it for the occasion.

"Sorry," Duster croaked.

His throat was still sore from the would that Ash Eater had inflicted. The doctors told him that his voice would likely remain rougher sounding as a result. The mare stood back and admired her son.

"You look so handsome," she said sweetly.

It was terribly embarrassing. He could still see the sadness behind her eyes. More than that, he could feel it. The same sadness had washed over all of them when their father had died. Now it came again fresh for Sissy.

With a smile, his mother left him, walking up the hallway. Duster left the dressing room only a few minutes later, bound for the grand ballroom. The entire castle had seen better days, but the evidences of the recent conflict were already beginning to fade.

The hallways all looking similar, it didn’t take the stallion long to get a little confused as to exactly which way he was supposed to go. He came around a corner and nearly ran into a pair of guards that were followed by a large white mare. Duster quickly side-stepped and made to apologize, only to realize that he was face to face with Princess Celestia and her escort.

The guards made little reaction, though they seemed wary.

The princess smiled at him, “In a hurry?”

He nodded, a defense mechanism against speaking whenever he was able to do so.

“Not to worry. I have it on good authority that the ceremony won’t begin without me,” the large white alicorn winked at the stallion.

Duster couldn’t help but grin at her joke. The ceremony that was about to take place would recognize the deeds of several soldiers, Duster himself among them. He didn’t know what citation for which he might have been considered, but he had heard that Sissy was to be promoted posthumously, her family to receive the additional hazard pay for her loss. He didn’t know whether it were appropriate to do so, but he felt the need to ask why.

“Your majesty,” he wheezed, “I was told you’ll be promoting Siss… my sister, Sparklefly.”

The princess nodded but waited for him to finish.

“I appreciate it, but I’ve been wondering why you gave her the Equestria Cross when she was a cadet. I’ve read the reports, and what she did really didn’t sound that... I mean, it was great... but worthy of the Equestria Cross?”

Celestia’s smile faded somewhat as she considered her response. Duster waited. The alicorn looked him in the eyes and held his gaze for a long moment before she began.

“Strange though it may seem, not all awards are granted solely on merit.”

Duster felt confused by the answer, his expression communicating as much.

“Truly, there are often more brave deeds accomplished than can ever be recognized. For your sister… I saw in her something that not many possess: an opportunity.”

Celestia took a deep breath before continuing.

“Remember that the entire population of Canterlot had just lost their homes. I couldn’t very well let them sink into despair, could I? Your sister’s talent was not for fighting, but farming. She was just a cadet, and though well known enough in that small circle, nopony in Equestria knew her or your family. I made an example of your sister to use her as a rallying cry… to inspire my little ponies. Not that she didn’t deserve recognition. Her actions saved three-thousand lives.”

Duster tiled his head, still not exactly sure where she was going with this. The princess made another smile.

“I suppose when you get down to it, there was a little slight-of-hoof on my part. We needed a symbol, and she was in the right place at the right time to be that for me. In part, I honored her for my own purpose.”

Duster frowned.

“I know it may seem a bit inequitable. But everything I do is to keep my subjects alive and free. There is more to fighting a war that just weapons and strategy. We also needed hope. I used your sister to inspire that.” Her gaze narrowed on the stallion, “Tell me, in the course of her actions, do you not think that Sparklefly lived up to the honors she was given so early?”

Duster slowly nodded, “Yeah, I suppose she did in the end.”

“Well, no harm done, then,” Celestia smiled. “You’d better run along. You won’t want to be late.”

The stallion’s face flushed. He was considering asking for directions when Celestia laughed.

“Can’t find your way?”

He shook his head.

Turning to a guard, she said, “Escort Duster to the ceremony.”

The unicorn saluted and led Duster up the hallway. For his part, the pegasus considered the princess’ words. It still didn’t sit well with him, but he did understand it a little better. He put it from his mind as he was escorted to a medium-sized waiting room.

Everypony was looking quite sharp in their dress uniforms. Several of the Wonderbolts were there, as was Major Scootaloo, LD, Sergeant Locknload, Cloud Blazer, and Pixyglitter. The general milling about and light teasing did little to ease Duster’s nervous disposition.

It seemed only a moment before they were marching into the ballroom. The space was filled with Canterlot’s finest. Generals and well-to-do ponies filled every last bit of the room. Duster followed the line down the narrow aisle until he was up on the stage. Twinklestar was at the far end. She would be standing to accept the recognition in Sissy’s place.

Duster tried to clear his mind. His heart was heavy every time he thought of his sister. The quiet made him even more nervous. It was all he could do to keep his legs from shaking.

Princess Twilight Sparkle strode onto the stage. Everypony stood. She was looking well, albeit rather lean. Duster had been told that the energy shield in which they had been encased had sustained itself by feeding on their magic and then their bodies.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts," the princess of friendship began, "We have come together today to recognize the very finest tradition of bravery and self-sacrifice that Equestria has to offer. I have not had the pleasure of knowing everypony up here, but by all accounts, their actions in the face of the most difficult situations shine as an example to all.”

She paused a moment, looking over the crowd before continuing.

“First, I have the honor of recognizing two that were instrumental in supporting our efforts that became known as the Assault Corps. Major Flittergear and Commander Rain Chaser, step forward. The two of you repeatedly stepped up and did what had to be done. Without your support, the command structure may well have fallen apart in the aftermath of the defeat at Apple Loosa. For this, you will each be advanced in rank and receive the Shining Star. Stand here and be recognized."

They approached the princess to polite applause, and she put the medals on them. They stood on the other side of the stage, where a line would form. Twilight stood beside them. Princess Cadence took center stage. Duster’s legs already felt rubbery.

"The things we award here are not honors we bestow," she began. "They are mere recognitions of merit that has already been earned. For acts of gallantry in battle and bravery beyond what is expected of a soldier, we award the Canterlot Shield. It is my honor to recognize three here today that are so deserving. Commander Rainbow Dash, Sergeant Locknload, Private LD, come forward and be recognized. Commander Rainbow Dash, for your stalwart and unyielding pursuit of Queen Chrysalis, and your ever-loyal determination to serve Equestria; Sergeant Locknload and Private LD, the two of you made quite a team that never stayed far from the fighting front. You put yourselves in harms way well beyond what was ordered or expected of any soldier. For these brave acts, be recognized.”

Cadence stood beside them as Twilight Sparkle had done. Princess Luna then took center stage. Duster’s heart was beating rapidly; his pulse was pounding in his ears.

"There is no higher honor than what I am about to bestow," Princess Luna spoke evenly. "Pixyglitter and Cloud Blazer, step forward.”

The brown paint stallion slowly led the blind mare out onto the stage.

“There are many strengths a pony can have, and some are far more important than physical strength of the body. Strength of heart, of character, the finest of which was displayed by these two. Though crippled by wounds received in battle, they continued to serve Equestria faithfully with all their strength.”

She paused and waited for them to step into position.

“While our situation was most dire, I managed to contact these two who stand before you. They heeded my call that came through dreams and embarked upon a mission to rescue myself and my sisters. They had already been discharged from EUP service. Yet, here they stand a testament to the very finest that Equestria has to offer. They continued with unwavering determination to save us, even to their own peril. Additionally, Corporal Duster, step forward."

The stallion moved slowly, simply trying to not trip over his own hooves. His legs felt so heavy. He found a place beside Pixyglitter. The audience stared at him; the entire experience was rather surreal.

"This stallion was sent away from the hopeless battle that the Assault Corps was waging south of Ponyville. Instead of remaining in safety, he devised the strategy that ended the massive army of timberwolves that threatened not only the city, but thousands of soldiers and civilians that would have fallen victim to them. For his cool use of intellect as well as bravery, he will additionally be promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Finally, Major Scootaloo, step forward."

Luna paused while the orange pegasus strode the few steps to position herself beside Duster; she seemed so calm.

"This mare exemplified the very embodiment of the best that Equestria can be. With her command structure in ruins, she rallied the remaining force, assumed command, and continued fighting the timberwolves. When they ran out of supplies, she personally led her force to continue battling the enemy even if just to slow them down. When word came that no reinforcement or resupply would be coming, she rallied her force once more. She showed wisdom beyond her years as well as a deep reserve of fortitude. She shall be promoted to the rank of colonel. For the deeds mentioned, and many others that if we were to tell the whole of it, we wouldn’t have time in a day to list them all, each of these four are awarded the Equestria Cross. Stand here and be recognized."

Duster almost couldn’t breathe for how nervous he felt as the roar of applause nearly deafened him. Luna put the medal on him and ushered them to where they should stand, taking her place beside them. His heart pounded like a drum in his chest. Finally, Princess Celestia approached Twinklestar, who stood alone.

"None of you know this mare," the princess spoke sweetly, but there was a sadness to her voice.

"Her name is Twinklestar, and she stands here in place of another who could not attend. She had been called by many names. Some knew her as the Angel of Death. I named her the Hero of Canterlot. Twinklestar called her daughter."

It was as if the air had been sucked out of the room. Complete silence reigned for a moment.

"I had already recognized her with the highest honor I could award. She was great in spirit and in deed, and I saw that from when she was a cadet. I had the privilege of speaking with her after the battle when we lost Canterlot. She spent three days analyzing her own actions to see whether she could have made a better decision to save even more lives. She told me that she didn’t think she was cut out to be a soldier. Of course, this had nothing to do with her abilities or talents. Her heart was for an Equestria that was free of terror and the specter of death. She fought and died to regain that dream for all of us."

The princess turned to face Duster’s mother, "There are no words of comfort I can give you to ease the pain you feel at the loss of Sparklefly. I know that the honors and gifts I bestow are cheap trinkets compared to what you have sacrificed. I am sorry that I have only such feeble ability to thank you. For her bravery, quick wit, and unwavering devotion to all of Equestria, your daughter had already been awarded the Equestria Cross. I hereby promote her ex facto to the rank of General, and will let it so be written that her deeds will never be forgotten. To you, I give this."

Prince Shining Armor passed something to Flurry Heart, who brought it solemnly up to the stage, bowing before Twinklestar. Duster’s eyes were becoming blurry with tears he was choking back.

"This is the flag that flew over the Assault Corps’ command center. That is where your daughter was stationed during the battle at Apple Loosa. Know also, that the memory of one so noble will also live on in my heart, to the end of my days. You have my thanks, and my deepest condolences.“

Duster couldn’t hold the tears any longer. There was no applauding or cheering, nor was there a dry eye in the entire room. Princess Celestia continued speaking, but Duster didn’t pay attention after that. More honors were given, to the dead, to the Wonderbolts, and many others, but Duster could only think about his sister.

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