• Published 29th Jan 2016
  • 1,754 Views, 1,533 Comments

The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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6 The Ponyville Library

Scootaloo was all geared up and ready to go. She had practically been tingling with excitement when she woke up. She quickly got into her harness and then armor. She finally strapped on the last piece of gear, her crossbow. It was a rather clever device that securely attached to the front right boot. It was a cumbersome thing to have, but the potential for combat effectiveness was undeniable. As part of standard-issue equipment, she had seven steel-tipped bolts to fire from it. All reports indicated that they were not very effective against timberwolves unless they were hit in the head.

In a few short moments, her new squad would be leaving Cloudsdale for Ponyville on the first leg of their first mission. Twilight had still not filled the rest of them in on everything, but they now knew the basic plan. First, they go to the Ponyville Library to do research. Although she hadn't told Scootaloo what, Twilight seemed to very strongly believe that there was some information in the library that would be vital. After that, they would go into the Everfree Forest on hoof, so as to hopefully spot any timberwolves before they came under attack. Most of the timberwolf activity flowed out east of the Ghastly Gorge, so that would be their first stop. They would check to see if it would be a good place to fall back to in case they ran into trouble. After that, on deeper into the forest to find the source of the timberwolves; it was simple enough.

Scootaloo left the barracks for the last time. She must have looked quite menacing in her full armor and harness, and she had saddle packs loaded with a few extra supplies; it was all very light compared to the lead weights they had carried in training. Dawn was on the horizon, but the sun hadn't risen yet. Scootaloo could see Cloud Blazer doing his morning flight. That silly stallion was always up early. She decided to join him, so she dropped her helmet and bags and took the sky.

The wind beneath her wings was always wonderful, especially on a cool, crisp morning like this was. She could see Cloud Blazer's breath on the air; it was almost clear enough to create a trail behind him as a train does when it speeds across the countryside.

Scootaloo called out to him, "Hey, Brownie! Mind if I join you?"

Cloud Blazer glanced back at her, and then replied, "Sure thing."

They flew side by side, silently heading around the entire city.

Scootaloo broke the silence, "It really is pretty cool."

"What's that?"

"Cloudsdale in the morning."

"Most every place I've ever been is something special at sunrise. Ponyville was always my favorite. Do you think we'll have time to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?"

"I don't know, Brownie. I'd figured we'd be staying pretty close together and on task. As far as I've heard, everything has been completely quiet in Ponyville, but we just don't know what to expect."

"I got a letter from Apple Bloom a week ago."

Scootaloo had also received one; she felt a little ashamed and admitted, "I kind of forgot to write her back because I've been so busy the last few weeks."

"Don't worry, I let her know that you are well, and I told her about Canterlot. She said that she's been helping run the farm. With all the rumors of food rationing going into effect, Pinkie Pie hasn't been throwing parties anymore, and she's moved to the farm to help run things there. The Cakes also have had to close up shop because they can't get flour."

"That's just awful," Scootaloo said. She and the other crusaders had spent far too much time at Sugar Cube Corner eating carrot cupcakes. It was sad to hear that it was gone.

"They plan to open it up again as soon as they can," he said optimistically.

"Did she say how Sweetie Belle is?"

"She hasn't seen Sweetie Belle in a while. She used to see her once a month when Zecora would come into Ponyville for supply runs, but they stopped about two months ago. Apple Bloom wanted to go check on them, but Applejack wouldn't let her because the forest is so dangerous right now."

"That's right; after Sweetie Belle and Rarity had their falling out, and Sweetie Belle moved into the forest with Zecora."

"Yeah, apparently Zecora's knowledge of potions and brews includes some information on beauty care products, but I think Sweetie Belle was more interested in studying different kinds of magic."

Scootaloo grinned, "Beauty potions, that figures. She and Rarity are more alike than either would care to admit. I hope they make up someday."

"No doubt; they'll make up," he sounded confident. "I think they both regretted the way they parted. I bet one of them will be on the first train once it is safe to travel again."

Scootaloo certainly hoped so. It was always a sad thing to see family have a rift. That was one thing about the Apple family you could always count on. No matter how crazy they made each other, they always came around at the end of the day. Rarity and Sweetie Belle didn't have that advantage, but they truly cared for each other; they just didn't always know how to show it.

Cloud Blazer continued, "Maybe we'll get to see them; it'll be like old times..."

Scootaloo thought nostalgically for a moment. There was, before she could fly, an unbelievable amount of trouble the Cutie Mark Crusaders used to get into. They were simpler times. The nostalgia turned sour as Scootaloo remembered Apple Bloom getting her Cutie Mark, followed not long after by Sweetie Belle. Last of all was Cloud Blazer, leaving Scootaloo as the only pony ever to grow up without one. It brought up bitter feelings.

She finally said, "Yeah... old times..." a bit more somberly than she had meant to.

"Are you alright, Scoot--taloo?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She could tell that he was genuinely concerned, but she didn't want to talk about it. Confiding in Rainbow Dash had been very helpful, but right now there were other things that needed Scootaloo's full attention.

They finished their flight just as the sun was rising over the barracks. The entire city was bathed in golden-red light. They came in to land where Scootaloo had dropped off her gear, and found that the rest of the squad was already assembled and ready to go. Scootaloo put on her helmet and her saddle packs.

Twilight exited the barracks in full armor also. She looked rather formidable, and had also learned to carry herself in a way that was a bit less regal and more intimidating. She looked at Scootaloo, who took charge.

Scootaloo called out, "Twilight Squad, form up!"

The other seven members of the squad formed a line instantly. Scootaloo stood to the side by Twilight, awaiting instructions.

The princess spoke, "Good morning everypony. I'm very glad for the opportunity we've had the past six weeks to get to know one another. Rainbow Dash tells me that we've had the most intensive training ever thrown at a Pegasus or an alicorn, and we came through it like champions."

Rainbow Dash interrupted, "What I actually said was, 'with flying colors'." She had come out of nowhere.

Twilight responded, shocked, "Rainbow! What are you doing here?"

"Aw, come on, Twilight; I couldn't let you guys head out and not see you off."

"That's very nice of you."

"Ah, forget it," Rainbow Dash suddenly looked far more serious. "I wish I was coming with you."

Twilight replied, "So do we. Isn't that right, Twilight Squad?"

As one, Twilight Squad replied, "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"

In the morning light, Scootaloo could have sworn she saw a tear in Rainbow Dash's eye, just for a moment, but then it was gone. The colonel and the princess embraced for a moment, and said their goodbyes.

Twilight addressed the squad again, "Alright, we're going straight to Ponyville in a standard 'V' formation. Regal Masquerade, how do you feel about taking point?"

Regal Masquerade answered, "My pleasure to serve, ma'am." He had a very deep voice, and the proper build for a soldier. Scootaloo and the other members of the squad were impressed by his uncommon physical strength.

The princess said, "Alright then, Twilight Squad, let's move out!"

With wings beating the air, they were up in the sky in a flash, and in mere moments they were heading out of Cloudsdale. As they formed up, Scootaloo caught a glance back at Rainbow Dash, who was watching them go. Her wings were still bandaged from the injuries she'd received in Canterlot. Twilight Squad headed directly for Ponyville, putting the morning sun to their left.

The wind was cool beneath their wings. On mornings like this they were especially glad for their flight goggles. They maintained a high altitude, but even from this height, they could see masses of timberwolves beneath them heading northwest up Unicorn Range. They didn't see anypony else in the sky today. Ponyville wasn't exactly a hub of activity at the moment, as the war had been much more heavily fought in other places around Equestria. There had been a minor skirmish at Ponyville early on, but compared to what had come after, it was of little consequence. The south field at the Sweet Apple Acres orchard was lost during that fight, but Applejack had worked overtime replanting it.

It was about an hour-and-a-half flight to Ponyville, and fortunately, it was uneventful. They arrived to see the purple glowing magical town shield was still intact. As they got close, they were all watching for signs of the Combat Air Patrol, or CAP, assigned to Ponyville. Nopony in the elite squad saw them before they had done a fly by from above.

Regal Masquerade, still on point, shouted, "Break left!"

Twilight Squad veered left in unison. The CAP was now below and to the right, and Scootaloo could see that they were grinning like idiots for that stunt. She mock saluted them. The CAP came around and assumed a position near them. Everypony took up a hovering position above town.

A teal Pegasus pony with golden eyes and a mane to match addressed them, "Welcome to Ponyville air space. I'm Lieutenant Lightning Dust, in charge of the CAP. How may we assist you today?"

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. My squad and I need entrance into Ponyville."

"Sure thing, your majesty, please stay on station while I get the shield opened for you."

"Why thank you, Lightning Dust," Twilight replied.

Everypony's hearts were pounding a little harder after that surprise fly-by by the CAP, but they were now very relieved. Out of the corner of her eye, Scootaloo saw Nimba land a spit wad in a direct hit on Nitro's boot. Several minutes passed, and they hovered there. Scootaloo couldn't help but notice the expression on Pibs' face. It looked like unbridled bliss.

Scootaloo asked, "So, Pibs; you heard from your snuggle boo?"

Cloud Blazer shot Scootaloo a revolted look.

Pibs said lightly, "He sent me a letter so I'd know he made it safely to Manehattan."

Nimba begged, "And...?"

Pibs said, "He loves me!"

In unison, the others all groaned and shook their heads.

Nitro said, "Hey Pibs, we like you and all, but this is ridiculous," and he laughed.

Twilight Sparkle added, "Pibs, don't mind their teasing; we're all happy for you!"

The others nodded in agreement. Suddenly, the shield went down. They saw Lightning Dust motioning them on, and they flew down to the ground, landing in the center of Ponyville in front of the town hall. They hadn't been on the ground for even a minute when the magical shield went back up. Twilight Squad removed their flight goggles and put them in a pocket in their harnesses. The doors to the town hall opened, and Mayor Diamond Tiara with her aid, Silver Spoon, walked out to meet them. Scootaloo's stomach sank a little bit at the sight of them.

Diamond Tiara said, "I welcome you on behalf of the citizens of Ponyville, Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends."

Twilight greeted her, "Hello, Diamond Tiara. We are here on official business for Princess Celestia."

"Of course, your majesty; we are at your service," she said with a bow. "My aid, Silver Spoon will see to any needs you have."

"You have my thanks, Mayor," Twilight Sparkle responded.

"Will you be in town long?"

Twilight answered uncertainly, "We're not entirely sure; we have some research to do, and then our business will take us elsewhere."

"Should you find yourself in town, I'd be honored if you and any officers that travel with you would join me for dinner," Diamond Tiara said smoothly.

"If we are able, we would be honored to attend. We'll let you know," Twilight replied graciously.

Diamond Tiara said to Silver Spoon, "See to the princess's needs. I can do without you for the time being."

Silver Spoon answered, "Yes ma'am," and she approached the squad and stood by the princess.

Twilight said, "Thank you." She then turned to Scootaloo, "Follow me." The squad mechanically formed a line two ponies wide behind the princess and marched in formation.

Scootaloo could tell from the expressions on the faces of the towns-ponies that Twilight Squad was quite a sight in their full armor and marching in formation. If they'd announced they were coming, they might have been compelled to be part of a parade the way that Diamond Tiara was fawning over the princess. Knowing Diamond Tiara as she did, it was enough to make Scootaloo sick.


The squad covered the short distance to the Ponyville Library very quickly. It was located in the castle, Twilight's castle. It almost felt out of place to have such a large stone structure in such a small town. With few exceptions, the other houses had thatched roofs and cottage-like designs.

Upon arriving at the large gate, Twilight said, "Sergeant."

Scootaloo answered, "Yes ma'am?"

The princess ordered, "Form teams, go get Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Tell them I'm here, and that I would like to see them in the castle library at once."

"Right away, ma'am." Scootaloo turned to the squad. "You heard the princess, Cloud Blazer, do you remember where Sweet Apple Acres is?"

"Yes ma'am," he replied with a hint of annoyance.

"Good, take the twins and locate Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Lightning Dasher, get in touch with the local EUP force and assess the tactical situation in Ponyville. We need to know exactly what their strengths are here in case they fall under attack. Sparklefly, I want you to remain with Twilight until we get back." To Pibs and Regal Masquerade, she said, "You two are with me. We're going to find Fluttershy. Move out!"

The teams shot into their different directions. Twilight, Sparklefly, and Silver Spoon went into the library. Scootaloo's team cantered southeast across Ponyville to Fluttershy's house. It didn't take long to get there, but it was a little eerie in Ponyville with the magic shield completely filtering out the sky. The purple hue of the energy field colored the entire city. Fluttershy's house was so close to the edge that Scootaloo could hear it humming slightly as they approached.

The first thing Scootaloo noticed was the great number of additional animals that Fluttershy had taken in. There were new fences up to keep some of them separated from each other, and there were far too many for the space. The path between the fences leading up to the tree that was Fluttershy's house was so narrow that the team had to walk single-file.

Pibs asked, "She lives in a zoo?"

Regal Masquerade snorted, "A run-down cramped zoo?"

Scootaloo answered, "Guys; you can't say anything like that to Fluttershy. She's incredibly sensitive."

A bear stood up near them and roared. Scootaloo's heart leapt into her throat. There was nowhere to go, so the three dropped to the ground. It was only then that realized that the bear was far enough away that it couldn't actually reach them, and in fact, it wasn't roaring at them, it had simply been yawning. Scootaloo felt silly; she knew this bear. Fluttershy had tamed it, as much as a pony can tame a bear, that is.

Regal Masquerade said, "That's a bear. We can't tease her because she's sensitive, and she keeps bears. Did I miss something?"

Scootaloo answered as they all stood up again, "She loves animals-"

Pibs cut her off, "We can tell!"

Scootaloo continued, "Ponies are a different story."

Regal Masquerade shook his head, and they all approached the door where, thankfully, the path widened out again. Scootaloo stood in front, and the other two behind. Regal Masquerade looked around the area, scanning for threats; Pibs was also alert. Scootaloo was grateful that her goofy love-mood had finally given way for a while. The last thing they needed right now was distractions. Scootaloo knocked on the door with one of her booted hooves, and then waited for a few moments.

The door opened, just a little bit, and they heard a very tiny, almost inaudible, sweet voice say, "Yes, who is it?"

Scootaloo answered, "Fluttershy? Princess Twilight Sparkle has sent us to find you. She'd like to see you at once. I'm-"

The door flew open, and Fluttershy said, "Scootaloo?" Scootaloo nodded. "Oh, my goodness, it's so good to see you! Do come in, I was just making tea."

Scootaloo said, "Thank you, but we are supposed to report back with you immediately."

Fluttershy said, "Oh, I'm sure Twilight will understand. We can bring her some tea as well. Please come in, and your friends."

Pibs and Regal Masquerade looked at their sergeant uncertainly. Scootaloo shrugged and followed Fluttershy into the house. Their host motioned them to a small table where the three sat while she returned to her stove to finish the tea.

Fluttershy said, "So, please tell me all about your travels. I haven't seen you for such a long time."

Scootaloo was a little confused, "What do you mean? It's not even been four months, and you knew I was in Cloudsdale."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Silly me," came the timid response.

Both Pibs and Regal Masquerade were now wearing a very disconcerted expression. When Scootaloo saw the tray that Fluttershy was bringing back, she joined their sense of unease. The teacups were sitting on top of it, just like they should, but the tea kettle was upside down on the bottom of the tray. She held out their cups to them. After taking them a bit uneasily, Fluttershy motioned for them to turn the cups upside-down. When they did, she took the tea kettle from underneath the tray, and poured the tea up into their teacups. A few drops spilled from Regal Masquerade's cup, and it fell straight up, dripping onto the ceiling.

They sat there, not exactly sure how to drink their upside-down tea. Scootaloo had seen a lot of strange magical things in her life, but not from Fluttershy, and none quite like this. Fluttershy took her own upside-down cup, and took a drink from it. After seeing her do it, they all followed her example. Scootaloo was the last to attempt this, but she was very proud of herself for not spilling the gravity-defying tea. When she swallowed the hot liquid, it had the most curious sensation of trying to lift up inside of her. It was a little bit unsettling at first, but once it got all the way down, it felt very light and good. It was a bitter tea, but after swallowed, there was a sweetness, perhaps like honey.

"Good tea," Regal Masquerade said awkwardly in the quiet.

Fluttershy flew into a rage, "Oh! Do you really think so?" She was shouting at him, and then threw her half-full teacup against the wall, shattering it. The tea ran up the wall and pooled up above, but fragments of the teacup came raining down all over the room. The three soldiers were in complete shock. Fluttershy had stood and continued, "I know I'm usually a soft-spoken pony, but nobody likes being mocked!" Regal Masquerade was wide-eyed, and Scootaloo jumped back in a moment of terror as Fluttershy, without even flapping her wings, levitated up off of the ground, and began spinning over in mid-air with small bolts of lightning striking from her around the room. A furious wind picked up, and the team was against the wall now, with nowhere to back away. Fluttershy spun faster and faster as the electrically-charged air crackled around them.

Suddenly, Scootaloo heard a noise on the stairs, and looked over to see Fluttershy standing there, another Fluttershy. She said, "Excuse me," but the first Fluttershy kept spinning.

The spinning Fluttershy screamed, "Now I will have to make you pay!"

The Fluttershy on the stairs then raised her voice slightly, "What did I tell you about greeting guests that way? Discord!"

The spinning Fluttershy suddenly popped in a puff of smoke bringing an end to the disturbance; it was a draconequus named Discord. As all ponies know, a draconequus is a creature with the head of a pony, and the body of all sorts of other things. In his case, an antler, a horn, a single fang, a bird leg, lion paw, a dragon leg, a cloven hoof, and a serpent's tail. He also had mismatching wings. Given the rather unlikely friendship that had developed between the pair, Scootaloo should have known Discord was involved from the moment they got the tea.

Discord, through stifled laughter, said, "Oh, Fluttershy, really! You know I do love to make a memorable first impression."

Walking down the stairs, Fluttershy said, "Yes, but these ponies seem to be in a hurry. I think it would be rude to delay them any further."

"Oh, I suppose your right," Discord said as he sulked away from the team. They all started breathing a little more easily.

Fluttershy continued, "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you clean up the mess before you go out again."

Discord mumbled something inaudible, and then magically began straightening up the place. He suddenly was wearing a maid's apron.

Fluttershy turned to face the group, "Oh, Scootaloo! Hi!"

"Hey, Fluttershy; why is Discord here?"

"Oh, he's been here to help for a few weeks. I've had to take in so many extra animals since the Everfree forest is so unsafe now. The poor little critters had nowhere else to go. Discord has been very helpful with them."

Discord interrupted, "And what thanks do I get? Other than from Fluttershy here. The mayor called me a public nuisance! I should show her what a real nuisance is," Discord said with a fiendish grin.

Fluttershy said, "Now, now; that's no way to treat our friends."

"Diamond Tiara, friend!" Discord scoffed and then let out a hearty laugh. "Now there's the best joke I've heard all day!"

Scootaloo seized the brief silence that followed, "Miss Fluttershy, we've been sent here to escort you to the library. Princess Twilight Sparkle has requested your pr-"

Fluttershy cut her off, "Twilight's here!" She was clearly excited, and then remembered herself. "Oh, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to interrupt."

Scootaloo continued, "Yes, ma'am; if you'll come with us, we can go see her presently."

Fluttershy said, "Of course! Discord, would you mind managing the animals while I'm gone?"

With an almost evil grin, he said, "Of course, what are friends for?"

Scootaloo was very unsettled by his expression, and even more so by his tone, but Fluttershy seemed pleased with his answer. She followed them out of the house and back toward the library. Scootaloo earnestly hoped that the others were having less excitement on their errands.


Sparklefly escorted Silver Spoon out of the castle. Twilight had asked for some quiet for a few minutes. They stood there, Sparklefly acting as a silent sentry, and Silver Spoon looking incredibly bored. For several minutes, the sounds of ponies milling about town and the faint hum of the energy shield filled the air.

Silver Spoon finally broke the silence, "Excuse me."

"Yes ma'am?"

"Would you mind if I go back? I have duties to attend," she said in a snobbish tone.

Unimpressed, Sparklefly replied flatly, "I'm sure you do."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Silver Spoon asked as if concerned she was being insulted.

"It means that it has no impact on my duties whatever you do. Go, stay; I don't care," Sparklefly replied almost flippantly.

"Well, you don't have to be rude about it," Silver Spoon was still using that snobby tone. It irked Sparklefly.

"No ma'am, nor do you have to be a snob."

Silver Spoon stormed off, stomping her hooves. Good riddance as far as Sparklefly was concerned. She'd known ponies like that all her life. They value the least important of things and look down on others for no good reason at all. She had no use for that sort of pretentiousness. In one or two instances, she had found common ground with some that had grown out of their pettiness, but this was more often not the case. Generally those were the kind of ponies you just had to steer clear of.


Pibs' heart had finally stopped pounding on the walk back to the library. She'd heard stories about magical creatures, but she'd never seen anything like a draconequus before. Fluttershy seemed really nice, albeit a bit eccentric with her love for animals. Regal Masquerade also seemed to be doing better. He tried to maintain a stoic calm, but this time everypony could see that even he was unsettled by Discord.

They passed Silver Spoon on their way to the library. She let them know that if they needed her, she'd be at the Town Hall, attending to her duties. Pibs thought that it must be a lot of work to run a town, even one as small as Ponyville. It was still larger than her hometown, before it had been destroyed. She turned her thoughts to the moment at hoof.

Upon arriving at the library, they found Sparklefly guarding the door. She quickly informed them that Twilight had asked for a few minutes, and that she would call when they were needed. Scootaloo told them to hold there, and so they waited. Scootaloo and Fluttershy talked, as did Regal Masquerade and Sparklefly. Pibs' relationship radar went off at this, and she began to wonder whether Regal Masquerade might be taking a liking to Sparklefly. However, it was still too early to tell, and he was usually so stoic that he was hard to read. In any case, with everypony else occupied, nopony would mind if she re-read the last letter that Lighthoof had sent her. Just the thought of it warmed her inside.


Cloud Blazer and the twins, Nitro and Nimba, arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. It was just has he had remembered it, but something wasn't right. Maybe he had changed, or maybe it was the eerie purple light of the defensive shield. They could see ponies working in the orchard as they approached; the south field was completely cleared. As they were got close to the barn, Nimba began seeming fatigued. She stumbled slightly, catching herself.

Cloud Blazer saw it and asked, "Are you alright?"

Nimba answered, "Yeah. I just didn't sleep too well last night, that's all."

Cloud Blazer cast an accusatory glance at Nitro, who said, "Hey don't look at me, Brownie; I had nothing to do with it. She can never sleep before a big day." Nimba shrugged and nodded in agreement.

The barn doors burst open and a mare shouted at them, "Cloud Blazer!" It was Pinkie Pie.

Before he could respond, Pinkie Pie had leapt through the air, and she hit him so hard that they both tumbled to the ground. Pinkie Pie jumped back up, picking up Cloud Blazer in a big hug and squeezing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

He choked, "Hi, Pinkie... you're, squishing," he tried to take a breath, "me!"

Pinkie Pie dropped him, and the twins roared with laughter.

Pinkie Pie spoke, almost franticly, "Well, you're a friend, silly, and you haven't been here, and when friends haven't been here, they are missed, and I thought how sad it would be if you felt like you weren't missed, because then you would think you weren't a friend. And friends give good hugs, so I thought I should give you the most biggerific hug ever so you'd know you are a friend and you were missed!" She took a breath and screamed, "Welcome back!"

Cloud Blazer had finally recovered, "Just make sure and do the same when you see Scootaloo. We don't want her to feel left out."

Pinkie Pie started bouncing up and down, "Okie-dokie-lokie! Wait, Scootaloo's here?" she sounded even more excited.

"Better than that, Twilight Sparkle is looking for you and Applejack. She-"

"Ooh, ooh! Twilight came back too? This could be the best day ever!"

Cloud Blazer continued, "She's in the castle library waiting for us all to return. Could you find Applejack for us?"

Pinkie Pie sat and saluted, "Right! Consider it done, sir!" Then she bolted off at a full gallop into the orchard.

The twins said in unison, "What just happened?"

Cloud Blazer grinned and replied, "Pinkie Pie just happened." It was incredibly refreshing, if not a little painful, that the dark days hadn't dampened Pinkie Pie's spirits in the slightest.

They all looked up at the sound of galloping, and thought it was Pinkie Pie returning, but it wasn't. A young, yellow mare was moving fast toward them from the orchard. She was filthy, covered in dirt and grime from working, but there was an unmistakable pink bow in her mane, a little wilted from wear. Apple Bloom ran up to them, giving Cloud Blazer a hug. He was thankful she didn't knock him to the ground, but he couldn't help feeling a little odd about it; she held on a little longer than seemed normal to him. It looked like the twins noticed also.

Letting go, Apple Bloom said, "How have you been? I was getting a little worried when you didn't write back after my last letter!" She stomped at him.

"What? I did write you back. I sent it the next day," he replied defensively. "Maybe the mail hasn't made it here yet?"

She shrugged as if she wouldn't give it a second thought. "I'm just glad to see you! How's Scootaloo?"

Cloud Blazer smiled, "She's here, in Ponyville."

Apple Bloom pranced in place with excitement, "Oh, that's great! Are you guys on leave?"

"No, we're actually here on orders," he replied calmly. "I can't really talk about it, but I think we'll be here for a few days anyway."

"You'll stay with us! We've got plenty of room. How many are you?"

"How many are who, now?" Applejack asked as she walked up; she was wearing some loaded saddle bags. Pinkie Pie was bouncing along behind her.

"Hey, sis," Apple Bloom said. "Cloud Blazer and Scootaloo are here on a mission."

Cloud Blazer greeted her, "Hi, Applejack."

The older sister and matriarch of the Apple's nodded a greeting, "Cloud Blazer, I didn't reckon on seeing you near this soon."

Apple Bloom interjected excitedly, "Scootaloo and Twilight Sparkle are here too!"

Applejack nodded at Pinkie Pie, "That's what Pinkie here tells me."

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, "That's right, that's right; that's exactly what I said!"

Applejack unloaded some of her saddle bags and continued, "I guess we should head the castle and see what all the fuss is about."

He was sure he couldn't help his expression, and before he thought, Cloud Blazer heard himself say, "Applejack, you're..." then he caught himself and quickly added, "Congratulations!" What else was one supposed to say when a friend was pregnant?

"Thanks," she said as she adjusted her hat with a small smile.

"You didn't tell me!" Cloud Blazer playfully pushed Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom shrugged a bit sheepishly.

Cloud Blazer returned to the business at hoof and said, "Well, we should get going. These two are Nitro and Nimba." The twins nodded a hello. "Oh, Apple Bloom, to answer your question, there are nine of us, and as for our accommodations, that's something you'll have to take up with Princess Twilight. She's in charge."

The six headed off toward their meeting at the castle library together. Cloud Blazer hadn't realized how much he had missed this place in the few months that he had been gone.


Scootaloo had just finished reading the letter that Pibs had received from Lighthoof. They were sitting a little bit away from everypony else near the entrance to the castle, still waiting for Twilight to be ready for them to come in.

"Pibs, I think Lighthoof is completely head over hooves for you," Scootaloo admitted.

Pibs' stupid grin had returned, "I know..." she said dreamily.

"Here's the thing, I want you to know that I'm very happy for you, but I'm going to have to tease you mercilessly about this."

Wistfully, Pibs said, "That's fine..."

Scootaloo just shook her head in amusement, gave the letter back to Pibs, and went back to join the others. As she approached, she heard that they were talking.

Sparklefly was saying, "...the same squad, so I've known her for almost the entire time. We were both near top score in our company, so there was a little rivalry there. Hey Scootaloo, I was just telling Fluttershy how we met."

Scootaloo nodded, adding, "Yeah, if we'd stayed with regular training, I'd have been able to outscore you."

Sparklefly smiled genuinely, "Dream on, Scootaloo; there was small chance of that."

It was very nice to see Sparklefly smile and mean it again. It was the first time Scootaloo had seen her smile since-

"So, if you don't mind my asking, were you both in Canterlot?" Fluttershy asked. "I heard it was really dangerous, and that most of the ponies that went to the rescue didn't make it out again." Sparklefly's smile was gone.

Scootaloo replied, "That's not even close. We had fewer than one percent casualties from our cadet brigade, and nearly everypony from Canterlot was saved too."

Regal Masquerade added, "That is not to say it was not dangerous. We all lost friends that day." Sparklefly shuddered; Scootaloo felt something new for her, concern.

Seizing an opportunity to change the subject, Scootaloo said, "Yeah, Pibs here was shot down, and me and Cloud Blazer went to save her. I don't think we would have succeeded if Brax and Lighthoof hadn't shown up. On the downside, now Pibs and Lighthoof are all mushy and stuff."

Pibs looked up, "What? Where's Lighthoof?"

She looked around as the others giggled at her. Even Sparklefly smiled at this; Scootaloo was relieved. Just then, Lightning Dasher landed near them. He stood at attention and saluted Scootaloo.

Scootaloo ordered, "At ease and report."

Lighting Dasher spoke, "I have the defensive report on Ponyville. There is one squad of eight unicorn ponies responsible for defensive shielding. They maintain a position on the Princess of Friendship's Tower; that is where CIC (Combat Information Center) is located. There is also a squad of Pegasus ponies that maintain a four-pony CAP twenty-four seven in three shifts. There is also a platoon of earth ponies that arrived last week. That brings the Ponyville total strength to eighty-four, not counting our squad. A Lieutenant Brax is in command."

Scootaloo laughed, "So, Brax is a lieutenant now?"

Lightning Dasher replied, "Yes, ma'am. He has been informed of our presence, and sent the following message, 'Congratulations on your promotion, Sergeant.' He also assured us that if we need any supplies or support, we only need to ask."

"Thank you, relax with the others. We've got a few minutes to kill."

And so they continued waiting outside the castle. Scootaloo noticed that Pibs had begun writing a letter. As much fun as it was to tease Pibs about Lighthoof, it was good to see her so happy, especially considering the things she'd been through. It gave Scootaloo a great deal of comfort to know that she had been instrumental in helping Pibs to adjust and start making new friends. It was kind of funny that Scootaloo hadn't even tried get get to know Pibs during training; they'd been in the same squad, but Pibs was so quiet and withdrawn that nopony was able to get close. Ever since finding a friend in Scootaloo, Pibs seemed to really have found herself as well.

"Well, how are you doing, sugar cube?" Applejack said to Scootaloo as Cloud Blazer's team returned.

Apple Bloom shot forward, "Scootaloo!" she said excitedly as they embraced.

Scootaloo forgot herself for just a moment. "Apple Bloom!" They released each other, and Scootaloo introduced everyone.

Apple Bloom said, "Well, any friends of yours are friends of ours."

Applejack added, "That's right, and we love making new friends!"

Pinkie Pie yelled, "Oh, me too! Me too!" as she bounced up and down.

Applejack asked, "Are any of y'all hungry? I brought a pack full of apples."

Scootaloo salivated instantly, "Oh yes, please! There are no finer apples in all of Equestria!"

Applejack finished, "Well, don't be shy; help yourselves." Applejack placed the pack in the middle of the group, and they feasted upon delicious apples from all ends of Sweet Apple Acres.

This took Scootaloo back to some very happy times. Running wild in Ponyville with Applejack, Sweetie Belle, and Cloud Blazer; getting tired and hungry from their crusading and always ending up somewhere in the orchard eating the low hanging fruit. Sometimes Apple Bloom would buck some of them down, and they would eat their fill.

Apple Bloom told them what had happened only a few days before. There had been a minor attack on Ponyville, and part of the orchard had been lost. They were working to replant the trees, but there was literally a great deal of ground to cover. Even so, it would be at least four years before they'd begin producing. Fortunately, it happened to be the right time to plant, and they did have plenty of seeds stored in the barn.

The door to the castle opened, and Twilight stepped out.

Scootaloo ordered, "Fall in!"

In mere moments the squad had formed a line at attention near the door, facing the princess. Pinkie Pie also had joined their formation with perfect precision and a most serious look on her face.

The princess smiled deeply, "Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom; it's good to see you all."

Applejack responded, "Welcome back, Twilight."

Fluttershy added, "We're very glad to see you too."

Pinkie Pie broke formation, giving Twilight a hug, "Best day ever!"

Princess Twilight Sparkle, disentangling herself from Pinkie Pie said to Scootaloo, "Come on inside, no need for standing at attention. At ease... or rest... relax? You know what I mean."

Scootaloo smiled and ordered the squad into the castle library. Once inside, the entire group gathered around the princess in no particular formation.

Twilight spoke to the group, "Alright everypony; it's time to tell you what I think is happening in the Everfree Forest. Friends, what we talk about in here cannot be told to anypony outside. As some of you will remember, we once had a situation in Ponyville that was really more of a nuisance than a crisis. There are some similarities in what is happening now to what happened then."

Everypony stared at Twilight as she continued, "Eleven Years ago, Pinkie Pie thought it would be a good idea if there were more of her, so she wouldn't have to miss out on any fun things any of her friends were doing."

Pinkie Pie bounced, "That's right! I did!"

Twilight continued, "She had remembered from when she was a young filly, that her Nanna Pie had told her the legend of the mirror pond. Simply put, it will duplicate anypony that gets inside. Pinkie Pie went through the pond several times, and before we knew it, there were dozens of Pinkie Pie's swarming Ponyville, trying to get in on all the fun."

Applejack added, "As I recall, it was more than a nuisance, and near impossible to tell one Pinkie Pie from another."

Twilight nodded, "As it turned out, there was a book in the Golden Oaks library about the legend. It even contained a spell that would send all of the duplicates back into the pond. Unfortunately, a short time later, the library was destroyed, and most of the books with it. All of the books that could be salvaged are here, as well as new ones. What we need to do is find that book, the Legend of the Mirror Pond."

Fluttershy asked, "But Twilight, what does this have to do with the timberwolves?"

Twilight Sparkle answered gravely, "If it turns out, as I suspect it has, that the timberwolves are somehow getting into the mirror pond, that would explain how there are so many to cover all of Equestria like this."

It was completely silent for nearly a minute as everypony contemplated the situation.

Applejack asked, "But Twi, if I remember correctly, didn't you cover the entrance to that pond so nopony else could find it?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, that's true. It's possible that there was another way in that we weren't aware of, or maybe the weather erosion opened up the entrance again, and that's how the timberwolves got in. I just don't know."

Apple Bloom started, "So, if we find the book..."

Twilight Sparkle finished, "We can find the spell to send the timberwolves back, which would give all of our unicorn ponies a huge advantage. I'm also hoping that there is some way that we can destroy the pond. At the very least, if we can bury it, we'll have a fighting chance against the hordes of timberwolves that are already roaming across Equestria."

Scootaloo turned to the squad, "You heard the princess, let's find that book."

They all set to work, turning the library over from one end to the other, searching for the book of the Legend of the Mirror Pond. The apples that Applejack supplied were very welcome, and occasionally the sound of a pony munching on one of them could be heard as they poured over the vast volume of books in the library. Pinkie Pie had been tasked with drawing a map, which she did, but given how long ago that incident had been plus the fact that she had marked the destination as "Happy Land", there was some doubt as to the map actually leading to the Mirror Pond. The forest would probably not look the same after eleven years.

The squad and friends continued pouring over titles, and thanks to some organized sorting that Twilight came up with, they were certain to not miss any books. They then spent the rest of the afternoon checking every place in the library for any kind of secret compartments where books might be hiding. That is where the original had been in the old library, after all. The apples gave out in early afternoon; their spirits gave out a few hours later.

Applejack said, "Whew-wee, I've about had it."

Fluttershy added, "Me too; I've got to get back to my animals to make sure their okay."

Twilight said, "We'll have to start fresh in the morning." To her friends, she said, "I can't thank you enough for the help you've been to me. I wish I could spend time with you all right now-"

Applejack cut in, "Aw, shucks, don't think nothing of it, Twilight."

Apple Bloom added, "We'd always be there to help."

Pinkie Pie said, "It's true, cause helping friends is super funnerific!"

Applejack asked, "I'm fixin' to rustle up some grub; you and yours are welcome to join us back at the orchard."

Twilight replied, "Thank you, but I'm afraid we have a previous invitation that I need to honor. If we're still here tomorrow, maybe?"

Applejack grinned, "Anytime that's good for you, Twilight. Just let us know if you change your mind," she said as she tipped her hat.

They made their goodbyes, and the friends parted ways. Lightning Dasher had been sent out to let Mayor Diamond Tiara know that they would be joining them for dinner; he returned just then.

Lightning Dasher said, "Ma'am, the mayor asked that I inform you that the preparations will be complete in an hour."

The princess replied, "Thank you, Lightning Dasher."

Scootaloo wanted to spend more time with Apple Bloom, so she decided to ask if they could accept the invitation to go to Sweet Apple Acres. "Princess Twilight, it was officers only invited to dine with the mayor. I request permission for the squad to accept the invitation to Sweet Apple Acres for dinner."

Twilight was considering this, and finally said, "That sounds okay. Tell Sparklefly she's in charge. We'll have to see if they have any dress uniforms at the base."

Scootaloo was confused, "Ma'am?"

"You're an officer, sergeant, albeit noncommissioned. Do you not want to go have dinner with the mayor?"

Scootaloo bit her lip. She absolutely did not want to have dinner with Diamond Tiara, mayor or not. The teasing from those years ago was rather brutal. Not only that, but she wanted to see Apple Bloom. Her sense of duty got the better of her as she replied, "No ma'am, nothing like that. I was just confused."

Twilight smiled; looks like she bought it. Scootaloo was very much wishing that Rainbow Dash were here. She'd have to get by without that shoulder to lean on. She informed the others that Sparklefly would be in charge, and that they had permission to attend dinner at Sweet Apple Acres. Cloud Blazer did a somersault with excitement.

"You guys are in for a treat!" Cloud Blazer said, "I've traveled a little, and I've never found better home cooking anywhere in Equestria than on Sweet Apple acres."

Scootaloo was now annoyed at him, but she knew he wasn't doing it on purpose. He was just as excited as she would have been if she'd been allowed to go. As it was, she headed off to the quartermaster, who had is own wing of the castle to store supplies. They were able to find a dress uniform for her, and they also showed her to a locker room where the entire squad could stow their gear. They were even kind enough to send somepony to inform the rest of the squad.

The hour before dinner melted away far too quickly for Scootaloo. Before she knew it, she was dressed, standing beside Twilight Sparkle, and being shown into Filthy Rich Estates. Scootaloo was not impressed by such things, but that didn't stop the servants from giving them a tour of the grounds, serving some kind of fancy hors d'oeuvres, and finally leading them to a grand ballroom that had been prepared for a feast. It was the same, but the pool had been expanded since the last time Scootaloo was here, many years ago. She wished she could have been on the farm instead.


"Hang yer hats wherever you like," Applejack said warmly to the members of Twilight Squad that chose to attend dinner at Sweet Apple Acres.

Sparklefly found all of it very inviting. Being from Apple Loosa, she was no stranger to farm life; it was almost like being home again. Also in attendance were Pibs, Cloud Blazer, Regal Masquerade, Lightning Dasher, and Nitro. Nimba had asked Sparklefly for permission to remain at the base, as she wasn't feeling well. When asked if she were alright, Nimba claimed that she was just tired from all of the library searching during the day.

Apple Bloom and Pinkie Pie were pulling all manner of tables together for the feast. None of them matched, nor were most even the same height. Somehow, that added even more to the charm of this place. For a moment, Sparklefly got lost in a daydream of having her own farm, but only for a moment.


Pibs wasn't used to farm life. She had grown up near many farms, but her parents worked in banking, so she was much more used to the city side of a small town. Not that it was all foreign, but it wasn't like visiting home. There was something else here that Pibs had missed: family. Just watching the Apples, the Cakes, and Pinkie Pie interact was very refreshing.

Everypony was getting seated, and enjoying conversation and laughter. Pinkie Pie was telling a story about two years previous, when Scootaloo and Cloud Blazer had pulled their last, and most disastrous stunt with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. It had apparently become immortalized in Ponyville gossip as 'The Carrot Incident', "So when we found them, they were all completely covered in mud. The only way we could tell them apart was by Apple Bloom's bow, which was totally brown and wilted. And of course there were Scootaloo and Cloud Blazers wings, but to look in their faces you couldn't tell one from the other. It was awesome!"

"Yep!" Big McIntosh, Applejack's brother, said as the rest of the crowd laughed at the story.

Pibs and the rest of the squad gave teasing looks to Cloud Blazer, who was trying to hide his embarrassment by blaming it all on Apple Bloom. Nobody was buying it. It was nice to be in a place where family was such a normal thing that it was just a fact of life.


Cloud Blazer had survived reliving what was arguably the most foolish crusade that he had attempted with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, some two years before. It seemed that he would never live down 'The Carrot Incident'. The Cakes were busy preparing the food, which smelled amazing. There were some particularly wonderful apple fritters that were baking. The unmistakable scent of them filled the house and Cloud Blazer's nostrils. Breathing it in deeply, he could tell it was Granny Smith's old recipe. Applejack must have done the preparation and then given them to the Cakes to bake. It was an old Apple family secret. Inhaling that sweet fragrance took Cloud Blazer back through many years and through many good times to the first time he'd tasted them.

Apple Bloom had sat down beside him, returning him to the moment. It was really good to see her again, but she seemed different somehow. In the few months since Cloud Blazer had seen her, she seemed to have grown quite a lot older. Not that anything had actually changed; Apple Bloom had been working on the farm for several years now, helping out with chores and such. She'd become as able-bodied as Applejack or Big McIntosh. Like the rest of the Apple family, she smelled a lot like earth and fresh cut grass with a hint of apples.


Scootaloo was bored out of her mind. As the subordinate, she wasn't actually wanted at Diamond Tiara's dinner, but she had little choice in the matter. She did her best to pay attention to the conversation, and looked for things to contribute, but after the first three courses of the meal, Scootaloo realized that Diamond Tiara was never going to stop her own talking, so she sat and listened politely. She supposed it was useful for Princess Twilight, who had been out of Ponyville for almost an entire year since the timberwolves first began their invasion. Scootaloo came back from boredom as she noticed a silence. Diamond Tiara had stopped talking. Scootaloo was desperately hoping that she hadn't just been asked a question.

Twilight Sparkle said, "Well, it sounds like it was a fierce campaign, but the residents of Ponyville certainly seem to think you were the best choice to replace Mayor Mare."

Scootaloo sighed with relief. Twilight was very good at this diplomatic stuff. It must have taken some practice to get that way.

Diamond Tiara continued, "We were all sad at her retiring, of course, but I feel that it was time for a change. Ponyville is a wonderful place, of course, and one of my main objectives is to preserve that charm that we all love here. At the same time, however, I've been working overtime to bring comprehensive reforms to update some aspects of the town that can use it." Diamond Tiara sipped her tea as the servants carried away their plates and replaced them with the next course. She then continued, "That was before the war. Now it seems that all of my efforts are encouraging rationing and stocking of supplies. Not to mention the endless meetings with the military command on updates for our safety. I had requested additional soldiers be sent here several times, but this Lieutenant Brax is the first to arrive. Might you have any idea when we can expect more soldiers to help keep Ponyville safe?"

Twilight set down her tea, and spoke carefully, "As you said, rationing has been difficult for all of us. Unfortunately there are only so many soldiers, and they are being deployed as deliberately as possible to best protect all of Equestria. As to the exact plans on troop deployment, I'm afraid I can't say. I've not been included in those discussions for several weeks now. I had been under the impression that Ponyville hadn't seen much in the way of fighting."

"I hardly think that's a fair assessment," Diamond Tiara said, "Not even a week ago the town came under heavy attack. Everypony ran for cover as a horde of timberwolves advanced right through. Sweet Apple Acres was nearly burned to the ground!"

The princess smiled disarmingly, "That's true, Applejack had told me about it earlier today." She seemed to be humoring the mayor.

Scootaloo was tired; she didn't want to listen to anymore of Diamond Tiara's exaggerated prattle. Was dessert ever coming?


Sparklefly was just about stuffed. She was considering taking a walk, but then someone had mentioned dessert, and apple fritters sounded pretty good. Cloud Blazer and Apple Bloom had been telling stories and finishing each others sentences all night. Sparklefly could tell that they were really good friends.

Sparklefly was sitting between Regal Masquerade and Pinkie Pie, which was quite a contrast. Regal Masquerade was so reserved most of the time, much like Big McIntosh, and Pinkie Pie was the complete opposite. The two stallions were both big and strong, and very quiet. She doubted if between the two of them they'd said more than ten words the entire evening, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves.


The Cakes were sitting by Pibs, with Nitro on her other side. They were really nice ponies, and their young colt and filly were rather well behaved, at least for a gathering like this.

Far more interesting than the Cake Family was the way Apple Bloom was practically ogling Cloud Blazer since they had arrived to dinner. Pibs didn't think anypony else had noticed, but she considered herself an expert in such things. Her money was on Apple Bloom and Cloud Blazer becoming an item before the night was over, even if she had to help make that happen!


The warm apple fritters were now being placed on the table with cream. Cloud Blazer was filled with complete ecstasy at the aroma, and then the sweet flavors hit his tongue. It was like flying. Baked apples, cinnamon, sugar, and cream - it was all blending in perfect harmony.

When Cloud Blazer returned from the blissful rapture of the first bite, he noticed that Apple Bloom was looking at him.

"You'd think you hadn't had a fritter in years the way you're carryin' on," she teased.

Pibs giggled.

Cloud Blazer replied, "I have really missed these. The rations they gave us in Cloudsdale weren't all that great."

Applejack said, "Well, I figure it'd be pretty hard to have good home family cookin' when you're fixin' food for thousands of ponies."

Big McIntosh added, "Yep."

Cloud Blazer said, "I suppose that makes sense. In any case, this is the best food in Equestria."

Regal Masquerade nodded in agreement.

Applejack grinned, "Aw, shucks; it ain't nothin', you're too kind."

The twin, Nitro, added, "Miss Applejack, you're too modest. I've had fritters all over, cause we used to travel extensively. These are the best."

There was agreement from everypony.

Lightning Dasher asked, "Nitro, how's your sister? I heard she wasn't feeling well?"

Nitro replied, "I don't know; I think she got whatever I had a couple of weeks back. I'm sure she'll be fine after sleeping it off."

Lightning Dasher said, "That's good; we should take her a fritter."

Cloud Blazer could feel Pibs watching him. Occasionally she would giggle as if she knew some secret. Normally he didn't notice stuff like that too much, but she had been doing it all evening. He was starting to get a little concerned about it.


Anywhere but here, that's where Scootaloo wished she were right now. The only thing that seemed amazing to her was how unaffected Twilight was by the ubiquitous boredom. The food was good, but there was barely more than a little taste of everything. Scootaloo supposed that was probably necessary when having a seven course dinner, but the entire affair seemed utterly ridiculous.

"Yes, the latest reports of our forces advancing from Manehattan are true. They've been regaining a lot of ground," Twilight said.

Diamond Tiara said, "A glorious victory to be sure, no doubt a credit to your role in all of this."

"I wouldn't go that far; it was Princess Luna commanding. I've been in Cloudsdale on another assignment."

Diamond Tiara asked, "Are the food shortage rumors true?"

"I'm afraid they are. Princess Celestia herself is looking into this aspect of the crisis. Rationing will only get us so far."

"We've been putting aside a stockpile of food to use as a hedge against worse times ahead, but it's not that large yet. We have enough to feed Ponyville for maybe a month if we get cut off. The potential for famine is actually something I wanted to talk to you about," Diamond Tiara said nonchalantly.

Something in the casual tone made Scootaloo suspicious.

"I'd of course be happy to hear any ideas you have on this matter," the princess said warmly.

"Well, there is quite a lot of land in and around Ponyville that would be great for planting new crops of oats and corn," Diamond Tiara paused as Silver Spoon entered and gave her a packet. "From the estimates we've worked up, we think we could feed all of Ponyville and also begin exporting to other cities in need within three months or so."

"That sounds like a good plan," Twilight responded.

"The problem is that the ponies who own this, as of yet, undeveloped land won't hear of us using it for oats and corn." There was silence for a few moments. "To be blunt, it simply is not within my authority to make this happen. Of course, it would only be temporary, naturally only for the duration of the war."

The princess considered this. Scootaloo could tell she was trying to work out the pros and cons in her mind.

Twilight finally said, "As it will only be temporary, I can order the land owners to donate the land. Do you have enough hooves to do the work?"

Diamond Tiara looked for a moment as if she hadn't considered this, "To be quite honest, we don't. If we use volunteers, I think it would put us back at least a month, and we'd miss the best part of growing season."

Silver Spoon brought out a scroll and pen, setting them in front of the princess.

Twilight nodded slowly, "I'll write an order for the lieutenant in charge here to assist in any way that wouldn't interfere with his other duties." Looking at Scootaloo, she asked, "What was his name again?"

Scootaloo replied, "Brax, ma'am. Lieutenant Brax."

Twilight Sparkle began writing up the orders on the scroll, which left a silence that made Scootaloo feel very uncomfortable. All she could do was sip her sparkling water and hope Diamond Tiara didn't try to engage her in small talk.

"So, Scootaloo," their host began; Scootaloo attempted a smile. "I see you've made sergeant, and upon graduation no less. Congratulations."

"Thank you, ma'am," Scootaloo said formally.

"I heard you were in Canterlot during that dreadful battle."

"Yes ma'am; I was part of the evacuation force."

Twilight Sparkle looked up for a second, and then looked back down and continued writing as Diamond Tiara continued, "What they really should have done was had unicorns holding key positions to keep the timberwolves at bay. They might have saved the city."

Scootaloo felt an instant rage boil inside. How dare Diamond Tiara talk about what they should have done. She wasn't there; she had no idea. Scootaloo tried to quickly bury that thought, and calmly replied, "Well, I saw many unicorns there that day. Their sections were not the first to fall, but they did. Many of them died defending their posts."

"Well, you combine the unicorns with a well-placed air strike, and the timberwolves would have been sent running; that's how we saved Ponyville earlier this week."

Scootaloo had about all she could stand. Diamond Tiara taking credit for driving off a timberwolf attack was her limit. Fortunately, the princess had just finished signing the order she had written and said, "This should help you in your efforts to feed Ponyville. You will be able to get the undeveloped land you need for the duration of the war."

Scootaloo bit her tongue as Silver Spoon picked up the orders and delivered the parchment to the head of the table.

Diamond Tiara read over the orders and smiled sweetly, saying, "Thank you very much. It will be very helpful to more than just Ponyville; I'm sure of it. Silver Spoon, be a dear and check on dessert, won't you?"

Scootaloo sighed with relief; finally, dessert would come so she could get out of this place.


The evening at Sweet Apple Acres was one of the most enjoyable Sparklefly had experienced in quite some time. Being surrounded by such good friends that were so inviting was a precious thing. It seemed that the entire squad enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Nitro had left a little early to check on his sister, and Lightning Dasher had gone with him.

The rest of them were now enjoying the Apple Family's apple cider, which was fantastic. Everypony was in such a good mood that even Big McIntosh and Regal Masquerade had said dozens of words since the fritters. The only one acting odd was Pibs. She seemed to have taken some kind of interest in Cloud Blazer or Apple Bloom; it was difficult to tell which.

Sadly, it was getting late, and Sparklefly had been put in charge. It wouldn't do them any good tomorrow if they stayed up all night. She would have to bring the party to a close for the squad very soon. No need to go before she finished her cider, she thought as she took a tiny, yet satisfying sip from it.


Pibs was more than a little frustrated that neither Cloud Blazer nor Apple Bloom had made any kind of move yet. They were just hanging out like a couple of old friends. The Cakes were keeping her entertained at the moment, causing the entire group to laugh as they told about the first time Pinkie Pie baby-sat for them. Pinkie Pie also constantly augmented the story with bits she interjected here and there.

The children, Pumpkin and Pound Cake had passed out on the floor. It was then that Pibs glanced around, and was both excited and frustrated to discover that Cloud Blazer and Apple Bloom were gone. She quickly scanned the room, but they had left. She knew they would be an item before the night was over! She was, however, sad she missed the moment it happened.


Cloud Blazer approached Sweet Apple Acres' prized apple tree. It was famous for growing the biggest apples anypony had ever seen. The Apples never would tell what the secret was, but Cloud Blazer was sure that it must have been a magic of some kind. Apple Bloom walked beside him; both of them had been silent since they left the house. It was dark now, but Cloud Blazer could hear the faint hum of the energy shield protecting the city. In spite of that reminder of the dangers outside, the quiet of the farm was very relaxing. The fresh smell of the orchard always felt like home to Cloud Blazer.

"We sure missed y'all," Apple Bloom said.

He replied, "We missed you guys too. Scootaloo wanted to be here tonight, but she had to go to dinner with Twilight and Diamond Tiara."

Apple Bloom made a face that could only mean disgust and said, "Now why would anypony want to see her. She's horrible, mayor or not." Apple Bloom spat on the ground.

"Well, she didn't want to. If she hadn't asked if we could come here, I think we'd all have eaten rations at the base." Cloud Blazer began reminiscing, "Do you remember when you climbed this tree?" He pointed a hoof at the giant apple tree in front of them.

"Sure do; I got all the way to the top," she beamed.

"No, the other time. The first time when you tried to climb it."

"Oh, that," Apple Bloom looked down, a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I remember we were trying to get cutie marks in tree climbing," she was stamping at the grass.

"You made it half-way up that time, and then hit every branch on the way down," he said with a light laugh.

Apple Bloom pushed Cloud Blazer aside playfully, "That's not funny; I was sore for two weeks after that fall."

Cloud Blazer turned back to the house as he heard ponies coming outside. They were led by Sparklefly. The squad was returning to base.

"Apple Bloom, it looks like I've got to get back to my squad," he said, sad that the night was over.

Apple Bloom gave him a hug, but didn't hold on. It felt good. She said, "Well don't stay gone so long this time, okay?"

Cloud Blazer looked at her big pink bow, and then into her eyes, "Nothing I can do about it; I go where they send me until the war's over. But when I have time, I'll always come back," he added with a smile. "You can be sure of that."

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