• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

  • ...

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40 - Catharsis, Part 7 of 15

Pixyglitter awoke at an unknown hour, trying to push through the grogginess that clouded her mind as her memories returned. An arrow, of all things, an arrow had struck her. She’d been running through Ponyville when she’d been shot, and she remembered falling down. There was also a vague memory of the scent of earth and the taste of blood mingled together. Everything after that was a blur.

She turned her attention to her surroundings. There were still voices all around, but she couldn’t make them out. Her head was swimming, but even so, she was able to discern that something felt different.

She found moving painful, so she abandoned that in favor of staying still. Her chest burned, as though a red-hot iron had pierced her body all the way through, unlike the sharp pain in the back she had previously felt. The potions that were disorienting her didn’t quite eliminate the discomfort, but they did disconnect her ability to care that she was in agony.

For a moment, a fear took her as the dread of loneliness set in. The mare stopped, took a breath, and listened. Of the sounds that were nearby, she was just able to distinguish something familiar.

Cloud Blazer was sleeping not far away. She could tell by the depth and cadence of his breaths. The panic left her, and she could feel her body relaxing to accept the stupor in which she found herself. Just knowing that he was close put her at complete ease. It wasn’t long before she fell into slumber once again.


Scootaloo was roused from her dormancy by Flittergear standing over her. In the barn, she had made a small bed from cotton batting that Apple Bloom had given her. The others had gone back to the house, but the young pegasus had wanted to be alone with her thoughts. She must have slept for a few hours, given the feel of the air. It had grown cold and damp.

Scootaloo looked up at the dimly lit figure that stood nearby.

"I’m sorry," she offered in her usual sheepish tone.

"It’s fine," the pegasus replied as she stood and stretched, a twinge of pain making her wince from her left flank. "What’s going on?"

"He found them."

Scootaloo was instantly wide awake, "Shining Armor? He found the changeling’s hatchery?"

Flittergear nodded, and thoughts rushed through Scootaloo’s sleepy mind as the ramifications of this news sank in.

"We have to find Rainbow Dash."

Flittergear shook her head, "Soarin."

It took only a minute to grab her gear. Scootaloo had performed this ritual so many times in the dark that she didn’t even think about it anymore. Her emotional state was tentative, but she was now glad she had let it all out before. The sadness clung to her like glue, but that was something she could manage now that she had a distraction.

Harness and armor donned, she followed Flittergear into town. It was early yet, so much so that Flurry Heart hadn’t begun to raise the sun. However, it was close enough that the coffee house was open, and that is where Flittergear led her. Scootaloo moved stiffly; her left hind leg was still sore. The wound was more of an inconvenience than anything else, and the medics who had seen it said it would heal in time.

The bell of the coffee-house door jingled as they entered. Steam hung thick in the air, and Java Chip was pounding one of her machines as even more vaporized moisture billowed from it.

"Hey, Scootaloo! Be with you in a sec!" she called out cheerfully, a stark contrast to how she handled her equipment.

The shop was otherwise empty, but for Soarin, who sat facing the door at a table in the middle of the room. He stood when he saw the pair approaching.

"Flittergear, Scootaloo," the Wonderbolt stallion greeted them. "Did she bring you up to speed?"

"I got the gist," the young pegasus replied.

"Do you want anything?"

"No, thank you," Scootaloo answered.

"Espresso, triple shot," Flittergear said softly.

Soarin seemed a bit surprised by this, but then shrugged it off and relayed the order to Java Chip.

"Okay; I’ll have this working in a minute," she answered. A fresh spout of steam began pouring from another place. "Maybe two minutes," she said as she hurriedly began working on the device.

The three patrons sat down at the table.

Soarin began, "Fleetfoot’s scouting party has found the changeling’s hatchery. We had thought there might be more than one, but given the size of it, we’re pretty sure that was a false conclusion.”

"How big?" Scootaloo asked.

"We’re talking tens of thousands of eggs in there," Soarin replied. "We are to rendezvous with Spitfire in Canterlot by O-Seven-Hundred. We can make that if we leave in the next half hour."

"Where’s Rainbow Dash?"

"She left by train yesterday. She still shouldn’t fly, but that gave her an advantage. She can move about with less attention since she’s on medical leave anyway. She was supposed to be back by tomorrow with..." he stopped short. "With the asset."

Java Chip produced the drinks that the other two had ordered before she went back to her well-loved machines.

"Just let me know if you need anything else!" she called over a shoulder. "Oh, we found the cat."

Scootaloo looked curiously at Java Chip, confused by the non-sequitur.

"Rarity’s cat," the barista added.

“Where was she hiding?"

"Some cottage on the east side of town by the forest."

"Fluttershy’s house?"

"Yeah, that’s the one," Java Chip said before turning her attention back to her malfunctioning livelihood.

The pegasus was relieved to hear it, though it hardly seemed the thing to be discussing in her current situation.

"So, what’s the plan?" Scootaloo asked Soarin.

"By all accounts, Shining Armor is being affected by the Alicorn Amulet. We are to stay close and prevent him from doing anything too insane until the asset can be deployed.”

Scootaloo stared at the stallion as he took a sip of his drink. By his reaction, it must have been too hot, burning his tongue. His green eyes finally returned her gaze.

"What?" he asked.

"That’s it?" Scootaloo was already aggravated. "We’re going to stay close and see how it goes? That’s ridiculous."

"The Alicorn Amulet is incredibly powerful. If you’ve got a better idea, I’m all ears."

That shut Scootaloo up completely. For once in her life, when it really mattered, somepony had asked her opinion, and she didn’t have one.

"Okay, you’ve got me there," she finally managed.

"We’ll have to be as delicate as possible. If he suspects we’re up to anything, there’s no telling how he might react."

Scootaloo still didn’t want to believe that Shining Armor was capable of anything that would put any of them in danger.

“Come on, this is Shining Amor we’re talking about," she said.

"Yes," Soarin said gravely, "but it isn’t just him. The amulet has a will of its own. Given enough time, it will corrupt any user to be greedy, selfish, and power mad. Not to mention paranoid."

Scootaloo nodded, "Snips and Snails told me once that Trixie didn’t trust wheels when she had the amulet."

"See what I mean?" Soarin seemed satisfied. “Also, consider this: Trixie was a show pony and prankster. Shining Armor is a soldier.”

Flittergear sipped her over-caffeinated drink silently. Scootaloo had a dark feeling that a conversation very much like the one she now participated in was not unlike one that had begun Mane Crusher’s rebellion.

"It just feels so wrong to have secret meetings about him."

Soarin had a grim look on his face, "All we’re talking about is getting him to remove the amulet. Once he does, we obey any order he gives. We are not disloyal; we’re trying to protect him."

There wasn’t anything more to say after that, and the two finished their coffee silently.

Before long, the three of them were airborne, heading north. There was a chill to the fall air as they glided through the darkness of the morning. The moon had already set, but there was still no sign of the sun.

Scootaloo remained vigilant, but there was no indication of changelings anywhere. The night was completely silent. It gave her an eerie feeling as they passed over the countryside. The only light to guide their way was the stars. The brilliant points of light shone proudly overhead like a thousand candles hung from a great vaulted ceiling.

Scootaloo’s heart became heavy with thoughts of Twinklestar. As of their parting, the mother hadn’t told the rest of her children what had happened to Sparklefly. Guilt came with that knowledge; Scootaloo was glad that she didn’t have to deliver the news to them herself.

She did appreciate her friends and the motherly figure that had given their sage advice for how to proceed with Cloud Blazer. The only thing to do now was to keep away from him until he was ready to begin anew. Their relationship was dead; she had killed it. Scootaloo would be cordial should any interaction occur, but she was advised to passively avoid such wherever possible. Twinklestar had mentioned that reconciliation may never come. That was something the young mare had not wanted to hear, but it felt true.

A point of light on the horizon began growing larger as the trio approached Canterlot. It was not yet restored to its former glory, but the city lights broke the darkness and drew them in all the same. The earliest hint of dawn was on the horizon as they made their approach. The CAP escorted them through Canterlot air space and to the landing where they were scanned. Soarin showed his orders to the officer there and then turned to the other two.

"I’m afraid this is as far as I go. Report to Spitfire for further instructions; she’ll be in the castle."

Scootaloo was confused, "You’re not coming with us?"

"Orders," he replied. "I have another task to take care of before I meet up with you."

Then she understood. He was going to find Rainbow Dash and help bring in the asset, whatever it actually was.

"If you see Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo hesitated, "Tell her that Cloud Blazer is looking for her in Ponyville."

"Cloud Blazer, Ponyville," Soarin repeated. "If I run into her, I’ll tell her."

Without so much as a goodbye, he turned and walked away. Taking flight, he continued north away from the capital city of Equestria.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay guys! :twilightblush:

This week has felt like a string of Mondays! :pinkiesick:

Hopefully I'll now be back on track.

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