• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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38 - Countermeasures, Part 1 of 11

Scootaloo felt completely numb inside as the shattered remains of the Assault Corps trudged south, barely a third of their force remaining. The loss of Sparklefly had left a gaping hole that didn’t seem to be healing. The worst part was that there was simply nopony to talk to. She had thought that telling Duster might make her feel better, but it didn’t. He was the only one that might feel the pain as sharply as she did.

The mare’s empty belly growled at her, but she had nothing with which to satisfy it. She took a sip from her canteen. The dry fall air was making water go faster than Scootaloo liked, but there was no way around it. Several of the pegasi were indeed being carried by earth ponies. They had exhausted themselves the previous night in lifting the rest of the force out of Ghastly Gorge.

Scootaloo herself refused to give in to the sore weariness, insisting instead to march at the head of the column. Like the food, courage was nonexistent. She wouldn’t do anything that might make morale worse if she could help it. As long as she had the ability to move, she would be out in front, looking strong for the others.

"Captain Scootaloo," Commander Rain Chaser called.

"What is it?" she asked.

"We’ve got a problem."

Her temper short, she asked more deliberately, "What is it?"

"We’ve caught a group attempting to run away."


Scootaloo somehow felt surprised in spite of the dismal outlook ahead. She’d heard that it was a growing problem, but this was the first time it had happened in her Assault Corps.

"Yes ma’am," the commander replied. "According to orders, we are to execute them.”

“If that’s what you have to do,” she frowned, “see to it.”

“The CO must be present to carry it out. It falls to you."

Scootaloo felt sick, "Lead the force while I take care of this."

The commander nodded as Scootaloo turned and walked back through the ranks, unsure if she had any other options. She certainly had no desire to kill ponies. That wasn’t what she signed up for. However, if she didn’t do something, there would be no incentive for others to not desert. That would only encourage their remaining forces to start fleeing in droves considering what they were facing.

Scootaloo knew one thing for certain. If her force fell apart for any reason, Ponyville would be destroyed. Given the situation across Equestria, it was doubtful that any forces would be sent to oversee an evacuation. The slaughter of the towns ponies was something that could not be allowed to happen.

As she approached the place where they were being held, she wondered what Sparklefly might do in this situation. Unfortunately, she would have to figure something out without her friend’s counsel.

Scootaloo’s blood turned to ice water when she saw them. She recognized three of them in passing, but she knew one by name: Radiant Pyre.

They had fought side-by-side in the battle and siege in Ponyville. He was one of Lieutenant Clyde’s friends. It had been shocking enough when she’d learned that he was part of Mane Crusher’s rebellion, but now he was deserting?

She stood there staring at the group as the rest of the corps flowed around them, stares lingering as they slowly continued their southward march. The guards had spears trained on each of them. Scootaloo finally approached, still trying to make a decision.

"You have all been accused of attempting to desert," she began, her mouth suddenly dry. "What do you have to say in your defense?"

They silently stared back at her, none spoke for a long moment that stretched on. Dust filled the air from the movement of their forces. It was Radiant Pyre that broke the silence.

"Look, just do what you have to and send us back to duty," he spoke in an annoyed droll.

She felt herself begin to quiver.

"What I have to?" she said vacantly before remembering that she needed to exude uncompromising hardness right now.

Trying to sound strong, she added, “I don’t think you realize what you’ve stepped into. I have orders to execute all deserters."

Several of them stared down listlessly, resigned to their fate, one began weeping. Radiant Pyre cocked his head to one side, his gaze like frost.

"You’re not going to do that," he said.

"Why is that?" Scootaloo asked, the quiver now making its way into her voice.

She had to get a hold of herself. She took a breath and swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

"You’re a soldier, and your accomplishments speak for themselves. But you’re no murderer.”

"I do what has to be done," she said as she turned to the sergeant commanding the guards.

"Then do it yourself."

She hesitated. She knew he was reading her emotional state. He was playing in her weakness. It only served to unnerve her further.

"If you’re that righteous," he sneered, "have the guts to do it yourself."

She turned back to Radiant Pyre. If he were afraid, it didn’t show. This gave Scootaloo an idea. If he were the ringleader, maybe she could make an example of him and not have to reduce her force any more than was necessary. This newly considered option didn't alleviate the foul taste at the very thought of what was required of her. If completely honest with herself, she desperately did not want to have any of these killed, by her own hoof or otherwise.

"I take it you’re the leader of this little band of traitors?"

He snorted at her.

"You know, the only reason you weren’t executed last time was because Sparklefly asked for your lives."

"Shining Armor has what it takes to be ruthless. You don’t; neither did your friend."

She walked up to him. There was only defiance in his eyes. Scootaloo felt a cold sweat beading on her forehead, and her body felt weak. She felt as if she would throw up the contents of her stomach as it tightened, though there was nothing within to lose.

After everything she’d been through, why was she so affected by this? As an eternity unfolded in the moment she stood there, no answers were forthcoming. The only guess she could make was that she hadn’t been forced to kill other ponies before this. It’s different with a well-defined enemy that lived and breathed to kill and destroy. These simply wanted to survive, maybe that’s why it felt like murder.

Scootaloo heard something pound, and for a moment thought somepony had hit a drum. She heard it again before realizing that it was her own heart beating in her chest. Time had nearly stopped as she stood face to face with the unicorn alongside whom she’d fought to save the citizens of Ponyville. His blue eyes stared back at her without a shred of remorse or fear, only defiance and the will to survive could be detected.

She tried not to think as she mechanically pulled her knife from the sheath and rammed the blade into Radiant Pyre’s neck beneath his left ear. Then she saw a twitch of pain and complete surprise in his expression. The warm effusion from the fatal wound covered her right fore leg as she withdrew the weapon. The unicorn slumped to the ground, and the earth pony that had been holding him let go, backing away in shock.

"By Celestia!" somepony exclaimed in horror.

The dying one’s horn glowed for a moment, but the light of it faded even as the life was extinguished from his eyes. It might have been messy, but Scootaloo’s chosen blow had the virtue of being quick. When she looked up, one of the other prisoners whimpered; the rest continued looking away, the shadow of terror hanging over them all. A strange calm came over Scootaloo as she stepped back, facing them.

"Look at me," her voice wavered for the power that surged behind it.

She felt hot all over like she might boil as she held the bloody knife. One by one, the deserters complied. When she commanded the gaze of each of them, she gestured with her weapon at them.

"The rest of you will return to duty," she finally said. "Don’t mistake mercy for weakness. I had fought beside Radiant Pyre before, and I liked him. If any of you even put a hoof out of line from this day forward, your fate will be the same as his, even if I have to kill every single one of you myself."

Scootaloo felt sick at what she had just done. But there was something else, a powerful, emboldening feeling. It was pleasure. The realization only served to make her feel increasingly ill and ashamed.

The prisoners expressions were changed to a mixture of fear and relief.

"Sergeant, see these back to their units," Scootaloo ordered.

"Yes ma’am! What about him?“

She sighed, “We don’t have time to bury him. Take his tags, strip any gear we can use and leave him. Post a sign, warning everypony else that desertion will be dealt with. I don’t care how you phrase it.”
The sergeant saluted, his demeanor calloused.

Scootaloo looked down at her soiled knife. She took out a cloth and wiped it off before returning it to the sheath. Everything seemed to be in a daze, and from somewhere in the depths of Scootaloo’s soul, powerful forces were churning. She knew she couldn’t stop it and that she needed to find a place where she could be unobserved. With nowhere else to go, Scootaloo took flight and found the CAP. It took all of her strength to swallow her emotions for these moments. Her wings, tired and sore, ached with each beat.

"Report, Lieutenant," she ordered.

"All clear so far," the officer replied.

"I’ll lead for a while. Follow me."

"Yes ma’am!" came a saluted reply as the formation grew behind her.

Scootaloo couldn’t contain her own emotions any longer, and they manifested as tears running from her eyes uncontrollably. She removed her goggles, but was practically blinded anyway. It wasn’t for Radiant Pyre, although killing him definitely had an impact; it was the catalyst that eroded the armor with which she’d been shielding her heart. The tears were for Pibs, for Regal Masquerade, Nitro, Nimba, Charging Lance, Masher, Brax, Sparklefly, and even the loss of her friendship with Cloud Blazer. Perhaps more than them, it was for herself.

What was she even doing here? Scootaloo didn’t feel like she belonged in a place where she would be fighting so hard just to survive and killing anything that stood in her way. She didn’t need to be the executioner when somepony stepped out of line. This wasn’t her, and she realized it for perhaps the first time as the wellspring burst forth. There was nothing to do but ride it out. On the bright side, at the front of the CAP, nopony else would be able to see her face.

Author's Note:

So, I have to ask... The way this story is written, the 3rd person narrator only knows what the character being followed knows. Because of that, it was not mentioned in this chapter that Radiant Pyre was the guy that killed Captain Swiftlight. Did anybody actually remember what Radiant Pyre had done back then? Does it matter?

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