• Published 29th Jan 2016
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The Last Cutie Mark Crusader - Jatheus

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist...

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4 Recovery

The three day break from drills was very welcome. The cadets were only required to report in for roll call, meal times, and chores. They were also forbidden from leaving Cloudsdale. Pibs spent most of her time taking leisurely flights around the floating city with Scootaloo and Cloud Blazer; she hadn't really seen anypony else from their squad, but the others had told her that Sparklefly had been in the infirmary the last time they saw her. Her new friends showed her their thinking spot, and pointed on the horizon to where Ponyville is. She agreed with them that you could see it, but she couldn't. She'd never been there before. In fact, she hadn't really traveled anywhere before her home had been destroyed when Dodge Junction was lost. The other thing she spent her time doing was visiting Lighthoof in the infirmary. He was awake by the second day, and he welcomed her company. Brax was also there as often as he was able. She was glad that injured unicorn would be able to walk again, in time. He would, however, almost certainly be discharged from his duties as a soldier. He wouldn't be able to run or fight effectively with only three legs, and that would be a problem.

Pibs was most relieved that her headache had finally stopped after the second day. She still was wearing a bandage, but it was just to protect the healing cut in her scalp. The nurse had told her that it would be sensitive for a while, but that they would remove the bandage at week's end. Pibs was already afraid to be running around without a mane. It would be months before it was grown back in.

It was now early afternoon on the third day. Pibs was sitting in the thinking spot with Scootaloo and Cloud Blazer. It was a very peaceful day; vast cloud formations floated above and below them, but they could still see plenty of blue sky all around. Laying down on a fluffy cloud floor was what days like this were made for, that is, for a group of Pegasus ponies with nothing better to do.

Scootaloo interrupted the quiet, "So, you think he's cute?"

"Oh yeah... Wait! What?" Pibs was caught completely off guard, "Who are you talking about? Who are you talking to?"

Cloud Blazer chortled.

Scootaloo continued, "Ah ha! That's what I thought."

Pibs was becoming alarmed, "Wait, no; it's nothing like that."

Cloud Blazer asked, "Who are we talking about?"

Pibs said, "Nopony at all."

Scootaloo said, "There's really no point denying it, Pibs. You've spent every second the infirmary allows visitors in there with Lighthoof."

Pibs blushed uncontrollably, and quickly hid her face in the cloud floor.

She was a little angry now, "I can't believe you did that!"

Scootaloo asked, "What? I just asked if you thought he was cute. It's not like I asked you if you thought Cloud Blazer was cute right here in front of him."

Cloud Blazer got up, seeming disgusted, "Hey, leave me out of it, but if you two are going to talk about boys, I'm leaving." He flapped his wings and flew low away from them, back into the city.

Pibs asked, "So, you think Cloud Blazer is cute?"

Scootaloo shrugged, "I never really thought about it. Why, do you?"

"Well yeah... but I mean, I don't like him like that."

"Back to the point. You really like Lighthoof, don't you?"

"Yeah... well, it's no big deal. Just a little crush; it's not like he likes me or anything. I notice you've been hanging out a lot with Brax."

"Gross, Pibs! He's old enough to be my dad. He's just interesting is all. Besides that, we all kind of bonded the other day."

"Oh yeah, that's why I've been visiting Lighthoof... cause we all bonded..."

"Nice try, Pibs; I'm not buying it."

An embarrassing situation to be sure, but at least Scootaloo wasn't relentless in her teasing. Pibs definitely felt a fair amount of confusion for the situation, but she was grateful enough for the rescue that she would continue to visit the hospital no matter what anypony else said. Just as long as they didn't tease her too much.


Cloud Blazer was aimlessly flying around Cloudsdale. He had no place to be until the assembly at sunset, and that was still hours away. He finally decided to hug the eastern side of the city, so he flew in that direction. The sun was warming his back, and the breeze was very refreshing. He was now passing their main training area, which was alive with cadets grouped up here and there. They were all making the most of their time off, which was quickly running out.

Near the edge of Cloudsdale, Cloud Blazer could see a single pony sitting alone. He thought nothing of it at first, but then realized that it was Sparklefly. He hadn't heard a word from her or anypony else in their squad since they had returned from the battle, three days earlier. The last time he had seen her was at the LZ during the rescue operations. Wondering whether she might want to hang out, he altered course. It was a short distance to cross, and he landed near her, approaching on hoof.

"Hi, Sparklefly," he spoke in a very friendly, informal manner.

She sat there, staring off into the distance, but didn't respond. Her black eye was still pretty bad, but it was on the mend. He turned to see where she was looking; it was in the direction of Canterlot. Smoke was still rising from the derelict city. As he came up next her, she turned to face him. She had obviously been crying. There was a deep sadness in her eyes that was making no attempt to hide.

"Sparklefly?" he tried again.

She started, almost as if she was awakened from sleep. The sorrow retreated from her, and she dried her eyes. "What? Sorry, I didn't hear you come up," she lied unconvincingly.

"Oh, it's no big deal. I was just flying around Cloudsdale and I saw you sitting here. You want to hang out?"

"No thank you. I came out here to sit for a little while. I don't really feel like flying," she said as she turned back to face the ruin, far to the east.

"Oh, well that suits me just fine," he said as he sat down beside her.

Sparklefly sighed, but didn't respond.

He tried something else, "I heard about what you did back in Canterlot. I almost couldn't believe it."

Without a word Sparklefly stood, turned, and began walking off.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"It's too crowded in this spot."

Cloud Blazer was confused as he looked around. "But I'm the only one here," he said more to himself, but he said it loudly enough that she heard him.

Sparklefly did not respond. She simply continued walking away. He watched her go and decided it would be best not to follow.

A voice from behind him said, "Do not feel injury at her words."

Cloud Blazer turned around, and was rather surprised to see Princess Celestia, her multicolored mane flowing with the breeze. He felt very startled by her presence and wasn't sure if he should bow or salute. Her eyes were heavy with sadness, but she smiled at him disarmingly.

"She pushes you away because she's not ready to share what happened yet. The pain and grief are still too near."

Cloud Blazer was very concerned now, "Is she going to be okay?"

Princess Celestia was grave with concern, "I don't know. All we can do for now is hope, and when she is ready, we must be there for her."

They stood there together, watching Sparklefly walk aimlessly into the distance under the weight of an unshared sorrow.


The rest of the day passed without incident. As the sun began descending into the west, the cadets all gathered in the assembly area near the leader boards. Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight Sparkle were already on the stage. The drill sergeants were putting everypony into ranks. Unceremoniously, the vacation was over. Scootaloo took her place, but then was moved by an instructor. They placed her between Pibs and Cloud Blazer, right beside Dodger, who was next to Sparklefly. This didn't make any sense. Normally they would be with their squads, and Dodger wasn't even in their company. She looked up at the leader board, and for a moment, she was confused to see the names of everypony in her squad but herself, Cloud Blazer, Sparklefly, and Pibs had been crossed out. Upon realizing the full extent of the situation, she felt ashamed. They had been marked off because they never made it back from Canterlot. Thunder Boomer, Sky Burst, Flame Out, Treble Cleft, and Rain Dancer were dead.

Rainbow Dash was now on the stage, still wearing bandages on her left wing. They had immobilized it against her body. Apparently, a pair of timberwolves had jumped her and one had bit down on her wing. In the struggle, she got free of them, but her wing was broken. Rumor was that she'd be grounded for at least six months. Scootaloo felt horrible for her. Having been a late bloomer herself, she was grounded far longer than anypony else she knew growing up. There's nothing like flying; being grounded is the worst.

Colonel Rainbow Dash spoke, "Cadets, we wanted to formally thank all of you for responding valiantly to the need of your fellow-ponies in Canterlot. Ten-thousand ponies are alive today because you stepped in and wouldn't leave them to their fate. This evening, we are here to honor those who sacrificed their lives to save others. There is nothing we can do to exalt what they have done. It holds a place in the hearts of those they fought to save. Any words we say will be very little thanks for what they've done. We have decided to honor them, by saying their names here and now. The honor falls to the princess of friendship, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Rainbow Dash stepped back, and Twilight Sparkle stepped forward. "It is said that there is no greater act of friendship than to sacrifice yourself to save your friends. Everypony on that list did even greater than that. They gave their lives to save ponies they didn't even know." She began saying the names of the fallen cadets. As she spoke, the Wonderbolts began circling the field, flying in Missing Pony formation. Scootaloo had a very heavy heart. She hadn't realize how many of them she'd known. She thought she heard Cloud Blazer sniffling, but now wasn't the time to make a scene. Twilight Sparkle finished reciting the names, and then she added, "We thank you all for your service, and your sacrifice. You will be in our hearts now and forever. There is one more honor to bestow, and it will be offered by Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle stepped back.

Princess Celestia stepped forward, her expression somber. But there was a light of hope in her eyes. "I am proud of each and every one of you. You have all risked your lives to save others, and to preserve our peaceful way of life. Yet, there were a few that I felt needed a special mention of their deeds. Firstly, Dodger of Cloudsdale."

The drill instructor motioned to him, and he stepped forward, approaching the stage, and ascending the steps to stand beside Princess Celestia. He knelt before her.

"Dodger, at peril to yourself and your squad, you searched the city until there was no doubt that nopony else needed to be evacuated. For this brave act, you have my thanks, and I bestow upon you the Shining Star."

Rainbow Dash brought a small case of medals. Princess Celestia took a Shining Star Medallion and put it on Dodger's neck.

"Stand here, and be recognized."

Dodger stood to the side.

Princess Celestia continued, "Second, Pibs of Dodge Junction."

Pibs looked completely stunned. Scootaloo had to gently kick at Pibs' hooves to get her moving. She climbed onto the stage and bowed before Princess Celestia.

"Pibs, you were severely injured in the fighting, but you did not retreat. You stayed to help your friends rescue others. For your persistence beyond that normally expected, I give you my thanks, and I bestow upon you the Shining Star." Princess Celestia took another Shining Star Medal and put it on Pibs. "Stand here and be recognized." Pibs stood beside Dodger, still in complete shock.

"Third, Cloud Blazer of Ponyville."

He stepped forward in perfect marching steps all the way to the princess and bowed.

"Cloud Blazer, when your squad was under fire, and your friend in need, you put yourself at great risk to come to her aid. Furthermore, upon finding a building filled with ponies that needed help, you first went in with Lighthoof to see what you could do. For these selfless acts, you have my thanks, and I bestow upon you the Canterlot Shield." She placed the medal on Cloud Blazer. "Stand here, and be recognized."

He took his place next to Pibs.

"Fourth, Scootaloo of Ponyville."

Scootaloo's heart was pounding uncontrollably. She walked very carefully toward the stage. It seemed like it was much farther away now than when Pibs and Cloud Blazer went up to it. She climbed the steps, tripping on the top one, but she caught herself. Now she was incredibly nervous and embarrassed. She approached Princess Celestia and bowed. Her mouth was suddenly very dry.

"Scootaloo, when your squad took fire, and you saw your friend was hit, you went to her aid in spite of the danger. Furthermore, you personally oversaw the evacuation of a building that resulted in the saving of one-hundred and seventy-three lives. For these acts of steadfast courage, you have my thanks, and I bestow upon you the Shining Star, and the Canterlot Shield."

Scootaloo was surprised at the weight of the medals.

"Stand here and be recognized." Scootaloo stood by Cloud Blazer, her legs were feeling more than a bit shaky.

"Finally, Sparklefly of Apple Loosa."

Sparklefly mechanically approached the stage, climbed the steps, and bowed before the princess. She looked completely stoic.

"Sparklefly, by every account, your deeds in Canterlot exceed in all ways what is expected of a cadet. You maintained combat composure and use of your intellect while under fire. In the absence of instructors, you took command and devised the plan that resulted in the saving of two-thousand, seven-hundred, and fifteen lives. Furthermore, you did not leave this to others, but led the charge into enemy forces yourself. You demonstrated the very best of Equestria. For these extreme acts of gallantry, you have my deepest thanks, and I bestow upon you the Shining Star, the Canterlot Shield, and the highest honor I can give, the Equestria Cross. Stand here and be recognized."

Thunderous applause erupted after the Equestria Cross was given to Sparklefly. She was the first pony to receive Equestria's highest honor in nearly a hundred years. Princess Celestia went on to recognize other ponies for their deeds, but it all became a blur to Scootaloo. She did hear that both Brax and Lighthoof were awarded the Canterlot Shield.

The ceremony finally ended, and ponies were on their way back to the barracks. Training would resume the following day, and nobody wanted to be caught without getting enough sleep. Scootaloo was going to head there herself, when she got a summons from a drill instructor, ordering her to Colonel Dash's office.

Upon arriving, she saw that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were pouring over a map on the desk. Scootaloo walked straight in.

"You wanted to see me?"

Twilight Sparkle was very warm, "Yes, hi Scootaloo, how are you?"

"I'm well, your majesty, thank you."

"Oh, please don't call me that; we've known each other for far too long."

"Yes ma'am; twelve years, I believe," Scootaloo was put at ease by Twilight Sparkle's manner.

The princess smiled at her, but then became all business, "I'm sure you're wondering why we called you here tonight."

"Yes ma'am, I am starting to."

"As you know, the timberwolves are still coming out of the Everfree Forest in massive numbers. We are putting together a plan to get into the forest and find the source of the timberwolves. I'm looking for ponies to come with us, and there are very few that have actually been inside the Everfree Forest. There are even fewer that have been in there and have combat training."

Scootaloo was a little surprised, "Are you asking me to be on a team that's going into the Everfree Forest?"

"No," she replied, "I'm asking you to lead the team."

Scootaloo was completely stunned for a moment, the second time in as many hours. She finally asked, "Wouldn't Rainbow Dash be a better choice? She's been in the Everfree Forest lots more times than I have."

Rainbow Dash answered this, "It's true, I'm pretty awesome, but I can't do everything. I'm busy planning a raid on the food stores in Canterlot."

Twilight Sparkle was solemn, "Scootaloo, this mission is going to have to happen very soon. Rainbow Dash won't be able to fly again for a while."

Rainbow Dash said, "I'm sure I'll be back up before you know it."

Twilight Sparkle answered, "From what the medic said, you were really lucky. Had that broken on the joint, you might never fly again." The Pegasus shifted uncomfortably at the thought.

Rainbow Dash added, “You'll be pulled from your class and receive advanced Wonderbolt training that will last six weeks. You will graduate with the rank of sergeant, and this will be your first assignment. You'd be under Twilight Sparkle's command."

The princess continued, "Yes, I'll be with you, but I'm not a soldier, meaning the field decisions for the safety of the group would be yours. So, what do you say, Scootaloo?"

Without a second thought, Scootaloo exclaimed, "Absolutely! I've got this."

Twilight Sparkle replied, "Are you sure? It's going to be very dangerous."

Scootaloo wouldn't be deterred now, "If danger's the game, I'm your mare."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Sounds like I recruited Rainbow Dash after all." Scootaloo grinned at this. "You'll meet with Rainbow Dash in the morning to pick your team, so put some thought to who you may want tonight."

The colonel added, "Once your team is assembled, we'll be all in for the next six weeks."

Scootaloo saluted, "We won't let you down, ma'am."

After Scootaloo was dismissed, she headed back to the barracks. Even if she hadn't had wings, right now she could fly.


Sparklefly again found herself at the eastern edge of Cloudsdale, alone. She had intended to go to the barracks, but there was too much activity there. She felt the need for solitude, at least for a little while. She sat, staring at the darkness where Canterlot used to light up the night. The fires had burned themselves out the night before; Sparklefly knew because she'd been watching as the glow of the conflagration subsided. She wasn't crying anymore, but her heart was aching.

"You bear great grief, Sparklefly," a voice said from behind her. She turned around to see Princess Celestia striding up. "I hope I didn't startle you," she said sweetly.

"No, your majesty," she replied vacantly, "I wasn't startled."

"It is good to grieve, but you must not bear this burden alone. It is too heavy a weight for you to carry by yourself."

Indeed it was heavy. Sparklefly had been under it ever since they returned from the battle. She kept replaying in her mind how things could have been different. She knew that she could figure out a way to save everypony.

She finally said, "I failed them..."

"You failed no one," the princess said softly.

The sorrow made her feel like she would explode, "You don't understand... they are dead because of me... I yelled charge; I did, and my friends followed me, and now they are dead. My Sparkle-squad, they were beside me when we went in; they were right beside me, and I let them die..." tears were burning hot from Sparklefly's eyes now.

"The death of your friends was not your doing, young one."

Princess Celestia didn't seem to understand. Sparklefly rephrased, "Two-hundred and eighty-three cadets are dead because I told them to rush in... I should have found another way."

The princess gazed into Sparklefly's eyes, boring into her very soul and said, "You have now had three days to consider another way. What other way have you found?"

Sparklefly was silent. She had thought on it nearly every waking moment since it happened, and she had realized no viable alternative as of yet.

"You could not in three days discover the answer, even knowing what you now know. How is it you feel you should have found another way at the time?" Princess Celestia asked. "There were nearly three-thousand lives in the balance, and your actions saved them. The ponies that followed you didn't do it because you told them to. They knew you were right. They knew that the ponies of Canterlot would all die if they didn't intervene. Your actions were measured and incredibly effective. Every pony that risked life and limb to follow you could see that you understood what was at stake."

Sparklefly sat silently, tears flowing freely. "Will it always hurt like this?"

Princess Celestia looked at her gravely, "It always does for me. Every time one of my subjects falls prey to the timberwolves, I wonder whether there was more that I could have done to save them. But you cannot let yourself be consumed with what might have been. If you do, you will be lost, and the next time lives depend on you, they may be lost as well."

Sparklefly shrugged, "I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a soldier."

The princess made a bitter smile, "We ponies were not made for war, young one. However, if we succeed soon, we can save many other young ponies from that, or a worse fate that lies in store."

Now it was all out in the open. Sparklefly really understood what was at stake, and she didn't have to suffer the endless 'what if' questions on her own. She wasn't alone. Somepony understood. Losing her sense of boundaries, she hugged Princess Celestia, burying her face in the princess's shoulder. The princess put a hoof around her, and let her weep in sorrow for her fallen friends.

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