• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eighty-Seven: Gotta Rock 'Em All! Gotta Maud 'Em All!

"Rest assured, Miss Sparkle and Mr Balance, we have everything prepared for the coming of this menace you have described to me," The Mayor stated calmly from behind her desk, organizing her stack of papers. "All of Ponyville will be warned of this evacuation protocol posthaste."

"Thank you Miss Mayor," Twilight expressed gratitude, nodding in satisfaction. "Hopefully we will be able to stop this threat to not just Ponyville, but all of Equestria, before he comes here."

"I have every confidence in you and your friends abilities," The aged Earth Pony said sincerely, matching Twilight's small smile. "Thank you, again, for bringing this matter to my attention a short while ago."

After that, we departed the office and Town Hall. It was easy to convince the good ol' Mayor about the looming threat that was Tirek. She hardly dismissed the notion of a monster that would do terrible things to her town and all ponykind. I breathed a sigh of relief after Mayor Mare informed us that she will inform everyone of the upcoming situation, and they were prepared to evacuate to a safe haven, guarded from magical senses that I hoped not even Tirek would sense should he invade the town.

You have done the best you could, Specter stated gently.

"Still feel like I should go after him before it's too late..."

Twilight, of course, heard my mutter from walking beside me.

"I told you, you're not confronting Tirek alone." Twilight shook her head, her voice firm and determined, "You can't face everything by yourself, Jack, not while you have me and the girls who can help you."

With a weak grin, I looked at the stern alicorn. "Sorry..."

"Don't be. You're just being protective of your friends." Twilight smiled, as though the notion was something she admired, which was probably true.

Still. "I just don't want you and the others-"

"To get hurt. I know. But we feel the same way. I feel the same way." Purple eyes locked on mine, halting my movements along with Twilight's own. "I've... We've almost lost you too many times to count now, and we don't want to risk ever losing you again."

"Even though I won't be on this world indefinitely?" Oh, that was the wrong thing to ask, by Twilight's sudden saddened gaze at the reminder. "Sorry I didn't mean to-"

Twilight held up a hoof, prompting me to shut up. Looking away, the mare shook her head on the ground, "No, you're right, who knows how long it'll be before you leave us..." Or me, were the unspoken words I could hear from her tone. And that along brought my own sadness, recalling the conversation with Shining and Cadence a week ago. Twilight then had a grin, looking back up at me. "Good thing then we don't have an exact estimate; it could be months before you go."

Even I could tell that expression was forced. "Twilight..."

"We should help the girls set up the picnic for Pinkie and her sister." The tone asked for me to drop it. Twilight motioned her head forward. "Come on, we don't want to be late."

Respecting her wishes, I left the subject alone, for now anyway. Instead, remembering what happened this morning, I softly rubbed my own belly as we walked. "Hopefully we won't have to consume so much rock candy again."

That, at least, got a smile from the mare I adored more than anything else.

It was more than a relief to see food I can eat without wanting to spit out again.

As the pets played around by the lake, the girls and I finished setting up the welcoming picnic for Pinkie's upcoming sister. Said mare was currently escorting the sibling to our location. Her name: Maud Pie. Not a character I was that familiar with - pitchforks are over there guys - but from what Pinkie described her, we were in for another energetic mare who enjoys being loud and throwing parties. I'd dread to meet the entire family if they all shared the same traits as the pink Earth Pony.

"I sure hope Maud has an appatite."

"If she's anything like Pinkie, she will," I replied humouredly to Fluttershy's statement, setting a full plate of cookies down on the classic blanket.

"Never met a pony or critter who didn't like Granny Smith's Apple Spice Muffins," Applejack pointed out, referring to the basket of said treats beside her. I wouldn't know, never tried any myself.

"Oh! It's no use!" Oh my god. Rarity, for real? I couldn't resist smiling in amusement at the white unicorn adorning a tall purple hat with large rock-shaped crystals covering the thing, "I simply cannot find anything suitable to wear!"

Followed by one crystal falling off her hat and into Applejack's basket.

"I doubt she'll notice what anypony's wearing," I'd dare say, Rainbow, that some of us wear nothing at all for her to notice, "So what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that it would be very difficult to show Maud what a strong fashion presence we have in Ponyville, if the most fashion-forward pony can't keep her hat from falling apart!"

"I think we're all a little nervous about Maud's visit," Twilight agreed, "She's Pinkie Pie's sister. And it's obvious Pinkie wants us to hit it off. And being able to make rock candy necklaces together is really important to her. I'm sure everything will go fine-"

"We're heeeeere!"

Ah, speak of the devil.

From a distance, Pinkie waved and happily hopped over towards us, although we were expecting someone else to accompany her. "Where's Maud?" Twilight inquired, being the first to meet Pinkiie halfway.

"She's coming!" The pink mare grinned excitedly, gazing behind as though expecting her sibling to follow. And as we all approached the two and waited, part of me wonders what exactly this character would be like. Just as energetic and happy-go-lucky as her sister, or perhaps a bit more tamed? Maybe only gets excited when the need arises, or perhaps the starking contrast towards her sibling.

A more closer assumption than you think.

How do you mean-?

Ah, here she comes.

At a very slow pace, the Earth Pony walked down the path towards us, and I had to squint to make out her appearance. Grey fur, combed dark purple mane and a blue sweater... Not exactly what I was at all anticipating.

"We're over here Maud!" Pinkie yelled towards her sibling, who was taking her sweet time approaching us.

And when she finally reached us, halting promptly, I was taken aback by the azre almost blank-looking eyes regarding us all with a dull expression. This was Pinkie Pie's sister...? Ignoring the fact that Gummy the toothless aligator had its jaw on her tail, the grey Earth Pony glanced down at a tiny rock before her, lowering her head to it and... Sniffing it.


"Hm, sedimentary." She observed the uninteresting-looking rock with the most flat tone I've ever heard come out of any pony's mouth. I was already smiling before I even noticed.


"Huh?" Rainbow echoed at the grey mare.

"This is a sedimentary rock," Maud clarified, picking up said object as though it was something to behold.

"That's really fascinating, isn't it girls?" Even Twilight wasn't sure what to make of the visiting pony, and I couldn't blame her. I was already befuddled, and intrigued, by this mare before us.

"They do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder..." I muttered.

"We're just so thrilled you could come to visit before your big trip. Pinkie Pie's told us so much about you," Twilight began introducing herself and everyone else to her warmly. "I'm Twilight, and this is Stardust, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity."

"How do you do?" I offered a politely hoof to the mare... And for a moment, by the stare, I thought she was going to decline. Imagine my relief that she slowly shook it. Already I was growing more and more fascinated with this Earth Pony; she was a complete contradiction against the personality of her sister's!

"We're so glad to meet you."

"We're just gonna have the best time!"

And yet, Maud showed barely any enthusiasm. Some would consider that rude, but I was more interested as to how and what this mare would say or do next. It was Rarity who took the initiative next: "Pinkie Pie tells me you share my love for fashion."

"I'm really into expressing myself through my wardrobe."

Pft. Sorry, Twilight. The alicorn sent me a look after I couldn't refrain snorting quietly after hearing such a statement out of a deadpan tone.

"And what is the delightful frock you're wearing now saying?"

"...It doesn't talk; it's a dress."


"Fair point," I concurred in unrestrained amusement. I was beginning to like this Earth Pony by every second. Rarity seemed put off by the observant response, but quickly recovered.

"Oh, yes! Of course!" Followed by random gibberish, Rarity slowly backing away. So much for composure.

Applejack took the lead next, introducing the blank mare to the pets surrounding us. "This here's Winona. That's Owlicious, Tank, Opal and Angel! Pinkie Pie told us you have a pet too."

"...He's in my pocket."

"Ohh!" Fluttershy exhaled in quiet enthusiasm. "You have a pocket pet? Like a tiny mouse, or a baby bird, or a trained butterfly?"

In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a snail.

Or, say, a rock.

That might be a stretch-

Oh my God...

Well what do you know...?

"It's a rock." Maud pulled out the pebble and placed it on the ground. "His name is Boulder."


I couldn't stop myself, my sides were now racking with quiet laughter, whilst the girls looked simply stumped. Oh God, this was better than I expected! My teeth gritted in joy, eyes facing the ground as I struggled to keep myself calm, not to be rude to our guest.

Hasn't stopped you before.

"This is going to be the best most funnest week ever!" Damn right, Pinkie! "I can't wait for us to become bestest friends!"


Eventually, we all returned to the picnic and took our seats, enjoying the food made and gathered by everyone. Any tension that was previously slowly disappeared as we all enjoyed ourselves. Through food, anyone can get along well. Especially with my brownies, which Pinkie almost consumed entirely without sparing any for us.

"Maud?" Applejack drew the mare's attention, pushing forward her own basket friendly, "Would ya care to try one of Granny Smith's Apple Spice Muffins?" Maud obliged, leaning her head forward and... Eating the crystal rock that fell in the basket before, "Oh, uh-huh, that's not the..."

"It's crunchy," Maud observed with a mouthful, having absolutely no quarrel with eating something one from Earth couldn't possibly chew. Pinkie ate a real muffin afterwards, agreeing with the grey Earth Pony.

"This just keeps getting better and better," I whispered to the mares. There was just something about Maud's deadpan personality and observations that were hysterical to watch. "Pinkie, your sister here should visit more often." Pinkie beamed at that.

"See? I knew we would all get along!"

"Yeah-huh..." Rainbow expressed skepticism, before looking back at Maud. "So uh, Pinkie Pie tells us you like games."

"Boulder and I sometimes play a game called Camouflage." She gestured to the small rock that was 'eating' the sandwich Maud shared. "It's kinda like Hide-And-Seek but waaaay more intense."

Oh, indeed?

Leaning forward, my grin matched that of the Cheshire Cat. "Do tell."



Moving another solider forward, I gestured to the mare. "Your move."

So, after playing a game of seeking out Maud's pet rock - I'm sorry, 'Boulder' - only to find that its owner had it in her front pocket the entire time, the girls expressed their exasperation with the mare and uncertainty that they were capable of making good friends with Pinkie's sibling. Honestly, I don't see the problem, I was having a blast personally. To rectify this, Twilight suggested we each spend some quality time with Maud in order to not only befriend the mare more, but make Pinkie happy in making those rock candy necklaces with her in time.

Rarity and Fluttershy had their turn, now it was mine.

And what better to get through a quiet intriguing individual than a good ol' fashion game of chess? As I had asked Twilight rhetorical before.

Maud, after observing the board quietly, moved her white castle forward, threatening to deal with my rook, "Oooooh!" Pinkie, wanting to spend every second with her sister I presumed, watched over Maud's shoulder as the unofficial commentator. The pink equine prodded Maud's side, whispering so loudly I could hear her, "Move that one after his turn."

Veeeeeeery subtle, Pinkie.

Smirking humouredly, I retreated my rook, before speaking conversationally, "So Maud, how's the rock farm?"

"Last week farmed enough rocks to make a huge rock pie," Maud replied flatly, not keeping her eyes off the game.

"Very interesting," I said out of courtesy, a hint of bemusement leaking from my tone. I honestly don't know what to make of this mare, but unlike the others, it wasn't in a bad way.

As Maud made her next move, Pinkie spoke up energetically, "You've got him now Maud!"


So she had. Another move after my own forced one of my own horses down. "Well played," I said casually.

"Now isn't this fun?!"

It certainly is. "I'd rather think I'm enjoying myself," I stated sincerely, smiling at the two. Pinkie was downright ecstatic at the news, whereas Maud looked indifferent as ever, though her azure eyes glanced up from the board briefly. "Playing chess with Twilight and Spike is fun and all, but a fresh change is welcome every now and again."

"I often play this game with Boulder. He wins almost all the time." That last part sounded almost conspiratorial. Said pebble was lying innocently on the floor next to her.

Grinning just like Pinkie - only not as widely - I gestured to the tiny rock. "Well then, would Boulder like to make the next move?"

Why... Why would you ask that?

Needless to say, the chess match took waaaaaaaay longer after that.

Maud Pie for next Princess. All hail the Princess of Rocks!

Seriously, this was probably one of the best weeks of my life. Aside from Pinkie almost getting severely hurt, everything else was great! It's fair to say I at least made friends with the grey mare, as opposed to the other ponies standing beside me, waiting to surprise Maud and Pinkie in this rather gloomy location filled with nothing but rocks, windmills and dead trees. The way Maud saved Pinkie was a falling large boulder earlier by literally drilling it to dust with her own hoofs had me bow down in worship.

I seriously hoped, as we waited for them, that Maud makes another appearance soon. That mare had earned not only my friendship, but respect too.

Ah, and here they arrived. Maud halted Pinkie in her tracks, pointing her to our smiling faces and bags of tiny rock candy within.

"What are you doing here?" Pinkie inquired in curious surprise.

"Pinkie Pie," Twilight began, walking up to the mares first. "We're so sorry we hurt your feelings by not bonding with Maud right away."

Don't know what you're talking about love; I thought Maud and I got along pretty well.

"And Maud, we're sorry that you felt the only way to spare Pinkie Pie's feelings was to leave Ponyville early."

The others 'Uh-huh'ed,' Applejack pitching in warmly, "We known and seen how much you care about Pinkie Pie, first hoof!"

"Pinkie Pie's happiness means as much to us as it does to you," Twilight stated confidently, "And we're sorry we couldn't see it sooner; the thing that makes us click and creates a special bond between us, is how much we all love Pinkie Pie!"

That incited my grin. As much as an obnoxious pain Pinkie can be sometimes, there was always an endearing trait about her I couldn't exactly place. I'll never forget that moment of wisdom the pink Earth Pony shared with me long ago, back when I was uncertain of everything and myself. She's as much my friend just as she was to the others.

"Aww shucks." Pinkie waved bashfully, gratified and flattered by Twilight's wonderful speech.

"That's a pretty great thing to have in common if you ask me," The lovely alicorn pointed out happily, "What do ya think Maud?"

Yes, what would be Maud's response to all that...?



"He... Ahahahahahahaha!" Pure, genuine laughter at the simply casual response escaped my throat. That... That was genius! The single response to one of Twilight's ever learning speeches about friendship, had to be the best one yet! "Hahahahahahahaha!"

The girls paid me and my laughing fit no heed, instead looking flummoxed by Maud's reply, "What's wrong?" Pinkie asked at all the uncertain looks save my own.

"Sorry darling," Rarity apologized on behalf of the girls, "I just thought she'd a bit more excited about this."

"Are you kidding me?! I've never seen her more excited in my entire life!" Pinkie gestured to her blank-looking sister. My laughter finally subsided, but I still expressed my amusement at what happened earlier.

Maud then spoke more, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't show enthusiasm quite in the same way my sister does." Said sister was cartwheeling around the area as Maud pointed this statement of fact out.

Oh trust me, we've noticed.

"Uhh, we noticed," Rainbow spoke my mind, "And we're totally cool with it!"

You know what I'd be totally cool with? Seeing Pinkie's toneless sister soon again, before I possibly left Equestria then.


You are a rock.

What was the next... Ah right.

Grey. You are grey.

Like a rock.

And you are.


...That's still one of the most beautiful pieces of poetry I ever heard. The way it was delivered and expressed by Maud was both mystifying and held a layer of depth I couldn't explore nor explain. Certainly hoped the Earth Pony enjoyed the rock candy necklace I made her, just like the others.

Personally, I hated the stuff.

Now, just as I was about to put this chess board from earlier away; the game not quite finished, I retracted my hoof as a white piece glowing in purple magic moved forward. Oh of course. I smirked, looking up to meet Twilight's brilliant smile. "I do think you're losing."

Oh? Was that teasing my dear? "Is that so?" I raised a brow playfully, Twilight taking Maud's previous place now that the mare was gone. Well, this might just give me the advantage; the game was only half-finished, and Maud's moves from before might help me win if Twilight couldn't adapt from Maud's style of playing.

Though I'd have to work fast; Twilight can pretty much adapt to anything quickly.

"You and Maud seemed to have gotten along well before us," The purple mare commented lightly after my turn, carefully studying the board while speaking, "It honestly didn't surprise me; she reminded me of you in some ways, back when we first met."

I'll take that as a compliment.

"And, just like me, you eventually managed to make friends with Maud in the end."

Twilight nodded, smiling happily. "I'm glad that's the case; you can be friends with anypony if you at least find some common ground with them. And ours with Maud's was our cherished love for her sister."

"Amen." Followed by my knight knocking her one of her rooks.

Twilight, as always, took the blow in stride, evaluating the situation and solving it with just a few seconds. How that mare manages to do so was admirable, and I found myself staring intently at the concentrated calm expression, fitting Twilight's beautiful features.

She was... Incredible in every single way.

"Your move."

Hm? Oh, right!

Out of my stupor, I looked down at the board myself, frowning softly that Twilight was already seeming to get the advantage. Not good. I mumbled, "I'll beat you at this one day I swear..." At least, I hope I manage to do so before leaving this world.

"You can always ask for tips."

"From you?" I smirked, moving my bishop back to provide space for my other pieces and protection to the king. As Twilight regarded the board, I continued, "I intend on beating you fair and square, my dear... Have to show I'm at least intelligent somehow."

Twilight glanced up at that. "Losing at this game doesn't make you unintelligent, Jack."

"Still, with you more cleverer than me in every way, I have to prove my worth somehow."

"Prove your worth at what?"

"That I'm at least smart enough to be deserving of you."

At that, Twilight's head shot up in surprise, her cheeks turning considerably brighter. Then, she smiled fondly. "You are more than deserving of me; you don't have to be as intelligent to be, but you're smart in your own way." Twilight shook her head. "Sometimes, I wonder if I'm ever deserving of someone as brave and selfless as you."

Brave and selfless? You're looking at the wrong guy here love.

"I would still say you deserve better."

Twilight shook her head again, smiling lightly, purple sparkling eyes meeting my own. "You're more intelligent than you think, you know. Hopefully one day I can convince you to be more positive about yourself. Look how positive Maud was about Pinkie and her rocks, even if she didn't express it outwardly."

I grinned humouredly, my heart flipping over constantly at those eyes, that smile and her words, "I'm positive about my family... Not sure about rocks though."

"Maybe we just need to get you a rock then."

From the side of the board, my hoof was gently placed atop her own. "You are my rock."

And Twilight's response to the ridiculous cheesy line that I couldn't believe even escaped my mouth, was a blissful grin, red cheeks and a meek reply, "Ditto."

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